The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1879 Sword Stolen

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However, when he saw the portrait clearly, the expression on the woman's face froze all of a sudden, and her body froze there as if struck by lightning, completely motionless. He couldn't move his eyes any longer, he stared at the portrait in a daze, and there was a rather complicated look in his eyes.

It took a long time before she came to her senses, took a deep breath, and tried her best to calm down her emotions.

However, she failed, and her heart was very restless.

Just as she expected, she couldn't let him go, saying that she let him go was just deceiving herself.

Looking away with great difficulty, she looked at the girl who was still staring at the portrait quietly, and said, "Hi, excuse me."

The girl came back to her senses, smiled at the woman embarrassedly, quickly stood up, pointed at the small stool in front of her and smiled, "Hi, you want to draw a portrait too? Please sit down."

"Thank you." The woman nodded and sat down on the chair.

"Are you a girl from an island country?" the woman asked.

"Yes, you are from Huaxia?" The girl smiled, took out a piece of white drawing paper and spread it on the drawing board, ready to start painting, "I like China, a great country, if there is a chance in the future, I will I still want to settle in Huaxia."

The woman smiled, her eyes fell on the portrait again, and she asked aloud: "I want to ask, who is the boy in that painting? He should be a Chinese boy, right?"

The girl is a little strange, why everyone is asking the same question, the boy asked this question just now, and now this beautiful Chinese woman is also asking.

Of course, it's weird, but she still answered the woman's question with pride: "He's my brother."

"Brother?" The woman could clearly feel the girl's admiration for the boy in Huaxia, and the look in her eyes didn't look like she was looking at her brother.

"Of course not my brother. As you said, this is a Huaxia boy. But he treats me very well. When I was at home, he took care of me like a big brother. I was able to arrive smoothly. I also got his help and encouragement when I came to school in London." The girl smiled sweetly and said simply, and then her face was full of longing, "He should be in Huaxia now, right?"

"He is indeed in Huaxia now." The woman murmured while looking at the portrait,

There were extremely complicated emotions in the eyes, "I also know that his name is Li Zedao, right?"

The girl's eyes widened all of a sudden, and she looked at the woman in amazement: "Do you know Brother Zedao?"

"It's... the most familiar stranger." The woman gave such an answer.


After wandering around until one o'clock in the afternoon, Li Zedao already had several handbags in his hands, and the two girls stopped their pace and went to a western restaurant to have lunch, rest and replenish physical strength.

After the meal, Ankeke proposed to watch a movie, and Mia naturally had no objection. Both of them love Hollywood blockbusters, so they both want to watch the secret agent and spy blockbuster "Mission: Spies" released just the day before yesterday.

Immediately, the three of them put the things they bought all morning back into the car, and then walked towards the big shopping mall not far away. On the fourth floor of the big shopping mall, there is a movie theater.

What Li Zedao didn't know was that when he walked into the shopping mall with Mia and Encore, a figure quietly appeared in front of Li Zedao's car parked in the parking space on the side of the road.

His unusually bright eyes fell on the big shopping mall, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, which looked a bit sinister.

After watching the spy war blockbuster "Mission: Mission" in the cinema, it was already two and a half hours later, and the three of them strolled around the shopping mall for a while before leaving the mall and planning to return to the Victory Garden community.

Ankeke is now completely obsessed with the taste of the food made by Li Zedao, so I don't want to eat dinner outside, I want Li Zedao to cook it.

However, when the three returned to the car parked in the parking space on the side of the road, Li Zedao's face suddenly became quite ugly after getting into the car.

"Oh, dear boss, what's the matter with you?" Mia's perception is so sharp that she immediately caught the faint murderous aura that suddenly erupted from Li Zedao's body.

"Bastard, what happened?" An Keke didn't catch the murderous intent, but she saw Li Zedao's ugly and dignified face which was completely different from the usual calm

"While we were watching a movie, someone got into this car and stole something." Li Zedao said in an extremely cold voice while his eyes fell on the co-driver's seat, and at the same time his thoughts turned rapidly. .

Just in case, Li Zedao carried the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword with him wherever he went after arriving in Yanjing, so that even if he encountered the most perfect genetic superman, he could easily cut it in half. Besides, Li Zedao was not so relieved to leave the sword in the house.

It was no exception when I went shopping with my second daughter today, so I naturally brought that sword with me.

But it is quite inconvenient to go shopping with such a big sword, so Li Zedao put it in the car.

Before watching the movie, Li Zedao first sent the purchased clothes back to the car. At that time, Xuanyuan Xia Yujian was still quietly lying on the co-pilot seat, but now the co-pilot seat is empty. things!

Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword was stolen!

What made Li Zedao want to scold his mother even more was that in addition to stealing Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, the other party also took away the special cigarettes he extorted from Qin Shaofeng and the expensive lighter that Nintendo gave him.

Damn, is that an old smoker who couldn't help but take away good cigarettes? Or, just to disgust yourself?

Mia and An Keke were also slightly taken aback, only to realize that the ancient sword that Liu Zedao always carried and was on the co-pilot's seat before was gone.

Of course, they didn't know the true value of the ancient sword. They only thought it was a very valuable cultural relic, and it should have a special meaning to Li Zedao, otherwise Li Zedao would not go anywhere these days. take it with you.

"Get out of the car first, I'll make a call." Li Zedao opened the door and jumped out of the car. First, he lit a cigarette to calm down his heart, which was already full of violence, before taking out his phone Made a phone call and went out.

Soon, the phone was picked up, and Director Yang's voice came over: "You boy, don't tell me you can't come tomorrow..."

"My stuff was stolen, did you let someone steal it?" Li Zedao simply thought about Director Yang's words.

"What? What did you say?" Director Yang was stunned by Li Zedao's sudden questioning for a moment, not understanding what happened.

"I put a very important thing in the car. When I came back from watching the movie, that thing had been stolen. The car I drove was the specially modified off-road vehicle you sent. During this period, the car did not send out any alarms, nor did it show signs of being damaged." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said.

Li Zedao couldn't help suspecting that this matter had something to do with Director Yang, FC, and even Mr. Sun. After all, the car had been specially modified, not to mention the safety performance and anti-theft aspects.

Not to mention trying to open the car door or window by abnormal means, even if someone reached out and touched the car lightly, the car will immediately send out an alarm and immediately feed back to Li Zedao's mobile phone, Li Zedao can pass through immediately. Use your mobile phone to check who touched your car.

And because of the special modification, even if you smash it with a hammer, you don't want to break the bulletproof glass that bullets can't penetrate.

But now, the windows of the car have not been smashed, the siren has not sounded, and everything in the car has not been damaged, that is to say, the alarm device installed in the car has not been damaged!

So, it feels like someone just opened the door and took Xuanyuan Xia Yujian from the co-pilot seat as if someone entered his car... He just entered his car and took out his things. He wasn't stealing other people's stuff in other people's cars.

Those thieves simply can't do this kind of thing! Even if they can do it, it will take a long time. How can a thief have the guts to stand in front of the car and open the lock silently? Isn't he afraid of coming out and destroying them?

Basically, only those FC elites know how to open the car door as quickly as possible without letting the car send out an alarm. After all, this car was modified by them, and the security and anti-theft system was opened and installed by them.

Director Yang came to his senses this time, and quickly said: "I can assure you, I don't know anything about this matter, at least I didn't give any order, besides, I don't think you There is something on me that is worth remembering."

Li Zedao thought to himself, if you knew the value of Xuanyuan Xia Yujian, you probably wouldn't say such a thing.

Of course, with Director Yang's skills, even if this sword fell into his hands, it would be basically useless, and it would be impossible for him to be even more powerful. He would still be instantly killed when he met an opponent of his level. of!

It doesn't mean that you have the dragon sword in your hand, you are the supreme martial artist, you are the number one in the world, after all, you have to rely on your own strength to speak.

"Where are you now? I'll take someone there right away." Director Yang also knew that FC couldn't get rid of the suspicion. After all, the car was modified by them, and they did have a way to block the alarm installed on the car while using the most Open the door quickly. So they are indeed obliged to investigate the matter clearly and give Li Zedao an explanation.

Li Zedao told Director Yang where he was currently.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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