The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1887 Expressing Kindness

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"You are Old Sun?" Li Zedao greeted him.

Although I have disapproval in my heart, I still have to do enough effort on the surface, so that people can't mistake me for a super arrogant guy who knows everyone, knows etiquette and has no education, right?

The old man looked at Li Zedao with a gentle smile, made an invitation gesture and said, "I am, please sit down."

"Thank you." Li Zedao nodded slightly, and after the old man sat down, he sat down on the wooden chair opposite him.

"I heard before that there was an outstanding young man who was rare in a hundred years. Now that I see him, he really deserves his reputation." Sun Lao looked at Li Zedao with undisguised admiration.

"Thank you." Facing this kind of admiration from this great man, Li Zedao accepted it calmly with a slight smile, without any humility.

After all, this is the truth, isn't it? In Li Zedao's view, let alone a once-in-a-century encounter, even a once-in-a-thousand-year encounter is nothing more than a small exaggeration.

Master once said that humility of a truly powerful person is a kind of behavior that pretends to be a fool, and it is to attract lightning strikes. Li Zedao dare not forget the teachings of his master. Of course, Li Zedao is more worried about whether he will attract others. Lightning.

Li Zedao's calmness made the smile on the old man's face even bigger. In his opinion, a real strong person really needs to have this kind of mentality, to accept the praise and worship of others calmly, instead of trying to deny it from the hypocritical side. But it's full of encouragement... What do you see me doing? Keep praising, don't stop, don't stop.

Immediately said: "I have always liked the Dahongpao of Wuyi Mountain, especially the Dahongpao produced by two hundreds of years old solitary wild tea trees on a certain cliff in Wuyi Mountain. There was a heavy rain, a landslide occurred on the mountain, and the two tea trees were washed away, and then the tea farmers found them and tried to replant them, but they failed, so there are only a few small pots of tea left.”

The old man picked up the exquisite tea pot on the tea tray: "It's okay to use this Dahongpao to entertain you, Young Master Li, right? If you don't like black tea, I'll go get other tea."

"Old Sun, you're being polite. You can do whatever you want. Besides, the Dahongpao is pretty good. I like it very much." Li Zedao nodded and said, there was no fear or flattery in it, and he was extremely calm.

Not to mention any respect for the elderly, he knows that this old man doesn't need your so-called respect at all.

"Just call me by my first name.

" Li Zedao said again with a smile.

"In this world, the strong are respected after all, so you and I are of the same generation. If you call me Old Sun, I will naturally call you Young Master Li. If I call you by your name, then I will treat you as a junior." The old man smiled and said, "Besides, you must not regard me as an elder in your heart, right? As for my position and the power I have in hand, you are even more despised."

Li Zedao nodded with a slight smile, but narrowed his eyes slightly. It seems that this person is also a master who has reached the realm of returning to nature.

Li Zedao now probably knows that after entering this realm, the potential of the human body is equivalent to being developed to the extreme. Of course, there is a gap between them, but it will not be too big. No one dares to say who can win... To put it bluntly, Comparing the skills of a person who has just become a back-to-basics master with that of an old monster who has lived for a thousand years, even if there is a gap, it is definitely not the kind of gap that is difficult to bridge.

The realm of returning to the basics can basically be called a demigod. Of course, it is quite difficult to enter this realm. The popular saying is that you need luck.

And the state above returning to the basics, probably does not exist in this world. According to Li Zedao's understanding, the soul of a person will be sent to another plane by a mysterious force after death, and start from scratch.

To give an appropriate analogy, after the garbage is recycled, it will be cleaned and processed, and it will become a new product.

Those who break through the realm of returning to basics and returning to innocence will probably be sent to other planes by some mysterious power immediately.

So in this world, entering the realm of returning to nature is already the ultimate.

Just as Li Zedao was muttering in his heart, Mr. Sun started to make tea.

His movements of making tea are not like those beauties who specialize in performing tea art. It feels quite deliberate, such as deliberately showing a signature smile on his face, deliberately wearing a cheongsam and opening the cheongsam to reveal his white face. Huahua your breasts and long legs, and deliberately flirting with you...

His posture is very casual and natural, but it is very artistic and beautiful, like the flowing clouds and flowing water, and looks very comfortable. It seems that this old man has already integrated tea art into his blood.

After a cumbersome but necessary but also extremely pleasing process, Li Zedao already had an extra cup of tea soup with a deep orange-yellow aroma in front of him.

"Young Master Li, please." Elder Sun looked up at Li Zedao, with a faint smile on his face as an invitation. He did not treat Li Zedao as a subordinate or as a junior, and he regarded him as a peerless powerhouse of the same level as himself, so the etiquette was naturally extremely thoughtful.

Whether it is Li Zedao's strength or his character, some of the things he is doing now are enough to make Sun Lao respect him.

For a young man of his age, with a strong background and endless money to spend, which one isn't the one who spends all his time in extravagance? There are even more people who bully others. Some are even more ambitious, trying to make something happen.

But this young man does not have the slightest ambition. What he pursues is a quiet and peaceful life. He will not bully others when he has nothing to do. When he sees someone who needs help, he will immediately act without hesitation. He always says I don't want to be a good person, but he is a good person in the true sense.

What is a good person? To be honest, there is no standard, but Mr. Sun has his own set of standards.

Honor your parents, be unselfish, dare to take on your own responsibilities, not discriminate against anyone who lives worse than you, and be willing to help them, without asking for anything in return or fame, and silently dedicating to your grandson... I always feel that this young man has done a good job in these aspects.

"Thank you, Mr. Sun." Li Zedao expressed his gratitude, picked up the cup of tea and sipped it carefully, taking one shallow sip and two deep sips, and the remaining half cup felt a feeling of reluctance to drink.

"How?" Elder Sun asked with a slight smile. Of course, he already knew the answer, and he was quite confident in his skills.

In his opinion, the so-called tea art performance is simply unsightly, and it has to be out of shape, which is an insult to the word "tea art".

As for the so-called tea art performed by beauties in cheongsam, they even played the piano randomly. It has nothing to do with the word "tea art" at all, and it is simply for seeing beauties.

"Good tea." Li Zedao sighed with enjoyment. Even the tea that master made in the past used the same kind of tea leaves, but compared with the current cup of tea, the taste seems to be a little bit worse. Compared with this cup of tea, the one I brewed by myself is even more comparable All gone.

The old man's tea ceremony kung fu has entered a realm that others can't touch at all, just like the master's style and his own handsomeness, others can only worship.

"Old Sun's tea art is really amazing, and this tea is really memorable. It is my honor to drink this tea." Li Zedao sighed. This is not flattery, but the most sincere thoughts in my heart.

A beautiful woman looking back and smiling is enough to capture the hearts of others.

It's the same with this tea, Li Zedao was simply overwhelmed after just one sip, and even had the urge to send the little stock left in his hand to this old Sun. There, it was ruined by oneself.

"As long as it suits Young Master Li's wishes." Elder Sun smiled and continued to make tea.

The two of them brewed it for more than half an hour, and changed the tea leaves three times in the middle. The small pot of tea leaves was almost bottomed out, but they said some rather unnutritious words.

One said "Young Master Li, please." The other said "Thank you!" and poured tea into his stomach. As for most of the time, he just looked at each other silently.

You look at me once, I look at you twice, one thinks this guy is so handsome, those little girls who chased him are not allowed to line up from Shanhaiguan to Jiayuguan? The other thinks that this old man is too stylish, and those old ladies who like her should not go to Jiayuguan in Shanhaiguan... Li Zedao really thinks that this old man is too stylish in his heart, as for Mr. Sun, does he praise himself for being handsome in his heart? Yes, Li Zedao is not quite sure.

However, he knew very clearly that this old man who was full of force and couldn't see the depth was competing with himself for patience. In other words, if he didn't take the initiative to ask what to write, I'm afraid he was planning to spend time here. All morning tea, or even the whole day.

This leisurely old man can afford to waste time, but Li Zedao can't afford it. If you have this free time to drink tea with this old man here, why not go back and accompany Mia and Enkeke, and accompany them to do some shy things on the bed How good things are. Besides, he has already made arrangements to return to Phoenix City in the afternoon.

"I don't know why Mr. Sun is looking for me?" Li Zedao asked after swallowing a cup of tea again. It's not that I can't bear my temper, but the enemy is too idle, and we can't afford to spend a lot of time with him.

The old man looked at Li Zedao with a gentle smile and said, "One is to express kindness to Young Master Li."

"Good intentions?" Li Zedao was slightly taken aback.

"I want Li Shao to know that I am not your enemy, and I have no hostility towards you. As for the previous incident... I was negligent, so that Li Shao almost died on the island. It was only recently that I found out, Li Shao, you have a deep relationship with an old friend of mine."

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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