The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1640 Crazy Killing

At the same time, Li Zedao's ass felt cold, and then he remembered that he was completely naked now, but at this moment, there were so many eyes watching, and there was even a woman here, so he blushed and quickly blocked it with his hands. My crotch, the shame, indignation and grievance in my heart, damn it, I was seen all over, forget about the woman... I can't forget about it, this woman is too ugly! There are so many men, my chastity!

At that moment, Li Zedao, under the gaze of those eyes that were horrified but seemed so malicious in his own eyes, came to a man who was about his size, and then under the gaze of his extremely astonished eyes, Li Zedao simply He tore off the white coat he was wearing and put it on his own body, covering his own spring, only then did he feel that the lost chastity was finally recovered by him.

Li Zedao finally understands why people need to wear clothes. Keeping warm is one thing, and the more important reason is that they feel safe after wearing clothes...

Of course, it’s not enough to just wear a white coat, so Li Zedao picked up the man whose white coat he had stripped off like an eagle grabbing a chick, and finally threw him on the bed he was lying on before. Then he simply took off his shoes, his pants, and even his underwear.

Seeing Li Zedao taking off the man's pants over there, the scientific researchers including Akai, their eyes were dull, and their minds were roaring, and they were completely dumbfounded.

So, he was trying to...defile that male colleague of theirs in front of them?

Although they have done this kind of thing a lot, all kinds of methods are endless, only unexpected, there is nothing impossible, but now that they have been tossed and replaced by them, it makes them feel extremely horrified psychologically.

Looking at the man, he couldn't move, he couldn't shout, but his eyes were filled with tears of grief, anger and humiliation.

Of course, the terrible scene they imagined would not happen. After Li Zedao took off his pants, he put them on himself. It's on Chi Jing's head... Li Zedao doesn't have a penchant for wearing underwear worn by others, not to mention, the underwear still has a strange smell, and it hasn't been washed for a few days.

And after Akai's head was covered by the underwear, an indescribable smell filled his whole nostrils, and thinking that the thing on his head was just that guy's underwear, his stomach simply twisted several times, Then he couldn't control it anymore, a stream of nasty acid came out of his mouth, just like after the toilet was clogged, poop kept coming out.

As soon as Akai vomited, as if there was a chain reaction, the others also started to vomit. Sour and smelly vomit kept coming out of their mouths, but they couldn't bend down to vomit or anything. So they just vomited all over themselves.

"Damn it, it's disgusting." Li Zedao felt like throwing up when he saw this, and he couldn't care less about disliking that guy's shoes for being too smelly, so he hurriedly put them on and ran away.

At the same time, Li Zedao was feeling the breath around him, squinting his eyes slightly and simply looking around, except for the dozen or so people over there including Chi Jing who were vomiting non-stop, the dozen or so people scattered around There were several auras coming out of the room, and Li Zedao felt it with his heart, and he could feel forty auras, that is to say, there were a total of forty people in these dozen or so rooms.

At this moment, Li Zedao's eyes inadvertently swept across a bed not far away, and then his pupils shrank suddenly, and his figure flashed, and he appeared in front of him.

On the bed a body has been disembowelled,

Even the corpse whose organs have been taken out, of course, this is not the point, the point is that Li Zedao is very familiar with that face!

He Xiaoyang! He Xiaoyang, who was kidnapped in Qingyun Building more than ten days ago!

So, the result that Li Zedao didn't want to see the most appeared!

Looking at the strange green dead face, and even his flesh is not blood red, but green, so, it can be known that he became a test subject as soon as he was captured. After the test failed, , was simply cut open!

Li Zedao's body trembled involuntarily, his heart was completely stung, he was angry, and his eyes were red.

This anger is like a surging river, endless.

He was angry how the skull could conduct such inhumane research, and angry that they dared to do such a murderous thing to the people around them.

He Xiaoyang died, because he died, so how should he face He Xiaoyue next? Li Zedao couldn't imagine how sad He Xiaoyue would be when she knew that He Xiaoyang died so tragically.

"Although I don't want to kill people, it doesn't mean I won't kill people, and it doesn't mean I don't dare to kill people! You forced me to!" Li Zedao's eyes turned scarlet, turning blood red, staining him The world in my eyes, at this moment, the slowness of the whole world ends in an instant!

He stretched out his hand, and grabbed a scalpel that was placed next to He Xiaoyang's body, holding it tightly, tightly, and then his figure was like a ghost, and in an instant, he came to the first one on the left. In front of the room.

Without any extra pause, Li Zedao pushed it away and walked in, then closed the door casually.

At this time, there were four men in black playing poker together. After seeing the door being pushed open suddenly, they looked over with unison. When they saw a scientific researcher in a white coat walking After entering, everyone was slightly taken aback, what is this guy doing here? Looking for a draw?

You know, here, scientific researchers and security personnel are clearly separated, and they don't interfere with each other, let alone sit and chat boringly.

However, at this moment, they only felt a blur in front of their eyes, and then their pupils shrank suddenly, and their faces were full of horror, as if they saw something terrifying.

Then, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on their throats, as if the doctor cut the patient there, the blood was slowly overflowing, and soon, the crack became bigger, and the blood was dry. It sprayed out wildly, like a blood-red fountain.

Two seconds later, they all simply slumped on the chair, their bodies twitched violently, and they were silent, but their eyes were wide open, and the look of fear in their eyes did not disappear.

Looking at Li Zedao, his figure was still at the door, looking at the sharp scalpel he was holding in his hand, a drop of blood gently slipped from the blade and fell to the ground.

The moment the drip fell, Li Zedao turned around and opened the door to walk out of the room, and closed the door as if nothing had happened.

Immediately afterwards, he came to the second room. Similarly, he directly opened the door and went in. In less than twenty seconds, he came out, and then walked to the third room, followed by the fourth room, and the fifth room. room...

Five minutes later, Li Zedao's figure appeared in the last room. In this room, there were two people, a man and a woman, both wearing white coats, but their lower bodies were naked. fell asleep.

Without any hesitation, Li Zedao walked over, raised the knife in his hand, and slashed their throats cleanly with one knife.

The eyeballs of the two suddenly opened and widened, and then their bodies trembled violently for a few times, and then they died quietly, dying beyond death.

Then Li Zedao turned around and left the room, closed the door, then bent slightly and gasped heavily, his face was even more terribly pale.

In the five minutes just now, he simply wiped the necks of all the forty people in the dozen or so rooms, whether they were security personnel in black with guns and live ammunition or scientific researchers in white coats.

Moreover, everyone's reaction was similar to that of the first room. They all wondered why this scientific researcher came in so rudely, and then their necks were wiped.

Even before they died, they saw a scientific researcher in a white coat come in, and they didn't have time to see his face clearly.

These security personnel are all elites carefully cultivated by the Skull Organization, and each one's strength is not much different from that of Bei, otherwise it would be impossible to be sent to this place.

However, when these people faced Li Zedao, they didn't even react at all, so they were smeared. On the one hand, they didn't even think about someone sneaking in, so they didn't think about it at all. main idea. On the other hand, Li Zedao was wearing the clothes of scientific researchers, which also played a role in confusing them. The most important point is that their enemy is too powerful, and they are not at the same level as them at all. In the state of rage, they didn't hesitate to attack at all, so they decided to make a tragedy.

Of course, killing people is not a happy thing after all, so now Li Zedao decisively feels that his heart is tightly grasped by an invisible hand, and even his breathing is not smooth, and his stomach is even twisted, making him want to vomit up.

After gasping for a few breaths, and a lot of acid water came out of his throat, Li Zedao felt that the stuffiness in his chest was better, but the blood red in his eyes was still full, and he was still full of emotions. Grief and anger, so he strode towards the dozen or so scientific researchers standing there motionless.

Then, he turned into a god of death, ignoring the horrified or pleading eyes of those people, and continued to harvest lives without hesitation, without exception, all of them wiped their necks!

These people deserve to die, so Li Zedao has no compassion at all in his heart.

When he finally wiped the neck of the man who was thrown on the bed and took off his pants, Li Zedao stopped his almost crazy killing and sat down on the bed with a dull and gloomy expression, covered with beans. He was sweating profusely, and even his body was trembling slightly.

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