The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1933 It was bitten by the sun

Li Zedao waved his hand, his whole body was full of righteousness, and the sacred aura added to his body: "I am a young man full of sense of justice. I can't tolerate any sand in my eyes. I can't bear to see you cheating customers like this. I will stay here." Now, if anyone enters the store, I will tell them that you are liars."

So the few customers who were picking out jewelry in the store gave Li Zedao a strange look, and then left the jewelry store.

Several customers who were about to enter the store heard Li Zedao's voice, and gave him the same weird look, then turned around and went to another place.

As an innocent bystander, Zhao Duo'er worried that the salesperson might slap Li Zedao to death at any time.

Zhao Duo'er thought, if I were this salesperson, I would definitely take out a knife and stab him to death, it's really too deceitful.

The waiter was so angry that the muscles on his little face trembled wildly, and the man's face was even more ferocious.

"What are you still doing?" the waitress yelled at the man.

So the man took two steps forward, and immediately hugged Li Zedao's shoulders with his big strong hands, and said with a smile: "Come, brother, let's find a place to talk."

"What do you want to do?" Li Zedao's face was full of vigilance, "You don't want to hit me because you were exposed by me? You try to hit me? If you dare to hit me, I will call for help. Shout for help, I will let everyone know that what you are selling here is fake."

"...I'm not going to hit you, I'm planning to make friends with you... Business is not easy these days, so please give me a hand. Of course, I understand the rules. Let's go to the bathroom, and I'll give you a red envelope." The man smiled. Hehe said, this kid turned out to be a stunned young man.

"Really?" Li Zedao's eyes lit up slightly, and he wanted to give this man a thumbs up. This guy is too savvy and a talent. It's a pity that he didn't enter the officialdom, otherwise he must be a rising star. High-flying Nova.

"Can I still lie to you, brother?" The man said with a smile, with a hint of ferocity in his eyes. It turned out that this kid was not only a dumbass, but also a fool. Of course I'm not a fool, and I really can't do this kind of thing.

"It's up to you." Zhao Duo'er looked at Li Zedao and his shoulders and backs, his brotherhood was as deep as the sea, and the back of turning into the bathroom was quite speechless.

Of course she knew that Li Zedao followed him in so stupidly, so she naturally wanted to give the man a hard lesson in the bathroom.

Zhao Duo'er also knew that his behavior was simply venting, just like the animal thing he did to the old lady when she touched porcelain.

Although this is a peerless master, although under the transformation of Shenwan, his overall quality is far beyond ordinary people, but after all, he is a young man in his twenties, and he still has the heart of a child.

Sure enough, Zhao Duo'er heard a slight abnormal noise coming from the bathroom, as if something fell into the water.

Five minutes later, Li Zedao walked out of the bathroom with a lazy expression, looked at Zhao Duoer who was waiting there boredly, and said, "He lied to me, not only did he not give me red envelopes, he also said he wanted to hit me and buy me a drink." Urine, I had no choice but to treat him to a meal of 'rock sugar elbow', and also made him drink his urine."

The so-called "rock sugar elbow" is to hit the kidney part of the person with the elbow. If the "eat" is in place, the person will not be able to straighten his back, and even the urine will be bloody.

Also, a urinal inside was blocked and filled with urine.

The man originally wanted to ask Li Zedao to drink his urine, but who would have thought it the other way around? Li Zedao simply elbowed him on his abdomen. Yes, but all voices are published.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao grabbed his head again and forced it into the urine. After drinking several mouthfuls of urine, Li Zedao let him go. Now he is vomiting violently in the compartment inside. No face is coming out.

"Whatever." Zhao Duo'er said with some disgust.

"If it wasn't so disgusting, I would want to eat his shit." Li Zedao said again. I thought that even if the liar was embarrassed to eat it, he would not be ashamed to poop it. The liar doesn't think shit is dirty, but he still thinks it's dirty.

In the final analysis, Li Zedao is still a calm, modest, good-looking, sunny and handsome boy. He can't do anything beyond the bottom line of being a human being.

Even if there is a super, it is only a little bit that is almost negligible.

Zhao Duo'er turned around, she was really disgusted.

Li Zedao smiled, and continued to wander among the various crowds, Zhao Duo'er followed behind him unhurriedly.

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't want to talk to this guy now, she would have greeted him and said, "Why don't we go back and sit over there? If you want to kill time, take out your mobile phone and watch a movie or play chess with Mr. Sun. You Is it interesting to wander around like this?

In the end, what made Zhao Duo'er almost cry was that Li Zedao was a little bored shopping by himself, and returned to his original location after buying some snacks in the store.

"Little friend, my brother treats you to some potato chips." Li Zedao smiled and handed a bag of potato chips to Shaoyang.

Shaoyang didn't reach out to pick it up, the corners of his mouth twitched, he looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, this kid is too insulting, only brats eat this kind of thing.

"Hey, why are children so rude?" Li Zedao shook his head with emotion, retracted his hands, sat down on the chair, and tore open the potato chips, eating them with a "click" Woke up.

After waiting for more than an hour, the ticket checking began, and the five people got up and followed the crowd to the ticket gate.

This time the ticket was hard sleeper, five people in one compartment, not separated like on the plane.

After entering the carriage, Li Zedao climbed straight to the upper bunk, didn't even bother to take off his shoes, turned his body, closed his eyes, and the content of "Tianji Tujuan" appeared in his mind, and then his eyelids began to become heavy, and soon fell into a deep sleep .

Although it is basically impossible to thoroughly comprehend the scroll of heavenly secrets, what if? What if he was enlightened within a few days? At that time, not only will there be no need to go to another plane, but you can also beat this shameless gang of four severely.

When Li Zedao opened his eyes again, the train was still moving forward "not to mention", and outside the train, it was already daylight.

He yawned and sat up, he saw Zhao Duoer sitting on the chair beside the aisle staring outside, at this time she was still holding a cup of steaming coffee in her hand, and there was a small bag of pastries in front of her, Li Ze said I recognized it, it was the sweet-scented osmanthus cake made by Mr. Sun.

There was a tooth mark on the top piece of osmanthus cake, which was obviously bitten by Zhao Duo'er.

At the same time, the little boy Shaoyang was sitting in the chair opposite her, looking shyly at the beautiful big sister in front of him secretly.

Being stared at by Shaoyang like this, Zhao Duo'er didn't feel any discomfort in her heart, anyway, she has been stared at for more than a thousand years, and she has long been used to it.

She doesn't hate Shaoyang, on the contrary she likes him, but this kind of love doesn't have any male-female feelings, but the closest friend, the closest comrade-in-arms, he is three years older than her, so she has always regarded him as He treats it like his own brother.

"There are still 20 minutes until we arrive at our destination." Apparently noticing that Li Zedao's eyes were on her, she recovered and raised her head to look at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao nodded, scratched his messy head, and jumped off the top bunk.

At this moment, Mr. Sun was sitting on the lower berth, holding a hand-drawn map in his hand. Li Zedao knew it without looking at it. It must be a map of the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau. The red route on the map is the route they will take in the future. .

As for Taiyin, she was not there, so she must have gone to the bathroom, of course, it could also be because her son was always staring at beautiful women, she couldn't stand it, so she avoided it by herself, otherwise she might not be able to bear it and would beat someone up.

Seeing Li Zedao coming down, Elder Sun looked at him and smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning." Li Zedao stretched his waist and responded.

Then he walked up to Zhao Duo'er, stared at her with burning eyes, and under the gaze of Zhao Duo'er's eyes that seemed to be looking at a fool and Shaoyang's increasingly unkind eyes, he stretched out his hand and took Zhao Duo'er. Duo'er took a sip of the cup of coffee in her hand and said, "You actually prepared my favorite coffee for me, how kind of you."

The other hand reached out, picked up the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Zhao Duoer took a bite of, stuffed it into his mouth, and enjoyed it all over his face: "The really good."

I don't know if it's because of Zhao Duo'er's saliva on it, anyway, Li Zedao thinks this pastry is much more delicious than the one he ate in the military base before.

Zhao Duo'er's eyeballs widened all of a sudden, this guy, can he be more shameless? I obviously prepared the coffee for myself, okay? And...he just woke up and ate without brushing his teeth?

Shaoyang's face was full of murderous looks, and he directly fed the dog's good impression of Li Zedao in his heart.

Taiyin took a few sips of that cup of coffee, and there was her saliva in it, but he snatched the coffee and drank it. Doesn't that mean an indirect kiss with Shaoyin?

"Damn it, if I successfully reach that plane, the first thing I will do is to kill you! If there is no way to reach another plane, the first thing I will do is to kill you, you You bastard!" Shaoyang cursed viciously in his heart.

"That pastry..." Zhao Duo'er said.

"I don't mind your slobber." Li Zedao said with affection.

Zhao Duo'er had goose bumps all over his body, while Old Sun and Shaoyang wanted to kill this kid immediately.

"It was bitten by Tai Yin before going to the bathroom." Zhao Duo'er said patiently.



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