The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1639 Experimental Subject

When Chi Jing and the man carrying Li Zedao walked over, they didn't even blink their eyelids, as if the two were transparent. Of course, if this was the enemy, they would have given the opponent the deadliest attack.

At that moment, Akai took out a dark card, swiped it on the instrument on the door, then took off the thick reading glasses and moved his eyes to do a retinal scan, and then the door opened slowly. Slowly moved to the sides, and then a metal passage full of technological sense appeared in front of them.

Akai led the people in, and the door behind him quickly closed again, making this place a completely independent space.

At the same time, there is a man in black with a gun standing every two meters on both sides of this high-tech passageway. It is conceivable how strong the security force is here. It can also be seen from this that the Skull Organization The attention to this place.

At that moment, Akai led the people to continue forward, and soon came to the end of the passage, and another metal door appeared in front of them. Akai did the same, swiped the special black card again, and conducted a retinal scan , the metal door was slowly moved to the two sides. At this moment, what appeared in front of their eyes was a huge hall.

After Akai walked in with the man in black carrying the body bag, the thick metal door closed again, making the hall a completely independent space again.

In the hall, there are all kinds of large and small experimental instruments and equipment that are hard to see outside, which is really dizzying.

What is shocking is that on some experimental equipment, there are even naked people lying down! There are men, women, and even children. Without exception, all kinds of tubes are inserted into their bodies, and various liquids are constantly poured into their bodies along the tubes.

The colors of these liquids range from transparent to red, and even green and black.

What's even more frightening is that some of them were even disemboweled, and all kinds of organs were taken out and thrown aside, but the strange thing is that the flesh of the corpses turned green, and even the taken out Organs, too, are green.

With the arrival of Akai, a dozen or so researchers who were testing some data in front of the instrument swept over their eyes, and their originally focused eyes were full of heat. After seeing Akai waving at them, they quickly put down the work at hand and moved closer to Akai. It is conceivable how high Akai's status in this laboratory is.

Akai looked back at the man in black, pointed to a small bed with various equipment on both sides and said, "Take him out of the bag and put him on the bed, then go down and rest."

"Yes, Mr. Akai." The man nodded and said, then quickly dragged Li Zedao out of the body bag, put him on the bed according to Akai's words, nodded to Akai, and then went down to rest.

Of course, he did not leave this large hall, but entered one of the metal rooms to rest for a while.

There are about a dozen similar rooms around this hall. This room is the resting place for these scientific researchers, and it is also the place where the security personnel here rest and monitor everything here. , they will appear immediately and deal the deadliest blow to each other. As for normal times, they basically hide in that small room.

The security personnel in the hall will change to another group every once in a while, and several groups will alternate. After all, staying in such a place full of blood and no sunlight is undoubtedly a very boring and collapsed thing.

Smoking and drinking are not allowed, and all kinds of electronic mobile devices are not allowed to be brought in, and they are not allowed to come out to disturb these scientific researchers. They spend almost all the time in that room in a daze, or a few people brag together. Playing poker, mahjong, etc., only after the invasion of foreign enemies, they have their business.

But how could foreign enemies invade here? After all, this place is too secretive, and few people know about it. Moreover, whether it is around the hotel or the stone tower that enters the step passage, or the passage that enters here, there are good hands guarding it. You will be killed, and there is no chance to enter here at all, let alone those two metal doors, which are made of some special material, even if it is bombed with shells, there is no way to blast them open , In addition, it is also equipped with high-tech body inspection technology, and there is no way for others to sneak in.

Therefore, for those security personnel, this place is more prison than a prison. If they don't change a group of people every few days, they might go crazy.

As for the treatment of those scientific researchers, it is different from that of the security personnel. Except for the chief person in charge, Akai, who can come and go freely, no one else is allowed to leave, and all daily life is in this place.

Fortunately, they are all absolute enthusiasts in this field, and they usually do various experiments with tense nerves, so they don't think this kind of life is too difficult.

Akai glanced at the unconscious test subject on the bed for a few seconds, and lingered on the shocking bite mark on his neck for a few seconds, then looked back at the dozen or so scientific researchers who had already surrounded him, and said: " Alright, everyone, the new experimental subject has arrived. This is a super strong man with top quality in all aspects of his body. It took a lot of effort for the organization to bring him here, so next, I I hope everyone will show their 100% energy, we will strive to use him to create the most perfect genetic superman, do you have confidence?"

At this moment, Akai is not like a crazy scientific researcher, but more like a sales manager, helping the people under him to boost morale.

"Yes!" These scientific researchers shouted in unison, and their voices resounded throughout the research room, appearing full of confidence.

Akai is very satisfied with their mental outlook. How can it be okay if they are not passionate about scientific research? He nodded and said, "In that case, let's all go down and prepare. After an hour, we will start the first stage of transformation... Baga, what's wrong with you?"

Akai was stunned, and felt that something was wrong. In the past, after he said this, these people would quickly disperse and prepare to go, but this time, they did not move their bodies, but looked at him with astonished expressions. ahead.

"Mr. Akai, he...he sat up..." One of the researchers pointed behind Akai, and said with a stunned expression.

"Baga, why are you sitting up..." While Akai muttered, he inexplicably felt a chill on his back, as if a pair of cold eyes were staring at his back, and then subconsciously looked back.

Then, his mind was shaken suddenly, his face changed wildly, and even his eyeballs almost popped out.

I saw that the experimental subject who was thrown on the bed over there actually sat up at this time, and even his strangely pale face was full of strange smiles, and those scarlet eyes looked so unkind. Look at him Akai.

The other scientific researchers didn't feel any danger, they just felt surprised and puzzled. After all, which of the experimental subjects sent many times in the past was not out of a state of absolute coma and let them modify it at their mercy?

Even, this kind of life is boring after all, so they will have some fun. For example, before the female experimental subjects are transformed, they will basically be ruined by them, and even the male experimental subjects will be ruined.

It goes without saying that rape is the lightest thing, and there are all kinds of heinous methods. In short, these scientific researchers are a group of lunatics who are mentally abnormal.

But now this... why did he just sit up?

Akai was directly dumbfounded, because he knew very well how much headache this experimental subject caused the skull organization and how terrifying his methods were. Now that he woke up, it doesn't mean that they are likely to die it's here?

What scares Akai even more is that this man was obviously bitten by a vampire, so his only end is to fall into a severe coma, but how did he wake up? Is it because the vampire's poison has no effect on him at all, or is it because this is a conspiracy at all? His conspiracy to sneak in here?

While Akai tried hard to swallow his saliva, his slightly trembling hand was about to secretly press a ring on his right thumb. It was actually a siren. Inside and outside, even the family hotel outside, all the alarms will go off.

This kind of alarm means that there is an invasion of foreign enemies. At that time, no matter whether the security personnel inside or the security personnel outside will be dispatched immediately, even, in some cases, the security personnel outside will detonate the * , completely ruined here.

But then, just when Akai was about to press the button, he was astonished to find that his fingers seemed to be frozen, and he couldn't move. Even, his throat wriggled desperately, trying to use Shouting, to notify the security personnel, but no sound can come out.

"Hush!" Standing up, Li Zedao put his index finger next to his mouth and blew lightly, then looked at Chi Jing with an extremely weird smile and whispered, "Don't talk, it's not good to disturb those people."

Then, he stretched out his hand and patted Akai's shoulder lightly a few times.

Chi Jing's face was filled with horror, his eyeballs rolled violently, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat. He already knew that things might be worse than he thought.

At the same time, the expressions on the faces of the other scientific researchers have changed from stunned to appalled when they looked at the naked experimental subject who got off the bed. , but because they all found that they couldn't move, they could open their mouths, but they couldn't make any sound.

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