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"Amitabha." Teacher Wang Chen closed his eyes again, and said something in his mouth.

After reading for a few minutes, Miejue teacher suddenly closed her mouth tightly and couldn't make a sound anymore. Immediately afterwards, her head drooped powerlessly, and then her body tilted, and she fell to the side .

That old face was not as rosy as before, and turned pale.

At the same time, the solemn meditation room fell into a strange dead silence, as if there were no living things, and even a wind was blowing, making the meditation room instantly dark and cold. The jumping candle heel jumped violently a few times, almost going out.

After touching for more than a minute, Nan Ji who was lying there suddenly opened her eyes, and then her delicate body exerted a slight force, and the whole person jumped up from the ground and stood there firmly.

She exhaled lightly, then lowered her head and looked left and right to look around her body, and finally nodded in satisfaction.

She condescendingly looked at the dead body of Miejue Shitai who was sitting there paralyzed and silent for a while, then stretched out her hand to pick up the string of prayer beads that fell aside, and said, "Amitabha, you are so good."

Then her eyes were slightly closed, and she began to silently recite the "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's Fundamental Vows Sutra", and she planned to help her beloved disciple Wang Chen to be saved.

After chanting, she opened her eyes, looked at her body a few more times, and muttered to herself: "Sure enough, every woman hopes to have a good skin, even if she is an old woman who has lived for thousands of years. Even, she is still a nun! Now it is much better than before."

"Bang! Bang!" The door of the meditation room was knocked lightly.

"Come in." She glanced back at the door and said aloud.

The door of the meditation room was pushed open, and Wang Chen walked in. She looked at her face with joy and said that she had changed into the underwear that belonged to Nanji and said, "Congratulations, master, congratulations, master."

When Master took in Liu Gen, who was not quiet at all, only wanted to kill people, and even meditated like a madman in the middle of the night, Wang Chen and the others knew Master's intentions. Master took a fancy to her body The young and beautiful body will take it as his own. After all, the body of the master is too old to be old, and it is indeed time to change it.

Afterwards, they have been preparing for this matter. Of course, there was a small episode in the middle, that is, little junior sister Wangchen was almost taken away by the damn incense thief.

"Amitabha, it's just a change of skin, nothing to congratulate." Miejue Shitai looked at Wang Chen with a kind expression on her face that didn't match her age, giving people a somewhat weird feeling.

However, Wang Chen didn't feel any discomfort, instead, his face was full of respect. Even if she did, she wouldn't dare to show it, would she?

"This string of Buddhist beads is for you. From now on, you will be the new head of our Ganlu Sect. You must remember to practice hard and don't slack off. With your aptitude, it is not impossible to become a teacher in the future." Miejue Shitai handed over the priceless string of Buddhist beads in his hand.

If this string of Buddhist beads is sold, not to mention renovating the Ganlu Temple, it is rebuilding a few new ones, it will be easy and enjoyable.

"Yes, master, this disciple will keep it in mind." Wang Chen took the string of beads and said with a nod.

"Have you prepared everything I asked you to prepare?" Miejue Shitai nodded and asked again.

"Master, I'm ready. I'm in the meditation room next door."

"Very good, you can dispose of this stinky skin." Nan Ji pointed to the corpse and said, "Also, don't forget to help Junior Sister Wang Chen recite the scriptures a few more times to save her."

"Yes, Master." Wang Chen nodded.

Immediately Miejue Shitai left the meditation room and went to the next room.

The decoration style of this room is different from the other rooms. There is no statue of Guanyin in this room, no Buddhist nunnery, no incense burner, no futons, no cigarettes, and the air does not have the smell of incense. Bursts of rose fragrance.

There is a bed with a suitcase on the bed and a dressing mirror next to the bed.

There is also a wooden bathtub placed there, which has long been filled with steaming water, and rose petals are even sprinkled on the water.

It is from these rose petals that the rose fragrance in this room comes.

At that moment Miejue Shitai walked up to the dressing mirror, looked at the exquisite little face in Jingli, and thought that it would look better with an extra head of black hair.

With such a beautiful face but a big shaved head, and such a good figure but wearing this simple and loose plain clothes, it really gives people a feeling of blasphemy.

At that moment, she took off the plain clothes on her body, revealing the white underwear and panties inside, and released the restraint of the white underwear on her chest, and two plump snow-white jade rabbits jumped out.

The two jade rabbits shook tremblingly in the mirror, as if they were unwilling to grow on a woman's body for a long time and wanted to escape.

Standing in front of the mirror, Mrs. Miejue seriously looked at the extremely delicate face that appeared in the mirror, her bright eyes, her pink skin without any blemishes, not even a single pimple caused by getting angry .

The chest is tall and straight, the waist is slender, and the round and slender thighs can instantly kill the eyes of any man.

"It's so beautiful." Jue Jue stretched out his hand while thinking in his heart, tore off the white Neku, and then stepped into the bathtub with long legs, enjoying the bath with his face full.

After soaking for half an hour, she got up and stepped out of the bathtub, picked up the towel that was prepared earlier, wiped her body dry, and then opened the suitcase.

In the suitcase were several sets of clothes prepared by the Wang'an Gang, a pair of brand new leather boots, a wig, and fashionable sunglasses.

Facing the interview mirror, Nanji put on the clothes.

Soon, a girl appeared in the mirror, wearing skinny jeans, a denim jacket, high-heeled leather boots, and long hair fluttering.

"From now on, I'm not Mrs. Miejue, I'm Liuli." Mrs. Mijue looked at herself in the mirror and grinned, revealing a mouthful of neat and white teeth. That smile was as weird as it could be.

Liuli, this was her former name.


Li Zedao leaned against the wordless tombstone, silently smoking the cigarette.

Glancing at the wrist watch on his wrist, he was really irritable, and then he exhaled a puff of smoke ring heavily.

Less than half an hour later, the safety buckle will be soaked in the most filthy and filthy thing for thirty-six hours!

If what was said on the unknown animal skin was not nonsense, then the white safety buckle will completely lose its heaven-defying power when the time comes, and then the master's soul trapped in the safety buckle will be able to come out. As soon as he comes out, he will immediately enter the soul-calling formation, and then he will use the body of Wu Ming in the formation to perform rebirth.

And in these nearly three days, Li Zedao also walked almost every corner of the dense fog. To his disappointment, he didn't find the so-called passage leading to the unknown cave.

Maybe there really was, but Li Zedao couldn't find it.

In addition, every half a day, Li Zedao would leave the thick fog to give Mia and Enkeke a call to care about them, so as not to worry the two women, after all, the communication tools do not have any signal when they are in the thick fog.

Besides, Li Zedao also got some news.

Dong Jun's body was discovered by several college students who went out for an outing. It is said that his body was devoured by crows when it was found, especially his face, which could hardly be seen from the original appearance, and his eyeballs were also destroyed. eaten.

After a preliminary investigation, the murderers who killed Dong Jun were his confidants Da Ma Hou and Er Gou, and the pistol that shot Dong Jun was found at the scene. The murderer, who no longer knows where to hide, is now wanted with a reward.

The impact of Dong Jun's death on the entertainment industry is naturally great, some happy and some sad.

In addition, Dong Jun of Baibaozhai disappeared mysteriously and disappeared, but it is said that he offended Li Zedao before he disappeared and tried to blackmail Li Zedao severely. In addition, he is more or less a dog raised by the Wei family, so it must be because Afraid of being retaliated, quickly found an unknown place to hide, right?

There was another piece of news about Wei Yaoming, which made Li Zedao even more interested.

After Wei Yaoming got out of Baibaozhai, he immediately went to a private hospital to treat the wound on his face, but he saw that the little nurse was good-looking, so he planned to be a bully, but of course he was stopped in the end.

Afterwards the little nurse cried, she cried and said why do you want to stop my Oppa? Why?

In addition, during these three days, many people who had been relying on the big tree of the Wei family began to turn against each other, and they did not forget to kick and chop the big tree fiercely before turning against, so it can be said that the Wei family is quite There is a feeling that the wall is falling and everyone is pushing, and even the other big families have joined forces to divide the meat, so it is only a matter of time before this building collapses.

After smoking a cigarette in his hand, Li Zedao flicked off the stumped cigarette butt, then turned and entered the tomb.

He intends to stay in front of Wu Ming's corpse, waiting for the moment of the miracle... Of course, there is a great possibility that there is no miracle at all, the corpse is still a corpse, and the master's soul cannot use the corpse to live. come over.

This kind of thing has no practice at all, so Li Zedao is not sure at all. He even feels that his actions can be said to be quite stupid. If others find out, they will definitely think that he is a psychopath who escaped from some hospital. .

With a heavy and apprehensive mood, Li Zedao walked down the eighteen steps step by step, and finally came to the stone door of the main tomb, stretched out his hand, pushed it away, and his eyes fell on the still Lying on the corpse in the gossip painted with dog blood mixed with cinnabar and his blood.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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