The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1888 Four Elephants

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"Old man?" Li Zedao's thoughts moved. Could it be that the old man mentioned by Sun Lao is the same as the Juejue teacher in Ganluan? ?

If this is the case, my guess is correct. This old monster is indeed a back-to-basics old monster. Maybe there is such a person as Old Sun, but his body is taken by this old monster?

"I also ask Mr. Sun to make it clear." Of course, Li Zedao would not foolishly say all of his background like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

"I also want to express my apologies to Young Master Li." Elder Sun did not immediately answer Li Zedao's question, but nodded slightly to express his apology.

"Sorry?" Li Zedao was slightly taken aback, not understanding what he meant. It couldn't be because he was almost played to death by two old men, Su Men and Director Yang, right?

Elder Sun raised his head and said, "Come out."

It was as if suddenly a strong light shot directly at Li Zedao's eyes, causing his eyes to narrow slightly, and his heart filled with horror.

He clearly felt three strong auras appearing behind him, and judging from their undulating auras, they were all masters of returning to basics!

Li Zedao was extremely puzzled, why did old monsters of this level jump out one after another recently? First Mrs. Miejue, then this mysterious Mr. Sun, and now there are three more behind him...

Li Zedao thought that if the three people behind him together with Mr. Sun attacked him, it would be difficult for him to escape from this courtyard today.

He thought that as long as he didn't enter the lab and stayed in the courtyard, he could guarantee absolute safety. Even if Elder Sun had some kind of conspiracy and suddenly attacked him, wouldn't he be able to escape? But what he didn't expect was that there was a bigger net waiting for him here.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't look back, he picked up the cup of tea in front of him, and took a sip with a calm expression.

Mount Tai collapsed in front of him and his face remained unchanged. Li Zedao just wanted to let them know, don't mess around, and this handsome guy is definitely not easy to mess with. If you want to keep me, you will have to pay a heavy price!

I couldn't help cursing my mother in my heart, which bastard stole Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword? If there is that sword, why be afraid of the encirclement and suppression of these four people.

He wondered again whether the sword was stolen by Elder Sun,

Just for the sake of taking him down now?

After putting down the teacup, Li Zedao looked up at Elder Sun: "I don't know where the apology comes from?"

Although the three people who appeared behind him all had undisguised strong aura, Li Zedao didn't feel any hostility or murderous aura, so he was slightly relieved. Of course, he didn't dare to be careless at all.

"Young Master Li can tell when he looks back." Elder Sun said with a slight smile.

Li Zedao smiled, his body tensed slightly, he was guarding against the sudden attack by Sun Lao, and at the same time turned his head to look at the three people who appeared behind him, when he saw the faces of these three people clearly, his eyes widened slightly, There is really an extremely absurd feeling that I can't believe.

He is not familiar with these three people, but has seen them all.

Especially the four or five-year-old kid standing there, he saved it from the dog yesterday and carried it back to his home.

As for the woman standing next to her, who wasn't the mother who came to her?

Of course, that little kid is no longer drooling, no longer has a silly face, no longer is the child who was born mentally handicapped, his smaller body stands there, his little face is full of Indifferent and proud, with the appearance of Lao Tzu being number one in the world, the aura released from his body really gives people an extremely strong sense of oppression!

And his mother is no longer that timid rural woman with low self-esteem. At this time, she has an inexplicable smile on her face, and the sense of oppression she brings is not weaker than that little kid.

Her eyes seemed to be capable of discharging electricity, and she stared straight at Li Zedao, looking so malicious that Li Zedao's scalp felt inexplicably numb... This smile is not too different from that of a ghost smiling at her. big difference.

The other young and beautiful girl, isn't she the same Zhao Duo'er who watched Encore's concert in the same box as her, and then met when she was handing out leaflets on the street?

In fact, Zhao Duo'er is fine, after all, Li Zedao has long thought that this girl should be very difficult, but this mentally retarded kid and this rural woman... Li Zedao's heart was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, really messy Incomparably, there is an urge to beat them up, this feeling of being kicked out is really not very good.

Seeing Li Zedao's eyes on her, Zhao Duo'er blinked her eyes and pursed her lips and smiled, and stuck out her tongue very cutely, her expression was like that of an innocent and romantic little girl.

Seeing Shaoyin showing such a cute expression to Li Zedao, Shaoyang on the side felt a sense of crisis in his heart. Could it be that Shaoyin took a fancy to that little boy?

This is really unbearable, if I knew I would have found a handsome, sunny one with a fairer face when I changed my wife.

Taiyin glanced at Shaoyang, and yin and yang smiled strangely: "Tsk tsk, someone fell into the vinegar jar, little sister Shaoyin, you better stop winking, or some brat who fell into the vinegar jar It’s about to die of sourness, and it’s even about to beat someone up.”

Shaoyin pursed her lips and smiled, without saying anything.

But Shaoyang blushed and pointed at Taiyin and scolded: "Old witch, what are you talking about when you get married? Who got into the vinegar jar? You explain clearly to me, otherwise don't blame me for turning against you."

Shaoyang was really furious. He really liked Shaoyin for more than a thousand years, but he never showed his heart, and now he was stabbed to the face by the old hag Taiyin... How embarrassing.

"Hehe, I'm still afraid of you?" Taiyin said with a smile.

Seeing the "mother and son" lifted up, Li Zedao quickly cheered him up in his heart, hit him, hit him, don't be polite, just pretend I don't exist.

"Cough..." Old Sun coughed lightly.

Shaoyang and Taiyin glared at each other and stopped talking.

Li Zedao was full of regrets, why didn't he fight?

"It happened for a reason, so I let them perform a show in front of you, please don't take offense, Young Master Li." Old Sun said apologetically.

"Forget it." Li Zedao turned around and said, can't really beat someone up? He really wanted to, especially wanted to beat up that "little kid", but the point was... he couldn't afford to lose that person. If a person of my age did something to a kid whose height didn't reach his knees, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

"Thank you, Young Master Li, for your generosity." Elder Sun smiled.

Li Zedao wanted to be generous, this handsome guy really wants to beat someone up now.

"You go down first." Sun Lao waved his hand and said.

The three of them nodded slightly at Sun Lao and Li Zedao, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

"To show my sincerity, let me tell you about our origins with Young Master Li first." Sun Lao said after delivering a cup of fragrant tea to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao slightly lowered his head to look at the fragrant tea in front of him, but didn't express anything.

Old Sun naturally knew that Li Zedao was in a bad mood at this time, no wonder, after all, no one likes to be tricked, especially a master of this level.

After Xiaoxiao apologized again, Elder Sun said, "I learned from Xiao Yang that Young Master Li has already heard of 'Sixiang', right?"

"Xiao Yang?" The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. The little Yang that Mr. Sun said was definitely Director Yang, and that old man was actually called Xiao Yang by another old man. Just thinking about it makes people feel quite the scene. funny.

Suddenly thinking of something, Li Zedao's eyes widened suddenly, he suddenly raised his head to look at Sun Lai, and said with great difficulty, "Old Sun wouldn't want to are one of the four elephants? Just now Those three guys that appeared are the other three of the four elephants?"

"Sun, Shaoyang, Taiyin, and Shaoyin, these two men and two women are collectively called Sixiang." Sun Lao nodded and said, "Of course, sometimes we also call ourselves Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, and Xuanwu. It is the sun among the four elephants, which is the Qinglong, the child is Shaoyang, which is the white tiger; the woman is Taiyin, which is the Suzaku, and the beautiful little girl is naturally Shaoyin, which is Xuanwu."

Hearing this, Li Zedao really felt like he was struck by lightning, and his heart was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, which was really messy to the extreme.

He learned from Qian Yugang that Sixiang left a volume of methods for cultivating internal strength and a piece of jade gossip after saving Taizu Mao, and said that one day Huaxia encounters a crisis that cannot be solved, and they only need to smash the piece of jade gossip. It will sense it, and it will come by itself.

Of course, no one can guarantee that after smashing the jade gossip, the mysterious four images that appeared back then will reappear.

Who would have thought that the mysterious four-element sun, that is, the Qinglong, would transform into Mr. Sun, the helm of fx. As for the remaining three, one is a beautiful little girl, the other is a mentally handicapped child of four or five years old, and the other One is a woman who lives at the bottom of the society and her face is full of signs of time... They are also three of the mysterious four phenomena.

Li Zedao felt that his outlook on society, life and values ​​collapsed at this moment.

Shouldn't the so-called four elephants be hidden masters in fluttering white clothes? You have to be like Mr. Sun, but those three people... what's going on here? That image, isn't this discrediting yourself?

"So, have you changed those dicks?" Of course Li Zedao knew that these four people definitely didn't look like this, otherwise it would have destroyed their great image in people's minds, especially that mentally retarded little fart. child……

м.③③χs.cóм worthy of book friends' collection

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