The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1939 The Betrayal Chip

He took advantage of Sun Lao's mood swings to seize the right time, and punched him fiercely in the crotch. He thought that even if this punch could not kill him, it would be enough to kill him and completely lose his fighting power. This move was enough to make the two women, Shaoyin and Taiyin, dumbfounded. If they couldn't react for a while, they could take the opportunity to escape.

If I want to run, no one can catch up with me, including that damned Li Zedao.

But what he didn't expect when he was killed was that the fist he punched was so soft, as if he was really a three-year-old child.

"No strength?" Elder Sun thought for a while, huh? I seem to have no energy left.

Then, while his mind was trembling violently, his body softened, and he simply collapsed to the ground.

Shaoyang's two calves were weak and he fell down. Zhao Duo'er, who was so frightened that his face turned pale because he saw Shaoyang attacking Sun Lao suddenly, also fell down because he found out that Shaoyang wanted to kill them. Shaoyin, whose heart was in a mess, also collapsed.

Without exception, they all felt that their strength suddenly disappeared completely.

Li Zedao didn't fall down, at this moment he was in a mood to spit out a string of beautiful smoke rings, his expression looked so playful, as if he was watching a good show.

"What... did you do to us?" Old Sun looked at Liu Zedao and asked with great difficulty. This damn kid looks so arrogant, without thinking about it, he must be doing something like that, they must have been poisoned by some kind of poison that will make people lose their physical strength.

Shaoyang's face was full of hostility, and the eyes he looked at Li Zedao were more vicious and vicious. If the eyes could kill people, Li Zedao would have died tens of thousands of times.

"Save you, if it wasn't for me, you would have been seriously injured by your good brother." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said. I am very dissatisfied with this old man's questioning attitude. If it weren't for me, you would become a eunuch without dying.

Li Zedao probably knew that after his mask was torn off, Shaoyang, an insidious guy, would turn into a rage and hurt others out of ten, so he smoked a cigarette again after he finished speaking.

He had already added some kind of extremely powerful medicine to the cigarette.

This can be regarded as a hole card he prepared for himself, in order to deal with Shaoyang, he used it in advance.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't know in advance whether this kind of * would be effective for back-to-basics masters, but now it seems that the effect is quite good.


Shaoyang actually wanted to kill Sun Lao and the others, even Zhao Duoer, which was completely beyond Li Zedao's expectations.

Now that I think about it, the only reasonable explanation is love begets hate, right?

Elder Sun had no way to refute, and sighed heavily. Indeed, if Shaoyang hadn't been poisoned, he would have been seriously injured by now.

"It seems that the matter has come to light. It's not that I'm trying to provoke the relationship between you four elephants, but that Mr. Shaoyang really wants to kill us all." Li Zedao said again.

I really have lingering fears, this time is too dangerous, who would have thought that someone would appear above their heads, even bombing them with a rocket launcher. If it is a few seconds later, his body will probably be the same as when he was DJing in the island country last time, missing several parts.

Sun Lao's face was full of bitterness, Tai Yin's expression was quite painful, as for Zhao Duo'er, Li Zedao's eyes were... grateful.

Li Zedao probably knew that the reason why this woman stared at him with such eyes was because he helped her protect her happiness and sex-blessing...

"I really hate being stared at by others with such eyes." Li Zedao looked at Shaoyang and slowly exhaled a smoke ring.

"The thing I regret most now is that I didn't kill you!" Shaoyang's voice was full of viciousness, his face was distorted with hatred, and he occupied the body of a three or four-year-old child, so The whole person looks quite terrifying.

If he was the kid's ghost in a ghost movie, he wouldn't need makeup at all.

"It seems as if you can kill me if you just do it." Li Zedao sneered, then circled around and punched, and finally picked up a wooden stick and put a pad on his hand, it was good, very easy.

"Young Master Li..." Elder Sun had a painful expression on his face. Although Shaoyang deserved to be killed, it was his brother after all. The behavior Li Zedao was about to do was to humiliate him to death, so he had no choice but to speak up.

"Bastard, you dare to touch his old lady to kill you..." Taiyin stared at Li Zedao viciously and shouted.

"He's just a child..." Zhao Duo'er thought in her heart, but didn't say this sentence that seemed so embarrassing.

"This is my personal grievance with him." Li Zedao said. The subtext is that this handsome guy was almost bombed into a pile of rotten meat by the rocket launcher, and now he is very upset, so he naturally needs to vent his anger.

Old Sun understood what Li Zedao meant, so he shut up and even closed his eyes, as if he couldn't bear to take another look.

Taiyin... also shut up, but looked at Li Zedao with such vicious eyes.

Then, Li Zedao raised the stick and threw it down on Shaoyang's body.

That scene was like a grumpy old man beating his three-and-a-half-year-old son after he was drunk.

Zhao Duo'er and Tai Yin also closed their eyes, after all, they are their closest relatives, now he was beaten like this which is basically humiliating, they naturally couldn't bear to see such a scene.

At the same time, they couldn't help but feel worried. Although this shameless guy said that it was only his grievances with Shaoyang, who knew that he would target the three of them after humiliating Shaoyang, or that they Kill them or do something to humiliate them?

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

After Li Zedao hit more than a dozen sticks in a row, he stopped. He squatted down and looked at Shaoyang and said, "I said that one day I would beat you hard with a stick. I didn't lie to you, did I?"

"..." If it wasn't for this damn bastard who continued to whip himself with a stick, Shaoyang would have wanted to scold someone, I'll fuck you, when did you say such a thing?

Looking at this face that has turned into a blood gourd but has such hideous and terrifying eyes, Li Zedao said with a smile: "Give you three seconds, if you don't close your dog eyes, this handsome guy doesn't mind spitting on your face." Take a pee, I happen to be in a hurry right now."

"..." Shaoyang simply closed his eyes, he knew that this shameless guy would definitely do such a shameless thing.

"It's so spicy."

If Shaoyang could still move, he would definitely fight Li Zedao to the death without hesitation.

But he couldn't move, so he could only curse such a dirty word in his heart.

It has been more than 1,400 years since he came to this world. Except for the sun, he has never seen a more hateful person than this kid.

What he did to himself was no longer as simple as an ordinary humiliation, it was simply the enemy of life and death.

Li Zedao was very satisfied with Shaoyang's performance: "Such obedient children are liked by grown-ups."

"It's so spicy." The only thing Shaoyang can do is to continue to scold his mother in his heart, he feels that the sum of all the insults he has encountered in his life is not as much as he is now.

If it wasn't for worrying that this kid was serious, he would have wanted to yell: You can kill me, you can't be humiliated, if you dare kill me...

Li Zedao stood up and took out a small glass bottle, pouring out three small black pills from it.

"This is the antidote." He looked at Elder Sun and said, "Of course, if you don't believe me, there's nothing I can do."

"I believe it." Sun Lao nodded and said. If Li Zedao wanted to kill them, there was no need to use such indecent means of poisoning.

As for trying to use poison to control them... This is even more fantasy. If they are really poisoned, they can just change to another body.

He also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, just now he was worried whether this kid would kill them all after Ou beat Shaoyang, or humiliate them, but fortunately, this kind of thing didn't happen.

This kid is not as bad as he imagined.

At that moment Li Zedao stuffed the pills into the mouths of Sun Lao, Zhao Duo'er and Tai Yin respectively, and soon, the three of them felt their lost strength recovering little by little.

Standing up, Elder Sun glanced at Shaoyang who had turned into a blood gourd on the ground but said nothing, and sighed heavily, as if his chest had been stabbed severely by a knife.

He looked back at Li Zedao and said, "Young Master Li, thank you very much."

No matter how shameless this kid is, he saved his own life by drinking too much. Sixiang has always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances, so Elder Sun felt that he forgave this kid for his previous provocations and disgusting people, so he didn't have the same knowledge as him.

Taiyin originally wanted to rush towards Li Zedao, but Shaoyin was very clear about her thoughts, grabbed her and shook her, so she sat there with her buttocks, her eyes also fell on Shaoyang, from her Judging from the eyes, it can be seen that this woman's heart is messy at this time.

Li Zedao waved his hands and said, "You guys are busy, I'm going to take a pee and walk around to see if I can catch pheasant or other game and come back to roast. I'm hungry..."

After finishing speaking, he left without waiting for Elder Sun to respond.

After watching Li Zedao leave, Elder Sun sat down next to Shaoyang, and asked sadly, "I don't understand why you want to kill us. Could it be that someone bought you?"

Although it was said that the final success was only because he didn't have enough bargaining chips to betray them, but Mr. Sun really couldn't figure out what kind of bargaining chips would be needed to impress Shaoyang and let him betray them.

Shaoyang laughed and laughed loudly, as if this question from Sun Lao was quite funny.

After he stopped laughing, his little face was full of ferocity, but he looked at Elder Sun with contempt: "I don't understand? Old guy, you say you don't understand?"


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