The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1941 You Can Come Back Later

"Look at the situation, it's poisoned, and it's very poisonous." Sun Lao glanced at Shaoyang's body, his body was trembling slightly, and his expression became ferocious.

Just now he was still heartbroken because of his death, and even blamed himself. After all, this matter has something to do with him. But now, he wished he could smash the corpse to pieces with his palm.

Elder Sun understood why Shaoyang dared to say such a thing so arrogantly just now.

"You want to kill me? Oh, no, no, no, you can't kill me. If you kill me, you will regret it..."

So, this bastard secretly poisoned Tai Yin's body, and while helping Tai Yin treat her wound, he actually sprinkled poison on her wound.

If they killed him, Shaoyin would naturally not get the antidote.

"Poisoned?" Zhao Duo'er's expression changed wildly, and she quickly stretched out her hand, trying to find the antidote from Shaoyang.

"It's useless, we all know Shaoyang, he won't put the antidote on his body, besides, we don't know what kind of poison he put on Shaoyin." Old Sun's voice was full of embarrassment. It is powerlessness.

"Li Zedao, Young Master Li..." Zhao Duo'er stood up, glanced around and shouted at the same time. Now that things have happened, we can only pin our hopes on Li Zedao, hoping that he will find a way to save Shaoyin.

"Li Zedao..."

About a minute later, Zhao Duo'er only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and Li Zedao had already appeared there. He looked at the flustered woman and said, "What's wrong?"

Glancing at Shaoyang, who was already dead, he narrowed his eyes, thinking that he must have been killed by Zhao Duo'er, and only Zhao Duo'er could give him such a sharp blow.

His eyes fell on Tai Yin, and his brows frowned slightly.

"Please, save Taiyin." Zhao Duo'er pointed to Taiyin anxiously.

"Young Master Li, please help Taiyin to take a look, she was poisoned by Shaoyang." Elder Sun immediately begged with a face full of hope. If Li Zedao had no choice or was unwilling to rescue him, then Shaoyin would have to wait to die.

Li Zedao nodded and at the same time quickly stepped forward to check, looked up at Elder Sun, and said apologetically: "Unfortunately, she has a very domineering poison. If it weren't for her own strength, she would have died a long time ago."

It's not that Li Zedao doesn't want to save him, but that he really can't.

At that moment, he even had such a thought in his heart, if he could save her, would he save her? After thinking about it, Li Zedao shook his head. He didn't need to rescue an enemy who might attack him in the future. He wasn't that stupid.

It is true that people should be kind-hearted, but it is more important to know how to protect themselves.

Li Zedao's words were tantamount to a death sentence for Taiyin.

Elder Sun closed his eyes with a painful expression, as if he had aged several years all of a sudden, Zhao Duoer's eyes turned red, and he covered his mouth with his small hand, tears streaming down his face .

In Zhao Duo'er's heart, she has always regarded Taiyin as her own sister, and her heart is full of regrets. If she hadn't nailed Shaoyang to the ground with her sword so impatiently, Taiyin would have been Isn't it possible not to die?

Li Zedao sighed softly. To be honest, he secretly cursed in his heart more than once, saying that who among the Four Elephants choked to death while eating and drinking, and was struck to death by lightning. It's a pity that they didn't blow up to death.

But seeing them killing each other now, Li Zedao felt quite uncomfortable.

"Maybe it's because I'm too kind?" Li Zedao evaluated himself in his heart, and then he was so moved by his kindness.

"It's not your fault." Sun Lao looked at Zhao Duo'er and comforted him, stretched out his hand, and gently held her cold little hand. Who would have thought that Shaoyang would be so frantic that he would poison Taiyin's wound.

Presumably after the entire army of those he arranged was wiped out,

Shaoyang was worried that his deeds would be discovered by Li Zedao, so he killed Taiyin in advance, and found a way out for her.

Zhao Duo'er's small face was lightly pressed against Elder Sun's chest, weeping uncontrollably.

Just as Fa Li Zedao expected, Taiyin died in a severe coma very quickly, without leaving even a last word.

Of course, if it shows that she has a way to leave a few last words, maybe she will ask Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er to chop Li Zedao into pieces and feed them to the dogs, right?

Zhao Duo'er pulled out the dagger stuck in Shaoyang's chest, then picked up the petite corpse and put it in Shaoyin's arms.

Although he killed her, Zhao Duo'er knew that she didn't resent him at all.

Since we can't be together in life, let's share the same acupuncture point after death.

At the same time, Mr. Sun found a piece of pitch-black iron... It was part of the car body that had been blown apart, and he used that piece of iron to dig a hole there silently.

The Chinese people seek peace in the soil, let alone those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. Some concepts are already deeply ingrained in their minds.

Although, these two stinky skins were exchanged by Taiyin and Shaoyang.

Zhao Duoer also found a piece of iron and dug with him.

Li Zedao didn't help. It's not easy for him to get involved in this kind of thing, and he didn't want to get involved. Although he felt somewhat uncomfortable, deep down in his heart, he still felt that the death of these two people would be more beneficial than harmful to him. At least the four elephants are far less of a threat to him than before.

Li Zedao looked at Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er and said something quite unnutritious: "My condolences will change."

Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er looked at him and nodded, without saying anything.

"You are slowly sad, I will walk around." Li Zedao said again.

So Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er were thinking in their hearts whether they should kill this damn bastard and bury them in the pit they are digging now.

Immediately, Li Zedao wandered around, and finally managed to kill two pheasants and a hare.

After finding a small stream to wash and peel the pheasants and hares, they went back to the original place and lit a fire. They made a simple grill with the car body, and roasted the pheasants and hares on top of the fire. .

While Li Zedao was grilling pheasants and hares, Sun Lao and Zhao Duoer dug a big pit. They first put Taiyin's corpse into the pit, then put Shaoyang's corpse in her arms, and began to fill it with soil .

After filling up the simple tomb, they piled up another tomb, and then Elder Sun found a large piece of wood to stand there as a tombstone.

After thinking about it, Elder Sun wrote a few words on the tombstone: Tomb of Shaoyang and Taiyin.

After finishing these things, Old Sun and Zhao Duo'er stood there with their fingers intertwined, staring at the tomb silently for a long time.

"The pheasant and hare are almost ready to be roasted." Li Zedao shouted.

Old Sun looked back at Li Zedao, nodded and asked, "Is there a small river around?" When he saw Li Zedao coming back with pheasants and hares, they had been washed and peeled off, with water dripping from them.

They were blown to ashes, especially Zhao Duo'er, whose face was extremely black, and Shaoyang and Taiyin were buried, making his whole body ashen.

Even he himself felt uncomfortable, let alone a girl like Zhao Duoer, so he wanted to freshen up first.

"There is a small stream about a thousand meters to the east. The surrounding scenery is very good, like a fairyland." Li Zedao nodded and said.

Then Li Zedao's smile became a little wretched: "You can wash for a while, really don't worry, don't worry about my feelings, don't worry that I will eat all the pheasants and hares when you come back too late, don't worry, I will help you You keep a pheasant."


Zhao Duo'er gave Li Zedao an angry look, somewhat shy in her heart.

Elder Sun is quite speechless, why does this kid always like to imagine people as wretched as him? I just want to wash my hands and face, okay?

Looking at Zhao Duo'er from the corner of his eye, he thought that it would be okay to come back later.

Ten minutes later, Elder Sun and Zhao Duo'er, who were holding hands, came to the creek that Li Zedao had mentioned.

"It's so beautiful." Zhao Duo'er was immediately attracted by the surrounding scenery.

The streams are gentle, the waterfalls are rushing down, and the mountains are colorful, making people feel like they are in a fairyland.

"It is indeed a beautiful place. If there is a chance, we can build a bamboo house in that place and live a secluded life without competing with the world." Elder Sun pointed to the small grass field by the stream and smiled.

Zhao Duo'er smiled, stretched out her hand, and gently hugged Elder Sun's waist, looked at him with big eyes, and asked softly: "So, let's stay here and not go to the nameless mountain?"

Sun Lao looked at her dark face and said softly, "Go and wash it first, let's talk while washing."

Zhao Duo'er still had a sweet smile on his face, but he felt regretful in his heart. It seemed that even though they had lost two of them, he still wanted to go to Wuming Mountain.

Of course, no matter what he does, she will support him without hesitation. No matter where he is, whether he is rich or poor, whether he is a master who returns to the basics or enters the realm of gods and becomes a god-like existence, she will follow him willingly... Unless, He didn't want to follow him by himself.

However, this kind of situation does not exist, Zhao Duo'er is quite confident about her own charm.

The water of the gently flowing creek is extremely clear, shining golden light under the afterglow of the setting sun, and you can clearly see a few unknown small fish swimming happily there.

At that moment Zhao Duo'er squatted down in front of the stream, washed her hands first, then washed her face with water in her hands, then sat down on the big rock by the stream, took off her shoes and socks, and put A pair of smooth feet were thrown into the stream.

The lake water was cool, and Zhao Duo'er felt relieved for a while.

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