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A local tyrant drove you out in a luxury car and took you out for a walk with your boyfriend for a long time, and finally bought you the latest Apple mobile phone...Which one will move you more?

What your boyfriend does will undoubtedly move you even more, but what the local tyrant does will make you feel contemptuous of such a rich and capable person giving me this car... Then your heart is all on the local tyrant, but in the end He left with the local tyrant.

This society is often so realistic, so many times lovers will eventually become memories, and only rich people will eventually become married.

At this moment, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang. He took it out and saw that Director Yang called. Whispering over there?

The next second, the phone rang again, and Li Zedao was helpless. Since Director Yang called again, it must be because of something urgent. If he hung up, Director Yang might come to this community.

"I'll make a few calls." Li Zedao said to the second daughter, then got up and walked towards the balcony.

After coming to the balcony, Li Zedao first lit a cigarette, exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and then picked up the cell phone that was still calling.

What he smokes is not cigarettes, but boredom... Talking to this shameless old man on the phone has always been quite boring.

"Your boy, I finally answered the phone." On the other end of the phone, Director Yang said angrily. Anyway, I'm also your grandfather, so can't you show me some respect?

"When I wanted to pick it up, I hung up, and then the phone died." Li Zedao smiled and let out a puff of smoke rings.

Director Yang didn't bother to expose the kid's lies, so he said straight to the point: "Old Sun has agreed to thoroughly investigate the matter of Qian Yigang's treason back then. He is considered to have intervened in this matter, and there will be no resistance to the subsequent investigation. No one dares to What are you talking about, no matter how powerful that person is. So I think there will be results soon."

"Old Sun? Which Elder Sun?" Li Zedao was slightly taken aback. When the old man mentioned the word "Old Sun", his tone was obviously wrong, and there was an extremely strong sense of awe in it. In addition to the investigation of the Qian Yugang incident that this old man spoke about, the investigation of the Qian Yugang incident suddenly became It was so smooth that no one dared to say "no" one more word. One can imagine the background of this old Sun.

At least, Director Yang didn't seem to be in such awe when he mentioned Chief No. 1.

Li Zedao once heard Director Yang say something, he said that the main responsibility of the No. 1 chiefs is to govern the country,

Develop the country's economy, improve various systems so that the people can live a good life, and they are defending the country. It's hard work in front of the stage and behind the scenes.

"The chairman of fx." Director Yang knew that Li Zedao should have never mentioned this talent, so he said simply.

Li Zedao's face was already full of emotion, that is to say, Mr. Sun is the ultimate boss behind the scenes of fx, and director Yang and the previous Huang Wen are all just his subordinates?

"Such a person would actually ask about this matter?" Li Zedao was very surprised. After all, his status was too special and detached. Comparing Qian Yugang's status to his, it was basically the difference between the county magistrate of a small county and the secretary of the provincial party committee.

A small county magistrate was framed and wronged. Would the secretary of the provincial party committee ask about this matter when he had nothing to do with the secretary of the provincial party committee? The answer is of course no.

Director Yang smiled wryly: "The old man probably wouldn't ask about this kind of thing, that's why I told you before that if you want to investigate, you will encounter great resistance. But just now, Mr. Sun suddenly called me to talk about money. Yugang's affairs must be thoroughly investigated, and no matter who is involved, they will be severely punished. Anyone who has an opinion can talk to him. He also said that if Qian Yugang is really innocent, he will be welcomed back to the country with the etiquette of a national hero. Restored to his office and honor."

Li Zedao frowned slightly. Could it be that Old Man Qian is the... illegitimate son of that respected Old Sun? What are you kidding? After all, if it was really his illegitimate son, he would have taken care of it long ago when Qian Yugang's accident happened, and there is no need to wait until now.

"I was quite puzzled when I heard Mr. Sun say this, but after that, I probably understood why he paid attention to Qian Yugang." Director Yang added, "Looking at it like that, I'm afraid it's because of the old man. In someone's face."

"Someone? Who is it?" Li Zedao asked curiously, who has the face to invite such a big man to ask about this matter? Chief number one? Impossible, the No. 1 chief will not take care of this kind of thing, after all, this matter is also an internal matter of fx.

As for fx matters, Chief No. 1 can give opinions, but he does not have the final decision.

"Guess." Director Yang's voice seemed mysterious, and there was a lot of incomprehension in his tone.

"..." Li Zedao felt that the old man was getting more and more embarrassing, probably because he found a very good and handsome grandson-in-law, right? Isn't it just that he is better, more handsome, and makes people feel jealous at the first sight and want to beat him up? What's the fuss about?

"It's definitely not giving you face." Li Zedao said.

Director Yang is too lazy to answer Li Zedao's words, isn't this nonsense? This kid is too disrespectful, anyway, I am also your grandfather!

"Mr. Sun told me that he wants to meet you." Director Yang's tone was full of incomprehension.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was slightly dumbfounded, and said with some difficulty: "Mr. Sun wants to see me? So, the Mr. Sun you mentioned actually intervened in Qian Yugang's matter for my sake? Why?"

"I think the word 'why' is more appropriate." Director Yang was puzzled. Even if this kid is a master of returning to basics, even if this kid is very handsome, very caring, and has many women, but these are not enough to attract the attention of Mr. Sun.

Most importantly, if he really valued this kid so much, why did he wait until now to start to value him? If he had spoken before, how dare Huang Wen bully him like this? Sumen dares to make a trip in the dark and plan to let him die in the island country?

"You are envious and jealous." Li Zedao said angrily.

"Do I need to envy and hate my grandson?" Director Yang said angrily.


"Boy, call Grandpa to listen." Director Yang laughed very proudly.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to the old man who was clearly getting carried away, and said, "When is Mr. Sun going to see me?"

With Li Zedao's current mentality and vision, he was not excited when he heard such news, and he didn't feel flattered. He just wondered why the big man who could be said to be at the top of another pyramid was willing to help him.

There is no love for no reason in this world, so he must have something to do by himself to help Qian Yugang, it's just the interest he paid to himself.

"Tomorrow at nine o'clock in the morning, you come to the base, and Elder Sun will come over then." Director Yang said.

"Understood." Li Zedao said.

After chatting casually with Director Yang, Li Zedao hung up the phone.

When he just returned to the living room from the balcony, he heard a heavy knock on the door, as if he was about to smash the door.

Li Zedao looked at Mia, who was also looking at him charmingly, and then his eyes fell on the slamming door and said: "Dear boss, shall I open the door?"

"Go." Li Zedao nodded with a smile, "You don't need to be polite, kick them all downstairs."

"Bastard, can you let me practice the pussy legs that Sister Mia taught me before kicking me down?" En Keke's eyes lit up, looking eager to try.

"..." Li Zedao's lower body felt inexplicably cold, he didn't expect you to be such an encore. It seems that the act of asking her to take off her shoes and smack Dong Jun's face a few nights ago completely aroused her potential violence.

"Oh, of course it's okay." Mia said with a smile.

Li Zedao shook his head dumbfounded, feel free to toss about it, anyway, just kick the thing under the crotch a few times, at most it will be crushed or bitten by a greedy cat, it will not kill anyone, so pick up the thing on the table now After packing up the dishes, I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

With a dangerous smile on the corner of Mia's mouth, she walked to the door, stretched out her hand and told the door to open, and saw a few aggressive-looking men standing outside.

"Oh, what's the matter?" Mia smiled coquettishly at the leader, Ahu, who was bareheaded and fat.

It was the door he kicked just now. Although Director Qin said to keep a low profile, Ah Hu felt that he should not be too low-key. At least let the people in the room deeply understand that his temper is not bad at all. It will be quite dire.

It's just that he never imagined that the foreign woman who dared to beat Director Qin's daughter in broad daylight would look so charming, and she even smiled at him like this, which made Ah Hu's body go numb, with Momentary loss of consciousness.

"How can it be okay? You and your man beat and humiliated our eldest lady in public, you have to talk to someone?" Ahu cleared his throat and said coldly. He felt that this woman was too insidious to use a beauty Fortunately, I am the kind of man with super strong concentration, otherwise I am afraid I will be tricked.

"So, come with us to the hospital." Ah Hu's tone was unquestionable and could not be refuted.

"Oh, your young lady is that ugly fat aunt?" Mia asked.

"..." Ah Hu wanted to vomit blood, even if our eldest lady is indeed ugly and fat, and she behaves like an uneducated and educated aunt who knows how to bully others, but you can't say it.

"Our eldest lady is not an ugly fat aunt!" Ah Hu retorted loudly, "She is...a goddess in my mind."

His brothers looked at the boss with weird eyes, thinking that the boss is the boss, and he can take such things that go against his conscience so for granted.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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