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Now that the matter has already happened, it is superfluous to say anything more. Even if the investigation cannot find out who stole the sword, there will always be a day when the truth comes to light.

Therefore, after talking on the phone with Director Yang, Li Zedao took Encore and Mia to a nearby restaurant for a simple meal. Of course, the atmosphere was not very good because they were both in a bad mood.

"Oh, dear boss, I'm sorry, if I hadn't proposed to go to the movies, the sword would not have been stolen." Mia looked at Li Zedao apologetically and said.

"It was me who was wrong. After lunch in that restaurant, Sister Mia said that she should go back first. I was the one who said she wanted to watch a movie... Bastard, I'm sorry." An Keke's face was full of guilt, almost crying .

Li Zedao looked at the two girls who were eager to admit their mistakes, stretched out his hands and grabbed the hands of the two girls respectively, and said a little dumbfounded: "Why do you blame yourself? How can you blame you? Besides, it's a sword. It's okay to lose it." It's gone, it's fine."

"But, that sword is very important to you, isn't it?" Seeing that Li Zedao said it so easily, An Keke blamed himself even more.

"Who said that sword is very important to me? To me, it's just a weapon that I can use easily. If I lose it, I just look for one. The most important thing is you, your emotions. "Li Zedao said, "So if you are unhappy like this, I will give you a spanking."


"Oh, dear boss..." Being so pampered made Mia confused and moved. Of course she knew that Li Zedao spoke so lightly to prevent them from blaming themselves. You know, if something similar happened in the Skull Organization, she would be close to death, and the Skull General would not let her go.

Then she couldn't help it anymore, her seductive red lips moved closer, and a heavy mouth was printed on the corner of Li Zedao's mouth.

Li Zedao smacked his lower lip, looked at An Ke and said with a smile: "Should you kiss me too?"

"Bastard..." An Keke didn't act so boldly like Mia, and after a bit of tweaking, she finally kissed Li Zedao's lips.

"If you show me a striptease at night, I'll be happier." Li Zedao lowered his head slightly and whispered in embarrassment.

"Ah, fuck off..."

Although Li Zedao flirted with the second daughter with a relaxed expression,

There is a bad feeling in my heart.

Just as Mia thought, Li Zedao did speak so lightly on purpose.

If the Xuanyuan Xiayu Sword is a sword with a history of thousands of years, a very precious and rare cultural relic, its value is no less than the original "Lanting Collection Preface" brought into Zhaoling by Wu Zetian, then if you lose it, you will lose it , Li Zedao wouldn't frown at all.

However, this is not an ordinary precious ancient sword, this is a very special and precious ancient sword, this sword is the treasure of Tianjimen, this sword is omnipotent, with which you can easily destroy the Any mortal power, roasting, or smashing can't destroy the five-colored stone. It is divided into five parts. It can easily chop the soul of Duanmu Weizhuang to pieces!

If the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword was stolen by ordinary thieves, and the reason why they stole it was because they thought it was an ancient sword and thought it was very valuable and planned to sell it, then the situation would be better.

But if it is stolen by someone with ulterior motives, that person still knows exactly what kind of sword this Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword is, and that person is his enemy, such as General Skull, then things will be troublesome , after meeting the perfect genetic superman at that time, I am afraid that he will be quite passive.

When the Gene Superman slashed at him with the Xuanyuan Xiayu sword in his hand, Li Zedao felt that he had to run away, otherwise any part of his body or even his life would say goodbye to him if he was not careful.

But if this is the case, where did the other party know the true value of the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword? And how did he know that the sword was in his hand? Now how does the other party know that he put Xuanyuan Xia Yujian in the car? How did he know that he would not show up during the theft?

A terrifying thought suddenly popped up in Li Zedao's mind: So, he was being followed?

Silently stalking himself without letting himself notice... What kind of terrifying person is this? What is his real purpose? Just to help myself find a magic weapon?

Not long after returning to the car after dinner, Director Yang rushed over with several subordinates, followed by several criminal policemen in uniform.

After talking briefly to Li Zedao, Director Yang immediately asked his subordinates to take the police to check the surveillance cameras installed in the surrounding shops. With the police around, those shops will naturally cooperate well. Investigation, that's why Director Yang asked the police to come too.

Li Zedao took out a cigarette and handed it to Director Yang. Fortunately, there was still a pack kicked on him, otherwise this pack would definitely be taken away.

Li Zedao couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart, that bastard, it's fine if you stole the sword, why did you steal a few packs of cigarettes? And that lighter, it was given to me by my wife... your sister's!

"I quit smoking." Director Yang didn't take the cigarette that Li Zedao handed over, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Before he took a few puffs of the cigarette that this kid handed over, he immediately turned into a beast and almost exploded the chrysanthemum of his subordinates. Now he has a shadow on cigarettes, so he quit smoking altogether, not smoking a single... at least The cigarette that this boy handed over, he would not smoke even if he was killed.

Even if this kid hadn't been honored to be his grandson-in-law, Director Yang felt that he would continue to hate this kid, and he would find a suitable opportunity to kill him.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't force himself, put the cigarette in his mouth and lit it, you can't tell him that the cigarette hasn't been tampered with, can you? Doesn't that indirectly admit that the cigarette was tampered with before?

"It's good not to smoke, but smoking is bad for your health," Li Zedao said. After feeling it for a while, the so-called special cigarettes are just like that, and it doesn't seem to be as smooth as five yuan a pack.

Then I couldn't help but start cursing my mother again in my heart, that damned thief also has two packs of five yuan cigarettes in the car, why don't you steal them? your sister!

Director Yang looked at this bastard who could eat rat poison, with nothing but contempt in his eyes.

"What did you lose?" Director Yang asked curiously. Judging from the tone of this kid when he called, this kid naturally lost something very important to him.

"A few packs of special cigarettes, that's all." Li* shook the pack of cigarettes in front of Director Yang.

"..." Director Yang's mouth twitched violently, and said angrily, "You can be more serious."

"I'm serious." Li Zedao smiled wryly, "That bastard stole five packs of cigarettes and a lighter."

"..." Director Yang's eyes widened, unable to believe what he heard.

"Of course, there is also a sword." After exhaling a smoke ring, Li Zedao said again.

"Sword?" Director Yang frowned slightly, it seemed that the sword was the key point.

"An ancient sword, a very valuable ancient sword." Li Zedao briefly introduced, "If I want to auction it, it will be quite easy to sell it for one billion eight hundred million."

Director Yang frowned and nodded. He probably knew that this kid must be hiding something. The sword cannot be as simple as being worth money. Otherwise, this kid would not have such a serious expression and a preoccupied look. For him, it is just a series of numbers, he will not have a dignified expression because he lost a billion, and he will not even react at all.

One billion is not much different from ten dollars to him.

But he didn't ask too much. This kid doesn't want to talk about it himself, so it's useless for you to ask. Immediately clarified again for FC: "This matter has nothing to do with FC."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "This time, I hope it has something to do with it." If someone from fc really stole it, it would be a big deal to get it back.

But it has nothing to do with fc, which means that the person who steals the sword is such a terrifying person. He followed behind him but he didn't know anything about him. The alarm easily opened the door and entered the car.

As for the monitoring around... Li Zedao felt that if he was that person, he would have destroyed all of them in advance.

Director Yang also smiled wryly and said, "It really doesn't matter."

Fc can't bear this blame, and can't bear it.

Sure enough, in less than half an hour, these fc members and the few policemen returned without success one by one. As Li Zedao expected, the surveillance cameras placed there all failed without knowing when, so there was no It was never filmed who approached the car and stole its contents.

Director Yang looked at Li Zedao, who was puffing out the smoke silently with a dignified expression, and wondered if he was trying to persuade his granddaughter? Just leave this kid quickly, otherwise the possibility of becoming a widow is quite high.

This kid is a pervert himself, such a cautious person, but now someone dares to make plans on him, the most frightening thing is that that person has succeeded, doesn't that mean that person is more perverted?

"Grandpa, take someone back first, I will handle this matter myself." Li Zedao rubbed his temples with some headaches and said while looking at Director Yang.

"...Your boy... No matter what, your life is the most important thing. I don't want to see my precious granddaughter become a widow and shed tears for you." This "grandfather" made Director Yang feel sad. The softest part was touched all of a sudden, and he stretched out his hand, sighed heavily and patted his shoulder lightly at the same time.

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