The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1674 The Walking Dead

Seeing that this guy passed out, Li Zedao moved like a machine, he took out a silver needle extremely stiffly, and simply pierced it into an acupuncture point at the position of Luo Ermen.

With a sudden jolt, Luo Er opened his eyes again.

He tried his best to glance up at Li Zedao, and then his eyelids immediately drooped. He really has no strength left. I don't have the strength to raise my head, I don't have the strength to open my eyes, and I don't have the strength to speak... If I can die, what a happy thing it is?

"I won't kill you, feel the pain well." Li Zedao's voice didn't have any human warmth, and then he moved towards the door of the room extremely stiffly like a walking dead.

Luo Er's extremely weak pleading voice came from behind: "Oh, no, God, kill me, please, kill me..."

Li Zedao turned a deaf ear, put his hand on the armrest, opened the door of the room like a machine, and left the room.

In the corridor outside, a cleaning staff just happened to pass by with a cleaning cart. Seeing Li Zedao walking in from the room covered in blood, he was obviously dumbfounded.

When his eyes met Li Zedao's dead-like eyes, his whole face turned pale with fright, and he even sat down on the ground with a look of extreme panic in his eyes.

"Ah..." She simply covered her mouth and let out an exclamation.

In the next second, the waiter felt a flash in front of her eyes, and the blood man exuding a terrifying aura disappeared in front of her, as if she had never appeared before.

However, there were two shocking-looking footprints left on the ground, and they were even printed with blood! There are even some red and white things beside the footprints.

"Ouch..." The waiter's stomach began to twist, and he simply vomited violently.

A few minutes later, a black off-road vehicle galloped crazily on the road, passing one car after another in a thrilling manner, the speed seemed to be extremely fast, like a phantom.

And the hurricane of this car naturally caused several cars to collide directly without being well controlled, resulting in one car accident after another immediately.

However, even if this car hit another car, even hit the rear of the car in front, or was rear-ended, it didn't have any intention of stopping, and continued to shuttle quickly in the traffic flow.

The patrolmen on the road saw that there was a car that dared to drive wildly on the road in the downtown area, causing several car accidents. They tried to catch up and intercept it, but what surprised them was that the car in front passed quickly. They were completely thrown away without a trace.

Forty minutes later, the black off-road vehicle left the urban area and came to a desolate suburb.

Ga! The black off-road vehicle braked suddenly, and then the car shook violently a few times before stopping on the side of the road with great difficulty.

At this time, one of the headlights of this black off-road vehicle exploded, the front of the car was dented, the rear bumper was also cracked, the body had many scratches, and there was a lot of blue smoke on the front engine It popped out, as if it was about to burn at any moment.

"Kang Dang!" With a muffled sound, the car door on the driving position was kicked and flew out, and finally rolled into the grass beside the road, and then a black shadow got out of the car with extremely stiff movements.

Li Zedao, Li Zedao exuded a strong smell of blood all over his body,

Especially his right foot was covered with fresh blood, which looked terrifying.

Looking at his face, it was black, swollen, distorted and stiff without any expression, just like a dead face. What was even more frightening was his pair of eyes, which were blood-red but hollow, without focus, without any emotion showing.

Anyone who sees it, the first reaction will be that it is a completely lifeless corpse, and there is no doubt that this corpse has now undergone a corpse change, just like the kind of zombies that are often seen in movies.

At that moment, the walking dead walked towards a forest not far from the road step by step.

Entering the woods, walking not far, two men in black, like ghosts, almost silently floated down from a big tree, and appeared about twenty meters away from Li Zedao .

"Oh, friend, this is a private territory. No one is welcome, please leave." One of the men said in blunt island Mandarin, with a slightly arrogant tone, as if he wanted to make you look good if he didn't leave. After finishing speaking, he yawned, not paying attention to the other party at all.

From the man's point of view, the guy in front strayed into this forest by mistake. After all, such things happen from time to time. Basically, he came in to pee and shit, or for outings. After all, this small forest surrounded by mountains and rivers The scenery is still good, and there are even some people who come in to fight in the field.

Of course, without exception, they were all blown away by them, and some who were not convinced and wanted to make a fuss were even thrown out.

Of course, it seems that it has never happened that someone enters the woods at night. After all, this is the wilderness, and there is a dark dense forest that hides something terrible. Who has nothing to do at night? here?

After yawning, Soi Ying frowned, and felt that something was wrong, because the guy who entered the woods in front seemed to have not heard what he said, and still walked forward step by step. At the same time, the man smelled a strong smell of blood.

"Oh, damn it, I suggest you stop immediately and go back where you came from, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude to you!" Another man said, his voice was full of threats.

He also felt something was wrong.

In the middle of the night, this guy entered this dense forest alone, and after meeting the two of them, he didn't even have the slightest fear. Normal people would be taken aback, right? But this guy is good, he doesn't have the slightest fear at all, which makes the two security personnel feel very embarrassed.

In these two situations, there are nothing more than two possibilities.

First, this is a neurologically abnormal idiot who doesn’t know what fear is; second, this guy is skilled and bold, what purpose did he come into this woods for? Put it in your eyes.

These two security personnel are more inclined to the second possibility, because they both smell the bloody smell from each other, and even feel a terrible breath from each other.

And as he approached step by step, the terrifying aura became more and more intense.

At that moment, two of the security guards were holding the pistols tightly in their hands, and one of them pointed the strong flashlight in his hand at the guy who broke into the woods without knowing his life, and instantly a strong light shone on the person facing him. That face, and then, the hearts of both of them shrank suddenly, because what appeared in front of their eyes was an extremely terrifying face, especially the pair of eyes, which were so terrifyingly scarlet.

What's even more frightening is that, with such a strong beam of light shining on his face, his blood-red eyes didn't even squint, but were still wide open, and there was a cold death breath in his eyes.

Looking at this guy, the two of them felt that their scalps were numb, and their hearts were horrified. They both thought in their hearts that it must be a ghost, right? At the moment, he is holding the pistol in his hand tightly, and it is best to be ready to shoot at any time.

In the next second, something that shocked them even more happened, because they only felt that the guy who was more than ten meters away from them a second ago appeared directly in front of them like a ghost What's even more frightening is that their necks appeared in each other's hands without warning.

Both of them stared at this "ghost" with wide eyes, their faces full of horror and disbelief, so much so that they even forgot to break free instinctively for a while, let alone resist and send out an enemy attack signal.

"Crack!" The scalp-numbing sound of bone breaking sounded.

Without any hesitation, Li Zedao exerted force with his hands, and the heads of the two men in black immediately drooped down, lifeless. Looking at their faces, they were still full of undissipated horror and love for the world. kind of nostalgia.

Li Zedao loosened his hand, and the corpse simply slipped to the ground.

At that moment, Li Zedao's blood-red eyes did not look at the two corpses, but continued to move forward like walking corpses, without hiding his aura at all!

Not long after, two more men in black quietly jumped down from the tree.

And at the moment they landed, they were horrified to find that their necks fell into the hands of others.

They all stared at this terrifying face with wide eyes, full of horror and disbelief.

They just noticed that someone was approaching and jumped down from the tree to ask about the situation. However, before their feet landed, how could their necks be "hanging" in someone else's hands?

"Crack!" There was another scalp-numbing sound of bones breaking, and the necks of the two security personnel had been chopped off by Li Zedao.

Throwing the two corpses on the ground as if throwing garbage, Li Zedao did not continue walking this time, and raised his head slightly, his blood-red eyes stared at the lush but dark tree above.

At the same time, a sharp sound sounded in the woods. It was an alarm, an alarm that someone forcibly broke into the woods! And it was of the highest level, that is to say, the intruding enemy was terribly skilled, and some security personnel had already died in his hands.

The signal was sent by a man in black hiding in a tree.

As usual, he and two other accomplices were bored and guarded here. At this moment, the sound of heavy feet stepping on dead branches and leaves came.

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