The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1935 Enemy Attack

The road conditions were indeed extremely bad, although the performance of the car was excellent, but it was also very bumpy.

Li Zedao didn't care, he just regarded it as riding a rocking car.

However, before the car had time to leave the town, it was stopped by a simple roadblock made of a few logs ahead.

At the same time, seven or eight men were squatting or standing by the roadside, some were smoking cigarettes, some were chatting and laughing.

Seeing that two off-road vehicles had stopped, the seven or eight men got up and walked to the vehicle, and one of the short-haired men reached out and knocked on the window.

Old Sun opened the window of the car wide, looked at the man and smiled, "What's the matter?"

"We built this road, so we need to collect a toll, one thousand." The man glanced at Li Zedao who was sitting in the back seat, and said with a rather honest smile, showing his big yellow teeth.

"One thousand for a car." The inch-cut man said again, "Of course, it's okay if you don't give it, but you can't pass here."

Then, he took out a cigarette, lit one, and smoked it briskly, as if he was determined that you didn't discuss it.

Li Zedao smiled helplessly, saying that troublesome people come out of poor mountains and rivers, how could this kind of thing happen to such a good country?

These days, it is not uncommon for villagers to set up cards to block roads tolls without permission, but Li Zedao's weak heart was really shocked when he said a thousand words.

Elder Sun nodded, and said into the headset: "Who of you wants to vent your emotions?"

So the door of the off-road vehicle behind was pushed open, and Shaoyang jumped out of the car. He bent down, picked up a piece of wood from the ground, and weighed it in his hand. It's pretty solid and won't break before it starts.

These villagers looked at Shaoyang, their expressions were a little dazed, what is this three-year-old kid doing? He was going to whip them with that stick?

So these unscrupulous people laughed, and sure enough, the people in the city are very good at playing.

However, they couldn't laugh any longer, because that little boy jumped up and appeared in front of a villager, and his small body, which was no more than one meter in length, jumped up violently as if stepping on a spring. fall.

"Touch!" There was a muffled sound.

The stick hit the villager's forehead heavily.

The stick didn't break,

But the villager was completely dumbfounded. He subconsciously reached out and touched his forehead, the blood in his hand.

Then the eyes went dark, and the whole person simply fell to the ground, motionless, as if dead.

After knocking the villager to the ground with a stick, Shaoyang didn't stop, just like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep, knocking down one of them with one stick, and the villagers had no room to resist at all.

ten seconds? Maybe even less, only the cropped man is still standing.

His pupils were rounded, his body was as motionless as a sculpture, and the way he looked at Shaoyang was like seeing a ghost.

Even if he was beaten to death, he couldn't guess the ending. Seven or eight of them, strong and strong peasants, would be knocked down by a three-year-old child with a wooden stick in an instant.

"I'll give you a minute. If you don't remove that roadblock, I'll break your legs." Shaoyang raised his stick and pointed it at the short-haired man, his little face was full of gloom.

The inch-cut man was startled, and hurried over to remove the rudimentary barricade, then looked at Shaoyang with horror on his face, and said in a trembling voice, "A few... some lords... please... ..."

I was really terrified in my heart, what kind of monster did they provoke?

Shaoyang's figure flashed, and he had already appeared in front of him. He raised the stick and slammed it hard on his right leg.

"Crack!" The sound of bone breaking sounded, and the inch-cut man fell to the ground, clutching his left calf, and let out a miserable scream.

"If you move it away, I'll cut you off." Shaoyang said darkly, threw away the stick in his hand, turned and returned to the car.

Sun Lao stepped on the accelerator, and the car continued to drive forward with bumps.

For them, this kind of thing is really something that they can't laugh at anymore. If it weren't for Li Zedao, these people might have become corpses, not just disabled.

"I'll sleep for a while." Li Zedao looked at Elder Sun and said, too lazy to express any opinions. Then he lay on the spacious back seat, closed his eyes, and the content of "Tianji Tujuan" appeared in his mind again, and soon fell asleep again.

He didn't know how long he slept, but when he woke up again, the sky outside was still bright, and at the same time, the car continued to bump on the road.

"Are you awake?" Elder Sun looked back at Li Zedao and asked with a gentle smile. Listening to his breathing, he really fell asleep, but who knows if he pretended it on purpose? When he was on the plane, he could pack one, and he can continue to pack it now.

As for why this kid pretended to be asleep? who knows?

This kid's thoughts are heavier than those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, so most of the time, Old Sun really doesn't know what is going on in his heart.

Of course, he also knew that the relationship between this kid and the four elephants was, to put it bluntly, that they were using each other, so a conflict would very likely break out afterwards.

He even knew that this kid must have understood this point, so he has been looking for opportunities to disgust them since yesterday.

This approach is undoubtedly quite naive and quite boring, but it happens to be very effective.

At least he is quite upset now, at least now there seems to be a slight crack in their four images.

"How long have we been walking?" Li Zedao asked, looking outside, it was obvious that the sun was going to set soon.

At the same time, the speed of the car is not fast, but the bumps are severe, obviously the road conditions are not very good.

Fortunately, the performance of the car is excellent, otherwise the chassis would have been scratched or even broken down.

Looking back, he glanced at the back, and saw that the car Zhao Duoer and the others were in was closely following behind the car he was in.

"It's been nearly eight hours." Elder Sun said, "Let's stop and take a rest after walking a certain distance."

Rao is a master of returning to basics, but such a high level of concentration for such a long period of time also made him feel a little tired. In addition, he had to let the car rest and check the car, otherwise if there is a problem with the car, it will be trouble after all.

Although their movement speed is faster than the speed of a car, but only fools want to walk when there is a car, and they can't guarantee that there are no enemies around them.

This is another important reason why they choose to drive, which can save a lot of energy.

Li Zedao nodded, without any objection, stretched out his hand to open the car window, and in an instant, the still cool wind poured into the car and blew on his face, making his spirit slightly shaken.

Elder Sun also opened the car window, and the cool breeze could make him concentrate more. The closer he was to the Wuming Mountain, the less he dared to be careless.

Li Zedao can just sleep over there without thinking about anything, but he can't.

Continuing to drive forward for a distance of less than a kilometer, Li Zedao suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart. He looked at Elder Sun with a solemn expression and said, "Wait, I don't feel right."

Old Sun frowned, and his heart suddenly became vigilant. He knew that this kid had been transformed by Shenwan, so he was stronger than them in terms of perception. Since he felt danger, there must be some danger approaching... ...Of course, the premise is that he is not idle and planning to start a new life.

Immediately, his heart felt a little trembling, it was a feeling of danger coming, so the situation was indeed wrong!

"Be careful, there may be a situation." Sun Lao immediately said into the headset, reminding Zhao Duo'er and the others who were following behind them.

Of course, he also knew that with Taiyin and the others' strength, they should have caught the danger by now.

"Shh... what did you hear? It seems to be coming from above our heads." Li Zedao pointed to the roof of the car, his expression became more serious.

Elder Sun listened carefully, and there seemed to be a sound similar to "buzzing..." The next second, the pores of his whole body shrank, and his back felt cold. It felt like there was a poisonous snake behind him. It's like spinning silk at him.

Danger! Extremely strong danger! The danger comes from above them!

"Get out of the car!" Elder Sun drank into the headset while his body tensed up and jumped out of the opened car window with a rather difficult movement.

Li Zedao had already jumped out of the car at this time, and he was two seconds faster than Old Sun.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound, which was the muffled sound of the out-of-control car crashing into the big rock beside it.

Immediately afterwards, there was another deafening explosion of "Boom!"

The car driven by Mr. Sun and Li Zedao exploded violently, and the flames shot up into the sky in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, there was another explosion sound of "Boom!", and the car that Taiyin and the others were in also exploded violently, turning into a fireball. Splash around.

At the same time, five men in black clothes who could fly appeared in the sky above. They held small rocket launchers, and shells were fired from the quiver in their hands one after another.

In other words, the two vehicles exploded because they were hit by the shells fired by the men in black.

The attack came too suddenly, and the enemy's weapons were too fierce.

Wearing flight suits, they appeared in mid-air almost silently, holding the most advanced rocket launchers in their hands. The shells bombarded the off-road vehicle, instantly turning the off-road vehicle into a fireball. , I'm afraid even the scum is gone.

After a few shells came down, they did not stop shooting, but continued to use the rocket launchers in their hands to continue bombing. Their bombing targets were all within a radius of 100 meters. Obviously they knew the strength of the people in the two off-road vehicles. They were worried that the people in the car jumped out of the car and ran away, and they made sure to wipe out everyone in the car.


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