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It was still the dead body, without any change.

The two oil lamps burning with corpse oil still had flames the size of soybeans, and the flames slightly dispelled the scalp-numbing coldness and darkness around them. Added a bit of horror.

The air in the tomb was even more polluted, and there was an indescribable stench. It felt like several dead rats were rotting. After smelling it, Li Zedao couldn't help but frowned. He wrinkled his nose and felt really sick for a while. If it wasn't for his strong endurance, he might have vomited long ago.

Li Zedao came to him, sat down, and then his eyes fell on the glass half full of the most filthy things. Through the bottom of the glass, he could vaguely see the white peace lying quietly at the bottom of the glass. buckle.

Li Zedao thought to himself that if this thing can really eliminate the divine power of the five-colored stone, then it can also eliminate the divine power of the yellow stone, so... by then, it will be enough to hold it for thirty-six hours in a row? After all, the yellow stone is integrated into the tongue, isn't it?

Then the divine power of the yellow stone can be completely eliminated, and the symptoms of infertility will be cured? Can he become a real man who is extremely good at sowing seeds?

In his mouth... Li Zedao became more and more disgusted when he thought about it, and finally couldn't help it, walked to the corner silently and vomited it out.

Even eating ghost pills and god pills made him feel sick and want to vomit, let alone put these things in his mouth and hold them for three days and three nights.

Besides, Li Zedao couldn't guarantee whether this method would work. After all, the yellow stone had already been integrated into the tongue. Even if he put the filthy thing in his mouth, it didn't seem to be able to soak the stone, right?

Li Zedao felt that he would be infertile for the rest of his life...do you want to give it a try? What if it really works?

This idea stuck tightly in Li Zedao's heart like a dog's skin plaster, and he couldn't tear it off no matter how hard he tried.

Then, he quickly turned his attention back to the matter of resurrecting the master.

In many cases, waiting is an extremely tormented thing.

Li Zedao now feels very tormented. He was very bored and kept staring at the watch on his wrist. It took him a long time to watch the second hand on the watch go around, which really broke him down.

At that moment, he stood up and walked towards the front wall with big strides.

Luo Lai stretched out his hand, and tapped lightly on one of the walls twice.

There was only a muffled "哐!", and then the well-hidden stone door next to him, which was almost integrated with the wall, slowly opened automatically, and a faint green light shone out.

He intends to go into the library and find a few ancient books to pass the restless time.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when he walked into the Library Pavilion, the blood in the glass cup soaked with the most filthy and filthy things seemed to be boiled, and there were wisps of blue smoke For a moment, the smell of blood in the air became even stronger.

Immediately afterwards, the flames on the two oil lamps burning with corpse oil jumped violently a few times, and were almost extinguished, as if an invisible wind had blown by.

Soon, the wisps of white smoke emitted from the glass dissipated, and the violently beating flames also calmed down, as if nothing had happened.

In less than twenty minutes, Li Zedao put back a thread-bound ancient book in his hand, walked out of the library and returned to the main tomb.

At this time, the situation outside remained the same, and the corpse was still lying there quietly without any life. The oil lamp is still jumping with soybean-sized flames, which looks so weird and terrifying.

Li Zedao looked away from the corpse and glanced at the watch on his wrist. There are still five minutes before thirty-six hours!

Li Zedao took out a cigarette and a lighter and lit one, and while puffing out the smoke fiercely, his eyes were on the corpse on the ground, the watch on his wrist, and the one with the white safety buckle and the most filthy things on it. Alternate back and forth on the glass.

One minute! two minutes! three minutes! Four minutes...the last minute!

"Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven..."

Li Zedao said silently in his mind, and his heart suddenly started to beat, and his heartbeat began to speed up, even beads of sweat appeared on his forehead! For a long time, he didn't know what nervousness was, and he began to get nervous inexplicably.

As the second hand jumped forward by one second, his heartbeat also accelerated by one minute. At the same time, his eyes stared at the corpse and the glass alternately, and he was eagerly looking forward to seeing some strange changes.

For example, there is a sudden gust of wind, for example, the oil lamp is suddenly extinguished in a strange way, or for example, a biting cold wind blows by, and then the motionless corpse suddenly stands up and opens its eyes, grinning at you... …

"Five, four, three, two...one..." Li Zedao closed his eyes directly, and exhaled several breaths lightly.

Out of some kind of psychology, he closed his eyes.

At the same time, his heart sank little by little, because the surroundings were so quiet that he couldn't hear any movement other than his own irritable breathing.

So, everything written on the hide is a lie? Master didn't come alive through that **?

Li Zedao reluctantly opened his eyes bit by bit. When he saw the corpse lying there quietly without any changes, his eyes showed an unconcealable loss.

"It seems impossible." Li Zedao scratched the back of his head with a wry smile on his face.

"Or... more than thirty-six hours? Then... just wait." Li Zedao could only comfort himself in this way, but he knew very clearly that he was just deceiving himself, no matter what No matter how long you wait, the result will not change.

Sure enough, another half day passed, and it was almost dawn outside, and the corpse was still a corpse, with no intention of coming back to life. Now, Li Zedao was completely discouraged, and his face was full of indescribable disappointment.

Although it has long been expected that this method will basically not work and the possibility of failure is extremely high, but when the facts are placed in front of him, it is false to say that he can accept such a result from the bottom of his heart.

At that moment, Li Zedao took out a pair of small tweezers from his backpack, took out the white safety buckle soaked in blood, and tore a piece of cloth off Wu Ming's corpse's clothes, and then carefully wiped the white safety buckle clean. .

It seems that because of being soaked in this filthy thing for three days and three nights, the white safety buckle seems to have lost some luster, but Li Zedao, who was in a low mood, didn't think about it, wiped it clean and carefully put it in his pocket .

Then he packed up his things, and cleaned up the gossip drawn on the ground, and then mentioned Wu Ming's body, left the tomb and went outside.

After coming outside, Li Zedao threw Wu Ming's body there casually, then took out a cigarette and lighter and lit one.

After puffing out a few puffs of smoke rings, feeling that the depression in his heart had eased a lot, Li Zedao began to dig a hole.

Chinese people pay attention to burial, so Li Zedao planned to bury Wu Ming in this good place. After all, Wu Ming came here to "help" himself, so it wouldn't be a problem to let people die in the wilderness, wouldn't it? Li Zedao would not do such an ungrateful thing.

After burying Wu Ming's body, Li Zedao picked up the backpack, held the Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, and walked away from this dense fog where no one else had the courage to approach, and then quietly left the magic cave forest and returned to his place. In the small woods where the car was parked.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when he left the thick fog, the surface of the soil in front of the tomb where Wu Ming's body was buried suddenly trembled, as if something was about to break out of the ground. like.

In the next second, a hand with an expensive watch on its wrist stretched out from the mud, as if the corpse was about to crawl out from the ground. This scene must be frightening to death.

Immediately afterwards, as if a bomb was buried in the ground and it was detonated, the sand and soil suddenly splashed around, and then a figure stood firmly in the pit.

Wu Ming! Wu Ming, who was covered in mud all over his body, looked so embarrassed!

At that moment, Wu Ming raised his legs and walked out of the pit, stretched his waist, and made an extremely comfortable sound from his mouth. At the same time, the bones all over his body made a "crackling" sound, which seemed to be full of explosive power.

His dirty face was full of comfort, as if he woke up after a good night's sleep.

You can also find that his eyes are not the same as before. In the past, his eyes were short-sighted, so if he didn't wear glasses, he would squint subconsciously when looking at things.

But now his eyes have become bigger, brighter and deeper, just like the stars in the sky.

He looked at Li Zedao's leaving direction, and the corners of his mouth curled up in an inexplicable way.

"Teacher, thank you for your hard work." He said in a voice that only he could hear.

After looking left and right for a few times, there was an inexplicable emotion in his eyes, it seemed that this place was in the Devil's Cave Forest.

Finally, his eyes fell on the tombstone, Wu Ming's figure flashed, and he appeared in front of the tombstone like a ghost.

Wu Ming stretched out his hand, and lightly stroked the four safety buckles of different colors inlaid in the four recesses above. With inexplicable emotions in his eyes, he put the blue safety buckle Picked it off.

Without any hesitation, he put it on his forehead.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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