The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1834 Despicable Woman

Sister Yun fantasized happily in her heart, if An Keke really became Dong Shaoqing's woman, with Ke Ke's character, she would definitely take care of herself a lot, right? At that time, I might be able to enter the company's management and become a real urban white-collar worker.

"The bastard should be here, right? I dare say I didn't expect it, scare your eyes away!" An Keke looked at the luxurious villa in front of him, and that delicate little face was full of the smile of a child when he played a prank .

Then she strode in with carefree strides as before, but she forgot that the heels of the high heels she was wearing this time were too high, so she almost sprained her ankle, and Sister Yun, who was on the side, hurriedly supported her in fright.

"Grandma, lady, lady... Pay attention to your walking posture..." Sister Yun was taken aback, and quickly reminded, fortunately, there were no reporters or other celebrities around, just a few staff members, otherwise it would be a joke .

This aunt's nature has not changed after she changed into a vest, and she is taking such big strides.

"Uh, yes, I am a lady and a goddess now." An Keke smiled awkwardly, slowed down her pace, and walked in slowly with the support of Sister Yun.

As the queen of r\u0026amp;b in Asia, the most profitable entertainer of Brilliant Entertainment, and firmly seated as the first sister of Brilliant Entertainment, Encore itself has attracted a lot of attention. There were even rumors that the popular lover known as the entertainment circle, the future Dong Shaoqing, who is at the helm of Brilliant Entertainment, is pursuing her, which makes Encore even more popular.

Not to mention her outfit tonight, changed from the previous cool style, and even exposed the ditch, absolutely eye-catching, so the appearance of Encore naturally attracted everyone's attention , each of them had incredible faces, as if they were seeing pigs flying in the sky.

At the same time, as Ankeke walked in, it seemed that the cumbersome crystal lamps hanging on the top of the hall suddenly became dazzling.

The phrase "Puffy Piper Brilliance" probably refers to this kind of person, right?

Sitting in the corner, Li Zedao's gaze fell on An Keke all of a sudden, his eyes widened slightly, and he really felt a feeling of disbelief.

Is this really the cool, quirky r\u0026amp;b queen? This is simply a goddess.

I saw that her golden hair was no longer a braid, but coiled on the top of her head, like a queen's crown wrapped around her head.

Wearing a blue gem on her neck, her face is like the moon and the sunset, her eyes are like the stars and the sun, under the light of the villa which is too bright,

It is so dazzling that people dare not look directly at it. The long dress skirt dragged on the precious carpet, like a dragon king's daughter about to get married, or like a mermaid's long tail dragging on the ground waiting for nirvana.

There was even a deep groove on her chest... Li Zedao thought for a while, when he took off her clothes last night, he was a bit unexpected, but it didn't seem so scary.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao suddenly realized... It's crowded! Just like Sun Lingfei, she was very pitiful before she met herself, but she squeezed hard, and there she was. Not to mention that Encoco already has the ingredients, so if you squeeze it deliberately, the effect will naturally come out all at once.

What did that sentence say? Cleavage is like time, just squeeze it.

Even Li Zedao was amazed, let alone other people. Almost everyone in the audience looked at the goddess who was slowly moving in with lotus steps, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Ankeke, of course they are very familiar with it, but what they are familiar with is the Enkeke who is full of personality, always has braids, walks and jumps, and his body looks like he has ADHD and wants to dance from time to time. Such an encore is really unfamiliar to them.

The men were enthralled, but the women were seriously irritated. The most shameful thing for these proud female stars was that someone stole their limelight.

"Is she... An Keke? Is An Keke's waist so thin? Are her breasts so big? Are her legs so long?"

"Encore dare to expose the ditch?"

"Did she get kicked in the head by a donkey, or how could she be dressed like this? The old dress... how good is it?"


"Tonight's encore is so beautiful. I think tonight is a catastrophe day for all women. It took so long to dress up carefully, but it was suddenly outmatched." Yue Ya Weiwei stood beside Zhang Jikun He smiled wryly and said, there was inevitably an indescribable depression in his heart. He originally thought that he was amazing tonight. Even if he couldn't win the audience, he could at least be impressive.

Well now, Enke can come out dressed like this, and the other women don't have to play... Unless they do something amazing at this charity dinner, such as running naked, otherwise they won't be able to cover up the limelight Pass encoco.

"Yes, so beautiful." Zhang Jikun looked at Enkeke with a dull look, and replied casually.

Then he clearly felt a murderous intent coming, and when he looked back, he saw Yue Ya staring at him with a bad expression, and he quickly said, "Yue Ya, she is beautiful, but you are no better than her." Bad."

"Really?" Yueya stepped forward gracefully, and the heel of her ten-centimeter-long high-heeled shoe accidentally stepped on Zhang Jikun's left foot.

"Hiss..." The smile on Zhang Jikun's face froze instantly, and he gasped.

Quite a few female celebrities cursed secretly over there, saying that she was a scheming bitch, she was usually careless on purpose and dressed in a neutral way, but now on such an important occasion, she suddenly came up with an absolutely subversive yet another A noble and sexy dress can naturally become the focus of the audience.

How despicable!

Of course, as far as An Keke is concerned, she never thought that her unprecedented attire would attract all the attention of the audience, nor did she want to steal the limelight from other women. The bastard knows that if he dresses up properly, he will look good, at least not worse than Zhou Xiaolu.

I guessed that the bastard should arrive before me, so after entering, Enkeke's beautiful big eyes painted with purple eye shadow swept towards the slightly remote corners around, and based on my understanding of the bastard , he will definitely choose to stay in that kind of place where there are few people.

Sure enough, she immediately saw Li Zedao sitting alone in the corner.

Eyes facing each other, they were both quietly looking at each other, and an extremely charming smile appeared on Enkeke's face, eyes seemed to be filled with water.

Then, Li Zedao pulled up his eyelids with both hands, and withdrew his thumbs from the corners of his mouth. The next second, he stuck out his tongue long and made a grimace at Enkeke.

"Pfft..." An Keke couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing out of nowhere, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand.

"Ke Ke, what are you doing? are a goddess now..." Sister Yun saw that An Keke was smiling in such an inexplicable way, and a few thick black lines appeared on her forehead, so she hurriedly reminded her in a low voice. , "A lot of people are watching?"

"Uh..." Sister Yun was a little surprised, because she didn't seem to cast many eyes on them at this time, and she immediately realized that it was probably the big man who appeared on the stage, and only that big man had the way to shake the audience. Attraction all draws past.

"Oh, it's okay, I just suddenly remembered a very funny joke... Ahem..." An Keke tried very hard to stop the smile, and restored the standard smile.

"Remember a joke?" The black line on Sister Yun's forehead became even darker, can it still be a little better? What joke can you think of on such an occasion?

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and then, a heroic man was seen striding over surrounded by a group of people.

Dong Shaoqing, the only son of Dong Jun, the entertainment industry tycoon, and the future helm of Brilliant Entertainment, appeared on the stage.

It is precisely because Dong Shaoqing's appearance almost attracted the attention of most people in the audience, so no one noticed the scene where An Keke and Li Zedao looked at each other affectionately, and naturally they did not see her there. Bian very vividly laughed.

If it is said that just now Enkeke came in and directly attracted most of the men present, then Dong Shaoqing's appearance now simply stole the hearts of all the women in the audience, even the one who started to have an underground relationship with Zhang Jikun Yue Ya's eyes were also full of brilliance, and she was really moved.

In Yueya's view, being with Zhang Jikun and then finding a suitable time to expose this relationship will naturally increase her popularity and topics, and it is not impossible for her to even make headlines. But if she can become Dong Shaoqing's woman, then it's not just as simple as making headlines.

Of course, this kind of thing is just a matter of thinking, Yue Ya knows very clearly that it is impossible for her to become Dong Shaoqing's woman, and she may not even be able to sleep in his bed.

Once at a suitable opportunity, Yueya recommended herself to Dong Shaoqing, and Dong Shaoqing's response was only one cold word: Get out!

As a handsome guy who has everything, Dong Shaoqing has been living in the chasing and fawning of women, and those women are not ordinary women, they are all female stars with beautiful appearances.

Although no lace news has been publicly reported, but in the short period of more than a year since he returned from studying abroad, the female star who slept in his bed had two slapped fingers and two paws. You can't count all your toes together.

Moreover, Dong Shaoqing is not the kind of bastard who lifts up his pants and leaves after getting into bed, so these women got what they wanted after getting into his bed.

Therefore, Dong Shaoqing is well-known in a certain circle, so all those women are trying to get into his bed, so as to get the benefits they want, such as getting the company's key packaging, which role they get, and which role they get. an endorsement contract.

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