The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1632 The first half of my life

When receiving the call from Li Zedao, Beizheng and He Xiaoyue were sitting together having an exquisite and delicious dinner. Of course, it was obvious that both of them had poor appetites. Vertex Novel The fastest update

Bei is mainly worried about Li Zedao's safety. After all, he is facing that woman of unknown origin who is so powerful that people feel powerless. What Bei can do now is to deceive, to deceive himself that things are not as bad as he thought, In fact, that woman is not a skull-headed person, approaching them and approaching Li Zedao is purely attracted by Li Zedao's charm...

On the one hand, He Xiaoyue was worried about the consolation of her younger brother He Xiaoyang, and she had been kidnapped for more than ten days, but there was still no news, so she couldn't help but think wildly. The bigger reason is naturally Li Zedao, Li Zedao made her heartache, let her down, and made her helpless.

"Aren't you coming back tonight?" Bei frowned when he heard Li Zedao's voice from the microphone, so he wanted to do something tonight? Or is it very, very simple and just wants to get off the bed?

"Well, I'm with Wan'er, don't worry, I'll go back tomorrow." Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "Tell Sister Xiaoyue."

"I see." Bei responded lightly, "Really come back tomorrow?"

"Of course." Li Zedao said with a smile, his tone was relaxed but unquestionable.

Then Bei's hanging heart sank a little bit. Since Li Zedao is so sure, it means that everything is within the controllable range. Besides, Bei believes that with Li Zedao's strength, even if he loses in the end, he still has a way to escape. of.

"Then spend good time with your Wan'er." She said.

"Jealous?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"What do you think?" Bei asked back, and then his tone softened, "Then you 'accompany' that Zheng Wan'er well, and I'll wait for you to come back. If you dare not come back tomorrow, you will know the consequences."

"Don't worry, I will definitely go back tomorrow, even if I crawl." Li Zedao said softly, "Of course it may not be daytime, it may be night. Of course, I will call you before I go back."

"Well, I see."

After hanging up the phone, Bei looked up at He Xiaoyue who was looking at him with complicated eyes, and said flatly, "He's staying with that Zheng Wan'er tonight and won't be coming back."

He Xiaoyue reluctantly showed a soft smile and nodded: "I know." Her mind was even more dejected. It was fine to go out to accompany her during the day, but now she didn't even come back at night. What magic could make him so obsessed? Moreover, he didn't worry about whether someone would sneak in at night when he was not around, just like He Xiaoyang was kidnapped, and he would be kidnapped?

"You... aren't jealous?" He Xiaoyue looked at Bei with a calm expression, and couldn't help but ask. She really didn't understand that the woman who always liked to be jealous the most, let Li Zedao go so easily this time. Seeing her jealous or even listening to her, he seems to agree with Li Zedao bringing another woman back again.

"Jealous?" Bei froze for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I won't be jealous of that Zheng Wan'er."

He Xiaoyue was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Why?" She really didn't understand, it's fine for Li Zedao to be fascinated by her, but a woman like Bei is not jealous of her, what magic power does she have? At least, He Xiaoyue really couldn't see what kind of magical power she had. No matter in terms of appearance, temperament or personal ability, compared with the other women in Li Zedao, she was actually a little bit worse.

"Because it's impossible! If he can really accept her,

I will be very happy. "Bei said lightly, she knew that this woman was actually feeling bad, and she had the mood of complaining, complaining that Li Zedao knew to stay with Zheng Wan'er outside all day long, and had already disregarded He Xiaoyang's safety.

But she didn't know that if Li Zedao had a clue, even if he lost his life, he would rescue He Xiaoyang, just because He Xiaoyang was taken away because of him, and because he didn't want to see him Miss Xiaoyue frowned all day long, having trouble sleeping and eating.

She also didn't know what a terrifying enemy Li Zedao faced every day, what a terrifying force, and he had to deal with them carefully. If he was not careful, his life might be lost.

But there are some things that I can't tell her too much, and it won't help the matter, it will only make this woman more worried, and Bei is not the kind of person who can enlighten others. When she was with Huang Wen before, except for Huang Wen, she basically didn't communicate with other people. Even if other people looked at her more, she would just do it first without saying a word of nonsense.

Now after following Li Zedao, I talk a little more, but that is only limited to Li Zedao. When facing other sisters, they always ask and answer, and rarely say a word. Therefore, among all the women, She was actually the most difficult one to deal with.

Besides, Bei is very clear that this woman already has the intention of leaving. According to Li Zedao, so be it, if you misunderstand, let her go without any nostalgia. feel better.

He Xiaoyue's expression was a little dazed, she didn't understand, she really didn't understand what this woman who was always so proud and so indifferent said.

He wanted to ask more clearly, but Bei stood up and said lightly, "I'm full, eat slowly." Then he stood up, turned and left his seat.

Looking at that pretty back, He Xiaoyue's eyes dimmed a little bit, that kind of grievance and helplessness began to come to her heart little by little, accumulating more and more, she actually hoped that this woman could stand on the same front as her Yes, at least it is possible to comfort her, but what I did not expect was such a result.

After all, they've been together for a while, and the sisterhood between them is actually not as good as that stewardess who only met once? The more He Xiaoyue thought about it, the more depressed she felt.

I don't know how long it took, the grievance and helplessness began to turn into a violent breath, and then quickly filled her entire chest, making her body tremble slightly as if out of control, That face was gradually replaced by coldness, and then he stood up suddenly, exuding a icy aura from his whole body.

This kind of state of being completely irritable and out of control, He Xiaoyue has also appeared before, at this moment, she is no longer the gentle, caring, intellectually beautiful sister Xiaoyue, she is just a *barrel, bursting at the slightest touch!

Then she picked up the cigarette and lighter, lit one, and inhaled fiercely, with an inexplicable fierce light flickering in those cold eyes.

She knew very well that if she didn't vent her emotions well, she would really go crazy.

A few minutes later, He Xiaoyue, who held a lit cigarette between her slender and fair index finger and middle finger, came to a door.

"Sister He!" The two black-clothed men guarding the door saw He Xiaoyue coming, and hurriedly nodded their heads in greeting. Of course, the other party's ugly face also made their hearts tremble slightly. Sister He is terrible.

He Xiaoyue stared at the door with cold eyes, and said lightly, "Open it."

"Yes." One of the men nodded, then quickly took out the key, unlocked the door, and pushed the door open.

Without any hesitation, He Xiaoyue strode in.

This is a study room, which is very large and magnificent, and there are many books in it, like a small library, with a wide variety of books, such as astronomy, geography, Chinese and foreign classics, economics, etc. There are basically all kinds of books. Of course, there are books in Chinese languages, books in island languages, and foreign classics in pure English.

Moreover, the whole study room looks very tidy and clean, and it can be seen that someone is cleaning it frequently.

"It's you? You actually want to tell me to come and see me?" A voice sounded a little surprised.

This is a man. He is very sloppy. Of course, to say he is sloppy does not mean that he is dirty. The main reason is that his hair is too long and messy, and his beard has not been shaved for a long time. It is almost impossible to see him. His mouth was closed, and his skin was pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for a long time.

The eyes under the presbyopic glasses had a hint of radiance.

At this time, the man was sitting in front of the large desk with a pen in his hand. On the desk in front of him were several books and many manuscript papers, densely packed with words.

In short, it gives the impression that this is a very knowledgeable writer.

Zhang Hailong, the former leader of Qingyun, is a well-known figure in the underground world of the island country! Who would have thought that the man who used to have a bloody smell all over his body would completely change at this moment. What about writers?

"Long time no see." He Xiaoyue looked at this stranger who was familiar to her, said lightly, and then sat down on the sofa opposite him, continuing to smoke heavily with cool and cool movements.

A smile appeared on Zhang Hailong's face and said: "If you have nothing to do, just go, you sitting there will affect my writing."

"Writing?" He Xiaoyue frowned. She had been with this man since she was a teenager, and lived together for more than 20 years. She really didn't know that this man could write.

"Oh, I'm planning to write a novel now, the name is "My First Half Life"..." Zhang Hailong smiled even more, and it is conceivable that he is very satisfied with his plan.


He Xiaoyue sneered, do you think you are the last emperor Puyi? And if others don't know, how can I not know? You don't have any ink in your belly, this place is just for you to be arty.

"Now I have completed more than 100,000 words of writing. After I finish it, can you send it out for me to see if it can be published?" Zhang Hailong asked in a discussing tone. Of course, he was already prepared to be rejected in his heart. With this woman's hatred for him, it would be fine if she didn't kill him. How could she help him with anything?

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