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In fact, it's not Qin Huaihai's fault, after all, his brain hasn't had time to respond to who Li Zedao is, and the arrogant words behind Li Zedao directly blow him up.

So no matter who you are, I will kill you.

"Li Zedao... Li Zedao..." Qin Huaihai suddenly thought of something, his eyes widened suddenly, his mind roared abnormally, and he was simply an idiot, and he couldn't react for a long time.

In the end, his body trembled violently for a few times, and he slumped on the chair as if all his strength had been simply emptied out. His face seemed to have aged a little in an instant, and a trace of it appeared. Ashes.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at Qin Huaihai, didn't bother to say anything more, stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called his father. After all, it was his second uncle. Now that he offended Li Zedao recklessly, he had to report this matter to his father.

The call was quickly connected, and Qin Shaofeng briefly explained the matter.

"Dad, this matter..."

"You're right about this, so let's stop interceding, and even if we did, that kid might not be... More accurately, he won't give me face at all." Qin Yiping smiled wryly, "Also It's just your sister, he might give him some face, but it's impossible for your sister to contact him for this kind of thing, so just do whatever you want. Your second uncle usually doesn't know how to keep a low profile, and his behavior is extremely disorderly , it is simply to blame, even if we don't help, no one can find out."

"That's what I told my second uncle, confess my crimes, and try to save a few years in prison." Qin Shaofeng followed with a wry smile. He probably knew that even though his father said so, he felt somewhat uncomfortable in his heart. After all, he was an older brother who was related by blood.

But it's really not good for them to intervene in this matter, otherwise it would be tantamount to making things difficult for Li Zedao, and the result would not change.

"That's it. I still have things to do." Qin Yiping said, and hung up the phone.

Since Qin Shaomei left Huaxia to study in the UK, Qin Yiping naturally couldn't live a leisure life of fishing there every day, so he had to return to the company to plan strategies.

Qin Shaofeng approached his old man before and said Dad, don’t worry, go back fishing, the company has me.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, it was his chance to shine brightly and prove his strength.

Qin Yiping looked at his son with an idiot's eyes and said that I don't worry about having you.

Qin Shaofeng only felt that his father had stabbed him several times in the heart, why did his father always look at him with colored glasses? You are obviously very good, okay?

If it weren't for the fact that he looked very similar to Qin Yiping between his eyebrows, Qin Shaofeng would have wondered if he picked it up by the side of the road.

At that moment, Qin Shaofeng returned to his car parked by the side of the road, opened the driver's door and got in.

As soon as the car door was closed, a harsh and cold voice suddenly sounded next to my ears: "Give me back my life..."


The sudden, eerie sound of life-threatening really frightened Qin Shaofeng, his face turned pale in an instant, and he simply jumped up from the seat.

He only heard a muffled "bang!", and his head hit the roof of the car in various ways. He grinned in pain and almost suspected that he was alive. At the same time, he wanted to push the car door and roll off. car to go.

"Ghost..." Subconsciously, he let out a shrill scream.

"You treat such an excellent and handsome super handsome guy as a ghost, doesn't your conscience ache?" Another voice full of jokes rang beside your ears.

Hearing such a familiar voice, Qin Shaofeng's body that was about to rush out of the car stiffened suddenly, turned his head with great difficulty, and saw Li Zedao sitting on the back seat at some point.

"Crack!" Li Zedao lit the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

While cursing his mother in his heart, Qin Shaofeng tried his best to squeeze out a rather ugly smile on his face: "Sister... Li Shao, long time no see."

This bastard, is it fun? Is it fun to be scary like this? Don't you know that people scare people and scare people to death?

"It's not too long, is it? We just met less than ten minutes ago, didn't we?" Li Zedao laughed.


"I heard that when I was rumored to have died in the island country before, your young master Qin was so excited that you booked a nightclub in a nightclub and played with many beauties all night. You even ran out early in the morning Fireworks?" Li Zedao exhaled another mouthful of smoke rings, looking at Qin Shaofeng slowly with amusement.

Li Zedao felt that this boy's conscience was eaten by dogs. If your brother-in-law had an accident, your sister would become a widow. If there was such a younger brother, all his living expenses would have been deducted.

Want money? Earn it yourself!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked decisively, his handsome face turned pale again, he was so wronged that he was about to cry, he explained with great difficulty: "Li...Young Master Li, you misunderstood me, I reserved the venue to set off fireworks all night , that's because it was my birthday that day, not because of you...you were my brother-in-law when you were there, and when I heard that something happened to you, and seeing my sister so sad again, I felt very sad, really...I cried ..."

"Really?" Li Zedao didn't believe it.

"Really, of course it's true, I can swear... If it's not because of my birthday that I booked the venue all night, I would... just make my little dick hard..." Qin Shaofeng gritted his teeth, and simply made such an oath.

"Where are the fireworks going?" Li Zedao exhaled another mouthful of smoke rings, his eyes full of inexplicable smiles.

"..." Qin Shaofeng almost cried, how can this bastard's brain be so good? He didn't mention the "fireworks" when he swore, and he didn't expect to be discovered all of a sudden.

In fact, he reserved the venue because of his birthday, and as for setting off fireworks... that's because this bastard died, so we must celebrate it!

Although he is his brother-in-law, and although the elder sister is really heartbroken, Qin Shaofeng naturally has no affection for Li Zedao at all, and even if he can, he would personally kill this bastard who has killed himself several times.

At that time, Qin Shaofeng did indeed shed tears... Weeping with joy.

"Forget it, no matter what reason you set off the fireworks, for your sister's sake, I won't beat you up." Li Zedao said. He almost scared his soul out before, and there was a big bump on his head, so it was punishment for him. After all, it was his former brother-in-law, Qin Shaomei's own younger brother, and Li Zedao didn't feel comfortable embarrassing him.

Qin Shaofeng secretly heaved a sigh of relief, feeling that this bastard is not as bad as he imagined.

"Your sister...is she okay?" Li Zedao asked hesitantly, "Is she studying in England now?"

It can be said that for those women who have left his side now, Li Zedao has already seen that they are basically tired of that kind of life long ago.

It's not that I don't like myself, it's not that I don't love myself, it's just that I feel... irritable! Yes, it is irritability!

Just like the seven-year itch between husband and wife, when the once sweet love becomes a family relationship with trivial matters in life, some changes will follow in the heart.

The same goes for those women.

After the sweet love, they feel irritated when they see that their men can't be with them all the time like other girls' boyfriends. Seeing their man flirting with someone else's girl over there makes them even more irritable! They get restless seeing their man on top of other girls.

And this kind of irritability is getting more and more intense, and it will burst out suddenly in the future, just like the balloon, as the more gas is blown in, the balloon will expand more and more, and it will eventually reach the moment of explosion.

It's just that something happened to Li Zedao before the day of the complete outbreak came.

Afterwards, Xiao Qiangwei, who had already seen the clue, gave them a step, and they left along the step.

No one is right about this kind of thing, just like those couples who couldn't stay together until the end of this life, it's normal to separate if they don't fit.

It's just that they left when there was no news from Li Zedao, so now Li Zedao's appearance will inevitably make them feel guilty.

However, Li Zedao did not see that Qin Shaomei had similar irritability, so her departure somewhat surprised Li Zedao.

"Study architectural art at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in London, England..." Qin Shaofeng naturally knew that the reason why the old lady went abroad was because she felt sorry for Li Zedao and felt ashamed to see him.

In Qin Shaofeng's view, it should be said that this bastard should be the one who feels ashamed to meet people. He is so fickle and shameless. If he sees one and asks for one, he takes them all home. He is really a bastard. It's really blind to follow him... After thinking about it, Qin Shaofeng felt that Huaxin didn't seem to be an asshole.

Men like fickleness just like girls like dressing up like bags like beautiful clothes, that is nature! I also like beautiful women, can I be called an asshole? No, this is nature, this is instinct!

The real bastard's approach is that this bastard has brought so many women home, and he doesn't know what special love is at all.

Qin Shaofeng felt that he had done a good job at this point, and he always focused on treating a woman. Even if he met a new woman, he would kick the old one away first...

"The Royal Academy of Fine Arts, London, England..." Li Zedao nodded, thinking that the gentle and kind island girl Keiko Hojo who took care of herself as if she was her own brother should now be studying painting in this internationally renowned school right?

Li Zedao now feels a little nostalgic for the days when he lived on that beautiful island, where he basically lived a life of indifference to the world.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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