The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1943 The Aggrieved Evil God

Speaking of which, Li Zedao enthusiastically handed over the half-gnawed roast chicken in his hand: "Old Sun, please eat the roast chicken, you are welcome, eat more, if it is not enough, I will grab a few and come back to roast later." .”

"..." Looking at the grilled chicken that seemed to be covered with a layer of saliva in front of him, Elder Sun's brows began to twitch, thinking whether to beat him to death now and take his head to see Taoist Qiankun?

"That... I actually like rabbit meat better than chicken," Sun Lao said.

So Li Zedao picked up the rabbit that exuded a tempting fragrance, and took a hard bite without caring about the heat, and then said to Sun Lao in a vague tone: "I also prefer to eat rabbit meat."

"..." So Old Sun not only frowned, but even the muscles on his face twitched wildly.


In front of a cave halfway up another mountain less than 10,000 meters away from the bare nameless mountain, Wang Zi stretched his waist and looked back at Taoist Gande and said, "Let's go, they are here."

As he said that, Wang Zi took out a bottle of something similar to perfume, sprayed it on himself twice, and then sprayed it on Taoist Gande twice.

Putting away the spray, the figure flashed away to the distance.

Taoist Gande quickly followed. Although he didn't feel anyone approaching at all, since the elder brother said so, it proved that someone was indeed approaching.

Taoist Qiande used to think that his skills were enough to enter the top three in the world, second only to the evil god who was recognized as the number one in the world, and the elder brother who was recognized as the second in the world. It's not that they can't shake their position.

But now, he only felt extremely ashamed and quite ashamed.

The experience of the past two days has made him deeply understand what it means to be beyond the heavens and humans, let alone comparing with the big brother, even comparing with "local tyrants" like the evil god, he can say that he is not even a fart.

The "local tyrant" of the evil god really made him envious and jealous. In the world, there is probably only the evil god who can treat Taoist Qiankun and two other masters who are not inferior to Taoist Qiankun as dogs.

I really don't know what medicine the evil god gave Taoist Qiankun to make him willingly become his dog...

Or is it really like what the elder brother analyzed, the reason why Taoist Qiankun became a dog of the evil god is because he is planning something?

If this is the case, then Taoist Qiankun's mind is too scary.

As for the various powerful strengths of the elder brother, it gave him a feeling of looking up to the mountains.

He feels that he is holding this thigh tightly now, not only is his skill extremely unfathomable, he can easily hide from the evil gods and others, and he can easily save himself from Taoist Qiankun and others. Know how to get rid of your own odor...

Taoist Gande understood why the evil gods could find him so easily when he was squatting in front of the cave to make roast chicken two days ago.

According to the eldest brother, the black-haired man next to the evil god is a legendary werewolf.

werewolf? Taoist Gande widened his eyes and thought for a while, and suddenly realized that, as the name suggests, it was a hybrid between a wolf and a human.

There are so many wonders in the world, I never imagined that wolves and humans can really interbreed - and produce werewolves. No wonder that guy has black hair and round eyeballs. When he looks at people, he shows bursts of ferocity.

Isn't that the wolf's eyes?

It doesn't matter whether it's a hybrid between a man and a female wolf or a female and a male wolf, in short, this werewolf has an extremely abnormal sense of smell, and can smell the smell of far away places.

The reason why he was caught by the evil god at that time was naturally because the werewolf smelled the smell of roast chicken.

Taoist Gande was very wronged, wouldn't the roast chicken he made by himself be more fragrant? This is also wrong?

So, in the past few days, my eldest brother has taken out the bottle of spray from time to time and sprayed it twice. He said that this can eliminate his own smell. The werewolf's nose is sensitive.

Can't catch their taste either.

Taoist Gande asked what was in there.

The eldest brother said that it was a high-tech product.

In addition, Daoist Gande understands what is going on with that moving corpse. According to the elder brother, it is a perfect genetic superman, and it is also a high-tech product. It can also be said to be a robot transformed from a human body. .

This kind of perfect genetic superman has reached the limit of the human body whether it is speed, strength or resistance to blows, and its strength is not inferior to that of a back-to-basics master.

What's even more frightening is that he doesn't need to eat or sleep, he is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, he is not afraid of any poison, and he never gets tired. He is really the most perfect tool for killing people.

What's even more frightening is that he will not betray, he will only perfectly execute the orders given by his master.

Taoist Gande thinks that the boss is so knowledgeable that he even knows this kind of thing.

Looking at the back that is rushing forward in front of him, Taoist Gande secretly made up his mind to follow the pace of the elder brother closely, and follow the elder brother to have meat... But, if there is a chance, let the elder brother become his younger brother , even like a local tyrant like an evil god, let this master with terrifying strength become his own dog...

For a while, Taoist Gande's thoughts surged, thinking about various possibilities in his heart.


Sure enough, as soon as Wang Zi and Taoist Gande left, five figures appeared in front of the cave they were in before.

The visitors were of course the evil god, Liuli and the three dogs they raised.

In the past two days, the evil god simply took the initiative to look for the whereabouts of the mysterious master who suddenly appeared and the Taoist Gande who was rescued by him.

This master is like the sand in the eyes, the fishbone stuck in the throat, which makes the evil god so uncomfortable, the food is not delicious, and the sleep is not stable. When I check with Liuli, I am not in the state, and when I am tossing Erha, I am not in the mood. Not so much anymore.

About ten minutes ago, the Tibetan mastiff smelled burning wood, so the evil spirit immediately led people to kill it.

Walking into the cave, looking at the fire that was still smoldering on the ground, the face of the evil god has become quite ugly. It seems that it is the same as the previous two times. The other party has noticed that they are rushing over and fled away.

"Oh, Falk!" The evil god's face was quite ugly, and he sweared fiercely, and even kicked over a stone, kicking the big stone to pieces.

The discerning Taoist Qiankun hurriedly got down, intending to lick off the dust stuck on the evil god's leather shoes.

"Oh, damn it, get out!" The evil god kicked Daoist Qiankun in the stomach very depressedly, and quickly kicked him out.

"Bang!" Daoist Qiankun's body slammed heavily on the uneven wall of the cave, and blood oozes from the corner of his mouth.

However, he still had a respectful and flattering face, and there was nothing strange in his expression.

The evil spirit turned back, looked at the Tibetan mastiff with a fierce look on his face and roared, "Oh, damn it, they just left not long ago, don't tell me you can't smell them."

"No." The Tibetan mastiff said in a low voice. As on the previous two occasions, he couldn't smell them, so he didn't know which direction they left.

"Oh, god, damn it, damn it, you're an idiot," the evil spirit cursed angrily.

The Tibetan mastiff didn't respond at all, as if the person scolded by the evil god wasn't him.

As a result, the face of the evil god became even more ugly. He stretched out his hand and wanted to beat up this useless dog. Damn it, what else can you do besides chewing your fingers?

I really want to slaughter him for stew.

Liuli on the side grasped the big hand of the evil god.

"Calm down." Liu Li frowned and said. Dogs also have dignity. The evil god beat and scolded like this. As the hostess, she couldn't stand it anymore. What if it was broken?

As for Erha who was kicked and vomited blood just now... Oh, I just didn't see it.

"Oh, dear Miss Liuli, I'm fine, I'm just...a bit aggrieved, you know, why do I feel that damned guy is deliberately provoking?" The evil spirit immediately changed another face, and his tone eased When he got down, he was really reluctant to show a fierce face to Liu Lipan, and he was also reluctant to speak to her in a fierce tone.

"You know, this is already the third cave we're looking for."

The first two times it was also a Tibetan Mastiff, or he smelled the smell of roast chicken or cooking smoke, so he immediately brought people to kill him, but every time he killed them, the cave was already empty, only The next fire.

The first two times, they even thought that the other party was out on business and would come back soon, so they lay in ambush around and waited for the prey to appear, but without exception, in the end, the evil god thought they were fools.

"The opponent is very strong." Liuli said with a frown. If you are not strong, it is impossible to feel them approaching so easily, and then run away immediately.

"However, he should be stronger than us in terms of perception and speed. He is not our opponent when we actually attack, otherwise he would not need to escape at all." Liuli said again, "So I don't think it is necessary to take the initiative to chase, continue If you pursue him, you might fall into some trap he set up. Rather than that, it’s better to wait for work. Besides, the damn kid and the four elephants are probably going to reach Wuming Mountain soon? We also have to make some preparations. "

The evil spirit nodded in praise and said: "Oh, dear Miss Liuli, what you said is too reasonable, it should be true. Looking at the weather outside now, it seems that it is going to rain. Let's stay in this cave now and wait After the rain stops, let's go to the Wuming Mountain and wait, when the gods come to kill the gods, the Buddha will come."

"But..." The evil god looked at Liuli with burning eyes, "Dear Miss Liuli, you are so sexy, you are like that mellow coffee, delicious dog meat... oh, no, it's pastries, Your taste is so tempting that people can't help but want to take a sip."

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