The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1878 Portrait Painting

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Li Zedao is looking forward to the day when he will be able to participate in the art exhibition held by the girl who is extremely talented in painting. He also believes that day will come in the near future.

"I talked to her on the phone two days ago. She is living well there... Li Shao, can I give you her contact information in London, England?"

"No need." Li Zedao exhaled another puff of smoke ring. If he really had her contact information, he wouldn't call this number. Even if he accidentally dialed out, he wouldn't know what to say, and maybe it would destroy her tranquility.

Although we are still friends after we broke up, we are separated in such a way, and we are both very proud people, so we are destined not to be friends anymore, let alone meeting, it would be a bit embarrassing to just say a word.

Seeing that Li Zedao was obviously in a bad mood, Qin Shaofeng forced himself to smile and didn't dare to say anything.

After smoking a cigarette, Li Zedao glanced at the empty box in his hand, looked up at Qin Shaofeng and said, "Do you have any cigarettes?"

Qin Shaofeng quickly took out a pack of cigarettes and went there, feeling extremely speechless, this bastard is still the same, he will take advantage of everything.

"Special Zhongnanhai little panda." Li Zedao took it and glanced at it with a smile, "It's still Mr. Qin who has money, and I smoke a pack of five yuan."

Qin Shaofeng forced a smile, thinking that it was because I didn't like to pretend as much as you. Who didn't know that your favorite thing to do, Young Master Li, is to pretend.

I have to say that in this world, many things require talent, such as pretending to be aggressive.

Qin Shaofeng felt that he had no talent in this area at all, but this bastard was definitely a genius in this way, full of compulsion, and people could only worship him.

"Is there any more? Take them all. Smoking is harmful to your health and even affects your sexual function, so smoke less." Li Zedao looked old-fashioned.

"..." Qin Shaofeng only felt that the muscles on his face were so twitched that he almost lost his feeling.

But he had to endure the pain like cutting flesh, and took out the half of the special cigarettes in the car that he didn't want to smoke at all, and gave them to Li Zedao.

"Let's go." Li Zedao put the cigarettes into his pocket one by one, opened the door and got out of the car gracefully.

"Damn it, you bastard." Qin Shaofeng cursed angrily,

Quickly start the car and leave, and secretly swear in my heart that if I encounter this bastard in the future, I will take a detour.

Li Zedao returned to the off-road vehicle he parked in front of the hospital, opened the door and got in, looked back at Mia and Anke who were sitting in the back seat and said with a smile: "You two beauties, where do you want to go?"

As he spoke, he took out the five packs of cigarettes in his pocket and threw them on the car.

In order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, especially Ankeke, she is the hottest Asian r\u0026b queen, so both of them have already put on the simulation mask at this time, and have become another woman.

At this time, their faces are naturally not as delicate as their original faces, but they are not too bad. With the figure placed there, they are still quite eye-catching when they walk on the street.

Because there was no arrangement, Li Zedao planned to spend a day with these two women, and planned to return to Fenghuang City tomorrow afternoon. After all, the business of coming to Yanjing this time was basically over.

And after returning to Fenghuang City to take a rest, we will immediately set off for the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau.

Although he expressed doubts about the words of the old thief, but the one-year deadline is coming, Li Zedao decided to go to the nameless cave obediently... As for whether the nameless cave he discovered by accident is the one in the legend that leads to another The nameless hole of the conveyor belt of the plane is unknown.

Of course, maybe you can go to Ganlu Temple before departure. If the Juejue teacher is still not out of samadhi, it’s a big deal to risk his life and use some methods to force him to come out of samadhi, such as... a fire general The nunnery burned down? Li Zedao felt that the nunnery was too dilapidated, and it was time to rebuild a new one. At worst, he would pay for it himself.

The most fundamental purpose of Li Zedao's return to Yanjing this time was to find a suitable body to revive his master, but of course it failed completely.

As for making trouble for the Wei family, trying to find the old thief, entering the magic cave forest to see if there is the entrance to the unknown cave that General Skull mentioned, these things are all incidental.

Of course, the matter of the Encore was completely out of plan. Li Zedao never thought that he would have such an encounter with this big star, let alone that this hot star would have such a miserable life. Encounters, others thought she was the extremely dazzling star living in the spotlight, but they didn't know that she was actually a pitiful little bird who just wanted to get out of the cage.

Of course, it was expected that she would become her own woman. After all, her charm was so great and so irresistible, and she appeared in front of the most helpless her at the most suitable time and place, and cut her down quickly. Luan Ma took her out of the sea of ​​suffering, and it would be unscientific for her not to completely fall in love with herself.

As for Mia's promotion to be the proprietress, that was expected, and nothing surprising.

As for the arrangement for tomorrow morning, it is to go to the military base of fc to meet that old sun. Li Zedao is quite curious about the reason why this old sun wants to see him.

"Oh, dear boss, sister Coco and I want to go shopping." Mia smiled charmingly. If it wasn't for An Keke being by the side, she would have thrown the boss to the ground directly.

Originally, Mia and Enkeke's original plan was to climb the Great Wall, but now Li Zedao plans to accompany them, and it seems a bit disadvantageous to climb the Great Wall.

So they decided to go shopping and eat like other couples to buy beautiful clothes and favorite accessories and bags. As for their boyfriends, they just followed them as porters and credit card machines.

"Then go shopping with you." Li Zedao said with a smile, he naturally satisfied the request of the second daughter.

Now he drove to a bustling street that was as famous as Wangfujing, followed the two women unsteadily, and went shopping with them.


London, England.

London is the largest city in Europe, tied with New York as the world's largest financial center.

In that lively square, a beautiful little oriental girl was sitting there helping others to draw portraits.

She drew a sketch with a pencil, her movements were light and skillful, as if she had done it countless times. At this moment, sitting opposite her was a handsome young man with blond hair and blue eyes.

In addition, there is a completed work next to her, which depicts a handsome sunny boy with an oriental face.

The boy is very handsome, his face is like a knife and an axe, especially his eyes, which are very bright and bright like the stars in the sky.

Of course, it can also be seen from this work that the girl's painting skills are already of a very high standard.

After seeing this portrait, many passers-by knew the girl's exquisite workmanship, so they stopped and asked the girl to paint a portrait for themselves.

Of course, there are also some purely because the girl with an oriental face looks exquisite and juicy.

Therefore, the girl's business is pretty good, and she can paint portraits of at least a dozen people in a day.

After ten minutes, she stopped the paintbrush in her hand. Look at the boy, then look at the painting on the drawing board, and said in not-so-fluent English: "Sir, it's finished."

The boy became unrestrained, his behavior was that of a nobleman, and he was very well-bred. He bowed slightly to the girl, and said with a smile, "Thank you, how much is it?"

"Sir, don't you read the words first?" The girl asked curiously.

"I know you must be good at drawing." The boy smiled.

The girl smiled slightly, and she took out the drawing from the drawing board and handed it to the boy, saying, "Hello, ten pounds."

The boy also took out the wallet from his pocket, took ten yuan from it and handed it over.

"Thank you." said the girl.

"Excuse me, can you tell me who is in this portrait?" The boy pointed to the portrait next to the girl.

When the boy came over to paint just now, he clearly saw the girl staring at the portrait with one hand on her chin in a daze. The serious and obsessive eyes made him inexplicably jealous.

"He's my brother." The girl said softly with a sweet smile on her face as her eyes fell on the portrait.

"Brother?" The boy smiled, and now he feels relieved. It is only natural for him to think about his brother when he is far away in a foreign country.

"It seems that your siblings have a deep bond," the boy said.

The girl smiled, but did not respond.

After the boy left, the girl continued to rest her chin on one hand, staring at the portrait in a daze.

At the same time, a beautiful woman is strolling here in the square. This is a very beautiful woman with picturesque eyebrows, affectionate eyes, a graceful figure, and a mature and sexy temperament.

She walked step by step, her eyes didn't have much focus, as if she had no purpose.

Inadvertently, she saw a girl with an oriental face set up a booth over there to help others paint portraits. Although she had an oriental face, the woman could tell that the beautiful girl was not from China, but It should be the island people.

After thinking about it, she walked towards the booth.

She intends to ask that little girl to draw a picture for herself. Although China and the island country have always been in a state of hostility, they have an oriental face after all. In this country where there are white skin, blue eyes and blond hair everywhere, meeting is a wonderful thing. Fate, taking care of her business is also good.

When she came to the front, the woman already noticed that the girl who was helping the customer to paint the portrait was looking at the painting next to her very seriously, so that she didn't even notice that the business was coming.

At that moment, the beautiful woman set her eyes on the painting, she was very curious about what kind of painting actually took all the girl's mind away, and also showed such a look in her eyes.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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