At that moment, their eyes looked down through the gaps in the leaves, and they could vaguely see a black shadow approaching slowly from far to near. Vertex Novel The fastest update

They all wondered in their hearts, whether the two guys guarding in front were all asleep, or how could someone have already entered here without knowing it. Of course they didn't want to say that those two people had been killed.

So after the three of them made gestures to each other, two of them jumped off the big tree where they were hiding.

But at this moment, the security guard who didn't jump saw a scene that made his scalp tingle.

Before the feet of his two accomplices could land on the ground, their necks fell into the hands of the person who walked over, and then "click!" The scalp-numbing sound of bone breaking sounded.

" did he do it? Who is he? Or...he is a ghost?" The man's scalp was numb, his mind was roaring, and his heart was so shocked that he couldn't believe what he saw. scene.

You know, when his two partners jumped down, that guy was at least thirty meters away from the big tree where they were hiding.

However, before the feet of his two partners landed on the ground, he had already appeared under the tree in an instant, and even stretched out his two hands, and then accurately "caught" the necks of the two of them. , and then cut off the necks of the two of them with such a ruthless method!

In addition to being horrified, the man decisively pressed the siren he carried with him, but it was still the highest level!

Just when he pressed the button on the siren, the man's heart twitched suddenly, and his whole body was covered in horror. It felt like a pair of extremely terrifying eyes were staring at you in the dark like.

Then, his mind set off a thunderous wave that was ten thousand times stronger than before, his breathing even stagnated, and his eyeballs were so round that they seemed to be rolling down from their sockets.

Because, he saw very clearly that the guy he suspected to be a "ghost" who was standing under the tree a few seconds ago unexpectedly appeared in front of him without a sound. Emotional blood red eyes were staring at him.

The man's face was pale, his expression changed from shock to bewilderment, his eyes seemed to lose focus, and he felt that his whole body was about to collapse.

Subconsciously, he felt that he should react, such as jumping off the tree to escape for his life, or whether he was a man or a ghost, do it first.

However, the icy, rotten, bloody, and terrifying aura of death emanating from the other party made him unable to muster any courage to make any kind of action, not even the courage to move a little bit. It seemed that as long as he moved, he would It's like dying terribly.

Then, the man saw the hand of the "ghost" who was close at hand stretched out towards him, and he just watched the other party's abnormally cold hand pinch his neck, and then the cold hand squeezed more and more. tighter.

The man's face was already covered with cold sweat, his throat wriggled desperately, trying to say something.

But he didn't make any sound, and he didn't take any unnecessary actions. To be more precise, when he mustered up the courage to struggle for a while, he had no chance at all.

"Crack!" Li Zedao exerted a little force on his hand, and then the head of the man who was too frightened to move fell down, lifeless.

Li Zedao did not immediately throw the corpse from the tree,

At the same time, those unfocused blood-red eyes looked down.

In less than a minute, a dozen or so security personnel armed with live ammunition appeared under the big tree quickly and agilely, and beams of strong light shone around, making the area instantly brighter, unlike before, Almost can't see my fingers.

Soon, the dozen or so security personnel's eyes fell on the two lifeless corpses under the tree, and their expressions all changed.

Sure enough, someone really broke into this place and killed people, which made them feel very absurd and unbelievable.

After the man in the lead made a few gestures, these people became vigilant, and there were people in all directions and on top watching the movement vigilantly.

As for the man in the lead and the other man, they squatted down and simply checked the two corpses, and then looked at each other, both of whom could see the dignified or even nervous face on the other side.

They know better than anyone else the skills of the two deceased. If such skills are put into the army, they are definitely at the level of soldier kings, but for these two people, their necks were forcibly stiffened by heavy hands in an instant. Although the alarm was successfully sounded, there was no sound of least they didn't hear it.

And judging from the already bruised pinches on the necks, it is easy to see that their necks were cut off by the left hand and the right hand respectively, that is to say, the other party cut off the necks with the left and right hands almost instantly. The necks of these two people... So, it was an extremely scary guy who cut off their necks!

"Pay attention, that damned guy is very strong!" After a brief inspection of the corpse, the leading man said in a low voice, cold sweat even broke out on his forehead, as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

How terrifying is this kind of person who can cut off their necks at the same time in an instant, the leading man is very clear in his heart, because he has only faced such a terrifying person some time ago.

That is the latest genetic superman developed by the organization, and they are asked to fight against the genetic superman to test the true strength of the genetic superman.

During the battle, almost in between breaths, he inexplicably discovered that his neck had fallen into the hands of the genetic superman.

When the others heard the words, they became even more vigilant about the movement around them. For a moment, the surroundings were in an extremely strange state of dead silence, and cold sweat broke out on almost everyone's foreheads and palms.

At this moment, there was a little movement on the big tree in front of them, and they clearly saw a black shadow falling from it.

"Oh, attention everyone, the enemy has appeared..." the man inside growled.

"Bang! Bang!..."

These nervous security personnel didn't care whether the black shadow was a man or a ghost, they shot first, and the gunshots rang out for a while, scaring countless birds in the forest that had already fallen asleep.

"Bang!" The black figure, which had been baptized by dozens of bullets, finally fell heavily to the ground, motionless, and a strong smell of blood suddenly filled the air.

At the same time, several beams of strong light suddenly shone on the black shadow that fell from above, and also shone on his face at the same time.

"Oh, damn it, it's Hill." Someone exclaimed.

They recognized it immediately, this guy with several bloody single holes on his body, the undiminished panic on his pale face, and the guy who was already dead beyond death turned out to be one of them! And they also clearly saw that there was also a black pinch mark on his neck! Like the two security personnel lying on the ground, his neck was cut off abruptly!

So, he was first strangled and thrown from the tree? So, the enemy is hiding in the tree?

For a moment, these security personnel all looked up nervously at the tree, and at the same time, beams of strong light hit it, but they couldn't see a single ghost.

"Be careful, shoot immediately when you find out, shoot to kill!" The leading man whispered, intending to swallow his saliva. Although the enemy hiding in the dark did not show up, the psychological pressure they brought was extremely great. It made the leading man feel a little thirsty.

But before he could swallow his mouthful of saliva, drastic changes happened around him.

Almost at the same time, a bloodstain suddenly appeared on the throats of the dozen or so security personnel standing around him, as if a doctor had cut a knife there when he was operating on a patient. The blood was slowly overflowing, and then Soon, the crack became bigger, blood started to spurt, and the dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground were already dyed red.

"Bang bang..." With a series of muffled sounds, the dozen or so security personnel fell backwards one after another, and finally lay upright on the dead branches and rotten leaves, their bodies twitching violently. There was no sound, but their eyes were wide open, and the look of fear in their eyes did not disappear.

Seeing this, the leading man's eyes widened instantly, and a thick layer of sweat appeared on his face. The look in his eyes was as if he had seen a ghost, full of fear inside, and the man holding the pistol His hands trembled even more violently.

In the next second, a stiff and distorted face that seemed to be shrouded in the bloody breath of death appeared in front of the leading man as if it appeared out of thin air.

When the leading man saw it, his pupils shrank sharply, and his face turned green all of a sudden, and then his body slowly collapsed on the ground. After violently pumping a few times, he immediately lost his movement completely, his eyeballs were wide open, and there was something unseen inside. The fading horror... He was so frightened that he was frightened to death!

"Nick, how's the situation?" A small voice came out of the earpiece of the lead man's ear.

Without the earplugs in the ear, the sound is extremely small and hard to hear, let alone the lead man's ear at this time, it is even more difficult to hear, but Li Zedao's hearing is extremely sensitive, plus The surroundings had already fallen into a strange dead silence, so he heard it very clearly.

At that moment, his blood-red eyes glanced at the headset, and he stretched out his stiff hands, and took off the headset. His voice was hoarse and cold, without any human emotion: "You all have to die!"

"Aren't you Nick? Who are you?" After a moment of silence, a cold and dignified voice came over.

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