The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1671 Sister Bei's accident

The smell of blood! Li Zedao already smelled a bloody smell! It's just that why does Sister Bei's room smell like blood?

Then, his heart skipped a beat, and an extremely bad feeling had already surged up, which made his breathing seem to be stagnant.

He already felt a breath in the room, but this breath did not belong to Sister Bei, whom he was already very familiar with, but a very strange breath.

That aura was restrained deliberately, but Li Zedao's perception ability is so powerful, so he felt it very clearly, and he also felt very clearly that this aura is hidden behind this door! Besides, he couldn't feel other breaths, so sister Bei was not in this room?

At that moment, the feeling of uneasiness in Li Zedao's heart became more and more intense, and then he stretched out his hand again

"Bang! Bang!" There was a knock on the door.


The moment the door knocked, a strange voice followed.

Li Zedao's scalp suddenly went numb, and an extremely dangerous feeling surged in his heart. At the same time, his body also reacted instinctively, suddenly leaning to the left.

"Whoosh!" A bullet directly hit the wall behind Li Zedao, looking at the door, there was already a circular bullet hole.

In other words, someone put the muzzle of a gun on the door in this room, and when Li Zedao knocked on the door, he simply pulled the trigger. If it weren't for Li Zedao's powerful perception ability and extremely fast action, the gun now The bullet penetrating through the door was about to hit his body hard, instead of hitting the wall.

In the room, after Rozier, who was standing in front of the door and put the muzzle against the door panel, fired a shot, he listened quietly to the movement outside with his ears pricked up. What puzzled him was that there was no sound outside. Yes, the aura that was close to the door that I could feel before has disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that the shot he fired just now not only wounded him, but even pierced his heart all at once, causing the visitor to die instantly without even making a sound?

That being the case, why didn't he hear the sound of him falling to the ground? Although the ground was covered with a thick and soft carpet, the body would still make some noise when it fell down. It was impossible not to make any sound, but unfortunately, he couldn't hear anything.

Luo Er swallowed lightly, inexplicably, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, for some reason, he always felt a little bad.

It has been a full ten years since he stepped into the killer industry. In these ten years, Luo Er has received no less than a hundred orders. Among the people killed, there are celebrities and wealthy businessmen, political leaders, and military leaders. Famous generals, leaders of small countries, etc., and even his most awesome record is that one person killed a full hundred regular troops. Even, these more than one hundred people, without exception, were all headshot!

The gun god in the killer world is not called for nothing!

In Luo Er's view, the order he took this time was not the most difficult. It was nothing more than killing two agents from China. Of course, the life of the female agent had to be saved... When Luo Er saw the female agent's At that moment, she instantly understood why her employer wanted to spare her life.

This is a beautiful rose, and it is the kind with many thorns! But if the thorn can be pulled out, it will undoubtedly drive any man crazy... Even now she has turned into a corpse! Therefore, Luo Er firmly believed that that guy must be impatiently molesting the corpse right now.

Luo Er felt that if he didn't like men, he might be really reluctant to shoot her.

As for the remaining male agent, shoot or kill... Luo Er felt that it was a pity. He had seen the photos of Nanan agent, which was the type he liked very much. It seemed that maybe he could only molested the corpse.

Now he clearly knows that this single task is extremely easy for him, but somehow his heart is covered by dark clouds, feeling so bad, as if something terrible is about to happen.

Soon, two minutes passed, and there was still no sound outside, so, did he really kill him with one shot? The reason why the sound of falling to the ground was not heard is because the carpet is too thick?

Luo Er took a deep breath secretly, moved his eyeballs together, and looked out through the cat's eye and the small hole left by the bullet respectively, but he couldn't even see a ghost.

Forget it, open the door and take a look.

After making a decision in his heart, Luo Er tightly held the pistol in one hand, and put the other hand on the doorknob, then gently unscrewed it, and then opened the door bit by bit. Immediately, the gap in the door became wider and wider Bigger, bigger and bigger... Luo Er's head moved over cautiously.

At this moment, a hand suddenly came in from the gap, so fast that even Luo Er couldn't react immediately, and when he reacted, it was too late to escape !

He was shocked to find that the hand that suddenly came in had already strangled his neck, and even lifted his tall body up.

Luo Er raised his hand with a horrified expression, wanting to pull the trigger recklessly and give the opponent a fatal blow. The hand is pinched off!

But at this moment, another hand came in through the gap as fast as lightning, and even grabbed Luo Er's wrist holding the gun.

Without hesitation, this hand suddenly exerted force.

"Crack!" A voice that made Luo Er's scalp numb rang out, and his complexion became stiff for an instant, and a look of extreme horror appeared in his eyes. He clearly felt that he His hand was actually broken! His eating utensils... the pistol slipped from his hand and fell to the ground.

Then, he clearly felt that the moment this powerful hand let go of his severed arm, it seemed to have grown a little bit, and it seemed to have grown eyes, and it suddenly clasped his other arm. One wrist.


If his throat hadn't been choked so tightly that he couldn't speak at all, he would definitely have yelled such words. Unfortunately, he could only wriggle his throat desperately, and put his feet against the door panel desperately, trying to push the opponent The two hands that came in were severely pinched off.

There was another "click!" The sound of bone breaking sounded, and Luo Er's other hand was broken again by the heavy hand.

Suffering another severe injury, Luo Er's face was directly twisted into a bun because of the pain, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his feet had no strength to hold the door.

What makes him feel even more creepy is that the other party just stretched out two hands from the crack of the door, and his body has not yet entered the room. Just like that, his hands were simply abolished, so Thinking about it with his knees, he knew how terrifying the skill of this person was, at least not something he, a gun master, could provoke.

In the end, the door was completely pushed open, and Luo Er, who was struggling desperately, finally saw clearly the terrifying guy who strangled his neck and broke his two hands.

A very familiar young face, the reason why it is familiar is because Luo Er has seen the photo of the other person, this guy is also his next target, there is no need to keep alive, shoot and kill!

At the same time, it was also the object he wanted to molest his corpse!

At the same time, this young face is so gloomy and terrifying at this moment, the eyes are extremely scarlet, and there is an extremely bloody aura emanating from the whole body.

Luo Er's terrified and painful eyes met the other's, and he felt even more frightened and scalp numb. This kind of eyes is too scary.

"He's not a human, he's a devil, he must be a devil." Luo Er wailed in his heart and cursed at the same time, damned employer, didn't he say that his skills were similar to that woman's? This is called almost?

Li Zedao pinched the guy's neck tightly with his hands, and at the same time kicked the door behind him, then glanced coldly at the room, when his eyes fell on the shocking pools of blood on the ground At that moment, his eyes were even more scarlet, and his body trembled slightly.

"Sister Bei..." Li Zedao raised his other hand suddenly, and slapped his left cheek fiercely, which instantly swollen that face and even a trace of blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

Sister Bei was not in this room, and even though the situation might not be as bad as she had imagined, at least she suffered, and it was not a small injury. So Li Zedao regretted it to the extreme, why didn't he come back earlier to accompany Sister Bei? Why?

Luo Er, who only felt that he was about to be strangled to death, was stunned when he saw the devil smacking his face like crazy, and forgot to struggle for a while.

In the next second, Li Zedao's hand pinching Luo Er's neck slammed hard, smashing the guy to the ground with a muffled sound.

"Ah..." Luo Er screamed out, he only felt that several bones in his body were simply broken.

Li Zedao's foot suddenly lifted up, and he was about to step on Luo Er's left calf fiercely.

"Oh, no..." Luo Er let out a strange cry when he saw this, his face was extremely astonished, and his body rolled forward desperately trying to avoid it, but let alone his two arms were severely injured, at this time he was already very strong. Discounted, even if he is intact, he is completely unable to hide from a master like Li Zedao who is completely different from him.

So, at the moment Luo Er was trying to get out, Li Zedao stepped on his calf without any suspense.

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing voice sounded, and flesh and blood splattered everywhere.

Li Zedao kicked in anger. It was not just as simple as breaking Luo Er's bones, but crushing them directly, turning into a pile of rotten meat mixed with broken bones and meat, and the blood was constantly flowing. Squirt out.

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