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"..." The waiter didn't know how to answer the conversation, so he could only smile awkwardly but politely. Naturally, I feel quite contemptuous in my heart, why don't you come in here? Shopping for fashion? I thought he was a tasteful and handsome rich second generation, and I wanted to see if I could have a dip, but who would have thought that he would be an idiot.

The waiter was very disappointed, and his heart was quite lost.

While Li Zedao was looking at the price and his face was twitching, Enkeke and Mia had a conflict with a tall girl who looked rather arrogant.

"Aren't you going too far?" An Keke looked at the girl and frowned.

She fell in love with a bag, and when she was looking at it in her hand, she didn't expect that a hand would suddenly reach out and snatch the bag away.

"Excessive?" The girl looked away from the bag in her hand, squinted at Enkeke with a disdainful glance and said with a sneer, "Miss, it's you who are too much, right? This bag was originally my first bag. As you can see, you took it before I picked it up. Who do you think is too much? Besides, if I give it to you, can you afford it? This bag costs more than 20,000 yuan. "

"I can afford it, so please return it to me." An Keke pointed to the bag in her hand and said word by word. Even without the super rich woman Li Zedao and Mia, she herself has a savings of more than two million yuan, so she can still afford such a bag.

"Give it back to you? Did you come here to be funny? Did you pay?" The girl sneered, looked back at the store manager who treated her carefully and said, "Manager Sun, I want this bag, wrap it up for me."

"Okay, Miss Yang." Manager Sun said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, how can you do this? I took the bag first, okay?" An Keke looked at Manager Sun, quite depressed.

Manager Sun was slightly embarrassed but politely smiled: "Hi, ma'am, it's like this, this bag... Ms. Yang has already ordered it, so please take a look at other styles..."

"Who does this kind of nonsense lie to? Why is it still on the shelf when it's really booked?" Enkeke sneered.

"This...Miss Yang has indeed already made a reservation..."

"What are you ordering? If I like it, it's mine. Is there a problem?" The girl squinted at Encore with disdain, "Besides, you can afford it? Even if you sell it a few more times to save money If you can afford it, so what? If you are an idiot, using this bag is an insult to this bag, so get out, don’t get in the way of my eyes and interest here.


Because An Keke wore a fake mask, her appearance was indeed not as delicate as that of a girl. In addition, she didn't go through any special attire, so she went out in a simple denim shirt.

But the girl obviously has been carefully dressed, the makeup on her face is very delicate, and the clothes she wears are also quite high-end and fashionable, so she is indeed qualified to think that Encore is a local turtle.

As soon as the words were finished, there was only a clear and clear slap of "Pa!", and the girl had already been slapped heavily.

It was Mia who made the shot. Seeing that this woman who came out of nowhere had snatched her favorite bag from Ankeke so domineeringly, and even made insulting remarks, she simply slapped her across the face.

The boss said, you can't bully others, but you can't let others bully you. If anyone dares to bully you for no reason, don't get angry and ruin your good mood... Just bully the other party to death.

So slapping her is really light, and even Mia has the urge to put some powder on her body, so that she will be like that damn fat aunt, scratching her own in front of so many people body.

Ankeke is actually considering whether to make a move, or more precisely, to make a move. She has learned a few big moves from Mia, and the one that makes her most comfortable at present is naturally flirtatious legs.

No one thought that she hadn't considered it yet, and Mia couldn't stand it anymore and took the lead.

"Ah..." the girl exclaimed, staring at her eyes, she subconsciously covered her swollen face and sat down on the ground, the bag snatched from Encore It just fell to the side.

For a moment, the eyes of the staff in the store and the customers who were picking out their favorite items were all attracted by the screams, and all expressions were a little stunned, unable to believe what they saw.

After all, this is a high-end place. Those who can buy a bag of their choice here are rich and tasteful people, but now someone is doing it here... It's too vulgar.

"You...you dare to hit me?" She raised her head with great difficulty, staring at Mia with disbelief and fierceness, her eyes were like knives.

It's not that she hasn't been beaten before, but those who beat her are not big bosses and rich people, and now they are being slapped in the face by these two idiots, she can't accept anything they say.

"Oh, I think this is nonsense." Mia said with a small giggle, "I still have the guts to slap a bitch in the face." I thought to myself, let alone slap your face, just cut off your head When playing football, I will not have any psychological pressure. It is not that I have never done this kind of thing.

"I'll fight with you..." The woman stood up abruptly, showing off her long nails painted with red nail polish, and was about to grab Mia fiercely.

Mia had a faint smile on her face and remained motionless, as if she didn't know that a woman had rushed towards her viciously.

At this moment, Encore moved, and she simply kicked over, kicking the girl's crotch without any mistakes... teasing her legs!

"Bang!" The weird voice that seriously stimulated the nerves of others sounded.

Even after seeing Li Zedao, he couldn't help but tighten his legs.

"Ah..." The girl let out an extremely shrill and ear-piercing scream, her pupils were rounded with an expression of extreme pain, and her face was directly twisted into a ball.

In the next second, she didn't care about being decent anymore, she covered her lower body with her hands, and collapsed on the ground, but she couldn't get up anymore.

pain! Heartbreaking pain! Biting pain! The girl burst into tears from the pain, and the pain made her doubt life. Being slapped in the face was quite unexpected, but now that my sister was kicked hard, this was something that she didn't even think would happen when she was beaten to death.

Everyone was dumbfounded watching this scene, looking at the girl crying in pain on the ground, watching the girl who retracted her feet and said something to the girl standing next to her with a proud expression... Their hearts have already been stirred up. A monstrous wave that was 10,000 times stronger than before.

Then, they all felt cold under their crotch, as if there was a biting cold wind blowing there. Looking at your girl's pain, it turns out that the pain in the uterus is not much weaker than the pain in the egg.

"Sister Mia, how is my kick? Has it improved a lot?" An Keke looked at Mia with a smile and said with a smile. He was so satisfied with his kick, no matter the timing of the kick It's still strength, and it's also speed and accuracy, which I think are incomparably accurate.

"Oh, very good." Mia smiled with satisfaction. From her professional point of view, Enkeke's kick is close to perfection. If the strength is a little stronger, the effect will be better... If the strength is a little stronger, this dirty-mouthed bitch who likes to bully is simply If she doesn't howl, she will pass out from the pain directly.

Mia felt a little irritated by her screams as if she had been blasted by dozens of big men who picked their feet.

Mia decided to help Enkeke do some strength training after returning home. In the end, her skills will reach her own level. Of course, this is impossible, but it is quite easy to deal with a few punks.

"This...what should I do? How could this happen? How could this happen?" Manager Sun, the store manager, looked at the two beating women as if he had seen a ghost. Completely lost the ability to think.

She knew the identity of the crying woman lying on the ground, her name was Yang Yiran, and she was a VIP customer of this shop. She is a well-known model by profession, and the status of a model is not a big deal, the key point is that she is side by side with a big brother.

So when Yang Yiran came over many times before, she personally entertained her.

Just now, Yang Yiran unreasonably snatched the bag that the customer had already held in his hand, and even taunted her. Although the store manager felt that Yang Yiran was too much, he could only shoot at her. The customer's questioning also defended her, after all, she couldn't afford to provoke her.

Unexpectedly, Yang Yiran was even more arrogant than she thought, and she directly exposed her rhetoric. She said very arrogantly that I would just grab it, and said that the customer was a chicken.

What was even more unexpected by Manager Sun was that, thinking that these two women were even more difficult to mess with, they beat them up without even saying hello.

Now Yang Yiran was not only slapped in the face, but also kicked to the ground by a professional slap kick. That young master must turn around and smash the shop?

"Oh, it's all right." Mia smiled and comforted the beautiful store manager who was obviously about to break down. Of course, she didn't have much affection in her heart.

She is also a customer, but she is so partial, which is really unreasonable. But she also expressed her understanding. After all, she was just a small person, and she couldn't afford to offend that arrogant woman. She just made the best decision for her. So Mia didn't like it because she didn't like it, and she didn't want to embarrass the store manager.

The beautiful store manager is about to cry, everyone has been beaten like this by you, her store may be smashed, her job may be gone, is it okay?

"Oh, bitch, stop shouting, call an ambulance before you faint." Mia looked at Yang Yiran who was still howling on the ground and sneered, "Don't worry, I will pay for medical bills."

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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