The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1845 True Identity

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Dong Jun's hard-to-see eyes also locked on to Su Mingqi at once, and there was already an extremely terrifying aura in his pupils. So, the cousin this bastard is talking about is Su Mingqi? Is Su Mingqi feeling sorry for himself? Well, you Su Mingqi, do you think the Su family is standing behind you, so I wouldn't dare to do anything to you?

Su Mingqi was shocked when he saw these two men who dared to beat Dong Jun to death walking towards him, he took a step back subconsciously, and his personal bodyguard hurried forward to catch Su Mingqi He stopped behind him, staring at the pair of men and women who came over with extremely vigilant and solemn eyes, ready to make a move.

Naturally, the female bodyguards were ignored, but the man, judging from the fact that he had dealt with Dong Jun's bodyguards in twos and threes just now, was quite a formidable opponent, so the pressure on Su Mingqi's bodyguards was naturally huge. Don't feel like I'm capable of stopping it.

Su Mingqi and his bodyguard made this move, so everyone understood that Su Mingqi was not the cousin he relied on, he wanted to continue to slap Su Mingqi in the face after he finished smoking Dong Jun... Tonight's reception will be a wonderful event Cheng ah, not in vain.

At the same time, Dong Jun's extremely bad mood improved a lot in an instant.

But at this moment, Li Zedao took off his sunglasses and looked at Su Mingqi, with an inexplicable smile in his eyes and said: "Cousin, no matter how much trouble I have caused, you will help me take care of it, right?"

"Li... Li Zedao?" Su Mingqi's eyeballs suddenly widened, and the muscles on his face were already so twitched that he couldn't feel it. He never thought of saying that the one who broke into this glorious club would make a fuss and slap Dong Jun violently. The person with the face turned out to be... Li Zedao.

Before, although I felt that the figure and voice of this tough man seemed familiar, but I didn't think much about it.

At the same time, the entire audience was in an uproar. Everyone's eyes turned back and forth on Li Zedao and Su Mingqi. So, he is the cousin of this hunk? So, he is from the Yanjing Su family?

But that's not right, if Su Mingqi was his cousin, why did he take a step back in fright just now, and his bodyguard is even more like an enemy? Could it be... Su Mingqi was beaten so hard by him before that he was afraid of being beaten?

Dong Jun's heart was filled with extremely strong helplessness and grievance, and his grievance almost brought tears to his eyes.

At first, I thought that I was not fighting alone, and that I had someone to accompany me on the road of losing face, so I would not be so lonely, and I would not be so unique and dazzling, but now... what is this?

more importantly,

If this bastard is really a member of the Su family, and a person who makes Su Mingqi afraid even when he sees it, then today's humiliation is really for nothing, his face was also slapped for nothing, his eyes... must be... Can't let go of that damned idiot who dared to put his fist in his eyes.

And An Keke, when did this damned bitch hook up with a child from the Su family and become his woman? Why doesn't he even know about such an important thing? Encore's secrecy work is so strong?

At the same time, Li Zedao put on the sunglasses again, looked at Su Mingqi with a smile and said, "Cousin, what do you mean by not talking? Don't you want to help me?"

"I...willing..." Su Mingqi almost punched the bastard's face off, he felt very humiliated, but he had to grit his teeth to say these three words even harder He forced a smile on his twitching face.

Li Zedao turned his head, looked at Dong Jun with a wonderful expression, and said, "Mr. Dong, can I let my brother let go of the two people who were kidnapped by you or your son this time? Otherwise, my cousin But it's very powerful, he's more visceral than me, for example, he will secretly have someone put a penis on you, turning you into a drug dealer, and then I'm afraid you won't even know how you died."

"..." Su Mingqi's face was slightly distorted, and he felt that the words behind this bastard were too much.

But he had to make a statement, looking at Dong Jun with great difficulty, he said: "That old Dong, of course I believe that this matter has nothing to do with you, but I believe that my cousin will not be aimless... ..."

When he said this, Su Mingqi was so guilty.

"So, your son should be messing around. Old Dong, you should go back and find out about your son, and don't let things get out of hand."

"I... think so too." Dong Jun felt that he was about to gnaw his teeth into pieces. He was not afraid of Su Mingqi, but he did not dare to provoke Su Mingqi easily. After all, the current Wei family is no longer the Wei of the past. The current Su family is not the Su family in the past.

The two big families that used to be on par, because of a bastard, the Wei family suffered heavy losses, while the Su family took a step closer, and now the gap visible to the naked eye has widened.

Besides, Su Mingqi is an upright child of the Su family, and to put it bluntly, it is a dog raised by the Wei family. It is impossible for the Wei family to fight with the children of the Su family because of their dog, and then die with the Su family. To the end, they might even choose to kill the dog in order to appease the Su family's anger.

"It may be true that I was my bastard son messing around. I will find out the facts as soon as possible and give you an explanation." Dong Jun looked at Li Zedao, and forcefully squeezed out a rather ugly look on his pig-headed face. Smile out.

"Then trouble Mr. Dong, then my wife and I will leave first. After all, we are dressed like this, and it is really not suitable for this kind of reception." Li Zedao said with some embarrassment. Then he hugged An Keke's waist, and left the resplendent hall under the gaze of everyone who looked so weird.

As soon as Li Zedao and An Keke left, the reception would naturally end. Even though Dong Jun was thick-skinned, he couldn't pretend that nothing had happened and continue talking and laughing with others.

Su Mingqi didn't leave immediately, he had to clarify some things with Dong Jun. Although he wasn't afraid of Dong Jun, he didn't want him to set up such an enemy. Even though it was a dog, this dog was quite fierce. If one was accidentally bitten, it would naturally be quite uncomfortable.

Of course, you only need to tell Dong Jun that the guy who slapped you is actually Li Zedao. Su Mingqi can predict that Dong Jun's expression will be quite exciting, right?

Su Mingqi was waiting in the reception room first. After all, Dong Jun's face was completely smeared, and his nosebleeds were still bleeding, so he had to deal with it first.

As for Dong Jun, he came to the spacious office that only belonged to him in the clubhouse, and then his emotions broke out completely. He simply smashed everything in the office, and he was out of breath. Let someone simply help him deal with the wound on his face.

While treating the wound, he also made a few phone calls to find out the situation, and finally learned that An Keke had a big fight with her man who had never appeared before at a charity dinner, and severely humiliated Dong Shaoqing. Well, after Enkeke and the others left, Dong Shaoqing also left immediately. As for where he went, no one knew.

Listening to Dong Jun, he was so angry that he wanted to smash things again, that is to say, those two bastards came to make a big fuss at the reception right after the charity dinner, and their father and son were humiliated in turn, they really deserve to die !

Dong Jun tried to get in touch with his son Dong Shaoqing, but he couldn't get in touch no matter what. At that moment, an extremely bad feeling filled his heart.

Judging by the situation, something will happen to him, right? Then those two bastards came to sue first?

He was really worried about his son's safety, so Dong Jun didn't care to rub some more medicine on his face and hurried to the lounge where Su Mingqi was.

There are some questions that he needs to get answers from Su Mingqi, such as the real identity of that bastard. Dong Jun thought about it seriously, the Su family didn't seem to have such a person.

"Old Su..." Dong Jun greeted with a half-smile, then the corners of his mouth twitched, and he gasped slightly. When Pi smiled, it involved the wound on his face, and the pain made him want to curse.

"Old Dong, although the Su family and the Wei family are not getting along now, they had a good relationship before. We can be regarded as friends who have known each other for many years, right? As a friend, I really have to say something to you... You are confused, who are you messing with? No, how do you provoke him?" Su Mingqi stopped beating around Dong Jun, and said simply.

Dong Jun expressed aggrieved helplessness and puzzlement: "Old Dong, I really don't know what's going on, even, I don't think I know your cousin... Wait, is he really your cousin?"

"My cousin Susan is his woman, do you think he is my cousin?" Su Mingqi smiled wryly.

"Susan is his woman..." Dong Jun suddenly thought of something, his face turned pale instantly, like a piece of blank paper, his mind was roaring violently, and there was a huge wave in his heart, he couldn't believe it what I heard.

"He... is he Li Zedao?" Dong Jun asked with great difficulty after being dazed for a long time.

"What do you think? Otherwise, which of my cousins ​​do you think I would be afraid of? If my cousin dared to bluff in front of me, I would have already slapped him in the face." Su Mingqi said helplessly, looking at Dong Jun's face There was such pity in the eyes that Dong Jun wanted to slap him in the face.

"It seems that your short-sighted son provoked him, right? Besides, during the period when he disappeared, the Wei family held a banquet for three days and celebrated with fireworks all over the city. Afterwards, they were playing tricks in secret. It's not the kind of person who likes to suffer, and you are from the Wei family, so... you are unlucky enough to fall into his hands."

"..." Dong Jun's body trembled even more.

м.③③χs.cóм, please remember for a second

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