The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1829 Distributing Leaflets

щww{][lā}" Li Zedao looked at him and nodded, then looked at Sun Jundong, "Your friend? "

"He is the actor Zhang Jikun." Sun Jundong hurriedly introduced him.

"Actor?" Li Zedao looked at Zhang Jikun, thought for a while, but didn't have any impression, and it seems that he is not a famous star.

Zhang Jikun smiled politely, somewhat embarrassed. Anyway, he is also a popular niche, and the movie "Love in the South Pole" starring him is still showing in theaters. As of now, the box office has already exceeded one billion yuan, but now It seems that Shao Li didn't recognize him, probably because he didn't go to the cinema to watch the movie.

Of course, he didn't dare to show any unhappiness on his face. After all, he already had a rough idea of ​​who the young man standing in front of him was from Sun Jundong.

In the eyes of others, I am not a superstar at all. To put it mildly, I am an ant. To put it harshly, I am a fart. If you provoke him, he will not try to kill you behind your back, he will slap you to death on the spot.

"The charity auction party held at the Grand Hyatt Villa tonight, all invited to participate are some relatively important celebrities, and only people with real-name invitation letters can enter, so I feel sorry for you, Li Shao, and pretend to be Zhang Jikun's tonight Assistant, so you can enter in a low-key way." Sun Jundong said.

Li Shao said to keep a low profile, so Sun Jundong helped him think of this method.

Li Zedao nodded without any objection, looked at Zhang Jikun and said, "Then please come and pick me up in the evening."

"It should be." Zhang Jikun nodded quickly and said. Of course, he wouldn't be foolish enough to ask why this Young Master Li wanted to enter the charity dinner, he just needed to bring him in.

"As for the job of distributing leaflets you mentioned, I have already contacted them. There is a fruit and vegetable beauty chain organization nearby that just needs someone to help distribute leaflets. The distribution place is around Wangfujing." Sun Jundong said again.

"Uh... Li Shao wants to distribute leaflets?" Zhang Jikun listened, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, really wondering if he heard it wrong. I thought this Li Shaoguo was really different.

"Beauty agency." Li Zedao already had inexplicable emotions in his eyes. Wasn't his first part-time job to distribute leaflets for sister Ren's beauty agency? Later, because he was so handsome in distributing flyers, he decisively fascinated Sister Ren so much that he couldn't help but marry him.

"Go and do your work. I can go to that beauty institution by myself." Li Zedao said, since he knew the name of the beauty institution and it was nearby, it was easy to find it.

"Okay, Young Master Li, after you enter the store, just say that Mr. Su Beibei Su sent the leaflets." Sun Jundong nodded and said.

Li Zedao nodded, and at that moment, the phone in his pocket rang.

Sun Jundong and Zhang Jikun left very wisely and did not stay long.

Li Zedao took out his phone and glanced at the number of the caller, the corners of his mouth raised slightly inexplicably, and he picked up the call.

Soon, Su Mingqi's voice came from the receiver: "Young Master Li, the 80 million yuan has been transferred to the account you mentioned. In addition, Han Yilong said that when he gets better, he will personally appear in your account. I apologize to you in front of you."

When Su Mingqi told Han Yilong who was lying on the hospital bed in pain, he said,

When the person he wanted to kill was that Li Zedao, Han Yilong was so frightened that he rolled off the bed, and after that, he hurriedly pieced together, almost squeezed out all the foundations, and only then did he raise eight. Ten million, and then entered the account Li Zedao mentioned.

Of course, they are friends after all. In addition, the Su family has some business contacts with the Four Star Group, and the other person who was victimized was his bodyguard. I felt a little guilty in my heart, after all, although I was "instigated" by Han Yilong, it was my idea to use it to frame him.

Therefore, Su Mingqi made a decisive move.

With the strength of the Su family in Yanjing, it is not too difficult to find the sneak photographer. So the reporter from the tabloid office was caught before he could post the photo he secretly took, and his hands and feet were cut off. After that, let alone continue to take pictures of other people's cunts, he couldn't even live. Take care of yourself.

"There's no need to apologize in person." Li Zedao responded lightly, "Let him take care of himself, take care of his crotch, don't rush over to pretend to be aggressive when he sees a woman, or he may not be so lucky next time, maybe If the wealth is ruined, the disaster will not disappear.”

"Yes, yes, I will tell him." Su Mingqi said hurriedly with an apologetic smile.

"This sentence is also suitable for you. If you were not Susan's cousin and a member of the Su family, your fate would be worse than that of Han Yilong. It's not just as simple as being scalded. I'll just stuff that bag into your mouth." Li Zedao hung up the phone simply after speaking.

Although he is his cousin in relation, if there is one time, he really doesn't mind stomping on him a few times.

On the other end of the phone, Su Mingqi's forehead was already covered with cold sweat, so Han Yilong's little girl was scalded by hot coffee, not because he accidentally didn't hold it steady, but because Li Shao secretly moved his hands and feet? Su Mingqi decisively felt that the luckiest thing in his life was that he had a cousin named Susan.


The location of the fruit and vegetable beauty chain organization is not difficult to find. Li Zedao quickly appeared at the door of this beauty organization. Judging by the size of this store, it is at least twice the size of the "Women's Paradise" opened by Nintendo before.

Li Zedao failed to go in, he was stopped by the girl in standard business attire standing at the door.

"Sorry, sir, we only accept female customers here, and men are not allowed." The girl looked at Li Zedao with a typical smile on her face and said, her voice was very sweet and pleasant, "If your friend is inside, please wait outside later .”

The girl looked at Li Zedao's handsome and sunny face, and couldn't help muttering in her heart, this guy is quite handsome, and I don't know if he has a girlfriend.

"I came here to distribute leaflets. Su Beibeisu always asked me to come." Li Zedao explained his purpose of coming according to what Sun Jundong said.

"You...distributing leaflets? Boss Su asked you to come?" The girl was slightly taken aback. Indeed, before Mr. Su left the store more than half an hour ago, he explained that a boy will come to work as a part-time handout in a while, and he can just give him the printed flyers. After the distribution, he will settle the bill The salary is 100 yuan for half a day.

But what the girl didn't expect was that the boy Mr. Su mentioned would be such a handsome and sunny boy.

You know, in the past, those who came to part-time jobs to hand out leaflets were basically poor students with green faces and ordinary clothes. They used weekends or non-class time to come out to work part-time. Where to put it, my eyes don't know where to look, and I can't calm down at all.

But now this handsome guy didn't give people a young feeling, and he didn't blush when he saw her, and his faint smile didn't mean to panic. The most important thing is that although the clothes he was wearing were not branded, they still had a girl's eye. She could tell that the clothes were quite expensive.

Did he really come here to distribute leaflets? Girls are more willing to believe that he is here to pick up his girlfriend who is doing maintenance at this beauty institution.

"Is there a problem? Why don't you contact your President Su?" Seeing the girl's dazed expression, Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, no problem. Our President Su mentioned this before he left. Please come in with me. I will give you the leaflet and briefly explain the precautions to you." This handsome guy even called President Su's name, so he couldn't be wrong. Then he led the way and led Li Zedao into the store.

The girl inexplicably felt that she seemed a little restless, as if her breathing was a little short. Probably because this kid is so handsome, she murmured in her heart.

As soon as Li Zedao walked in, he could only feel the fragrance inside. It was a smell mixed with various perfumes and skin care products. It was not very pleasant, at least Li Zedao didn't like it that much. Natural body fragrance is even better. For example, Sister Bei smells very good, and Ankeke also smells good, and it smells very comfortable.

At the same time, the voice of the chattering girl rang in my ears.

"Hehe, there is another handsome guy, Lily, your boyfriend."

"Well, Wu Lili, you just told me yesterday that you don't have a boyfriend, and the family is urging you. Let me introduce you to a handsome guy. I'll bring a guy over today."

"Handsome guy, what's your name? How old are you? What do you do? You're not a college student, are you? Be honest, how long have you been dating our Lily?"

"Handsome guy, if you don't treat us to a big meal tonight, we won't return your Lily to you."


Several girls surrounded Wu Lili who brought Li Zedao in, and looked at Li Zedao unscrupulously with smiling eyes, just like goblins looking at Tang Sanzang and wondering where they should start their mouths first.

Li Zedao still had a faint smile on his face, and he didn't mean to be embarrassed, embarrassed or flustered. There was no way, he was used to it.

Not to mention it was just verbal teasing, even if they stood naked in front of Li Zedao, Li Zedao would not react too much, at most he would just look at them a few more times.

Lili, who was walking in front of him, felt a little embarrassed, her pretty face flushed slightly, and she spat and said, "Look at you all eighty-ones, what nonsense are you talking about? Don't scare them, he is Mr. Su who came to help Leaflet."

Being said to be male and female friends, I still feel a little proud in my heart, as if I have taken advantage of it.

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