The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1875 Black Materials

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"Oh, your taste is so unique." Mia said with a smile, she really admired this man to death, he could regard such a woman as a goddess in his mind.

"Stop fucking nonsense, hurry up and go to the hospital with us, and apologize to our eldest lady, otherwise don't blame us for being rude." Ah Hu said in a cold voice, and his feet stretched out even more. After passing it, it hit the door panel immediately, preventing the foreign girl from closing the door quickly because of fear, and then had to smash the door again.

Well, Ah Hu felt that he was thinking too much, and he wondered in his heart, this foreign girl didn't seem to be afraid at all, could it be because he wasn't vicious enough? Or are foreign women very courageous?

"Oh, I'd love to go with you, but can I change clothes first? You go in and sit down for a while while I get off." Mia stepped aside and let these people in.

The corner of Ahu's mouth twitched, thinking that this foreign woman has big breasts and no brains? How could she cooperate so well? It can even be said that she doesn't treat them as hooligans at all, and it doesn't matter if she is not afraid and closes the door and calls the police, but she even plans to welcome them in, and says she wants to change clothes... Isn't she afraid that her brothers will behave like beasts?

This made Ah Hu palpitate for a moment, thinking that this woman would not plan to do some conspiracy, right? Don't you see that you are handsome, muscular and full of beauty, so you plan to eat yourself?

However, it is clear that I have the upper hand now. I have seven brothers, all of whom are fierce fighters. They usually don't wait to blink when cutting people to see blood, but she is just a woman who is too sexy and charming Forget it, even if they want to eat, they should eat her.

Of course, there was another man who bullied Missy, who was said to be her boyfriend, and he must be in this room now... But so what? The seven of them still have knives hidden in their bodies, so they can't help this pair of bold men and women?

So there is no need to worry about what conspiracy the woman is planning? No need, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is a paper tiger!

At that moment, Ah Hu gave Mia a cold look, and walked into the room aggressively with his brothers.

However, before Ah Hu had time to look around the room, he felt as if all the strength in his body had been drained in an instant. His face suddenly changed and his knees softened, and he lay on the floor limply. On the ground, but I can't get up anymore.


In a coffee shop opposite the hospital, Qin Huaihai and Qin Shaofeng sat face to face and drank coffee.

Although he is Qin Shaofeng's second uncle in terms of relationship,

But Qin Huaihai didn't dare to claim this identity... At least he didn't dare in front of Qin Shaofeng.

After all, his cousin Qin Yiping's background is too great, and he was able to get a position as a sub-bureau deputy in Yanjing's three-acre land. If he relied solely on his strength, I'm afraid now Still a small employee, there is no way to be as beautiful as it is now.

Therefore, Qin Huaihai naturally didn't dare to let Qin Shaofeng stay in a place like the hospital for a while. After his daughter was not in danger, the two came to this coffee shop to drink coffee.

As for his daughter Qin Meili, according to the doctor, although the whole person looks like a blood gourd, it looks so shocking, but in fact most of the scars are scratched by fingernails, and there is no danger to life, and according to the examination , Those scars were actually scratched out by the patient himself.

As for why the patient scratched his body so crazily, this needs further investigation, but the doctor also said something more, that is, could the patient be hallucinated and scratch himself because of drug use?

The doctor's words naturally hurt Qin Huaihai's sensitive heart. He blushed instantly and almost slapped the doctor's disgusting face. You are the only drug addict, and your whole family is addicted to drugs!

His daughter is such a kind and beautiful little angel, how could she touch drugs?

While the doctor hurriedly apologized, another doctor made another doctor... Even if he didn't take drugs, would he have a brain problem? Check your head well?

This time Qin Huaihai couldn't bear it any longer, and directly slapped the doctor's face with a big slap, that's why your brain is sick, your whole family is crazy.

The conscience of heaven and earth, the doctor is doing his duty to explain all his conjectures to the family members.

If it wasn't for Qin Shaofeng who said "Forget it" at the side, Qin Huaihai would have wanted to show the doctor his wrist and the amazing power behind him! scare you to death!

After thinking about it, it must be that couple of dogs and men who have done something to her, so Qin Huaihai decided to make those couple of dogs and men pay a heavy price!

At this moment, the phone in Qin Huaihai's pocket vibrated.

"Ahu took away that damn dog and man?" Qin Huaihai's spirit was shocked, and he quickly took out his phone, but when he saw the caller number displayed on the phone screen, he was slightly taken aback. .

This is the number he is familiar with, and the owner of this number is even more familiar to him.

Director Luo, his immediate boss. Of course, relying on the support of the Qin family behind him, Qin Huaihai never put Director Luo in his eyes. In his opinion, he will take his place sooner or later.

I don't care if I don't like it, but I still have to let it go, so Qin Huaihai looked at Qin Shaofeng and smiled apologetically, "Shaofeng, I'll answer the phone."

Qin Shaofeng took a sip of coffee and nodded without saying anything.

"Luo Ju, I don't know what to order." After picking up the phone, Qin Huaihai asked with a smile, his tone as if he was bathed in the wind.

It's one thing to be in front of people, another way to be behind people, which is what they are best at. On the surface, they are like brothers, but secretly they are sharpening their knives and waiting for a knife to pass at any time.

"Old Qin, your tone...could it be that you don't know?" Luo Ju's voice came over with some doubts.

"Know what?" Qin Huaihai was slightly taken aback. Could it be that something happened that he didn't know about? I can't move my position, so Director Luo called to congratulate or flatter me to come?

"Go online and check it yourself. Bad news about you and your daughter Qin Meili is flying all over the Internet now, and it's almost becoming a headline. It's about how arrogant and domineering your daughter is usually, and what evil force you are covering. The gang has had an extremely bad impact on our Bureau." Luo Bureau said, with a taste of gloating in his voice, "Of course, from a personal standpoint, I certainly believe in Lao Qin's character... so, you first Find out how to solve the matter, let's have a meeting to discuss it later, and that's it for now."

Qin Huaihai's face changed when he heard this, and he felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart, why did he forget this? According to the security guard in that community, when his daughter was humiliated in public, there were many people watching the fun there. How could those people not take pictures and videotape them? Afterwards, post the photo or the video on Wang Wang's network? With the heaven-defying ability of the majority of netizens, you can expose your entire old background in a few clicks.

Being upright is not afraid of crooked shadows, but the key is that the body is not upright at all!

He knows his daughter's virtues better than anyone else, and he is even more clear about how arrogant he is usually. For example, he accidentally scratched someone else's car a few days ago. After he got off the car, he just said nothing Big Ear Photon passed by.

how do you drive Can I scrape your car if you stay away? What, who am I? Do you know who I am? Do you believe that I can make you unemployed with just one phone call?

Right now, Qin Huaihai didn't have time to care about Luo Ju's gloating over there, so he quickly connected his phone to the Internet and browsed the webpage, who is the leader? Believe it or not, I can make you unemployed with just one phone call...

Just as Luo Ju said, rumors about him and his daughter are flying all over the sky. The more he looks at it, the more frightened he becomes, and the more he looks at his face, the darker he looks. If it weren't for Qin Shaofeng sitting by the side, he might not be able to hold himself back from yelling. Then smashed the phone!

"Second uncle, what happened?" Qin Shaofeng asked Qin Huaihai when he saw that Qin Huaihai's expression was wrong.

"Shaofeng, you must help the second uncle with this matter, otherwise the second uncle will be in great trouble, and your cousin will also be finished." Qin Huaihai looked at Qin Shaofeng as if he had caught a straw, and quickly pulled himself away. Handed over his mobile phone.

Now only with the help of Qin Yiping's terrifying influence, is there a way to clear up all these negative news and suppress the impact of this incident to a minimum.

Qin Shaofeng frowned slightly, took the mobile phone and glanced at the content of the post displayed on the screen, and frowned even more. Qin Shaofeng probably understood the virtues of his second uncle's family, so he knew that although the above description was suspected of exaggeration, it was basically true.

And obviously, someone behind the scenes is manipulating these public opinions. Someone has already prepared all kinds of black materials and is waiting for the best time. Otherwise, it is impossible that there will be so many things in less than two hours. The black material was exposed.

To put it bluntly, Qin Huaihai usually offends too many people, and his moral character is too corrupt, so now everyone wants to kick him.

Qin Shaofeng raised his head, and was about to say something, his eyes accidentally glanced at the glass door of the coffee shop, his eyes widened suddenly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and there was horror in his eyes, this bastard Shouldn't the egg be in Phoenix now? Why is he here?

He saw his brother-in-law, to be precise, his ex-brother-in-law, Li Zedao.

If possible, Qin Shaofeng would pretend that he hadn't seen it, and then sneaked away before he found out, but he couldn't, because Li Zedao was smiling at him, his smile was so hot but so warm. malicious.

Qin Shaofeng also saw that Li Zedao actually walked towards him, and even put his index finger on his lips, and made a "shush" gesture. Did he tell himself to keep quiet? This bastard, what the hell is he doing?

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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