The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1631 Forced treatment

The young mother who was holding the unconscious little girl was also startled, and was about to run away with her daughter in her arms. She was really terrified and thankful, and almost killed her daughter.

However, she was suddenly horrified to find that her legs suddenly became very heavy, and she couldn't move, nor could she move her body.

The next second, something that shocked her to the extreme happened. The Chinese man appeared in front of her, and without further ado, he reached out and snatched Yoko from her arms.

"No, please, give me back my Yoko, don't hurt my Yoko, don't, help..." the young mother begged hoarsely, her eyes full of horror.

Li Zedao was indifferent, and quickly put the little girl on the beach. With a wave of his hand, a silver needle appeared in his hand, and then it pierced an acupuncture point on the little girl's chest accurately, even visible to the naked eye. It was trembling slightly non-stop.

What was invisible to the naked eye was that a trace of breath had penetrated from Li Zedao's fingers, and then slowly entered the little girl's body through the trembling silver needle.

"No...don't hurt my Yoko, don' vicious person, damned China pig...ah, help..." There was a trace of despair in the young mother's hoarse roar, more resentment , looking at Li Zedao's eyes were already scarlet.

At the same time, those onlookers couldn't bear to see that damned China pig being so lawless and torturing the poor little girl in public. Several men rushed towards Li Zedao while roaring angrily, intending to He rescued the little girl from it, and even planned to let him die on the spot.

"Zedao..." Zheng Wan'er exclaimed, her eyes were filled with emotion, she looked at Li Zedao who was squatting there, she didn't know what happened, her heart seemed to be touched by something, she felt uncomfortable for a while abnormal.

"Get out!" Li Zedao didn't lift his head, and roared a word, and a terrifying aura emanated from his body, and Li Zedao pierced a silver needle in his hand into a certain part of the little girl's body. acupuncture points.

Those who rushed over were shrouded by such a terrifying aura, and instantly felt a chill in their hearts, their scalps were numb, their legs were a little weak, and they all looked at Huaxia who was squatting there in horror. Man, no one has the courage to take a step forward.

Soon, Li Zedao shook his hand, put away all the silver needles on her body, gently lifted the little girl up, and then pressed her back hard, and then, the unconscious woman The little girl who woke up quietly opened her eyes, looking at her little face, the previous paleness has gradually returned to rosy.

At that moment, the little girl's big bright eyes glanced confusedly and timidly at Li Zedao, who was looking at him with a heavy sigh of relief, then looked around, looked at those pairs of rounded eyes, and finally landed on the standing On the mother there, a smile appeared on the small face: "Mom..."

"Yoko...Yoko..." The young mother froze for a moment, her face was filled with ecstasy, and then she burst into tears, her body seemed to have regained her strength, and she hurried forward and hugged her daughter He got up, hugged him tightly, and looked at Li Zedao who stood up with complicated eyes, as if he was grateful, but also as if he was afraid that his daughter would be snatched away again.

"Mom, why are you crying? Did Yoko's misbehavior make mother unhappy?" Seeing this, the little girl quickly wiped away the tears with her pink hands.

"Yoko is very good,

Yoko didn't make her mother unhappy, she was so happy that she cried. "The young mother said with tears.

The little girl was a little dazed, shouldn't happiness be a smile? Why are you crying?

The surrounding people also had extremely weird expressions at this time. They thought that this damned China pig was too arrogant, and dared to mutilate the little girl in public, but now looking at it... he seems to be really Healing her.

The young mother looked gratefully at Li Zedao and bowed solemnly, then said to her daughter, "Yoko, thank you uncle."

"Thank you, uncle." The little girl quickly said obediently. Of course, her eyes were also a little dazed, and she didn't understand why her mother asked him to say thank you to this strange uncle.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for you, my Yoko would... thank you..." The young mother once again bowed solemnly to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "Although she's fine now, I'd better take her to the hospital quickly, otherwise things like today will definitely happen in the future, and maybe..."

"I know, I will, thank you." The young mother nodded quickly, "Dear sir, may I know your name and contact information?"

Li Zedao shook his head, and said not too politely: "It's better not to stay. After all, you are always full of hostility towards Chinese people. Of course, I don't have a good impression of island people."


"I'm really sorry, I misunderstood you just now, and I said such embarrassing things to you, I'm sorry." The young mother looked embarrassed, and bowed solemnly again, "My name is Michiko Haneda, Please give me a chance to thank you well."

However, Li Zedao didn't pay attention to this island woman, he turned his head and greeted Zheng Wan'er, who was looking at him with stunned eyes, and then the two of them watched under the weird eyes of those onlookers and Michiko Haneda's eyes full of gratitude and embarrassment , walk away slowly.

"You're not sure either, are you?" Zheng Wan'er asked, looking up at Li Zedao's side face, which seemed to be covered with a layer of dazzling light under the afterglow of the setting sun.

"That's true." Li Zedao said, "Although I know some ancient acupuncture techniques, I don't have any clinical experience, so I'm really not sure."

"Since that's the case, why did you still make a move? You should know what kind of uproar it will cause if you miss, right?" Zheng Wan'er asked a little incomprehensibly.

Huaxia's so-called traditional Chinese medicine murdered a cute four-year-old girl in the name of emergency treatment in public...

anger! The Chinese pig snatched the daughter from the poor mother's arms in public and inflicted inhumane torture on the little girl...

Whether it's the milder words above or the words below that completely distort the facts, they will undoubtedly cause an uproar, will thoroughly stimulate the nerves of the people of the island country, will completely make them in a state of anger, and will make them feel angry. The Chinese nation hates it to the extreme.

At that time, let’s not talk about Li Zedao’s situation. All Chinese people living or traveling in the island country will definitely be affected. Being attacked and insulted by the angry people of the island country is not trivial, and even life-threatening .

In the end, it is very likely that it will evolve into a diplomatic war between the two countries, and even a huge collision is not impossible. After all, Li Zedao's identity is there.

Li Zedao glanced at the woman, shook his head and said, "I really didn't think about it that much. I know that little girl will die if I don't do anything."

"However, she is an islander after all, and you are not a doctor by profession, so you don't need to abide by professional ethics. Is it worth taking such a big risk?" Zheng Wan'er asked again.

"It's a small life, and it has nothing to do with whether she's an islander or a Chinese." Li Zedao shook his head, "Besides, if everything is calculated whether it's worth it or not, it's too tiring, and it's a complete violation. own heart."

Zheng Wan'er was silent, but her heart was shaken. Li Zedao's calm words were like swords, every word pierced her heart. She stared blankly at Li Zedao's back shrouded in the afterglow. In the eyes, this moment seems to be infinitely taller.

"God, what is he like?" she thought.

"Why don't you leave?" Li Zedao stopped and looked back at Zheng Wan'er who was standing there stupidly and asked.

"Ah, it's okay... I just wanted to say, you are so stupid." Zheng Wan'er took a deep breath and said.

"Then do you like a fool like me?" Li Zedao asked with an ambiguous smile.

"Yes, I like it." Zheng Wan'er nodded heavily and said.

Li Zedao smiled, and his heart was full of vigilance, thinking that you should stop lying to me, I am an idiot to believe your words! Don't think I don't know, at some point tonight, you're most likely going to kill me.

With brisk steps, Zheng Wan'er caught up with Li Zedao, her white arms stretched out to hug Li Zedao's hand, she nodded again and said, "I really like it."

"Then you have to take good care of it. Let me tell you, Miss Wan'er, a handsome, talented and compassionate man like me is really a hundred years... no, it's a rare one in a thousand years. If you don't treat yourself well If you are sure, you will definitely regret it in the future." Li Zedao persuaded him earnestly.

Zheng Wan'er was stunned, she could still praise herself like this, this guy is too shameless, then she smiled and hugged Li Zedao's arm forcefully, and said shyly: "Of course... you What's the matter? Ah, you have a nosebleed?"

Zheng Wan'er froze for a moment, and saw that Li Zedao's expression was a little weird, as if his blood pressure had soared instantly, there was already a transparent liquid at the corner of his mouth, and there were even two more blood columns in his nostrils.

"Ah, oh, it's okay, it's's just too soft." Li Zedao quickly raised his head.

"It's too soft..." Zheng Wan'er realized that she hugged Li Zedao's bare arm tightly to her chest without realizing it...

"Pervert..." Zheng Wan'er said coquettishly while blushing, but in the end, she didn't let go of Li Zedao's arm.

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