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According to Li Zedao's understanding, the function of this talisman is to make the soul better integrate into the body, so that the soul will not fly away. As for whether its function is really that, Li Zedao is not very clear. How to do it, just follow the example.

Ten minutes later, a Requiem Talisman was freshly released.

Li Zedao glanced a few times, and nodded in satisfaction. It seems that he has mastered another craft. This "ghost painting talisman" is still very good. If one day in the future, if you lose your job, you can put it on the side of the road. At the booth, Tiekou cut a fortune, and then helped people draw talismans to avoid evil, and in addition to being so handsome, the business will definitely be pretty good then.

After another hour, Li Zedao finally drew eight requiem talismans.

After drawing the requiem talisman, Li Zedao began to draw the gourd as described on the animal skin and began to set up the soul-calling array.

First, he took a brush dipped in the mixture of dog blood, cinnabar, and his blood, and drew a gossip with a diameter of about two meters on the open space. According to the requirements on the animal skin, he put Wu Ming's body Put it into the gossip, and also took out the yellow stone and put it in Wu Ming's mouth.

Then in the gossip, I placed bronze mirrors, peach wood, incense tables and other things that make people's scalp tingle at first sight, pasted the drawn requiem talisman, and lit two oil lamps and two fragrances.

Of course, these eerie things are not placed randomly, but have their fixed positions. For example, the positions of the two oil lamps are exactly in the two circles of Yin and Yang in the Eight Diagrams.

And what makes people's scalp tingle even more is that the oil in the oil lamp is not ordinary kerosene, but... dead body oil!

This corpse oil was also obtained from fc's underground laboratory that made ghost pills, and it was something that needed to be added when making ghost pills... Li Zedao vomited again, and this time he almost vomited out his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

In short, Li Zedao thinks such a formation is very funny, and he even wonders if he has a mental problem. Of course, it's also very weird and terrifying, and most people might have been scared out of their nerves long ago.

After setting up the formation, Li Zedao began to recite the so-called incantation written on the animal skin like a madman. Only after reciting the incantation can the formation be considered finally completed.

After chanting the mantra, there was no flash of golden light, gust of dark wind or anything, nothing happened, and the surrounding area was still eerily silent.

This made Li Zedao somewhat disappointed,

If there are any changes in the surroundings, such as some bright lights and sounds, it will be scary, but at least it proves that this situation has begun to work, which makes people feel more hopeful.

Now that no strange phenomenon has happened, it is inevitable that people feel discouraged and feel that what is recorded above is simply a lie.

Li Zedao let out a heavy breath, now he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

Everything is ready, and then you need to wait quietly for three days and three nights. Whether it can be done or not, you will see the result after three days and three nights.

In other words, Li Zedao has to stay here for at least three days and three nights. Fortunately, his courage is there, and he is not the kind of person who can't bear loneliness. He didn't think these three days were difficult, and he also planned to use these three days to walk through the forest shrouded in thick fog to see what he found.

Regarding what Mia said, Li Zedao still cared a lot about it.

The reason why General Skull sent Gene Superman to Yanjing was not to try to attack, destroy or steal the air defense system secretly developed by China, and it had nothing to do with the country or politics at all. Find the entrance to the legendary nameless cave in the forest.

Li Zedao planned to look for it to see if there really was such an entrance.


"Oh, dear Erha, are you okay?" General Skull asked, looking at the guy in front of him who had been beaten so hard that his mother didn't even recognize him.

Hitting people doesn't slap people in the face, so General Skull really thinks that Cerberus is going too far. You can see him being slapped in the face, and people can't help but feel pity when they see him.

"Poverty... Erha is fine, thank you master for your concern." Erha wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth and said. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, his chest was suddenly suffocated again, and immediately he spat out a mouthful of blood gorgeously, with two teeth in it.

Later, when he fought against the weird but powerful walking dead, Erha no longer confronted him head-on, but tangled with him deftly. The battle between the two lasted for more than an hour. In the end, the entire training room was even demolished, and now it has become a pile of ruins.

And there were two extremely unlucky members, one of whom couldn't dodge, was involved in this battle that didn't belong to them at all, and their bodies were smashed to pieces in an instant.

During the whole process, Erha's fists and feet hit Cerberus's body many times. Similarly, Cerberus' fists also hit Erha's body many times, and because General Skull attacked Cerberus in advance. The reason why he gave the order, so his fist greeted Erha's face many times.

One suffered more and more injuries, and his strength became more and more exhausted, but the other one did not suffer any damage, and still exploded with the most amazing fighting power.

So the final result can be imagined.

In the end, Erha, who was already seriously injured, was knocked to the ground with a fist of the Cerberus, and then the Cerberus stepped on Erha's chest with a hard foot. It was crushed by one foot.

"Oh, as long as you are fine, this damned hellhound, how could he strike so hard?" General Skeleton reproached very uncomfortably, and then looked at the hellhound standing there motionless, "Oh, you **** My guy, you shot too hard, do you know that you almost killed Erha... You really satisfy me."

"..." There was an inexplicable light flickering deep in Erha's eyes. He knew that it was impossible for the evil god to miss any opportunity to humiliate him.

It is also his dog, but the difference between them is still very big.

After "reproaching" the Cerberus, General Skull lit a cigar, looked back at Erha who lowered his head, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke: "Oh, dear Erha, I remembered the time in the nameless cave. The big battle, presumably those old friends from back then thought that you and I had already entered the hell of hell and didn’t exist in this world, right?”

Erha is silent, more than a thousand years have passed, there must be no legends about him and the evil god in the world, if they suddenly appear in front of them, and they find that they have become a dog of the evil god, they will probably be scared off their jaws right?

"Oh, I remember your junior sister Juejue Daoist is silently liking you, but you finally took over the Tianjimen, so you have to stay in the world of mortals, right? Then she left the Daomen from love to hate and became a nun and became a nun. Miejue Shitai? And your dear brother, Daoist Gande, who leaked the secret of the nameless cave you guarded back then."

Erha remained silent, with an inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

I was originally romantic, but my master knew the pearl with his eyes, and felt that I could inherit his mantle, so I had no choice but to stay in the world of mortals.

Junior sister, junior sister, I failed you. But you don't have to be a nun, do you? You are obviously a Taoist nun, but you are going to be a nun, this...

"Oh, by the way, there are also those damned four elephants who have the same nostrils with you. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't have suffered such serious injuries. I haven't recovered until now."

Speaking of which, General Skull laughed sinisterly, with an inexplicable glint in his eyes.

"Oh, there are still about ten days until the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar. It is the Double Ninth Festival, a traditional Chinese festival. Days, it is opened every five Jiazi, I think those old friends will be there...if they are not dead. Dear Erha, I think we should go back to Huaxia, what do you think?"

"Everything is obeyed by the master." Erha said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you one thing." The skull-headed general looked at Erha and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke ring, "You are not the only one who comprehends the scroll of heavenly secrets."

Erha raised his head abruptly, the way he looked at General Skull has changed.

"I tried to cooperate with him before, and I also wanted to kill him, but I failed. He is a very good boy." General Skeleton said with a smile, "Oh, you should be glad that he was not killed. I'll subdue it, otherwise you won't even have the chance to be a dog now."


Ganlu Temple.

In the simple but solemn Zen room, Miejue teacher was sitting cross-legged on the futon, with his eyes slightly closed, holding a string of Buddhist beads, and silently reciting the Buddhist scriptures.

Those are not ordinary beads, each of them is made of the best coral and has a history of thousands of years. If these beads are on the market, their price will surely knock people's jaws down.

In front of Mrs. Miejue, Nanji, who was dressed in plain clothes, lay there quietly, her eyes closed and motionless. If she was put into the crystal coffin in this state, it would be like a bald Sleeping Beauty waiting for the prince to come and kiss her awake.

"Amitabha, good and good." Miejue teacher's eyes suddenly opened while he was chanting the mantra, and those unusually bright eyeballs fell on Nanji at once, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

"Amitabha, Wangchen, as a teacher, I know the endless resentment in your heart. For the sake of master and apprentice, I will definitely find a chance to help you kill the murderer and replace your beloved man. And to avenge the child in your stomach who died before it was born, so you can go with peace of mind." Teacher Miejue said in a low voice.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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