The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1936 The situation is wrong

"Whoosh!" A big stone rose through the air.

That speed is almost the same as the speed of the shells, so until the stone flew in front of one of the men in black in midair, the man in black couldn't react at all, he didn't know at all Death has come.

"Bang!" The stone fell heavily on the man in black. The man screamed, his head tilted, and he was already too dead.

A big hole was punched out of the chest of the special body armor he was wearing, the bones in his chest were broken, and the stone was left directly in his body.

The bazooka fell from his hand and began to fall freely. The body was carried by the aircraft to float in the sky, just like a kite with a broken string.

At the same time, more than a dozen stones shot up through the air almost at the same time, smashing hard at the remaining four flying men.

"Bang!" One of the men's head was hit by a stone, and blood splashed everywhere.

The other one was even more unlucky. The weapon arsenal on his body was hit by a stone, and there was only a muffled "boom!", his body exploded in the air, and countless flesh and blood stumps flew in the sky.

The remaining two people were also hit by multiple stones, and they died instantly.

In less than ten seconds, the five flying men who were attacking with rocket launchers were wiped out. I'm afraid they didn't even think about saying that they didn't come to kill people, but they actually came to die.

It's not that they are weak, their equipment is not advanced enough, and their vitality is not fierce enough, they just encountered a group of **** with their backs.

The sky fell into silence again, as if nothing had happened.

The ground was a mess, with one big pit after another within a radius of 100 meters. Some places were still burning, and the place was full of pungent gunpowder smoke.

The only fortunate thing is that the surrounding area is relatively desolate, and there are no small forests or anything, so there is no risk of forest fires.

Until this time, the five people who were originally in the two cars climbed out from various places.

Li Zedao is fine.

Elder Sun is fine, Zhao Duo'er is fine, Shaoyang is fine, Taiyin... is fine.

This woman's arm was dripping with blood, and some bones were even visible to the naked eye. In addition, her face was also covered with blood.

That head of hair was basically burned off, and the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

What was even more frightening was that the entire palm of her other arm was blown off, and blood kept gushing out from her severed arm, like a red fountain.

Her reaction ability is naturally excellent, and she jumped off the car immediately when she caught danger, but her luck is obviously not that good. Of course, it can also be said that her character is not good.

At the moment she jumped out of the car, two shells exploded in front of her. If it weren't for her skill, she might not have been blown off her palms, but would have been blown into corpses, even That is the corpse will be roasted instantly.

But even though the injury was so serious, this woman didn't even hum, but her eyes were so terrifying, there was a cold light in her eyes.

This made Li Zedao somewhat regretful, why didn't those cannonballs have eyes? How interesting it would be to blow up one or both of them.

Especially why didn't the little brat die?

What makes Li Zedao even more depressed is that although he, Zhao Duo'er and Sun Lao have not suffered such serious injuries like Taiyin, they are still quite embarrassed. For example, his handsome face has turned black, and his left calf There was also a bloodstain from the shrapnel.

Mr. Sun's handsome and elegant beard was burnt away, and Zhao Duo'er's fair face also had several bloodstains, and his knee was also scratched.

But this damn little kid may have become the most energetic of them because of his small body and small goals.

His face was not dark, and there were no scars on his body, the most was just a little dust on his clothes.

As for the stones like cannonballs, they were of course the ones who threw them.

Li Zedao threw a stone and killed one of them neatly, so Mr. Sun and the others immediately understood, and each turned to the stone to attack in anger.

Such hatred is naturally unstoppable.

And they don't have any idea of ​​keeping alive, because they don't need to know who the enemy is at all, just soldiers come to cover them up.

"Are you all right?" Elder Sun asked, his face blackened by the gunpowder smoke was naturally quite ugly, and there was furious emotion in his eyes.

It was the first time he was put into such a mess after living for so long, which made him quite angry. If the corpses were not torn apart or taken away by the flying suit, he would have whipped their corpses.

Being attacked has long been regarded by Mr. Sun as a very likely event, which is why he didn't dare to be careless during this journey, and didn't dare to blink his eyelids when driving.

But what he never expected was that someone wearing such an advanced flight suit would bomb them with a bazooka in his hand.

Shouldn't it be a thousand-year-old monster like them who appeared in front of the car and was not afraid of being hit by the car, saying that he would either leave Li Zedao behind or run over me when the car was about to hit him? And he fled faster than a rabbit in a flash, or he came over with a sword and simply split the off-road vehicle in half.

Then after that, they will break out into an earth-shattering fight, and naturally, it will be their four elephants who will win in the end.

But now they use rocket launchers? what is this?

In the world, kung fu is the highest.

Kung fu is their dignity, their pride, and a forbidden zone where they are incompatible with heat-weapons.

But, you fucking use the bazooka... This kind of behavior is cheating, breaking the rules and being despised by others.

Elder Sun decided that after the master who planned the attack showed up, he would first speak with contempt for him.

"It's okay." Although he felt that the old man's question was quite redundant, Li Zedao still responded. It's all right, you can't see it yourself.

Looking up at the cloudless sky, Li Zedao frowned slightly. The attack came suddenly, and even more inexplicably, completely different from what was expected.


Taiyin, Shaoyang and Zhao Duo'er also spoke separately, of course their voices could be heard to be filled with an extremely strong anger. Such shell attacks really made them feel quite humiliated, and they really wanted to spit out some old blood.

There is a kind of aboveboard to come out to fight, what's the matter like this? Shameless?

Especially Taiyin, this old woman is currently suppressing the anger in her body, if Li Zedao dares to provoke her at this time, she will definitely attack him desperately.

"It's fine." Sun Lao nodded and said, although Taiyin's arm was dripping with blood, and even one of his palms was blown off, but such injuries are nothing to experts like them, the big deal is Just change to another **.

In addition, Shaoyang is here, and it will be fine after a while to apply medicine and bandage her.

"Shaoyang..." Elder Sun glanced at Shaoyang.

Shaoyang curled his lips, looked at Taiyin reluctantly and said: "Old woman, if you don't want to bleed to death, sit down and give me your hand."

Although this kid is so reluctant and his mouth is quite unclean, he is the man he likes after all, so Tai Yin's heart is somewhat sweet, and the irritable mood has still eased a lot.

Immediately, Yiyan sat down on the ground, and stretched out his severed arm in front of Shaoyang. Shaoyang quickly took out a medicine bottle from his body, opened it and poured all the medicine powder inside on the wound.

This is obviously an extremely precious wound medicine, her shocking wound stopped bleeding immediately, and at that moment Shaoyang tore off a lot, and quickly bandaged the wound.

"Thank you." Tai Yin said, looking at the little kid.

"Old woman, have you lost your mind?" Shaoyang's mouth twitched, the old woman's tone suddenly became so gentle, it really made his hair stand on end.

"Son, it's hard for me not to scold you, is it?" Tai Yin scolded with a giggle.

Shaoyang didn't bother to respond, turned around and left with a cold snort.

Old Sun's eyes fell on Li Zedao: "The situation is not right."

The reason why he can become the leader of the four elephants is not only because he is the strongest among the four, his personality is the most attractive, he is the most handsome, and he is the god of the group , because he is the clearest thinking among the four.

Zhao Duoer likes to eat and play, and usually people who like to eat and play are more casual and don't like to use their brains very much. In fact, Zhao Duoer is indeed such a person. Usually, she does what Elder Sun says, and she doesn't have any opinions of her own. Of course, this has a lot to do with her liking for Elder Sun.

Taiyin seems insidious and calculating, but some of her actions seem so petty that she can't get on the stage. For example, she provokes Li Zedao and Zhao Duo'er in front of Jiu Shaoyang from time to time. This kind of behavior makes Sun Lao feel quite childish.

As for Shaoyang, he is simply a reckless man, he always only likes to solve problems with his fists.

Therefore, even if there was something, Elder Sun seldom consulted with them, but directly told them his decision.

But now, Elder Sun decided to discuss it with Li Zedao. Although this kid is quite shameless and deserves a beating, he has been reformed by Onimaru after all, and his insight and analysis ability are indeed unmatched.

He must have discovered the problems that he could discover, and he even discovered details that he could not.

Li Zedao glanced at Old Sun and nodded: "Indeed, the situation is wrong."


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