The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1835 Love Exposure

It's a pity that Dong Shaoqing has his own set of standards that others don't understand. He won't be hungry. What he likes is his eyes and feelings. If he has feelings for you, then congratulations, you will be served by him tonight opportunities, and then you will get the benefits you want.

If you don't feel it, even if you take off your clothes and make a pose in front of him, he will mercilessly let you go.

So in Dong Shaoqing's view, all the women in the world are nothing more than that, he doesn't even need to use tricks, he doesn't need to hook his fingers, he doesn't even need the simplest hints in his eyes, he just needs to show his face and stand there Yes, you can let the woman lie obediently under her body and have fun.

Until he met Encore, he was challenged.

An Keke was not like other women who wanted to pounce on him as soon as she saw him, like a wolf seeing meat. She looked at him very flatly, as if she was looking at a stranger.

After that, Dong Shaoqing simply gave An Keke a look with obvious hints, and the look that An Keke responded was like looking at an idiot, full of disgust.

Dong Shaoqing could tell that it wasn't playing hard to get, it was really hating you and treating you like a fly.

Being hated as a fly for the first time, instead of making Dong Shaoqing angry, it made him feel very fresh, and he immediately became interested.

If a woman surrenders too casually, a man has no sense of conquest. Therefore, Dong Shaoqing decided to play a different game. He wanted to use normal means to catch Encore. He wanted to conquer her and make her willingly take off her clothes in front of him.

However, since a little over a year ago, Dong Shaoqing's role in front of Encore has always been a fly, so his patience is basically about to be worn out by Encore, so he feels that he should use some means, such as tonight, After the charity dinner, let her obediently lie under her body and make love.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared on the stage, Dong Shaoqing's eyes immediately began to search for the figure of Enkeke. He didn't mind being domineering for a while, and simply announced his relationship with Enkeke here.

When he saw Enkeke standing over there, his body stopped suddenly, his eyeballs suddenly widened, and he really felt like his heartbeat had missed a beat, and his face was sluggish. really Encore? Enkeke would wear such a dress and appear on such an occasion?

So, is she actually playing hard to get? To whet your appetite? It's just that she is more playful than other girls, and she has been playing for more than a year?

Dong Shaoqing thinks Encore is too bad and naughty, let's see how I punish you tonight!

Yes, from Dong Shaoqing's point of view, Enkeke dressed like this is obviously for her own sake, not for her to see why she is dressed like this?

At the moment, Dong Shaoqing had to sigh with emotion that she was too good and really not challenging, because Encoco was a big challenge for herself, but unexpectedly, she had already conquered her from the very beginning.

While admiring himself so much in his heart, Dong Shaoqing strode towards An Keke.

En Keke, who was looking at Li Zedao with beautiful eyes, suddenly found that her sight was blocked all of a sudden. At the same time, there was an extremely annoying figure in her sight. Twitch, the original slightly sweet and shy expression on his face instantly subsided, and his face was already full of disgust.

It feels like seeing a lump of poop.

Really disgusting.

Of course, such a disgusted expression fell into Dong Shaoqing's eyes, so he naturally thought that An Keke was deliberately teasing him again, this woman is really naughty.

And when Dong Shaoqing appeared in front of Enkeke and looked at her affectionately, the two of them naturally became the focus of attention.

It was just a rumor before that Dong Shaoqing was pursuing Encore. Of course, most people chose not to believe it. Look in the mirror and see what you look like, how could Young Master Dong like you?

But now Dong Shaoqing immediately appeared in front of Encore as soon as she came out, like a bee seeing a flower, with that expression, that look...

The hearts of many women "bang!" were shattered all of a sudden, and their chests were really painful. With a gloomy face, she cursed An Keke as a scheming bitch, a bitch who is very good at seducing men, and she was really full of envy and hatred in her heart. She wished she could kick En Keke away and be used by Dong Shao instead. eyes watching.

"Ke Ke, you are so charming in such a dress." Dong Shaoqing's voice was affectionate and magnetic, and his eyes couldn't help looking at En Keke's chest a few more times. It was all packed tightly before, so Dong Shaoqing really didn't know that she was so predictable.

Although he has long been a veteran in the field of love, the impact of the contrast between the front and back of the encore is too great. He knows that the encore is very beautiful, but he did not expect it to be so beautiful. Therefore, at this moment, Dong Shaoqing felt My heart was trembling, and I couldn't hide the greed in my eyes.

An Keke's reaction was the same as before, directly ignoring this guy who she found more annoying and disgusting than hundreds of flies. Crazy, what does it matter to you if I look good?

She's obviously just an idiot, but she still has to pretend to be very powerful. She's obviously a full-fledged gangster and prostitute, but she's pretending to be gentle and refined.

Yes, others may not know it, but Encore probably knows it. Although this guy is indeed a Harvard graduate, he was actually made with money!

Yes, being rich means you can do whatever you want, including those who have not enough grades but can easily enter institutions of higher learning like Harvard.

With Dong Shaoqing's real strength, let alone Harvard, he might not even be able to get into a third-rate university in China.

As for his so-called investment... If it wasn't for his father helping him behind the scenes, he would have lost as much as a grandson.

Also, as the son of Dong Jun, the behind-the-scenes boss of Brilliant Entertainment, he is proud of his cleanliness and has not been rumored to have an affair with any female celebrity... Liar, who doesn't know that many female celebrities have slept in his bed? Besides, who dares to report the gossip about him?

Faced with Enkeke's reaction, Dong Shaoqing still had a gentle smile on his face, and he didn't care at all. After all, now he already knew that Enkeke did it on purpose.

However, Dong Shaoqing doesn't mind tearing down the disguise of Encore now, for example, hugging her sexy and charming waist, and then giving her an extremely domineering deep kiss, then she will definitely reveal her true self With a shy face, she pushed herself away, and said coquettishly, Young Master Dong, so many people are watching, you are so annoying...

Encore's shy appearance was imagined in his mind, Dong Shaoqing only felt that his bones were numb.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened to everyone. I saw An Keke bypassing Dong Shaoqing very simply, with eyes and expressions as if he was planning to avoid an annoying obstacle, and then went straight to the corner. walked over.

There was only one young man in that corner, standing there alone, with no other people around him, so he seemed so out of place with the surrounding environment.

Then, everyone had already seen that Enkeke went straight to the man, and then she smiled, and she grinned at the man, it was a very bright and sweet smile that can only be seen when facing the boy she likes. A smile that will bloom.

"Asshole, don't I look good?" An Keke said in a slightly coquettish voice, and even puffed out her chest.

The audience fell into an extremely strange dead silence for an instant.

The smile on Dong Shaoqing's face that had already stretched out his hand to hug Enkeke's slender waist froze, and that hand was simply frozen there, as if it had been frozen.

The muscles on Sister Yun's face twitched wildly, her eyeballs almost fell off, she couldn't believe her eyes and ears.

Those male and female stars who put their eyes on Encore were also completely dumbfounded. The reversal of the plot was so fast that they couldn't keep up with their brains for a while.

Isn't what should happen next, Dong Shaoqing and An Keke have a deep kiss and sprinkle dog food? Why was An Keke running in front of a kid who appeared out of nowhere, showing such a sweet smile, saying those words in a coquettish tone, and even puffing out her chest.

"Looks good, you are the prettiest woman here...just too revealing." Li Zedao pointed to the spring light exposed on her chest, and said with some dissatisfaction, "Just this once, you won't allow it in the future, I don't It’s so generous, it’s mine, and I can only see it.”

"Damn it, people know, it's not because you said that I didn't know my chest, so I wanted to show you the truth." An Keke's pretty face was slightly red, and Li Zedao's words were really blatant to her, which made her feel very Excuse me.

Immediately, his eyes became a little crazy again: "However, you are really handsome when you wear a suit."

"Just average handsome, just more handsome than all the men present." Li Zedao was still very modest.

Because the audience can be said to be completely silent now, the pianist on the stage who was playing the piano emotionally was also shocked by this scene, and couldn't continue playing anymore.

Therefore, the conversation between the two people, whose voices were not loud but with such a huge amount of information, reached everyone's ears so clearly and piercingly. cooked.

Then, Li Zedao naturally became the absolute focus all of a sudden, becoming so dazzling that it was ten times more dazzling than the crystal lamp above his head.

So, that strange boy who stayed silently in the corner by himself turned out to be An Keke's boyfriend? Is Encore's move intended to fully expose the relationship?

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