The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1883 Strong Woman

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"I'm going to kill you...I'm going to kill you..." Yang Yiran raised her head and yelled at Mia and An Keke resentfully, but she also struggled to sit up, and hurriedly opened her bag and took out her mobile phone to make a call. Telephone.

Of course she didn't want to call an ambulance, she wanted to call a savior to come and help her get back.

As if nothing happened, An Keke picked up the bag that fell on the ground and said with a smile, "Sister Mia, what do you think of this? Is it suitable for me?"

"Oh, very good, this bag is really suitable for you." Mia nodded with satisfaction, "You can also help me choose one."

"Sister Mia, what do you think of that model?"


The muscles on the faces of the customers and waiters in the store were twitching. This was the first time they had seen such an arrogant woman, and they saw two of them at once.

Don't you usually have to run away after beating someone? Fortunately, the two women continued to pick out bags as if nothing had happened.

It looked like she was either mentally ill or had a strong background, and she wasn't worried at all that the woman would call someone to trouble them.

"These two women... are so tough, who dares to marry them?" The beautiful waitress standing in front of Li Zedao murmured in a dumbfounded voice. Still unable to close, even more inexplicably wanted to clamp his own two legs.

"That... I dare." Li Zedao said with a smile, pointing to his face.

"..." The corner of the waitress's mouth twitched, her eyes suddenly became weird when she looked at this local turtle, and she secretly cursed this psychopath in her heart. She didn't see the scene where Li Zedao walked into the store with Mia and An Keke, so she naturally didn't know that he and those two tough women were actually in the same group.

"Besides, they are actually very gentle." Li Zedao grinned and said again, his eyes were full of obsession.

"..." This time the waitress looked at Li Zedao even more weirdly, it seems that this is indeed a psychosis.

Yang Yiran cried and complained to the phone for a while, and she didn't know what promise she got. After hanging up the phone, she got up from the ground by herself, stared at Mia and Enkeke with extreme resentment, and then walked very slowly He came to the door and waited, as if he wanted to guard against the sudden departure of these two damned women.

"Why don't you two... hurry up,

Her boyfriend has a big background. "Manager Sun begged Mia in a low voice. It's not a big deal for the son to smash the store. If the scene gets out of control and people are killed, it will be a big trouble. After all, the son is so domineering, and the two women They are so brainless, they will definitely not sit down and have a good talk, they will definitely have violent conflicts, what should they do if they die?

"Oh, it's okay, my boyfriend's background is not small." Mia said with a smile, not taking it seriously at all.

"..." Manager Sun only felt that his heart was trampled hundreds of times by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, and he was about to cry. It turns out that these days, not only are you fighting for your father, but you are also fighting for your boyfriend.

A few minutes later, the roar of the engine came from far and near, and soon several red Polos roared towards them, and finally stopped steadily at the door of the leather goods store.

The car door was opened, and a few men with extraordinary clothes and tastes could tell that they had extraordinary backgrounds got out of the car one by one. They were full of aura in their fresh clothes, but their cars were not fancy sports cars, but all red Volkswagens. Polo, really gives people a rather uncoordinated feeling.

It felt like the mighty general in golden armor and holding a sword, but in the end he appeared on a donkey.

This group of sons actually loved sports cars before. From time to time, they would drive that cool sports car to some uninhabited road for a few laps, and naturally they would also bring a few beauties to enjoy it. fast and Furious.

But then something happened that they will never forget for the rest of their lives.

That night when they drove the sports car on the road, they were easily overtaken by a red Volkswagen Polo behind them. In the end, no matter how hard they stepped on the accelerator, they couldn't see the red Polo's butt.

That voice that resounded through the sky, that red phantom that was as fast as lightning... so handsome as his grandma.

From that day on, they deeply realized that driving a sports car with a price of one million or even tens of millions is not a high-end thing. Driving a Volkswagen is even more expensive, and it must be a red polo.

So after they came back, these sons simply threw the sports car in the garage to eat dust, and each of them got a red polo. Sure enough, the level of coercion was higher. Sometimes it's windy...

Of course, this is nonsense. After all, you are driving a Polo, which naturally attracts attention. To put it mildly, you are low-key. To put it bluntly, you are simply pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

The mighty and extraordinary general is riding a donkey, what is it if he is not pretending?

"Husband...husband, you are finally here..." Seeing the savior arrived, Yang Yiran limped towards one of the men like a wounded bird struggling to return home. .

The lower body is in burning pain right now, making Yang Yiran almost collapse.

She hugged the man's arm, rubbed her full breasts against the man's body, burst into tears, and said with a look of being bullied terribly: "Look at his face, it's all swollen... his stomach I was also kicked hard..."

Yang Yiran naturally didn't have the nerve to say that she was kicked in the crotch and not in the stomach. After all, this kind of thing is too embarrassing, isn't it?

Lai Xiaofeng looked at Yang Yiran's red and swollen face with a clear palm print on it, and that handsome face also became ferocious, and said through gritted teeth: "Don't worry, I will make those two women pay a terrible price !"

His woman was slapped in the face, and he also felt that his old face was slapped fiercely by an invisible hand, which was really hot.

At that moment, Lai Xiaofeng looked back at the other man and said, "Young Master Yang, wait for me here first? Go drink after I'm done."

Yang Yiran's eyes also fell on Yang Shao, with awe in her eyes, she knew very clearly that this Yang Shao's background was much bigger than Lai Xiaofeng's, he was the leader of this small circle, Lai Xiaofeng was just one of his followers .

"Let's go in and have a look together." Yang Shao glanced at the face of the little model Lai Xiaofeng had recently become obsessed with and said.

His eyes flicked across her plump breasts and long-sleeved legs, and his heart suddenly became hot, thinking that this model looks really good, I really want to fuck her...

Young Master Yang was simply taken aback by his own thoughts, and quickly threw such stupid thoughts out of his mind. After all, how charming and charming she is is Lai Xiaofeng's woman, and friends' wives should not worry about it. If anyone breaks the rules, they basically don't have to hang around in this circle.

And who is he? In his capacity, to find a model who looks better than this Yang Yiran, isn't it just a matter of one sentence?

Then he began to wonder what kind of woman could be so tough, and could hit such a heavy hand, almost catching up with his devil-like old sister.

In Yang Chengming's mind, the most terrifying woman is his elder sister. It's okay for her to bully people, she even bullies dogs. The dog she raises named Xueqiu usually gives people a feeling of lovelessness .

As for the scariest man, it is naturally brother-in-law... Even a woman as terrifying as my elder sister dares to want her, and he can even hold her down. What is it if it is not terror?

Speaking of which, Yang Chengming yawned, and his steps were a little frivolous, obviously not in good spirits.

"I've never hit a woman before, but Xiaofeng, buddy, I'll make an exception for you this time, and remember to eat a big meal later." A young man standing behind Yang Chengming smiled evilly.

"Get out, who doesn't know that your favorite thing to do, Young Master Zhao, is beating women? How many women's buttocks are swollen by you?"

"Hey, I still like to hit men, do you want to try?"

"Go away! You pervert."

"Okay, let's go in and have a look together." Yang Chengming smiled.

At that moment, Lai Xiaofeng entered the store aggressively with his arms around Yang Yiran's waist, while Yang Chengming and other young masters followed behind.

"Young Master Lai, you're here." Seeing Lai Xiaofeng's arrival, Manager Sun quickly greeted him with a smile. It would be best if we could sit down and talk about it.

"Go away." Lai Xiaofeng glanced at Manager Sun with an unkind expression. The latter was startled and quickly stepped aside.

"Brother Lai, those two whores are the ones who beat me..." Yang Yiran pointed at Mia and Enkeke who were still picking out bags and shouted. Especially An Keke, she almost hated her to death, for daring to lay such a heavy hand on her younger sister, Yang Yiran swears that she must make her younger sister look good!

A few kicks are for sure, it is best to find a catty of peppers and stuff them all in, it will kill you bitch!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were attracted again, and this time there was another good show to watch, but I'm afraid that those two tough women are going to be unlucky, they can easily beat a weak woman, but It is impossible to be the opponent of these men.

Lai Xiaofeng's eyes fell on the two women who seemed to have nothing happened and didn't even look at them. They were focused on the bag, with a gloomy face.

These two bitches are really arrogant.

Of course, arrogant people usually don't end well.

At the moment, Lai Xiaofeng rolled up his sleeves and was about to go over and give these two women a lesson. If such an arrogant woman doesn't show them some color, he would be really sorry for himself.

But at this moment, he clearly saw a man appearing suddenly, and that man even walked up to the two bitches whom he was about to teach a good lesson, and put his arms around each other. the waists of the two women.

Everyone's eyes suddenly widened, their minds roared, and there was a huge wave in their hearts.

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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