The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1841 Humiliation

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At this moment, a beam of strong light hit, followed by the roar of the engine.

"Dong Shaoqing is here." The man standing in front glanced back at a man in black who was standing there tremblingly, and said coldly, "I don't need to teach you what to do?"

"No, no, big brother, don't worry, I know." The man in black quickly apologized, but his voice was trembling.

"I'm not your brother, you say I am your brother, you are insulting me." The man was very upset. I am a fighter among the elite, you are just a punk, who is your brother?

The man in black smiled terrifiedly, and didn't dare to say anything more. He hurriedly stepped forward and stood in front of the man, exhaled heavily, and tried to calm himself down.

Soon, a Land Rover stopped in front of the two of them. Immediately afterwards, the co-pilot's door was kicked open, and Dong Shaoqing, who was expressionless, got out of the car first. Immediately afterwards, his personal bodyguard Ah Zhong also stepped out of the car. Jumped out of position.

"Young Master Li, Brother Zhong..." The man in black who forced himself to calm down hurriedly approached him, nodding and bowing, and said with a smile. As for the other man, his head was slightly lowered, and in addition to the darkness around him, he really couldn't see his face clearly.

"Why just the two of you?" Ah Zhong asked.

"Oh, I let them watch around. Once someone approaches, they can immediately find out...Although it's a barren mountain, it's better to be careful, right?" Heizi laughed along.

Ah Zhong nodded, no doubt about him, it's better to be careful.

"Heizi, where are you?" Ah Zhong asked.

"Both of them were inside. The woman was tied to a chair. A piece of cloth was stuffed into her mouth to prevent her from barking. As for the man, because he was struggling so hard and he was like a mad dog, he went to the second dog. He took a severe bite on his arm and was knocked out with a stick by me, and he hasn’t woken up yet.” Heizi hurriedly reported.

"Dong Shao, everyone is inside." Ah Zhong turned to look at Dong Shaoqing's report.

Dong Shaoqing stared blankly at the Yuelao Temple with the lights projected from it. Although his expression was calm, his heart was burning with raging fire. He couldn't wait to press Encore under his body and teach her a lesson. In this way, his anger can be extinguished a little bit.

As for that bastard, there will naturally be someone to treat him well. These days, many men treat beautiful women like dung,

But seeing the little boy is like a wolf seeing meat.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Dong Shaoqing had to think that that bastard did have the capital to be a badass.

As for the consequences... Does Dong Shaoqing need to consider the consequences when he does things? Not required!

"You stand guard at the door, I'll just go in by myself." Dong Shaoqing looked at Ah Zhong and said, he was not in the habit of taking off his pants in front of men.

"Yes, Young Master Dong." Ah Zhong nodded.

Dong Shaoqing didn't say anything, and strode into the Yuelao Temple.

After walking in, Dong Shaoqing frowned suddenly. The musty and rotten smell in the temple made him extremely uncomfortable, and his stomach twisted slightly, and he almost vomited out without holding back.

If he didn't want to torture the adulterer to death, he really didn't want to stay for a second.

The light of the camping lantern placed there dispelled the darkness of the dilapidated Yuelao Temple, so Dong Shaoqing could clearly see a man whose head was covered with a black bag was tied up and lying there motionless, looking at him The flamboyant clothes she was wearing were undoubtedly that bastard.

Another woman was tied to an old chair. The woman's head was also covered with a black bag, and her face could not be seen, but she was wearing that expensive evening dress, and she wore a black bag around her neck. A blue gem is still shining brightly under the light of the camping lamp, and there is a deep groove on the chest, who is it if it is not Encoco?

Dong Shaoqing could clearly see that Enkeke's body was trembling slightly, and her breathing was heavy, so... are you scared?

"Ha...haha..." Dong Shaoqing looked at Enkeke triumphantly but laughed crazily, bent down, laughed until tears came out, and laughed so much that his stomach ached.

At this moment, he looked like a psychopath.

After laughing for more than a minute, he gradually stopped smiling. The weird smile on his face before was replaced by a ferocious smile, and he said gloomily: "Enkeke, I think even if I don't say it, you It must be very clear who tied you here... Oh, that's right, it was me, Dong Shaoqing, who tied you here, guess what I will... punish you?"

Dong Shaoqing moved over with his hands, and while stroking the face through the bag, he clearly felt how much this delicate body was trembling, and he was already full of the pleasure of revenge, and continued to say grimly: "Although I can't see your face, I think you should turn pale with fright now? Why do you say you are doing this? Why do you reject me? You reject me...Of course you can't let it go, I How could the woman Dong Shaoqing fell in love with escape from my palm?"

"Tonight, you are too irrational, quite irrational, how can you join forces with such a bastard to humiliate me? You slapped me in the face in front of so many people, and you made me so stupid Spending 49 million for charity... is it fun?"

"Or are you naively thinking that you left from Junyue Villa, plus that bastard is Zhou Xiaolu's assistant, so I dare not attack least not tonight, and dare not be so blatant?"

Dong Shaoqing laughed sinisterly, the sharp laughter echoed in the small and quiet space, it was so harsh: "Are you underestimating me? Or maybe you are too overestimating yourself Are you surprised that I am tied here now? Are you surprised?"

Looking at this delicate body that trembled even more, Dong Shaoqing's face became even more ferociously distorted, and the hand that was holding her face moved down little by little, and finally his index finger was lightly placed on the deep path. Rubbing lightly in the ditch, and then the hand went in at once, holding the soft mass directly.

The delicate, cool and soft hands made Dong Shaoqing's heart really hot.

But he is not in a hurry to study Enkeke's wonderful body. Anyway, the night is long, and sometimes, he wants to continue to scare Ankeke and torture her nerves. He wants to play slowly. He is a cat, and Enkeke is just a cat. Just a poor little mouse.

At the moment when his hand started to exert force, he clearly felt that the soft lump was deformed by himself, and then said with a grim face: "Now I know I'm afraid? It's late, it's really late. But you can rest assured that killing people I don’t dare to kill anyone who breaks the law, let alone a well-known person like you. At best, I will first take a good look at your body by myself, and then I will ask a few more people to accompany you to study the human body. Structure... Oh, of course, it would be too wasteful not to capture such a wonderful picture, but after it is captured, it is not allowed to be seen by more people, which is a kind of blasphemy against art, what do you think?"

"As for your adulterer... oh, I won't favor one person over another, don't worry, many men will treat him well." Dong Shaoqing looked at the comatose bastard on the ground with a nervous smile on his face. There is a terrifying fierce light in the eyes.

At this moment, he looked like a ghost.

At that moment, the other hand stretched out and grabbed the bag on An Keke's head.

He couldn't wait to see her face, it must be that her face was pale and painful, right? Tsk tsk, just thinking about it makes my heart ache.

At that moment, Dong Shaoqing's hand exerted a little force, and directly pulled the hood on Enkeke's head.

Then, his heart twitched violently, the nervous smile froze in an instant, and the eyeballs that were originally full of the pleasure of revenge became round and round, and almost fell off. The soft hand was pulled out all at once, as if touching a ball of sparks.

Immediately afterwards, his whole body sat down on the ground, and then twisted his buttocks vigorously and retreated desperately.

"Ghost...Ghost..." Dong Shaoqing's face turned green with fright, and he screamed, "Ghost, Ah Zhong..."

Where is this Enkeke's face that makes me feel pitiful even when I cry? It was a grimace at all.


Li Zedao put his arms around An Keke's waist, walked up to Dong Jun with his head held high and his chest upright, full of confidence, so these people were puzzled, but they didn't dare to underestimate him. After all, not everyone has such an aura. In front of people, he can still be so calm.

Dong Jun's scorching eyes alternated back and forth between Li Zedao's and An Keke's faces. The sexy man gave him a strange feeling, and he probably hadn't seen it before, but the female gave him a familiar feeling, but her Her face was covered too tightly, so she couldn't tell who she was for a while.

He grinned at the corner of his mouth and said, "You two look a little unfamiliar, are you invited by me to the reception?"

Dong Jun knew who the invitation letter was sent to, so he knew very clearly that these two people were not the ones he invited to the reception.

Of course, it is not ruled out that someone deliberately made such a joke with him.

But for Dong Jun, what he has always disliked the most is joking, he is a person who can't take jokes.

At the same time, many people have already started whispering, wondering what is the origin of these two people, how to enter this clubhouse, but looking at Dong Jun, it seems that they don't know these two people.

Of course, what I dislike even more than joking is making trouble on purpose. If these two people really come to make trouble, Dong Jun doesn't mind throwing them out.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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