As a group of people walked in, a little old man greeted him. The old man had gray hair, high myopia glasses, traditional island country kimonos and clogs, and a smile on his face that seemed to be bathed in the spring breeze. Vertex Novel The fastest update

"Oh, good evening, dear General Moore, Mr. Wade." The old man greeted with a smile, speaking quite fluent English.

"Good evening, Mr. Akai." General Moore greeted with a slight smile.

Wade also nodded to the old man: "Good evening, Mr. Akai."

Akai, who is called a madman in the Skull Organization, is one of the participants in the study of the Gene Superman. It can be said that the Skull Organization's research on the Gene Superman can achieve the current results. Akai has contributed a lot, so General Moore and Wei Dedu gave this old man the highest respect, and he didn't dare to trust him at all.

"It seems that Miss Elena succeeded?" The old man's eyes fell on the body bag carried on the shoulder of the man in black, and the old eyes under the thick lenses shone with scorching heat.

"Oh, yes, she succeeded. I don't think such a thing is difficult for that horrible vampire?" Wade shrugged. Letting the former vampire queen deal with that kid, Wade felt that it was no different from killing chickens with a bull's knife, so naturally there was only one result.

"Is there still a breath left?" The old man nodded and asked.

"Oh, of course, Miss Elena didn't drain his blood, so he just fell into a severe coma now." General Moore said, "In addition, Mr. Wade and I also followed this matter on the way back. General Skull has reported it, and the old man is also very happy. After all, he finally got rid of this guy who caused headaches for our organization. General Skull made a special confession. I hope Mr. Akai, you can transform him into the most perfect genetic superman as soon as possible. , making it the strongest and most obedient combat force of our skull organization."

"Oh, I was ready to completely transform it a few days ago." The old man's muddy eyes were even more hot.

"So, Mr. Akai, are you planning to start now?" Mr. Wade asked with a slight smile. He really deserves to be a technology madman. After getting a high-quality experimental body, he couldn't wait so much.

"Oh, why not? I can't wait any longer. Besides, as far as I know, after being bitten by a vampire and sleeping for a while, you will also mutate into a vampire, right? So I don't have much time." The old man shrugged his shoulders explain.

"Oh, yes, Miss Elena said, at least two weeks, of course, it varies from person to person, and more people died in a coma." General Moore nodded and said.

"I'm going to take him to the laboratory now, and the next transformation will take at least a week. During this week, I don't want anyone to come and disturb me." Akai waved his hand and said.

"Oh, yes, dear Mr. Akai, I will leave this person to you. General Moore and I will wait outside for your good news." Wade said with a slight smile, "In addition, we will also guarantee that no one will go back to disturb Mr. of."

Regarding Akai's words, Wade somewhat disapproved. After all, the stronghold built by Skull in DJ and the laboratory are so secret that no one knows at all, let alone there are many masters guarding here secretly. Don't even think about flying in.

As for him and General Moore, they didn't even want to enter that laboratory, that kind of place full of disgusting smells. After they entered it once, they didn't want to enter it for the second time.

Akai nodded and said nothing. Turning around and walking inside, the man in black with the body bag quickly followed behind him. As for the remaining three men in black, after General Moore made a gesture, they each dispersed, and their figures blended into each other perfectly. dark place.

"Dear General Moore, I want to go to the hot spring, how about you?" After watching Akai leave, Wade looked at General Moore and asked.

"Oh, I also want to take a dip in the hot springs. God, tasting fine wine while soaking in the hot springs is really the greatest enjoyment in life. I think I can't do without this kind of life in my life." General Moore said with a slight smile.

"Oh, there is a hot and sexy woman to help you massage, oh, God...that is an upgraded version of the greatest enjoyment in life." Wade looked fascinated.

"Oh, God, wouldn't two be better?" asked General Moore, "and preferably a wild babe and a soft island woman."

Wade and General Moore laughed at each other, and both could see the obscene smile on the other side's face.

"Dear Mr. Wade, I don't think we can fulfill our promise to Miss Elena three days later." General Moore said.

Wade had a playful expression on his face: "Oh, when did we say that we would fulfill that promise? Since we can wake up that woman, we can naturally keep that woman in a deep sleep, and even, we can easily leave her dead. , Therefore, even if that woman was extremely angry, she did not dare to take any drastic actions. The only thing she could do was to suppress her anger desperately, and obediently obey the orders of the skull, otherwise she would It's good."

"I'm worried that when she finds out that we lied to her, she will kill us desperately." General Moore shrugged his shoulders and said with some fear, "I don't want to be bitten by her, even Drained my blood dry."

"So, for a long time in the future, I don't want to see her anymore." Wade shrugged and smiled. Although the skull can completely destroy that woman, it took a lot of energy and effort to wake her up before. Naturally, it is not just as simple as wanting her to deal with Li Zedao, it can be said that dealing with Li Zedao is just incidental.

They hope that this woman can be used by the skull forever and become the strongest fighting force of the skull. Even the skull is trying to build a powerful and unkillable vampire army through her. Technology, when the time comes to dominate the entire world, there will be no problem at all.

Of course, it seems that there are many difficulties now. They can indeed threaten this woman, but they cannot control the other party 100%.

Using threats to make the other party submit is ultimately temporary, not a long-term solution.

Therefore, it is impossible for the organization to destroy Elena, who spent a lot of time, energy, and money to wake her up in a short period of time. Therefore, at this time, Wade does not want to face that terrifying woman again. After being bitten, General Skull would not destroy that woman for him.

General Moore thought about it too, why did he have to tell her face to face that we lied to you? It's okay to call her to inform her at that time, then she will be angry and want to kill, but there is nothing she can do about it, right?

She couldn't find them, but they could control her every move at any time.

When General Moore and Wade met to go to the hot spring together, the old man named Akai led the man carrying the body bag through the house and came to the backyard of the family hotel.

This is a large courtyard, more than two hundred square meters, a typical dry landscape design. Karesansui is a miniature garden landscape built by the island country to adapt to the geographical conditions of the island country. Now it is mostly seen in small, quiet, and deep Zen temples. Of course, this is not absolute. For example, the current courtyard is a typical dry landscape design.

Of course, on the other hand, the owner of the courtyard should be a Buddhist believer.

One side of the courtyard faces the hall, and the other three sides are surrounded by earth walls.

I saw that the ground of the courtyard was covered with white sand, and there were no trees, flowers or plants except for a dozen or so stones. Use white sand to symbolize the water surface, and use the combination, proportion, and arrangement of these ten or so stones to reflect the mountains and mountains of the island, creating an imposing aura of thousands of valleys within a short distance.

Of course, this kind of garden is purely an object of appreciation, and people cannot move in it, otherwise its indescribable beauty will be destroyed at once.

At the same time, there is an unobtrusive stone pagoda in the northwest corner of the courtyard. The stone pagoda is also very common in the courtyards designed by Karesansui.

At that moment, Akai brought the man in black with the body bag to the stone tower, and put his old withered hands on the stone tower.

In the next second, a strange scene appeared. The place Akai's hand was touching actually gave off a faint light. It turned out that a sophisticated handprint verifier was installed there, but the handprint verifier was perfectly integrated into the body of the tower. , so you can't see it from the outside, only when the correct handprint is put on it, the instrument will emit a faint light.

With a soft sound of "Drip!", the unlocking was successful, and then the stone tower, which was as tall as two people and probably weighed a thousand kilograms, moved slowly to the side for about two meters, as if there were pulleys at the bottom of the tower, and then A square hole with a length of one meter and a width of one meter appeared in front of Akai, and there were many bright lights shining from it.

Looking into the entrance of the cave, you can clearly see the steps going down.

At that moment, Akai and the man in black entered the entrance of the cave, and walked down the steps step by step. After their bodies completely entered the entrance of the cave, the stone pagoda slowly moved to its original position by itself, and then completely moved the stone pagoda to its original position. The hole is covered.

Looking at Akai and the man carrying the body bag, they were walking down the steps at this time. Of course, there were lights on the left and right sides of the steps. Although they were not very bright, they were not dim.

Finally, they came to a door that looked full of technology and was made of unknown material. At the same time, there were four motionless men in black with live ammunition standing on the left and right sides of the door. Reserved exudes a terrible breath.

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