The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1670 Professional Killer

pain! It was such a fucking pain! This damn woman, doesn't she know that the place where she touches a man should be gentle and gentle? How can she do this? Oh, damn it, she did something that even God can't forgive her!

" can die!" Bei wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, said coldly, and then threw himself towards the opponent again.

Although the opponent's punch caused her to suffer serious injuries, Bei knew very clearly that the opponent's injury was worse than her own, after all, the location of the injury was completely different! In this comparison, he was injured more seriously! Definitely not that sensitive.

So Bei continued to attack resolutely, intending to use the most violent means to end this battle that was even a bit inexplicable to her, after all, she didn't know who the other party was at all.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't know who he is, he's going to be a dead man anyway.

Just when Bei's body was moving as fast as an afterimage, there was a soft "Bang!"!

It was the sound of a pistol with a silencer.

In the next second, Bei Na's forward body suddenly stopped, and he stood there abruptly.

Her eyes widened slightly, and the expression on her face also froze, then she slowly lowered her head to look, only to see that there was an extra bullet hole in her stomach, and blood was continuously oozing out.

Then, she raised her head and stared at the man standing in front of her with cold eyes. At this moment, the man had two more pistols in each of his hands, and wisps of blue smoke were still emitting from the muzzle of one of the pistols.

"Oh, actually close combat is not my strong point, but guns are. Let me introduce myself. I am a well-known gun master in the killer world. My name is Luo Er." The man bared his teeth, and he wanted to show a handsome and charming smile, just like before , but his crotch was too fucking painful, so he decisively turned into a bitter face.

So, he was so upset that this damned woman actually took away his handsomeness and pride, so he simply pulled the trigger again!

Bei didn't think about it at all, and said that this man could use a gun, he was inevitably careless, after all, if he used a gun in a battle between masters, he would be ridiculed.

In addition, the speed of the man's shooting was too fast, so she was shot decisively.

Now that he was injured, he couldn't dodge his next shot.

"Bang!" The gun rang.

Bei's body simply took a step back, almost sitting on the ground, looking at her chest, it was already bloody! This shot hit her directly on the chest. At the same time, more blood seeped from the corner of her mouth, and she clearly felt that her eyes were blurring little by little, and her body's strength was collapsing. Little by little.

Then, she gritted her teeth suddenly, like a moth to a flame, and rushed towards the man again! Even if it is death, I will bite off a piece of flesh from your body.

The man stopped shooting, and kicked out with his powerful legs, directly on the belly of the woman who rushed towards him without knowing her life or death.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Bei simply flew out, and at the same time, blood spurted out wildly.

She closed her eyes, and now, her body had no strength left, not even the strength to open her eyes.

"Are you going to die? You can't bear it... How sad you should be when I die... Farewell..." A face with a very cheap expression appeared in her mind.

Bei used to live a life of narrow escapes, and she even died once, but this does not mean that she is not afraid of death, she is very afraid now, because she is living so happily now.

As long as she sees Li Zedao, her heart will be filled with happiness. Of course, there is still a little imperfection, that is, there are too many women around him. If there are fewer women around him, even only She alone is perfect.

A black shadow that jumped out from nowhere quickly rushed towards Bei, and then firmly hugged Bei who was about to fall to the ground.

Bei tried hard to open his eyes wide, to see clearly who the person who caught him was, if it was him, and if he came back in time... No, the smell on his body is not like this. But who is it if it's not him?

Her eyelids were like heavy stones, so heavy that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't open them.

Then, her head went limp and she completely lost consciousness.

"Mr. Gunslinger, you are too ruthless." Afterwards, an indifferent and deep voice sounded in the room, obviously very dissatisfied with the man who fired two shots in a row.

The man was shot in the lower body, which made him so painful that he couldn't even straighten his spine, and immediately explained with grinning teeth: "Oh, don't worry, the bullets that hit her perfectly avoided her internal organs, so, If she is treated in time, she won't die; besides, if I don't shoot, I will be the one who falls now, this woman is too terrifying."

Luo Er was worried that his younger brother would be completely crippled by being hit like that, and he would not be able to gallop on the battlefield after that. It seemed that he had to check it out after the mission was over.

"No, you're wrong, this woman has died." Hei Ying said coldly.

"Oh, damn it, what did you say?" Luo Er froze for a moment.

"But forget it, if you die, you will die." Hei Ying said immediately, "The next person is about as skilled as this woman. Of course, I want his life!"

"Oh, of course I know, you've already said that." Rozier shrugged his shoulders, looking a little dissatisfied with the man's words, "You have to trust my profession."

"Oh, dear Mr. Gunslinger, I doubt your professionalism. I want to live with this woman, but you accidentally killed her." Soi Ying said coldly, "I hope the next man You could kill him on the spot, but what I don't want to see is that you let him escape."

Luo Er was somewhat embarrassed, and smiled: "The death of that woman was an accident. As for the next male agent, oh, don't worry, as soon as he appears, I will immediately send him to see God."

"It's better to be like this, otherwise it will damage your reputation." Heiying said, "Five million dollars, I have already asked you to remit it to your account, and when you kill the other person, the last five million dollars will be transferred to your account." The U.S. dollars will naturally be remitted to your account."

As soon as Heiying finished speaking, the phone in Luo Er's pocket vibrated slightly. He took it out and glanced at it, then looked at Heiying and said, "Oh, thank you, your work efficiency is really high."

Soi Ying didn't say anything anymore, hugged Bei's body, and strode out of the room.

Luo Er walked over with weird steps, closed the door, then leaned against the wall next to the door, and slowly sat down on the ground, gasping for air while quietly waiting for the next target to appear.


Not long after Li Zedao drove back, he received a call from Michiko Haneda.

"I'm really sorry, I just... just want to tell you that this is my contact information, and you can call me anytime you need my help." Michiko Haneda hesitated a bit, one can imagine how embarrassed she was and Uneasy, but at the same time, there was a hint of self-mockery, "Of course, you are so powerful, so there must be nothing that needs my help."

"I see." Li Zedao said. All the girls are like this, and Li Zedao's attitude is not too good or too bad, "I will save your contact information."

"Well, then... you can drive slowly, I won't bother you, goodbye." The woman's voice became joyful.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It seems that this woman is very interested in him, not only because he can control her daughter's condition even if he can't cure her, but also because he The charm of her is so great that she is deeply obsessed and unable to extricate herself.

As a handsome guy who is so handsome, it is very normal to be liked by several beautiful women wherever he goes. Li Zedao thinks that what he can do is to silently take the responsibility on himself and not blame him at all... ...are you kidding me?

Anyway, Li Zedao won't accept the feelings of any woman, let alone an island woman! That's an island woman... Li Zedao felt ashamed and reflected in his heart, what happened to the island woman? There are also very pure women in the island country... This kind of thought of beating to death with a stick is too bad, it needs to be changed!

Half an hour later, the car stopped steadily at the parking lot in front of the hotel where Bei stayed. After Li Zedao got out of the car and looked up at the hotel, the depression in his heart had dissipated a bit.

Although Sister Xiaoyue doesn't want her anymore, but there is still Sister Bei, Li Zedao just wants to rush into Sister Bei's arms and cry bitterly, and then silently commemorate that unforgettable love... Of course, it is natural to pay tribute to this kind of thing secretly Come on, don't let Sister Bei know, otherwise she will definitely kick her out of bed, or even throw her out the door.

"Sister Bei, I'm back!" Li Zedao walked into the hotel quickly while muttering, even he himself didn't know how wretched and wretched his expression looked at this moment.

I got on the elevator, came to the fifth floor, and finally came to the last room at the end of the corridor. Sister Bei lived in this room these days.

A few days ago, Li Zedao accompanied her to this hotel, and then helped her prepare some necessary supplies, because he knew very well that it was impossible for Sister Bei to go out and buy by herself, even if she left the room, It is also impossible to leave this hotel for dining at the restaurant of this hotel.

For the next few days, he stayed with He Xiaoyue all the time and did not come back to this hotel.

Just when Li Zedao stretched out his hand to knock on the door, his brows furrowed instantly, and a terrifying aura came out from his eyes.

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