The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1932 You are liars

"Oh, I'm scalded to death, I'm scalded to death..." The old lady screamed again and again.

She felt as if a brazier suddenly appeared under her buttocks, it was so hot, as if her old skin was about to be roasted, and while screaming again and again, her body was quite numb from the ground. got up.

Strange to say, after coming together, the feeling of burning skin disappeared, which made the old lady quite puzzled, could it be that she just had hallucinations?

"Isn't it impossible to talk about it?" Li Zedao said sarcastically.

"..." The old lady thinks that this kid really doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young. My old lady is shameless and even desperate. You should show it anyway, and it's fine if you don't pay him, but you are still sarcastic.

Now I want to educate him well.

But after opening her mouth, her face was already full of horror, because she was shocked to find that although she opened her mouth, she couldn't make any sound.

In the next second, she even felt that her knees, which were easy to climb up the fifth floor, went limp, and she knelt straight in front of this damned young man.

"Hey, grandma, what's wrong with you?" Li Zedao looked like a frightened Yoko and wanted to rush over to help him up.

"Don't, young man, don't come and help me..." The old lady lowered her head, and the voice that seemed so regretful sounded, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I was wrong, I was confused, I deserve to die, I should be thundering Chop, I was blinded by lard and did such a disgraceful act like Pengci, I... I am sorry for the party, the country, and the people, I will die badly..."


Those watching the excitement around saw that the old lady was holding the tire of the car tightly one second, expressing that all her bones were broken, but the next second she was kneeling there, making such a deep confession, all expressions were different. I was stunned, just like seeing a pig flying in the sky.

"How did this kid do it? He conquered that old woman with his shamelessness?" In the car, Shaoyang's eyes widened, and his voice was full of disbelief.

"...No, he sealed the old woman's acupuncture points and forced her to kneel down without speaking, and then used ventriloquism to imitate her voice." Elder Sun shook his head helplessly. Compared with the other three, he has a more comprehensive understanding of Li Zedao, so he knows that he knows ventriloquist.

"This guy, why is he so crazy? He's not afraid of thunder?" Shaoyin, who just wanted to say that he could kill the old lady, couldn't bear to see Li Zedao tormenting the old lady like this.

I can't wait to kick the accelerator and kill these two people.

Li Zedao opened the door and got into the car. Seeing that the four of them were staring at him, he said with some embarrassment: "Well, my handsomeness conquered that old grandma. She knew she was wrong. She said that she I will kneel there for an hour, as punishment for myself."

"Despicable, ****!" Taiyin pouted.

"I know, I know, your handsomeness can conquer this kind of seventy or eighty-year-old old woman." Shaoyang sneered.

"It can also conquer old women who are more than a thousand years old, such as our wife Zhao Duo'er." Li Zedao said with a smile.

So Zhao Duo'er and Shaoyang's eyes became quite hostile.

"Okay, Taiyin, let's drive." Elder Sun said. If these people are allowed to continue talking, I am afraid that a fight will start.

This time I didn't meet Pengci again. The car arrived at the train station smoothly. After the five people got off the car, they first found a restaurant to have dinner, and then entered the train station, quietly waiting for the ticket inspection time to arrive.

"I'll just walk around." Sitting a little bored, Li Zedao said to Sun Lao who was sitting next to him. There are some shops in this train station, which sell food, souvenirs, jewelry and other things. Li Zedao thought about going there. have a look.

Elder Sun nodded and glanced at Shaoyin, who stood up knowingly and looked at Li Zedao and said, "I'll go with you."

Who knows if there are other immortals watching Li Zedao secretly, so they are naturally worried about leaving him alone.

But Mr. Sun can't...or dare not let Taiyin or Shaoyang accompany him, otherwise he is afraid that the train station will be demolished in the end, and he really doesn't want to stay with this kid, so he can only let Zhao Duo son gone.

"Lend it to your beloved woman." Li Zedao said looking at the little kid sitting there.

So Zhao Duo'er and Sun Lao had the urge to beat up this damn bastard again, do your family members know that you are so boring and naive?

Shaoyang smiled like an idiot, this kid is getting more and more powerful, waved his hand, and said old-fashionedly: "Well, go, pay attention to safety... take good care of Shaoyin, if she loses a hair, I am in a hurry with you."

"You're talking nonsense, be careful I'm not polite to you." After walking a short distance, Zhao Duo'er gave Li Zedao a rather speechless look.

Li Zedao whispered a little aggrieved: "The reason why I did this is because I can't bear to see cracks appearing in you, okay?"

"Get out!" For what this guy said, Zhao Duo'er didn't even believe the punctuation marks, he did this simply to disgust them with nothing to do.

Especially to disgust myself and Sun Lao.

Zhao Duo'er regretted it in her heart, she already knew that she should be more cautious when she was on the plane, and should not show her heart to Sun Lao.

Li Zedao chuckled, he likes to do things that people he doesn't like don't like, so he pointed to a so-called jewelry store over there and said, "Go over there and have a look."

"As you wish." Zhao Duo'er said. Unless Li Zedao entered the men's room, he would naturally follow wherever he went.

"Give you a ring?"


The waiter in the store was quite enthusiastic when he saw someone coming in.

Li Zedao glanced at the glittering and high-end jewelry in the cabinet, the corners of his mouth twitched, he was speechless.

It seems that the article about my experience of being deceived that I accidentally read is true.

The article said that the so-called jewelry store in the train station is full of miscellaneous brands. Although the pendants, bracelets and rings in the glass cabinets look very bright, beautiful and high-end, they are all deceptive.

To put it bluntly, those things are obviously made of 925 sterling silver, at most they are coated with a layer of platinum on the outside, but they are sold as if they were made of platinum, and the price is even higher than that in the regular gold shop outside. out a lot.

In addition, some stores will hold some activities, such as buying a ten-dollar keychain, you will get a lottery ticket, if you get the first prize, then congratulations, you can take away the ones in the counter at a 20% discount any item.

Of course, the price marked on the label inside the counter is naturally more than dozens of times the actual price. For example, a ring worth at most 100 yuan dares to be priced at 4,000 yuan! If you win the first prize, you will buy the ring with the original price of 4,000 and the real price of 100 for 800 yuan, and then you will feel so happy and feel that your luck is so damn good Well... as everyone knows, you are simply being taken advantage of.

These shops are designed to trap those who don't know anything but like to be cheap, especially those migrant workers who go home during the holidays.

These migrant workers have been working hard for more than half a year. Naturally, they have hard-earned money in their pockets, and they also want to buy something to go home for their wives and parents, so they are basically cheated in the end.

"Sir, are you here to bring your girlfriend to pick out jewelry? Your girlfriend is so beautiful and friendly. I think this platinum clavicle chain is very suitable for her..." The waiter looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, cheating. one.

She likes this kind of customers who come in with their girlfriends the most. Men are all face-saving scumbags, and they usually behave quite generously at this time.

"She's not my girlfriend." Li Zedao shook his head. Isn't it insulting to say that she is his girlfriend?

"...Uh, that's your sister? Your sister is so beautiful, and you are also very handsome..." The smile on the waiter's face froze and he quickly changed his words.

"She's not my sister either." Li Zedao looked at the waiter as if he was looking at an idiot, "I don't know her well."

"..." The waiter was almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words, and quickly restrained the smile on his face. This kid is sick.

"Also, my family owns a jewelry store, so you tell me it's platinum when it's obviously silver? You're a liar." Li Zedao said again.

"...Damn it!" The waiter looked at Li Zedao with rather unfriendly eyes, and the muscles on his face twitched wildly. So this guy is not only sick but also here to mess things up?

As a bystander, Zhao Duo'er was quite speechless, thinking that this guy really deserves a beating, of course it's wrong to lie, but who's to blame if you can't tell other people's lies because you are stupid and greedy for cheap?

Zhao Duo'er thought to herself that if she was the waiter anyway, she would order to slap this bastard to death.

"Boy, don't disturb our business if you don't buy it." The waiter looked at Li Zedao with unkind eyes and said. He even gave a tall man who was sitting there playing with his mobile phone a look. The latter stood up knowingly and stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, as if he would beat you up if you didn't leave.

"Are you an idiot?" Li Zedao looked at the waiter and said.

The muscles on the waiter's face twitched even more. Damn it, you are the idiot, and your whole family are idiots.

"If you are not an idiot, you should know that I am not an idiot. Since I am not an idiot, how can I buy these things that are dozens of times higher than the actual price? Don't think that I don't know that these are all silver, and there are even several It’s not even silver, but you sell it as platinum, what are you liars?”


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