The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1940 Killing decisively

"What exactly do you want to say?" Elder Sun felt quite uncomfortable, he clearly felt Shaoyang's hatred for him. Just, why? Why is he so selfish? What reason does he have to hate himself?

"I like Shaoyin, I fucking like Shaoyin very much, but why do you want to rob me? Why?" Shaoyang's expression was ferocious, his voice was sharp, and his face was covered with blood, so the whole person looked Like a ghost.

"Shaoyin?" Old Sun opened his mouth, and his face was filled with astonishment. He really didn't expect that Shaoyang's hatred for them came from here.

"And you Shaoyin, I have liked you for more than a thousand years, why do you not like me but you like this hypocritical old guy? Why? Tell me? You bitch, since you don't like me, I will I'll kill you! I'll kill you! all go to hell!" Shaoyang laughed loudly, his face full of nervousness.

Zhao Duo'er looked at Shaoyang expressionlessly, and slapped him suddenly.


Shaoyang's ferocious little face was instantly red and swollen, his mouth parted, and he spit out a mouthful of blood and a few teeth.

"You are simply unreasonable." Zhao Duo'er said in a cold tone. How could he simply want to deprive himself of the right to like others just because he likes himself?

"Stinky bitch, it's love to be beaten to death and scolded. You hit, keep hitting." Shaoyang let out a ferocious laugh, looking at Zhao Duo'er with eyes full of madness and...enjoy .

Since you can't get her, it's good to have a mouthful of nausea and nausea.

Zhao Duo'er is a good talker, so she complied with his request. She slapped left and right, slap after slap as if she didn't want money.

"Enough!" Tai Yin roared at the side, looking at Zhao Duo'er with sharp and painful eyes.

Zhao Duo'er was right, if it was her, it would not only be as simple as slapping the opponent's face, she would use a knife to cut off the flesh of his body one after another.

But, after all, he was the man who made her heart flutter, the man she had liked for more than a thousand years, how could she bear to see him being slapped like this?

Zhao Duo'er took a look at Taiyin, gave her face, and didn't continue to slap Da Shaoyang's face. At this time, Shaoyang's small face was already swollen to twice its normal size, with a sunken nose, red and swollen eyes, All the teeth in the mouth were all knocked out.

"You already knew?" Elder Sun looked at Shaoyang with a wry smile on his face.

"I'm not blind, I still don't understand the way Taiyin is looking at you secretly?" Shaoyang hissed, "Old man, you are a hypocritical and disgusting old guy, don't think that I don't know why you Maintaining a relationship with Shaoyin is to let me continue to work hard for you, old man, I have long wanted to chop you into pieces and feed them to dogs... vomit..."

After being treated unceremoniously by Zhao Duo'er, coupled with his urgency, he simply vomited another mouthful of blood.

Old Sun couldn't bear to look at Shaoyang again.

As for this matter, he has a clear conscience, and even he has sacrificed a lot. As early as more than a thousand years ago, he could accept Zhao Duo'er's love, but for the sake of the team and Shaoyang's feelings, he worked hard with him. Keep your distance.

But now, Shaoyang is so wronged and painful, so unreasonable, he feels that he is a victim. Old Sun really wanted to say, I'm the one who was wronged and the one who was the victim. I've been holding back for more than a thousand years, you bastard.

He looked at Zhao Duo'er and then at Taiyin, and asked: "What should I do?"

Elder Sun, who has always been decisive, also hesitated at this time. Yes, what should I do? kill him? Although Shaoyang wanted to kill them, Elder Sun couldn't bear to kill him.

Or, let him go? This is equivalent to letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Who knows what crazy things he will do by then?

Or make him a total cripple? This is not safe, for a back-to-basics master like them, physical torture is really nothing,

Because changing a body is like changing a high-end dress, it is not too difficult.

The only side effect is that changing is a very destructive thing, every time they change, they will be wiped out of years or even decades of life, so no one will be idle and do nothing to change over there , It's really old, they will change it.

"Kill it." Zhao Duo'er spoke first without any hesitation.

Shaoyang's reason for killing them is really unacceptable to her. If you don't accept his love, you have to die? What is the logic? Just now, he almost seriously injured her beloved man, which made her even more furious. She even felt that killing him would be cheaper for him.

Women are scary, and women in love are even more terrifying. You'll never understand what crazy things a woman in love can do for the man she loves.

Tai Yin's body trembled slightly.

Shaoyang had indeed committed an unforgivable sin, even if he died a thousand times, it would not be an exaggeration, but... after all, she couldn't just watch him die.

Seeing Elder Sun's eyes fall on her, Taiyin's mouth opened, but she didn't say anything after all.

Although there is no way to watch him die, but it is really impossible to say something like "let him go".

Shaoyang laughed sinisterly, and said, "You want to kill me? Oh, no, no, no, you can't kill me. If you kill me, you will definitely regret it, because..."

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded.

Shaoyang's voice stopped abruptly, as if his trachea was tightly strangled.

There was a sharp dagger on Shaoyang's chest, and the sharp blade of the dagger pierced through his child-like body until the handle, directly nailing him to the ground.

The ferocious smile on Shaoyang's face simply froze, his eyes widened, and there was horror and disbelief in his eyes... In fact, he was not as fearless as he showed. It can even be said that he was quite afraid of death. die.

The longer he lives, the more he knows the beauty of this world. In addition, he has huge resources at hand, he has inexhaustible property, and he can easily play with all kinds of beauties. How could he want to die? ?

He even didn't expect that she would kill him so happily. He thought they would miss their old love, or be concerned about his threat... Shaoyang was very wronged and regretful, and he hadn't had time to say it yet. What about his threats.

He tried very hard to lift his head up to look at her, but all the strength in his body was drained all at once, he tilted his head, and died, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't rest in peace.

The expression on Old Sun's face stiffened for a moment, and then he let out a heavy sigh.

Zhao Duo'er's swift attack really caught Shaoyin by surprise, so she didn't have time to stop it. By the time she reacted, the dagger had already nailed Shaoyang to death.

She was simply dumbfounded, and she looked like an idiot.

After a long time, she raised her head, staring at Zhao Duo'er standing there with palpitations and hatred in her eyes, her voice was shrill like a ghost: "You...killed her?"

"He deserves to die." Zhao Duo'er said expressionlessly.

Zhao Duo'er knew that Shaoyang's problem would seriously trouble Elder Sun. After all, he was so cute, so kind and so righteous, how could he have the heart to kill him? Even at the end when Tai Yin begged from the side, he might let him go.

Zhao Duo'er didn't want to let him go at all, not only because he wanted to kill them all now, but also because he knew that this proud and self-centered man, once he was let go, then she and Mr. You have to guard against his various schemes and schemes all the time, and there will be no peace after that.

So Zhao Duo'er simply took action, so that Elder Sun wouldn't be bothered anymore, and she didn't need to worry about his various revenge actions in the future.

He exhaled heavily in his heart, it was already a bit sweet, from now on she and the sun no longer need to be sneaky, they can boldly stare at each other with affectionate eyes, they can hold each other's hand, they can Taking off each other's clothes... That scene was so beautiful, Zhao Duo'er's cheeks were already slightly hot.

"Bastard, I'll kill you!" Tai Yin roared angrily, a terrifying aura erupted from his body instantly, and he was about to ruthlessly pounce on Zhao Duo'er.

"Taiyin, calm down." Elder Sun stopped her. His heart was full of bitterness, the team he had carefully maintained was completely disintegrated.

Shaoyang is dead, and Taiyin is probably about to leave their group. In this way, how can they be the opponents of Daoist Qiankun and Extinction?

For a moment, Elder Sun's heart was full of Xiao Suo, which was extremely unpleasant.

He thought that he could reach the Wuming Cave smoothly this time, and reach another plane through the conveyor belt, but he didn't expect so many troubles to happen before reaching the destination.

"Go away, or I will kill you together..." Taiyin's eyes were shattered, and the whole person had completely fallen into a state of madness.

At this moment, Taiyin suddenly felt the world spinning, and then his eyes darkened, and his body fell heavily to the ground, completely losing consciousness.

"Taiyin..." Elder Sun's complexion changed drastically, and he hurried forward to check her situation, but saw that her eyes were closed tightly, her lips were purple, and she was already very angry.

After taking Taiyin's pulse, Elder Sun hurriedly tore off the cloth strip that was wrapped around her other wrist. When he saw the strange black wound, his expression became very ugly.

"What's wrong with Taiyin?" Zhao Duoer asked anxiously at the side. She naturally knew that Tai Yin didn't really want to kill herself, she just needed to vent her emotions, so she didn't mind having a good fight with her to let her vent.

But who knew, she fell down suddenly, and judging from the situation, it seemed that the problem was quite serious.

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