The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1672 He is a devil

"Uh...uh..." Luo Er's throat wriggled desperately, but the pain was so painful that he couldn't make any sound. This kind of severe pain that seemed to come from the depths of his soul was no longer something he could bear, and his body couldn't help it. Shivered and even rolled on the ground. Vertex Novel The fastest update

His forehead was dripping with cold sweat, and his pupils continued to dilate, symbolizing that the pain had spread throughout his body and reached its peak.

Li Zedao lifted his feet from the rotten flesh, and his eyes seemed to be dyed by the scarlet flesh, and they were extremely scarlet. His whole body was like a demon that sucked human blood.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao's blood-stained and broken-meat feet stepped directly on the trembling Luo Er's head. There was a terrible breath in his eyes: "Did you shoot that woman in the room? Where is she now? Tell me, otherwise your head will be turned into a pile of minced meat just like your legs!"

When Li Zedao was at the door before, he not only smelled blood, but also smelled a faint smell of gunpowder smoke, so he knew that this guy must have shot secretly, and there might even be a helper, otherwise he would With this kind of skill, even if sister Bei loses, she won't fall into the opponent's hands!

Yes, Li Zedao didn't feel that Sister Bei had escaped at all, because if she had escaped, she would have contacted him immediately, but there was no sign of her in this room, so the only possibility was that she was captured snatched away.

Being taken away means that she is still alive, which is the fundamental reason why Li Zedao still maintains a semblance of reason, otherwise he would have fallen into a state of madness by now and trampled to death this guy who dared to attack Bei.

Luo Er only felt that his head was about to be trampled, and his heart was extremely horrified. Although he couldn't understand what the other party was saying, he clearly felt that this man was really on the verge of rage Now, if his emotions explode, his head will be crushed.

"No! no..." He shouted desperately in a hoarse and weak voice. Brother, I can't understand Huaxia.

He didn't feel that the devil was joking with him at all, he would really crush his head, just like his calf.

Luo Er, who took harvesting lives as his profession and was proud of it, truly felt the fragility of life and the imminent reach of death. In addition, what he felt most was the fear of death.

Luo Er didn't want to die, he really didn't want to die at all!

"Where's that woman?" Li Zedao knew that this guy couldn't understand Chinese, so he growled in English, crushing the head under his feet with all his strength, and simply rubbed off a lot of skin on Luo Er's face Blocked, blood dripping instantly.

"No, don't kill me... That woman was taken away by my employer, I don't know anything about other things... I'm just a killer..." Luo Er said in a weak voice, with blood seeping from the corner of his mouth. .

"Employer? Who is the employer? Tell me!" Li Zedao slapped himself severely with his hand again while growling, and the slap was so hard that he simply punched a crack at the corner of his mouth, dripping with blood.

He was so upset and blamed himself! This kind of slapping himself can make him calm down for a while, so that he won't crush the damn killer's head all at once.

Of course, the foot still involuntarily crushed Luo Er's head with a heavier force, causing Luo Er's head to be squeezed.

So the eyes, nostrils, corners of the mouth, and ears are seeping blood, and the eyeballs are almost squeezed out. It is conceivable how hard his head is being squeezed, and the skull is almost in a brittle state. cracked edge.

The pain caused by this kind of oppression is like using a hot red iron to ruthlessly imprint your soul, so Luo Er is not talking about talking at this time, even breathing seems to have stopped , he could only squirm his body weakly as if struggling to death.

Li Zedao's eyes full of blood mist lowered his head and glanced at Luo Er under his feet, and slowly took his feet away from his head. If he continued to step on it, this guy would probably go straight to God.

His head was liberated, and Luo Er was panting heavily. The originally handsome face was now extremely pale, covered with all kinds of bloodstains and cold sweat, and looked extremely embarrassed. Li Zedao took a look, and the eyes of extreme horror were already revealed.

"Who is the employer?" Li Zedao said word by word.

Assassins naturally have some rules that must be followed. The most important point is that they must not disclose any information about their employers, otherwise they will be spurned by the entire assassin world, and even hunted down!

But now that Luo Er is almost dead, how can he care about the creed of a bullshit killer? It was very difficult to say at the moment: "The employer... spent 15 million dollars asking me to deal with you. The woman will leave her name, and the man will be killed... After I subdued that woman, she was killed by my employer." As for the identity of my employer, I'm not too sure..."

"The value of your life has been taken away by your words." Li Zedao said, without any human emotion in his voice.

Of course, Li Zedao already had an answer in his heart, except for the skull, he really couldn't think of his influence.

As for why Skull hired a killer instead of doing it himself... He didn't want to have a direct conflict with himself, so he secretly engaged in small tricks? Anyway, you have no evidence to say that I did this, so there is nothing you can do about it?

"Oh, no, I'm a devout Christian, I can swear to God, I really don't know the true identity of my employer..." Seeing the other party's feet raised again, Luo Er's voice was extremely weak, and his body trembled involuntarily It got worse, he didn't want to experience that kind of pain again, and he didn't even want to die.

He has extremely strong strength, he has money that can't be spent, and his wonderful life is just beginning, how can he be willing to die?

Luo Er secretly swears in his mind that if he can escape this disaster, he will quit the killer world and enjoy the wonderful life.

"But I have seen his face, I... I can draw it, I am an amateur painter, mine can draw it very well." Luo Er said in an extremely weak voice.

Li Zedao put his feet down, and said in a gloomy voice, "You, it's best not to disappoint me."

Of course, Li Zedao knew very well that even if he knew the other person's appearance, it was meaningless. He did this to allow himself to take advantage of the killer's portrait painting time to calm down a little. Only by calming down can he be better at this time. Save North.

"Oh, please don't worry, I..." Before finishing the sentence, Luo Er's expression became extremely stiff in an instant, because he suddenly remembered that both of his hands had been cut off alive, and this It's not an ordinary fracture at all, but a broken bone, and now I can't feel the pain, let alone pick up a pen to paint.

Seeing his expression, Li Zedao glanced at his hands again, and he already understood why this guy suddenly had such an expression that looked like he was about to die, and his brows were furrowed at that moment, he knew that he had just made a move. Multiple, so this guy's hand is completely abolished, and there is no possibility of recovery in the future, let alone use a brush to paint now, but he is so confused, so he also ignored this matter just now.

"It seems that you don't have any value in living anymore." Li Zedao's eyes were bloodshot red, and when he raised his foot, he was about to crush this guy's head.

"Oh, no, please wait..." The fear brought about by death made Luo Er's physical strength seem to recover a little bit, and his voice was much louder, but it was full of heart-pounding horror .

Luo Er was really wronged in his heart, he felt that this guy was the devil, the god of death!

The damn guy said he was about as good as that female agent... oh god, what made him come to such a stupid conclusion?

Luo Er wanted to hate that damned employer so much that he even wanted to offer 10 million... Oh, no, it was one dollar to ask him to kill him! The life of that damned scum is not so valuable, even saying that he is worth a dollar is too much to think of him.

"I... I suddenly remembered that the watch on my wrist is equipped with an invisible camera, so I must have clearly captured that guy's face." Luo Er said with difficulty, because he was too panicked I almost forgot about it.

Of course he was willing to pay himself one dollar to kill that employer, but Luo Er knew very clearly that he had completely lost that ability! Whether he can live or not, even if he survives by chance, he will become a completely disabled guy.

Therefore, Luo Er didn't mind telling the devil everything he knew about the employer's confidence, so that the devil could quickly find him and torture him to death.

It's a pity that Luo Er really knows very little about his employer. He has only met him a few times, but judging by his appearance and his tone of voice, he should be a damn American guy.

As for the invisible camera hidden in the wrist watch, this is a habit of Luo Er. Every time he kills, he must turn on the camera hidden in the wrist watch, take a picture of the scene of his killing, and then wait for the killing. Appreciate it after you are done.

What Luo Er likes to see most is the horrified and helpless expression of the target person before he dies.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and very simply put on the blood-smeared watch on Luo Er's left wrist, and forcibly tore it off.

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