The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1828 Looking for a job

"...Asshole." An Keke gave Li Zedao a white look, but his eyes were full of love.

Li Zedao chuckled, then walked over to open the door that was being knocked on.

"Ke Ke...uh..." The agent Yun Jie who was standing outside the door was shocked when she saw that the person who opened the door was not En Ke Ke, but a young and handsome strange man. Woke up.

I even felt that my whole world had collapsed, full of powerlessness. Daring old lady reminded me in vain? But this is to let Dong Shaoqing know that she spent the night with another man? It's over, it's over, something big is going to happen.

At this moment, Sister Yun really had the urge to slap Encoke a few times.

Dong Shaoqing, who was standing next to Sister Yun, saw that the person who opened the door turned out to be a man, and the marked gentle smile on his face also froze for a while, a fierce light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and his face returned to normal immediately, as if nothing happened. As if nothing happened, he even took a step forward to greet Li Zedao.

"Are you...Miss Zhou Xiaolu's assistant?" He took the initiative to reach out his hand to Li Zedao, and said with a smile, "Hi, I'm Dong Shaoqing, Miss Keke's fiancé, here to pick up Miss Ankeke."

This is to declare the ownership of Encoco to the other party, and it is also to test the specific origin of the other party.

Dong Shaoqing still didn't believe that Enkeke would stay in this apartment with a man for one night. After all, this man was so strange to him, if Ankeke had any contact with him before, he couldn't have known about it.

After seeing Encore for the first time, Dong Shaoqing simply regarded Encore as his personal belongings. It can be said that he knows every male animal that has contact with Encore.

Of course, thanks to his appearance, Encore's life in the past year or so has been a bit easier. Although this fly is annoying, the effect is that Encore's schedule is not as full as before. There is no time to rest.

In addition, on the way here, Sister Yun said that the apartment belonged to Zhou Xiaolu, so Dong Shaoqing tried to ask if he was Miss Zhou's assistant bodyguard or something.

"Hi, I'm Zhou Yan." Li Zedao smiled, reached out and shook his hand, neither admitting nor denying, so whatever you say is what you say.

Originally, Li Zedao wanted to fabricate an identity at will, but Dong Shaoqing directly helped, which made Li Zedao very satisfied, and decisively felt that Dong Shaoqing was an idiot at all.

Of course, in Dong Shaoqing's view,

This kid didn't deny it, that is, this kid is Zhou Xiaolu's assistant, and when he said that he is Enkeke's fiancé, the expression on that kid's face didn't change, so don't worry!

After all, it is impossible for Miss Zhou's assistant to have any entanglements with Enkeke. The reason why he was sent here is naturally to protect Enkeke.

"Oh, that's right, it turned out to be Ms. Zhou's assistant... that little Zhou..." Sister Yun looked at Li Zedao and smiled very hard, and she was almost moved to tears by Dong Shaoqing's words. Then I also had some doubts in my heart, could it be that my reminder was superfluous?

Last night, after I contacted Zhou Xiaolu, did you also contact Zhou Xiaolu? So Zhou Xiaolu helped Ke Ke arrange such a place? This handsome boy is really Zhou Xiaolu's assistant? It's also surnamed Zhou... Probably some unknown cousin of Zhou Xiaolu or maybe a cousin.

Sister Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief, her grandma was almost scared to death, and An Keke really didn't say it earlier.

"Sister Yun, are you here?" An Keke, who appeared behind Li Zedao, stuck out his tongue at Sister Yun in embarrassment. As for Dong Shaoqing, he simply ignored him, as if this guy didn't exist at all.

Regarding this fly, Enkeke's attitude has always been to hide it if it can, and ignore it if it can't. It's a pity that there is no way to slap it to death.

As for Dong Shaoqing, after seeing Encore, he breathed a sigh of relief, as if he was relieved from a heavy burden, and he really relaxed.

Li Zedao captured the change of Dong Shaoqing's facial expression, thinking that this guy's acting skills are not bad, but he obviously wanted to swallow the encore in one gulp, but he pretended to be a gentleman who is polite and silently caring and doesn't want to force others to be difficult. It's really too much not to make movies Pity.

In Li Zedao's view, the reason why Dong Shaoqing hasn't swallowed Encoco in one gulp is not because he dare not, but because he is playing a game, a game that seems a bit wicked to capture the hearts of beauties. Confidence is too proud, he believes that he will conquer Encore eventually.

Of course, if one day he loses interest, he will immediately show his fangs.

Sister Yun rolled her eyes at An Keke angrily, thinking that she must keep an eye on this little ancestor in the future. When she goes to the bathroom, she will wait at the door. She will never allow something like last night to happen again, otherwise it will really scare her. Dead man, you said that if there is something wrong with being photographed by paparazzi or even kidnapped, then what should I do?

"Then let's go." Sister Yun said while looking at An Keke.

An Keke didn't show any temper, hugged the greedy cat wagging its tail at her feet, nodded and said, "Let's go."

"Woooo..." The greedy cat who was hugged by An Keke obviously also knew that An Keke wanted to take him away, so he looked at Li Zedao pitifully and innocently with big eyes, and made a burst of noise.

"This dog..." Sister Yun pointed to the greedy cat.

"His name is Greedy Cat, a little stray dog ​​I picked up last night, I want to keep it in the future." Anke laughed, "Isn't it cute?"

"Uh...cute, cute." Sister Yun was about to cry, saying that your schedule is so full, flying around all day, how can you have time to take care of this puppy? And is there something wrong with you that you plan to adopt a stray dog? Sister Yun could predict that the matter of taking care of the puppy would probably fall on herself in the future.

"Dogs are what I hate the most." Sister Yun cried mentally.

"It's really cute." Dong Shaoqing looked at the puppy and smiled, "The name is also very interesting, Ke Ke, what I like is your kind heart."

An Keke didn't even look at him, pretending he didn't hear him. I cursed in my heart, idiot, it's none of your business whether our greedy cat is cute or not? Whether I am kind or not is none of your business? Hypocrisy, if Miss Ben looks like a flower, will you buzz around my ears like a fly every day?

Dong Shaoqing had a smile as if bathed in the spring breeze, and there was already a hint of coldness in the depths of her eyes. Damn it, bitch, when I like you, you are the queen, and when I wear out my patience, you are a millionaire. The sluts who are ridden by people are even cheaper than those prostitutes!

Sister Yun quickly changed the subject to avoid further embarrassment for Dong Shaoqing. An Ke could completely ignore Dong Shaoqing's face, but she couldn't.

She looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "Xiao Zhou, say hello to Miss Zhou for me, and thank her for taking care of Ke Ke last night, then we will leave first."

Li Zedao nodded with a faint smile: "I will."

"Young Master Dong, please...Ke Ke, let's go." Sister Yun first pressed the elevator button on the side, and after the elevator opened, she politely invited Dong Shaoqing, asking him to take a step ahead, and she walked towards Dong Shaoqing again. Li Zedao smiled and grabbed An Keke's arm, and walked into the elevator together.

"Woooo..." The greedy cat who was being hugged by An Keke looked at Li Zedao with sad eyes, really wronged.

At the moment when the elevator closed, Li Zedao clearly saw that An Keke kissed him very cutely, couldn't help but smiled, and then touched his forehead helplessly.

Why did you accept it again? Could it be that my resistance to girls is still zero? I really can't see the girl crying over there?

Shaking his head helplessly, Li Zedao returned to the room, smelling the residual body fragrance from Ankeke in the air, looking at the suddenly empty and quiet room, his heart was suddenly empty Get up, a little depressed.

When did he feel that he couldn't bear the slightest bit of loneliness?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Do you know that there will be a charity dinner at LaCrosse Villa tonight? I want to go in low-key."

"Understood, Young Master Li." Sun Jundong's tone on the phone was as respectful as ever.

"I'll go to Wangfujing in a while, you can find me there. By the way, I'm helping me find a job." Li Zedao said.

"Looking for a job?" Sun Jundong was taken aback, not quite understanding what Li Zedao meant.

"Well, work, the work of distributing leaflets, I want to distribute leaflets, the best place to work is Wangfujing." Li Zedao said.

"...I see, I'll get in touch right away." Although he didn't know what Li Shao was up to, Sun Jundong knew very clearly that he only needed to finish what Li Zedao had told him.

One of the things he is most fortunate about now is that when the news of Li Zedao's death was reported before, he did not believe it. Instead, he worked hard to maintain that relationship, facing the enemy's tiger stool chili water or various sugar-coated shells. , he did not compromise, but bravely fought against it.

Therefore, his relationship with Li Zedao is even stronger now. Even those sons who were high in his eyes before now have to be polite when they see him. In addition, his father will move his position further because of Li Zedao's relationship. It's not out of the question to move around before retiring.

An hour later, Li Zedao drove to Wangfujing to meet Sun Jundong.

Sun Jundong didn't come alone. Standing beside him was a man wearing a peaked cap, sunglasses and a mask, which basically covered his face tightly.

"Young Master Li." Seeing Li Zedao got out of the car, the man hurriedly took off his sunglasses and mask, revealing his true face, and greeted him respectfully.

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