The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1673 Self-blame

The bones in his wrist had already been crushed, so Li Zedao's tugging like this was no less than sprinkling salt on someone's wound, so Luo Er's body twitched again from the pain, and the pain made him doubt his life! It was so painful that such an extreme idea appeared in his mind, what a happy thing it would be if he could die.

So at this moment, he actually wanted to tell the devil, you can kill me, you can kill me, but... what if the devil didn't want to kill himself, but he really hurt the killer when he opened his mouth like this? what to do?

As long as you can live, so what if you are disabled? He has plenty of money, he can go to the best medical institutions to have the most advanced prosthetics installed, and after that, he can still live an extremely nourishing life!

Li Zedao quickly took out the memory card inserted in the watch, then looked left and right, and finally his eyes fell on the small laptop on the table.

Standing in front of the table in a blink of an eye, Li Zedao turned on the laptop, and then inserted the memory card into the card slot on the laptop with trembling hands.

When I opened this memory card, there was only one video file inside. Looking at the time, it was recorded more than an hour ago. It is conceivable that the ones recorded before were deleted by Luo Er.

At that moment, Li Zedao took a few deep breaths to calm down his restless heart, and then clicked on the video file.

The video is not long, just four or five minutes.

As the video played forward, Li Zedao's face became more and more ugly, and the muscles on his face became more and more stiff. In the end, his expression was neither sad nor happy, as if he had become an idiot.

He clearly saw that Bei was first punched hard in the stomach, and then she was shot in the stomach and her chest, and her clothes were stained red with blood. He could still see clearly To Bei was kicked flying, and blood kept gushing out from the corner of her mouth.

Seeing such a scene, Li Zedao felt that his heart was twitching violently, as if a piece had been ruthlessly dug out with a knife, even his blood seemed to be coagulated, and his breathing seemed to be stagnant. He even clenched into a fist involuntarily, his fingers pierced into the skin, blood was flowing, but he didn't feel it at all.

He also saw a tall man in black appear, and he grabbed Bei's body.

He saw that Bei closed it tightly, and even more clearly heard the words that the man in black said coldly... No, you are wrong, this woman has died...

This sound was like a thunderbolt exploding beside Li Zedao's ear and released a terrifying sound, making Li Zedao's mind buzzing, and the whole person was stunned, making him simply an idiot.

He couldn't accept the facts in front of him, and he didn't want to accept the facts in front of him either!

Out of breath? How could Sister Bei die? How could Sister Bei die?

He just stared at the computer screen with an idiot face, motionless, many pictures appeared in his mind, and then his eyes became more and more blood red, and in the end even the dark eyeballs seemed to be about to be covered in red. It seemed that the bloodshot eyes were completely covered, and then big blood-red tears burst out of his eye sockets uncontrollably.

He Xiaoyue left, he was sad, but he could accept and understand; but Bei died...he was directly on the verge of emotional collapse.

I don't know how long it took, Li Zedao's heart that seemed to have stopped beating seemed to be pinched by an invisible hand,

The pain made his body tremble involuntarily.

"Ah... ah..." Li Zedao's throat squirmed, and he let out a mournful and angry roar like a wounded beast, and even grabbed his hair fiercely.

In the next second, he slapped his face wildly with both hands left and right.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..."

Again and again, the palm contained terrifying strength, so soon his face was completely swollen and turned purple-black, just like a pig's head in braised sauce, and the corner of his mouth was even more cracked. Yes, the blood kept seeping out.

"Pfft..." Li Zedao opened his mouth, and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was mixed with two teeth that he forcibly knocked out.

Luo Er, who collapsed there, saw the devil smacking his face like crazy, and forgot the pain for a moment, and his heart was horrified to the extreme.

So the devil slapped himself in the face like this because the woman was too sad and too self-blaming for her death?

For the sake of that woman, he could even attack himself so fiercely, let alone those other people who hurt that woman.

Luo Er clearly remembered that he punched that woman, kicked her, and even left two fatal bullet holes on her body...

For a moment, Luo Er's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He completely understood that he had no chance of surviving, and the devil would come to torture him after torturing him.

Whenever there is a chance, he wants to crawl like a dog, and he has to crawl out of this room while the devil is torturing him. What makes people desperate is that he even has the right to crawl like a dog. deprived of.

After slapping himself hard again, Li Zedao's extremely trembling hand slowly reached out to the laptop, and once again clicked on the video file that had been played for a long time, then fast forwarded, and finally Playing tentatively, blood red eyes fixedly stared at the man in black who appeared on the screen.

This is an ordinary-looking foreign man, about forty years old, with an aquiline nose, brown eyeballs, and a big bare head.

At the same time, there is a striking tattoo on the back of his left hand, which is in the shape of a terrifying skull.

This kind of tattoo is undoubtedly very familiar to Li Zedao, because he has only seen almost identical tattoos from Akai and General Moore a few days ago! This is the logo of the Skull members!

Therefore, the man in black is a member of the Skull, so this incident was indeed done by the Skull organization! The Skull Organization hired killers to kill Sister Bei, and even took away Sister Bei's body!

"Skull!" After Li Zedao said these three words without any human warmth, he stretched out his hand suddenly and slammed it on the laptop.

"Bang Dang!" With a muffled sound, under the ravages of Li Zedao's terrifying strength, the notebook was simply torn apart and turned into a pile of fragments. Even the table on which the laptop was placed fell apart under Li Zedao's blow, the legs of the table simply snapped off, and the table top shattered into pieces.

Then, Li Zedao stood up slowly. He looked like a walking corpse, exuding a terrible breath of death, and then slowly walked towards Luo Er who was lying on the ground.

Coming to the front, under the gaze of Luo Er's horrified eyes, Li Zedao slowly raised his feet.

"Oh, for God's sake...don't kill me..." Luo Er's throat was wriggling desperately, and he said these words in a weak voice. The face was more painful and frightened, so he simply twisted into a ball.

Although he has long realized that it is impossible for this devil to let him go, he still has some luck in his heart, and now that the god of death is about to come, Luo Er decisively cannot bear the oppressive feeling brought by the imminent death. He has been incarnated as the god of death many times, and he has never thought about it, so death is such a terrible thing.

As if Li Zedao didn't hear his words, he still lifted his feet up slowly, then put them on Luo Er's head, and then stepped down with increasing force bit by bit.

Death is not terrible, what is terrible is the fear, despair and pain that arise when death comes. Therefore, Li Zedao will not let this guy die so quickly, he will torture him, torture him severely.

Luo Er's heart was shocked to the extreme: "Oh, God, no, please, don't kill me, I... I can give you a lot of money... yes, I can give you a lot of money, 100 million dollars? Oh , no, two hundred million..."

Li Zedao lifted his feet from his head.

Luo Er's heart relaxed, and he almost cried. It seems that those words are absolutely true, that is, problems that can be solved with money are not problems.

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing voice sounded, and flesh and blood splattered everywhere again.

Li Zedao simply stepped on Luo Er's other leg, and the terrifying force crushed that leg as well.

Luo Er's eyeballs were rounded, his mouth was opened wide, but no sound came out after all, then his head tilted, and he passed out simply.

Of course, this is not over yet. Although the bones in the hand are broken, they have not yet turned into a pile of minced meat. Therefore, Li Zedao simply stepped on the shoulder of Luo Er's right hand again, so blood and flesh splattered everywhere. The horror scene happened again.

What does it feel like to wake up after being dizzy? It feels like death is worse than life.

Li Zedao trampled his other leg into a pulp, making him faint to death. The second kick crushed his shoulders into flesh, and woke up Luo Er from the fainting state.

At this time, Luo Er's face was distorted and hideous. Even if his mother came over, he might not recognize that this guy who was sweating profusely, his face was dark and purple, and he looked like a terminally ill patient was her son.

"Kill...kill me...God...kill me..." Luo Er's throat wriggled hard, his voice was extremely weak, he didn't want to live now, he wanted to die, he wanted to die quickly.

He begged: "Please kill me...I can give you all my money..."

As if Li Zedao didn't hear his words, he raised his foot mechanically again, this time aiming at Luo Er's left shoulder, and then, that terrifying scene happened again.

This time, Luo Er simply passed out again.

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