The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1801 This World Is Dangerous

Skull Island has not seen the sun for many years, and from time to time there are violent storms hitting the island, so Mia can be said to hate rain very much now. . Besides, she is not the kind of sentimental woman who would feel sad when she saw it raining.

She is a woman who likes to look forward rather than remember the past, who seems so rational and purposeful.

"I really like rainy days." Li Zedao sang against this woman.

"Oh, I know, Boss, I know that you have the gene of a sentimental literary youth in your bones." Mia said.

"It's not a sentimental literary youth, but a handsome literary youth." Li Zedao corrected, he is not sentimental at all, okay?

"Oh, okay." Mia shrugged her shoulders and didn't bother to refute. She was more or less used to the boss's shamelessness. This is a very narcissistic guy. Unfortunately, he has the capital of narcissism.

"However, dear boss, what are we doing in Yanjing?" Mia asked in a low voice, "Oh, don't tell me that you brought me here for a trip, otherwise, I don't mind taking it seriously, and then tell the boss Come on a sweet love journey."

Li Zedao thought to himself, even if you really think this is a sweet love journey, I won't say anything more.

"The mission of the two paladins failed. In addition, according to what you said, General Skull is very concerned about the magic cave forest and the nameless cave. What do you think General Skull will do?" Li Zedao asked in a low voice. .

After Mr. Miejue's half-hearted resolving, Li Zedao naturally had a deeper understanding of the Wuming Cave. As for the exact location of the Wuming Cave, the old nun settled down before Li Zedao had time to ask in detail.

Li Zedao had no way to force her out of meditation, and he really couldn't afford to wait for her to come out of meditation, so he could only give up and come to Yanjing first.

Li Zedao felt more and more that the old thief seemed to be using him. He could see that he was comprehending the "Tianji Tujuan" at the moment, but he pretended not to see it.

He even said that he needs a special environment to comprehend the "Tianji Tujuan", that is, to comprehend in the nameless cave, otherwise he will fall asleep... So, the old thief should have a good understanding of "Tianji Tu". You should be very familiar with Volume", and you should also be very familiar with Wuming Cave.

In addition, he also said that he has only one year to live...

So, he expected that he could find the Wuming Cave? He wants to go to Wuming Cave within this year?

What is his purpose? Who is he?

Mia's eyes narrowed slightly,

The voice was full of dignity: "You mean, there is a possibility that General Skull will come over in person?"

That kind of terrifying person came to Yanjing in person, and she had heard that a truly perfect genetic superman was about to be created, and that terrifying genetic superman would definitely follow along. Say, not good news.

Inevitably, Mia became worried about the boss.

"This is just my guess. Who knows if he will come or not?" Li Zedao said, "In addition, I want to go into the forest of the Devil's Cave and have a look. I'm still curious about the entrance to the Wuming Cave you mentioned. Of course , Maybe the whole thing is not what General Skull explained, in other words, General Skull’s real purpose is not to let you find any entrance, he didn’t tell you the truth.”

Mia nodded slightly, and had to admit that Li Zedao was right. Based on his knowledge of General Skull, he never trusted anyone except himself, so he must have concealed something.

"So, these few days I will stay in Yanjing, busy with some things, as for can just treat it as a tourist, I will not restrict you where you want to go, and I will even let people Send you a simulation mask to change your appearance, so that even if a member of the Skull organization meets you in Yanjing, they will not recognize you. When I need you, you will appear in time Just right in front of me."

"Oh, okay, boss, I can just finish the game plan that I made before but didn't finish in time." Mia didn't have any opinion on Li Zedao's arrangement.

In Mia's eyes, the previous mission was no different from traveling, so she naturally made a rather detailed travel plan, and wanted to have a good time visiting Yanjing, an internationally renowned ancient city, but what she didn't expect was that just passing In less than two days, I went to Wangfujing and bought more than one million clothes and bags. I went to Happy Valley. The most important thing is the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other famous tourist attractions. Li Zedao bumped into each other, and then the whole travel plan fell through.

In addition, of course Mia also knew that the boss hadn't told him the truth, he didn't fully trust himself, so he brought him out, but he didn't let him follow the whole process.

It's just that Mia doesn't care that much about this kind of distrust. If she were herself, she wouldn't be able to trust others so easily, so in her opinion, Li Zedao's approach is undoubtedly extremely correct.

If he trusted so easily, Mia would despise him instead.

Besides, Mia doesn't think she can help the boss... oh, except to help him solve his physical problems.

At that moment, Mia smiled charmingly: "Dear boss, when will you need me?"

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, he was really too lazy to answer such an idiotic question, when does a man need a woman, is there even a need to ask?

At this moment, Mia raised her brows, and she could clearly feel that there was an extremely fierce and vicious look behind her, and she knew who the owner of this fierce and vicious look was. There was already a smile like a devil.

"What identity?" Li Zedao asked casually, and naturally felt the malicious gaze, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

At Li Zedao's current height, he could kill a guy like this with just a wave of his hand, even if this guy knew at a glance that his background was not too small.

"The vice president of the Huaxia Region of the Four Star Group." Mia curled her lips with a disdainful expression.

Although the Four Star Group is a colossus, the largest electronics company in the world, and its business spreads all over the world, Mia doesn't take it seriously at all, let alone a mere vice president of the Huaxia region, even if it is The president of the group, if she wants to kill him, it is not impossible.

Assassination is what she is best at, and her methods are much more powerful than those famous killers on the list of killers.

Therefore, if this Han Yilong dares to say more, Mia doesn't mind any accidents happening to him, such as being electrocuted to death while taking a bath, suddenly being hit by a car when going out, and eating. Sudden death from poisoning while in a meeting, and suddenly being stabbed by an employee during a meeting...

This world is too dangerous, anything can happen.

"This is Huaxia, don't mess around, and enjoy those scenic spots, don't expose yourself casually, don't spoil your interest." Li Zedao said with a yawn. The title of vice president of the Huaxia region of the Four Star Group is still very famous. If something unexpected happens, the higher-ups still have to pay more attention to it.

Of course, Li Zedao only said not to do anything recklessly, and there is nothing that should not be done. After all, with Mia's ability, he could die in an accident, and no one would be able to find any clues.

"Oh, but dear boss, what if someone harass me vigorously because of my good looks?" Mia asked with a charming smile.

"Oh, you can rest assured that most people's eyes are not that blind." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, damn it, if you weren't my boss, I would have killed you a long time ago." Mia pinched Li Zedao's arm fiercely, and said angrily.

Li Zedao laughed and said, "Besides, isn't there a kind of medicinal powder hidden in the crevices of your nails? As long as you want, you can make the other person itchy at any time."

Mia smiled charmingly: "Unfortunately, that kind of medicine powder has no effect on you at all, otherwise I will tickle you to death."

Li Zedao smiled and said, "But according to past experience, I'm afraid that when we get off the plane, someone will come to trouble us, right?"

"Dear boss, are you afraid of trouble?" Mia asked with a smile.

"Really." Li Zedao nodded seriously.

"..." Mia looked at Li Zedao with contempt and contempt. The people who are afraid of trouble are actually going to provoke the Skull Organization? People who are afraid of trouble to form such a huge harem?

Mia felt that the boss must not understand such a truth, women are the source of eternal troubles, if the boss does not have a woman, then he can definitely reduce a lot of troubles.

While speaking, the plane landed steadily and began to taxi forward. Within a few minutes, it stopped steadily.

The cabin door was quickly opened, and Mia took Li Zedao's arm and got off the plane behind several people.

This woman really thinks she is Li Zedao's woman, but she just doesn't want to let go of Li Zedao's arm.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't care too much about her. After all, being hugged by a beautiful woman like this is not only very comfortable, but the envious and jealous eyes of the men around him also greatly satisfied Li Zedao's rather sullen heart. .

Han Yilong got off the plane later than them, and then followed them not too close or far away. Can he swallow this breath? Of course not. That's why his eyes looked so sharp and fierce at this time.

If it weren't for the fact that he really doesn't know how to fight, knowing that he is absolutely no match for the other party, he would have rushed over to have a live pk with that pair of dogs.

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