The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1840 Slap in the face

⑧ろ⺗裞蛧Modern salary is the most expensive→ωωω.ろⅢχs.てoм is worth collecting online novel reading network

"It's you who go, I won't go, I want you to carry me."

"I'm dressed like this, but I can't walk. If I didn't wear it for you to show you, I wouldn't wear this kind of clothes. It almost makes me breathless, and the high heels I wear are higher than usual. My feet hurt like hell."

"But you are fascinated by me. I'm so happy... Bastard, don't try to deny it. I won't believe it even if you deny it. I can see that your eyes are bright."

An Keke looked at Li Zedao with a smile in her beautiful eyes. An Keke started chirping, with a constant smile on her face, and she was as happy as a bird breaking free from its cage and returning to the blue sky.

A gust of evening wind blew, and Ankeke's body shrank. Dressed like this, he would naturally not feel cold in the hall of the villa, but now that he walked out, he could already feel the coolness.

"Is it cold?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Cold." An Keke said pitifully.

Li Zedao smiled, took off the suit jacket he was wearing, helped An Keke put it on, then grabbed the long skirt of the dress, turned around and squatted down slightly.

Without any hesitation, En Keke laid down on Li Zedao's back with a happy face, and wrapped his arms around his neck tightly.

Li Zedao stood up and strode forward. An Keke gently leaned his head on his shoulder and asked, "Bastard, hurry up and tell me everything about you."

"Sing Conquer for me first." Li Zedao laughed.

"Bastard!" An Ke laughed and scolded, biting Li Zedao's neck. Of course, he didn't bite, but kissed lightly, and then hummed softly with a happy face, "That's it Conquered by you, cut off all escape routes... Is this the head office? You hate it to death."

Ten minutes later, Li Zedao walked out of the gate of the villa with Enkeke on his back. Along the way, he met many staff such as the security personnel of the villa. Of course, he was not stopped in any way.

After leaving the villa, Li Zedao walked forward step by step along the main road.

At this time, it was already dark, and since this is a suburb, everything on both sides was extremely quiet, and there were no vehicles to be seen at all. The street lamp shone on the two of them, casting two long shadows.

At the same time, Li Zedao also told Encore about his current situation bit by bit.


In the resplendent hall, the atmosphere in the hall has naturally become more normal because of the departure of Li Zedao and Enkeke. Of course, no one dares to flatter Dong Shaoqing who is staying in the corner with champagne. Stupid to touch this mold.

Those who thought that the hunk was Zhang Jikun's assistant also looked at Zhang Jikun with slightly weird eyes from time to time, who seemed to have nothing to do. Those who had a better friendship would inevitably worry about him. This time his assistant was naturally Offended Dong Shaoqing to the death, there is no room for relaxation, I am afraid Zhang Jikun is going to be in bad luck, right?

I secretly decided that from now on, it would be better to stay away from Dong Shaoqing.

"Dong Shao, that damned guy left the villa behind Miss An's back. It looks like he's planning to go to a place with a car and take a taxi." Behind him, a man in black whispered in Dong Shaoqing's ear.

The man in black is Dong Shaoqing's personal bodyguard, named Ah Zhong. Before Dong Shaoqing went to Harvard to study, Ah Zhong also followed him. In addition, he also helped Dong Shaoqing do some shady things, so he was deeply trusted by Dong Shaoqing.

"Understood, Ah Zhong, let them see the opportunity and act." Dong Shaoqing said after drinking the champagne in his hand, his eyes had already burst into an extremely terrifying fierce light, and his voice was filled with infinite hatred and hatred. hate.

"Yes, Young Master Dong." The man named Ah Zhong nodded slightly, turned around, walked to the corner, and made a call.

Half an hour later, Ah Zhong received a photo on his mobile phone. In the photo, a man and a woman were tied up and thrown on the back seat of a van, and their heads were covered with black bags. Their faces could not be seen, but the man was wearing a handsome suit. The casual suit of the two, and the extremely noble evening dress worn by the woman, so the identities of the two are naturally beyond doubt.

After receiving this photo, Ah Zhong hurriedly walked behind Dong Shaoqing quietly, and said in a low voice: "Young Master Li, Heizi and the others have succeeded." As he spoke, Ah Zhong handed over the mobile phone in his hand.

Dong Shaoqing glanced at the mobile phone screen, and there was a hint of ferocity in his eyes, that handsome face was simply distorted, and there was an extremely cruel line at the corner of his mouth.

"How long will this dinner be over?" Dong Shaoqing asked.

"It will probably take about an hour and a half, but if you are in a hurry, Mr. Dong, just leave the next thing to the servants. After all...these people don't think too much." Ah Zhong said very cryptically. After all, I have already lost all face, and it is normal to want to leave early after seeing people without face.

"It's not that they don't know how to think too much, but they don't dare to think too much." Dong Shaoqing said in a domineering and cold tone, "Just as you said, the next thing about this dinner will be left to the servants, let's go and have a good time first." serve customer."

Dong Shaoqing accentuated his tone, and spat out the words "entertaining guests" fiercely.

"Yes, Young Master Dong, I'll give the order." Ah Zhong nodded slightly.


Brilliant Clubhouse, this is a club under Brilliant Entertainment that is used to entertain VIPs and hold some important receptions.

The reason why Dong Jun, the super crocodile in the entertainment industry, did not attend the charity auction dinner tonight was because he wanted to hand over the resources he had in his hands to his son Dong Shaoqing bit by bit.

On the other hand, there is also a reception tonight in this glorious club. Naturally, the reception is not as star-studded as the charity auction dinner, but all the people present at this reception are business tycoons.

A taxi slowly stopped at the entrance of Guanghui Clubhouse, a man and a woman opened the door and got out of the car. The man looked at the gate of the clubhouse in front of him, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised in an inexplicable way.

"Let's go, slap Dong Jun in the face." Li Zedao's mouth, which was hidden in the mask, slightly turned up in a playful way.

An Keke's eyes hidden under the sunglasses instantly lit up and said, "Asshole, what does it feel like to slap someone in the face?"

"Haven't you ever slapped anyone else?"

"Asshole, do you think I'm the kind of person who can slap people's ears?" An Keke was furious at Li Zedao's words, making her seem violent.

Well, in fact, Encore has long slapped Dong Shaoqing and Dong Jun's hypocritical faces. It's a pity that this kind of thing can only be thought about, and it is really powerless.

Li Zedao didn't expose her lies, and said with a wicked smile, "You'll know after a while, it's a really cool feeling."

"Really?" Ankeke's eyes glowed, as if a wolf saw meat, and his small face was full of anticipation.

At this time, the parking lot at the entrance of the Guanghui clubhouse was full of luxury cars. It was conceivable that there were a lot of people attending the reception, and they were all rich.

Therefore, it is naturally extremely suspicious for these two ordinary-dressed Li Zedao and An Keke to appear at the door of this club. Therefore, they were simply stopped by the cold-faced man in a suit standing at the door He even had a face full of vigilance, as if he was staring at two extremely dangerous figures.

After all, these two people are not only wearing ordinary clothes, but also acting strangely. They are even wearing sunglasses, masks and hats at night... This is not only sick, but also sick.

However, when Li Zedao took out a gold-plated invitation card and handed it over, the man immediately changed his face, and made a gesture of invitation to Li Zedao and En Keke respectfully, and led the way into the clubhouse , and finally came to the entrance of a hall that was luxuriously decorated.

The reception was held here, with the melodious sound of the piano and noisy voices. Obviously, the reception had already begun, but it was not over yet.

When Li Zedao and An Keke, who were wearing sunglasses, peaked caps and even masks, appeared, there was an instant silence in the hall, and then everyone's eyes fell on Li Zedao and An Keke. Strong doubts.

Who are these two inexplicably dressed people, and how did they appear here? Is it... waiter? How can the waiter be dressed like this?

Are you here for a reception? That's even more unbelievable, how can you wear this kind of clothes to participate in this level of wine? What is even more puzzling is that the man and the woman almost covered their faces, as if they were afraid of being recognized.

Therefore, it gave people the feeling that these two people didn't come to the reception at all, but more like they came to smash the scene or even rob something.

However, if there is really a conspiracy, how could the staff of the club let him in like this? You know, without an invitation post, there is absolutely no way to enter this place.

Li Zedao ignored other people's gazes, and remained calm in the court. He immediately hugged Ankeke's waist and walked forward while quickly scanning the surroundings. Finally, his eyes fell on a place in the hall, where there were several middle-aged men. Zheng Zheng squinted slightly and stared at himself and Ankeke.

One of the men was in his 40s or 50s, with a square face, tall, and not too small, and his face was even more heroic. He looked at Li Zedao and An Keke with sharp eyes and a hint of puzzlement.

"He is Dong Jun." An Keke said in a low voice.

"Slap him in the face." Li Zedao raised the corner of his mouth slightly inexplicably, and then walked towards Dong Jun's position.


Girl Mountain is a small mountain not far from Lacrosse Villa, but its geographical environment and location are not as good as the green hill where Lacrosse Villa is located, so it has not been developed.

At this time, in front of a dilapidated Yuelao Temple on the halfway up Girl Mountain, two black shadows stood quietly at the door, as if they were waiting for someone to come.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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