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Capture the thief first and capture the king first, as long as you subdue this boy who easily made their boss immobilized and let the woman smack his face with a shoe, the woman is nothing to worry about.

However, just when his fist was about to hit Li Zedao's face, Li Zedao's forehead and body were slightly tilted back, and at the same time, his right hand suddenly exerted force, so Dong Jun's body was pulled to Li Zedao's uncontrollably. before.

The bodyguard's face changed drastically. If the punch was real, wouldn't he beat the boss half to death? But it was too late to withdraw his fist. So there was only a muffled sound of "bang!", and the bodyguard's fist slammed into Dong Jun's right eye socket.

"Ah!" Dong Jun cried out in pain, screaming again and again.

Just now he was slapped slap by slap with a shoe, and even his nose was bleeding, but Enkeke's strength is not that great after all, so the injury was not serious, and he was full of anger that had no place to vent. Face felt that it was too embarrassing to shout out, so for a while, the pain nerves were really numb.

But now, the bodyguard was doing his best, so Dong Jun couldn't take it anymore, and screamed out in pain. He was in so much pain that he almost doubted his life.

"Ah... Boss, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." The bodyguard's face turned pale with fright, and he explained incoherently.

Before he could finish explaining, Li Zedao simply kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying. In the end, he fell heavily on the thick carpet, and let out that dull moan. The sound really makes one's scalp tingle. I'm afraid the bones will break, right?

The other bodyguard was smarter. Seeing that his companion not only punched the boss in the eye, but was also kicked flying, he immediately changed the attacking partner and rushed directly to Enkeke.

It seems that the king can't be captured anymore, so take that woman as a hostage and let the king fight the rat.

Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

Before the others rushed forward, a large shoe with a large sole magnified infinitely in his pupils, and then it was printed on his face fiercely, kicking him out directly.

The expressions of the remaining bodyguards changed, and they didn't dare to act rashly anymore. They were afraid that one of them would accidentally injure the boss, and they were even more afraid that, like their two companions, it would be over before it even started.

This guy who dare not show his true colors is a master, a terrible master! If they go up, they are destined to be kicked down, so why go up?

At that moment, Li Zedao clasped Dong Jun's hand again,

The pain caused Dong Jun to scream again, and he felt that his emotions were about to collapse.

"Make your bodyguards slap their face!" Li Zedao laughed, he would not miss any chance to humiliate Dong Jun.

"Slap your face! Quickly slap yourself in the face!" Dong Jun had to grit his teeth and growl. Although this will undoubtedly slap him in the face again, it will inevitably make people feel chilling. After that, these bodyguards will definitely hold grudges and won't do it again Protect him carefully. But he couldn't control it anymore, he was really afraid that this man would cut off his hand abruptly.

The eyes of the remaining three bodyguards flashed fierceness, but they couldn't help but slapped themselves hard on the face.

"Continue!" Li Zedao said.

So, the three of them could only continue to slap their faces.

"Crack! Crack! Crack..." For a while, the applause kept ringing.

"Okay, if anyone dares to do it, next time it won't be as simple as just hitting yourself in the face." Li Zedao said with a cold smile.

"You...what else do you want?" Dong Jun glanced at Li Zedao, and then his eyes fell on An Keke.

"Do you know why I dare to beat you so brazenly?" An Keke asked with a cold smile, looking at Dong Jun whose cheeks were swollen and one eye was covered with blood and could not be opened.

Then he reached out and took off the sunglasses and mask on his face, revealing his delicate little face. At this moment, this little face was full of sarcasm.

These shopping giants present naturally don't chase celebrities, but they play celebrities, so many people immediately recognized her as the Encore who is known as the Asian r\u0026b queen. She is also an artist of Guanghui Entertainment, which means Dong Jun is her boss.

Now she brought people to the door and slapped Dong Jun's face with a shoe in front of so many people... Isn't she afraid of being blocked, or even a bigger accident?

Dong Jun's eyes showed an extremely vicious light, as if he was staring at a dead person.

"Because... my husband is here." An Keke gave an awesome answer.

"..." This answer really made Dong Jun, and everyone present, feel as if he had been struck alive.

An Keke looked at Li Zedao, and after bursting out with an extremely charming smile, he looked at Dong Jun again with eyes full of sarcasm: "So I can whip you as much as I want, and if something happens, my husband will be helped. bear it."


Quite a few people had weird expressions on their faces. Does Enkeke really have a husband? Just the hunk next to her? Where exactly is it sacred? I'm afraid the background is huge, right? Otherwise, how could he dare to torment Dong Jun like this?

Dong Jun's body was trembling, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. I dare say that the reason why he was beaten so badly was all thanks to her so-called husband. Of course, I was also wondering in my heart, when did Enkeke climb up to such a man? Is that son of mine an idiot? How come you don't even know about this kind of thing?

At that moment, he was staring at this damned bastard who basically blocked his face with extremely vicious eyes, and his mind was also thinking about who the so-called husband of Enkeke was, and how much energy he had to make him Enkeke dared to do such an excessive thing to himself so unscrupulously.

"Do you know why I dare to indulge my wife to beat you like this?" Li Zedao asked the same question with a chuckle.

"Who are you?" Dong Jun gritted his teeth and asked, "I don't seem to have any enmity with you, right?"

"You let people kidnap two of my friends. What's more, you used despicable means to squeeze my wife. You wanted to beat me just now, and now you want to tear me up to vent your hatred... This is No injustice or enmity?" Li Zedao said angrily.

Dong Jun was silent, even if he really had no grievances in the past, he has now formed a life-and-death enemy, no matter what price he pays, he will not let this bastard and An Keke see the sun tomorrow!

"As for why you dare to indulge my wife to beat you...that's because my cousin is here, anyway, if something happens, my cousin will help me." Li Zedao said again.

"Wow!" There was an uproar in the audience again, those shopping mall giants looked at each other, looking at each other, and they were extremely curious about who the cousin he was talking about was present.

Dong Jun almost spat out another mouthful of blood, the reason why he was beaten so badly was all thanks to his cousin, so it was his cousin who really wanted to make trouble with him?

At that moment, with the corner of his cold eyes, he glanced at a few business owners who usually had some business disputes with him, and when those people came into contact with Dong Jun's corner of the eye, they quickly shook their heads slightly, expressing that it was not him.

They knew very well that Dong Jun was completely angry this time, and a person who is thoroughly irritated would often do some crazy things that would kill him.

They are not afraid of Dong Jun, but they are really worried that they will bite like a mad dog and kill the fish, and then they will cry without tears.

Li Zedao didn't say anything, and he even let go of Dong Jun's wrist.

After his wrist was freed, Dong Jun took two steps back, and his bodyguards hurried forward to support him, and protected Dong Jun behind them. Everyone seemed to be facing a big enemy, afraid that Li Zedao would strike again.

Li Zedao didn't do it again, but grabbed a chair beside him, let An Keke sit down, and sprinkled dog food in public... He gently helped her put on the shoes, and the latter had an extremely sweet smile on his face , eyes watery.

After helping An Keke put on the shoes, Li Zedao looked at Dong Jun and said, "For the sake of your pig-headed face, I would like to remind you that the two people who were kidnapped by you have special identities. Even if you, Dong Jun, have nine lives, it’s not enough to die!”

"I... don't know what you're talking about." Dong Jun said every word in a vicious voice.

"Is it really not you? Or is it your son?" Li Zedao muttered, "Forget it, even if your son did it, you have to pay full responsibility for it. Isn't it the son's fault for being unfilial to his father? The reason why your son Dare to be so arrogant and bastard, naturally cannot do without the influence of you as a father."

"..." Dong Jun only felt that his throat had started to feel sweet, and immediately there was liquid flowing out from the corner of his mouth. Of course he didn't reach out to wipe it, it's too embarrassing.

The mind was surging even more violently, so it was that damn rebellious son who offended people outside? Who did he really tie up? Dirty stuff!

Li Zedao didn't say anything, he hugged Encore, who was smiling so sweetly that he felt like eating candy, and turned to leave.

Dong Jun stared at the backs of the two with extremely vicious eyes, his lips moved, but no one stopped him after all. He knew that these bodyguards couldn't stop him, and when the time came, he would get annoyed again and continue to smack himself in the face with his shoes, so what should he do?

Of course, it is impossible to let this couple go, and it is even more impossible for him to let go of his cousin! No matter who the other party is, even if it is the Heavenly King, Dong Jun swears that he will ruthlessly bite off a piece of flesh from the other party!

But just when everyone thought that the couple who were so awesome were going to walk out of the banquet hall like this, they actually walked towards a handsome man in his thirties.

For a moment, everyone's eyes also fell on that man, and their eyes widened slightly. Isn't this Su Mingqi invested by the Su Corporation?

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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