The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1876 The brain is at home

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"Shaofeng, you know a lot of people, so this matter has to trouble you. Hurry up and ask someone to delete all these obviously slanderous negative news... Shaofeng, what's wrong with you?" Qin Shaofeng stared at the front with wide eyes , as if seeing a ghost, Qin Huaihai asked with some doubts.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Qin Shaofeng's line of sight, only to see a handsome young man walking towards him.

Of course, Qin Huaihai didn't think too much about it. From his point of view, this young man came here for coffee, and now he plans to find a seat to sit down.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay..." Qin Shaofeng came to his senses, retracted his eyes, his throat squirmed, and his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat, and he almost couldn't utter it.

At the same time, Li Zedao had already come to the front, he did not sit down in an empty seat as Qin Huaihai imagined, but looked at Qin Huaihai enthusiastically, and said aloud: "You should be Qin Huaihai His father, Mr. Qin Huaihai, the deputy director of the tax bureau, right?"

"You are?" Qin Huaihai was full of doubts, could it be his daughter's... friend? Such a handsome young man is willing to make friends with his daughter?

Look at his flattering not only a friend, but a boyfriend? For a moment, Qin Huaihai's eye sockets were slightly moist, and he felt that his daughter had found true love.

It seems that my daughter is not as bad as I thought. It is really wrong for me to have so little information about her.

Qin Shaofeng, who was sitting there, felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart. The fundamental reason why this bastard told himself to shut up was because he planned to trouble Qin Huaihai? It won't be... Damn it!

Qin Shaofeng couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, and he suddenly thought of a rather terrifying possibility, that is, the bastard and which of his women was the pair of bastards who bullied his cousin Qin Meili?

If that's the case... Qin Shaofeng almost cried, your sister, can you stop playing with me like this?

"My name is Li Zedao." Li Zedao was worried that he didn't know who Li Zedao was, and he explained later, "It's the man who gave that fat aunt a hard lesson in that neighborhood less than two hours ago. It was only later that I found out that the fat aunt's name was Qin Meili, and she was not an aunt, she was only in her twenties... It's too unimaginable."

Li Zedao's face was full of disbelief. With his eyes, he didn't even see that the fat aunt was a girl in her twenties. Your name is a girl in her twenties... Li Zedao finally understood why that Qin Meili After hearing the word "big mom", I will be so angry.

If someone called him "uncle", he would be very angry.

"..." Qin Huaihai's expression froze for a moment, and then his face became completely gloomy, as if he could squeeze out two catties of water with just one twist.

Nightmares come true! Qin Shaofeng almost passed out when it was dark before his eyes, but he couldn't help secretly expressing in his heart that he really understood Li Zedao's mood. Anyone who knew that her cousin Qin Meili was in her twenties would probably be completely punished. It was shocking, I couldn't imagine that it would be real.

"So it's you! After bullying someone, you dare to show off in front of me, do you really think I'm so easy to bully?" Qin Huaihai's voice was dark and dark. I thought to myself, could it be that when Ah Hu brought people to the neighborhood, the couple had already left the house?

Of course, there are many suspicious things, such as how Li Zedao knew that he was Qin Meili's father, and how he knew that he was drinking coffee in this coffee shop, how could he be so courageous and dare to show off in front of him...

In normal times, Qin Huaihai would still be able to think of these problems and be more cautious, but now he is so angry that he is almost losing his mind, how could he think of so many things?

"You are really easy to bully." Li Zedao said with a smile. He did have the confidence to say such a thing. In his eyes, a deputy director of a small tax bureau was really not good enough. He could shoot him to death with just a wave of his hand.

"Boy, you are too arrogant!" Qin Huaihai roared in a low voice. If it weren't for the good self-control ability, self-holding identity, or Qin Shaofeng was beside him, Qin Huaihai would have jumped up and slapped him in the face, and then held his hand. He picked up the undrinked cup of coffee in front of him and splashed it on the damn bastard's face.

Dare to be arrogant in front of Lao Tzu? When Lao Tzu became arrogant, he was even afraid of himself.

Qin Shaofeng on the side covered his face in extreme pain, why does this bastard always like to do such vicious things like pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? A person who is obviously very powerful, but deliberately shows weakness, and when you are about to step on him, he turns around and scares you to death...Does your family know that you are so boring?

Thinking of being bullied by him many times and blackmailed by him for tens of millions, Qin Shaofeng had the urge to cry in the arms of some big-breasted woman.

"It's because you are too arrogant, and you started to drift away because you had some power at hand, and you did all kinds of illegal and disciplined things... Oh, by the way, what's the name of the person you asked to trouble me... ... Ah Hu?"

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Under my painstaking persuasion, their brothers have surrendered now, and they plan to report you. They will be very cooperative and explain the bullying you asked them to do for the sake of profit." Threatening and beating others, oh, they will also explain that you secretly opened several small casinos, and embezzled public funds to keep several mistresses."

Li Zedao lied, then Ah Hu didn't plan to surrender because of his painstaking persuasion, they surrendered because they were frightened by being played.

When Ah Hu and his party entered the room, they immediately fell to the ground because of some kind of colorless and tasteless medicine. Of course they didn't faint, they just lost all their strength.

Afterwards, they watched one of their brothers being picked up by the foreign woman by the neck like a chick. This scene really frightened them, and they thought how could this woman be so terrifying? You must know that their brother weighs a full one hundred and eighty catties, but this foreign woman picked it up so easily with one hand.

It seems that they thought they were wolves and entered the sheepfold, but they did not expect that they were actually sheep and entered the tiger's den.

Then, a more terrifying scene happened immediately.

I saw a beautiful girl who looked familiar at the same time, as if she had seen it somewhere before, she lifted her long leg and kicked them directly with a beautiful pussy leg That brother's crotch...

They seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking.

Their brother's face was huddled together, and he let out an extremely stern scream, with snot and tears running wildly, looking so pitiful.

But the girl's heart seemed to be made of iron stone, she remained indifferent, adjusted her posture, and this time pushed her knees instead... They were so scared that they peed.

In the end, let alone asking them to surrender and expose Qin Huaihai's various crimes, even if they were asked to contribute their chrysanthemums, they would eagerly take off their pants.

Compared with the pain in the egg, any damage seemed so pale and feeble.

"...I don't know what you're talking about." Qin Huaihai's old flushed face was almost numb. I was really angry and abnormal, and there was a rather bad feeling in my heart. What the hell is that bastard Ah Hu doing?

"You will know." Li Zedao said with a smile, turned and left handsomely.

"This kid, you are too arrogant. People like this generally don't live long." Qin Huaihai watched Li Zedao's back leave the coffee shop, with a terrifying coldness in his eyes.

Before, he just wanted to teach the other party a hard lesson, but now he has the heart to kill, he wants to chop this arrogant kid into pieces and feed them to the dogs!

"I don't know if he will live long or not. I only know that you should turn yourself in and be ready to confess and be lenient." Qin Shaofeng coldly accepted Qin Huaihai's words, picked up the cup of coffee on the table and drank it After a few mouthfuls, the heart that almost rolled out of the throat calmed down a little.

Damn, it's scary.

"Shaofeng, what do you mean by that?" Qin Huaihai looked at Qin Shaofeng whose attitude had suddenly changed, and asked with a face full of astonishment.

"It means that you are doomed this time, and I can't help you, not only me, but also my father, he can't save you, so the only thing you can do is to confess your crimes, make up for your crimes, and try to save yourself a few minutes." Years in prison." Qin Shaofeng curled his lips. Who do you think you are, dare to talk to Li Zedao like this? I really don't know how to live or die!

Qin Shaofeng really has lingering fears, you must know that the old lady has left that bastard now, he is no longer his brother-in-law, Qin Huaihai contradicts him in words like this, who knows if he will beat others and himself Get a good beating? It's a good thing that such a terrible thing didn't happen.

Qin Shaofeng thought that the hospital opposite would send a stretcher to carry him away after a while. It seems that although he is not his brother-in-law anymore, he still looks at his elder sister's face after all.

Qin Shaofeng firmly believes that the happiest thing in his life is to have a good sister.

"Shaofeng, stop joking with the second uncle." Qin Huaihai worked hard to force a smile on his face.

"Second Uncle, I'm not kidding you. Do you know who the young man you called arrogant just now is? He is Li Zedao. Don't tell me that you haven't heard of this name before." Qin Shaofeng said angrily. Is this guy an idiot? That bastard already said he was Li Zedao, yet you dare to say that. It seems that you left your brains at home when you came out today.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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