The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1802 Contraband

As a handsome guy with wealth, temperament and taste, Han Yilong has been living in the chasing and fawning of women.

He thought that all the women in the world were nothing more than this. As long as you use a little tricks, you will definitely be able to catch it.

Of course, he has been right all along, because he has never missed a shot, and no woman can resist his charm. But today on the plane, not only did he miss, but he was also slapped severely by that woman, completely embarrassing him.

What is the most important thing for a man? face.

Especially people at their level are desperate for face. If anyone loses face, sometimes it will even become an endless situation.

Therefore, in Han Yilong's heart, the man and the woman are already two dead people.

At that moment, he withdrew his gloomy gaze, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

Soon, the phone was picked up, and a man's voice came over: "Mr. Han, have you got off the plane? I've already exited and waited for your arrival."

"Just got off the plane and was walking outside...I heard that Mr. Su has a lot of energy in Yanjing?" Han Yilong asked.

"What? Someone offended Mr. Han?" The other party was obviously an extremely shrewd person, and he immediately grasped the true meaning of Han Yilong's question.

"On the plane, I was accidentally slapped by a young couple, and I lost some face." Han Yilong laughed at himself. That face was hot and gloomy, and he already regarded this matter as a great shame.

"In this three-acre land in Yanjing, Su certainly can't let his friends be wronged." The man said. People in their circle value face more than anything else, and losing face now is naturally an extremely serious matter, so he can naturally understand how angry Han Yilong is at this time.

"Then thank you, Mr. Su first." Han Yilong raised his head and looked at the two figures in front of him, his eyes were like knives.

"Mr. Han is being polite, this is what I should do." The man smiled and responded, in his eyes, this is too small a matter.

"Where is that couple now?" Mr. Su asked.

"Looking at it like that, it should be to pick up the luggage." Han Yilong said with his eyes on the two figures in front of him. If eyes could kill, Li Zedao and Mia would have died tens of thousands of times.

"That's all the better,

I'll call right now to arrange. "President Su said.

Li Zedao and Mia did not leave the airport immediately, but first went to the luggage claim area to wait, intending to pick up the stored luggage. At this time, Li Zedao also took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on very flirtatiously.

Li Zedao felt that he was too handsome, especially with his deep and charming eyes. He was afraid that he would be surrounded by a large group of beauties and couldn't afford it, because he used sunglasses to slightly block his sharpness.

Mia decisively felt that the boss's approach was too correct, and then realized that she also had this problem, so she took out her sunglasses and put them on.

Then, after despising each other for a while, the two looked at each other and laughed.

"Dear boss, thank you." After laughing, Mia looked at Li Zedao seriously and said, "I never knew that life can be so easy, so sunny, so happy, all of these are G."

"Even if you tell me like this, I won't give you the antidote in advance." Li Zedao had a smile that was not a smile.

"...Damn boss, I'm telling the truth, I don't want your antidote." Mia was really pissed off by Li Zedao's words, and she didn't care about being poisoned anymore, anyway. The boss is reluctant to die by himself.

"I know." Li Zedao said with a laugh, "Stay with me well, and I will take you to eat and drink spicy food."


After taking out the stored luggage, the two walked towards the airport exit.

But when he was about to walk out of the airport hall, the corners of Li Zedao's mouth turned up in an inexplicable way, and he said to Mia beside him, "Trouble is coming."

"It's here." Mia smiled, not taking such troubles to heart at all.

As soon as the words fell, a group of fully armed airport special service personnel rushed over and simply surrounded Li Zedao and Mia.

These people are all wearing the special uniforms of the airport police officers. Some are carrying batons, and some are reaching out to touch their waists. They may draw their guns at any time. Their eyes are so vigilant, as if Li Zedao and Mia have a few catties tied to them* like.

At the same time, in the coffee shop at the airport, through the glass, Han Yilong sat there with another handsome man in his thirties, quietly watching the scene where Li Zedao and Mia were stopped.

"Judging from the clothes of those two people, their identities should not be too ordinary, and one of them is a foreign woman. Mr. Su thinks this trick is effective?" Han Yilong raised his own question.

The man smiled, the corners of his mouth already had a hint of insidiousness, and his tone seemed so arrogant, as if there was no one he could not afford to offend: "Mr. Han, don't worry, it's not just about beating them up, absolutely It's enough for those two people to drink a pot, and as for their background... no matter how big their background is, can they be bigger than our Su family?"

"Then I'll wait and see." Han Yilong responded with a smile, but his eyes were so sharp.

"What's the matter?" Li Zedao asked lightly.

As for Mia, she had a faint smile on her face, and her small face was gently pressed against Li Zedao's arm... This woman is in such a time, and she is still in the mood to eat tofu.

Li Zedao pushed her away speechlessly.

This behavior of being so inferior to a beast made Mia very depressed, and she wished to stop Li Zedao's mouth.

"We have received news that a batch of prohibited items are about to flow into Yanjing. I hope you can cooperate with our work and accept our inspection." The leading man said coldly.

Captain Guan was really dissatisfied with the reaction of these two people, they were aggressive, shouldn't their reaction be fear? Are you flustered? You are so calm, even flirting, what is this?


That being the case, let's entertain you well, at least let you know what it means to offend some people, and what is fear.

"Contraband? What contraband?" Li Zedao asked.

"What contraband, you will know in a while, come with us." Captain Guan shouted coldly, how could he foolishly say what contraband?

"Why should I go with you?" Li Zedao asked with a faint smile.

Captain Guan was slightly angry: "Isn't what I said clear enough? I suspect that you have hidden prohibited items on your body, which seriously threatens the safety of the airport, and even the safety of the capital, so we need to take you away for a thorough inspection!"

Once connected with the safety car in the capital, the buttoned hat undoubtedly became heavy all of a sudden.

"My dear... oh, Uncle Policeman, don't you think that you have seriously exposed your IQ by saying this? We just got off the plane. If there were any contraband, we should have Was it searched out, didn't it? Or, do you think those security personnel at Fenghuang City Airport are idiots?" Li Zedao argued hard, but his tone was full of sarcasm.

"You..." Captain Guan's expression turned ugly all of a sudden, he really didn't expect that this little boy's mouth was so sharp that he didn't know how to refute for a while.

What made him even more concerned was that this little boy actually called himself... Uncle? Who is your uncle now? Is Lao Tzu that old? I'm less than thirty... It's just that my skin is a little darker, and I look old!

Immediately shouted in a deep voice, "I'm not too clear about the specific matters. We came to you only after receiving a report. If we didn't find anything, we will naturally apologize to you, so please cooperate with us , otherwise, don’t blame us for being rude.”

Captain Guan silently praised his seemingly wise statement.

"How impolite?" Li Zedao asked.

"I don't think you want to know the answer to this question." Captain Guan was really pissed off by this fart question, and his face sank all of a sudden. This is provocation, bare-naked-naked provocation! Do you really think we dare not drag you away by force?

"It seems that I'd better go with you. I'm most afraid that others will be rude to me." Li Zedao swallowed, and said fearfully.

"Oh, why is that so strange?" Mia pursed her lips and laughed, looking at this extremely special group of airport personnel, her eyes showed sympathy.

She even glanced at the coffee shop not far away with the corner of her eyes, and there was a trace of a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

It is not good for you to provoke anyone, why should you provoke this devil?

Soon, Li Zedao and Mia were brought to the interrogation room at the airport. Mia was asked to sit there and not move, and there were two people watching over them. As for the others, Li Zedao was simply surrounded. Staring at the little boy with a menacing look, it was obvious that their focus was on dealing with Li Zedao.

After all, Mia is a woman and a foreign woman, if she really moves, she might be in trouble. In addition, the head also explained, don't torment that woman, just toss that man to death.

Li Zedao looked at the group of police officers in front of him with a faint smile, and said first: "Actually, you know better than anyone else that I don't have any prohibited items on me, but someone greeted me and wanted to punish me." , so you come here, but my background is also very big, so big that you can't afford to provoke me at all, so just put on a show, how about it?"

As he said that, Li Zedao also grinned at Captain Guan, he was kind and really didn't want to embarrass these people.

"..." Captain Guan was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words. It seems that this kid is also a sensible person, but so what? Who made you offend someone who shouldn't be offended?

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