The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1949 The Farmer and the Snake

"Brother Yu was not able to take Brother Qinglong to another plane back then, and I was really sorry. Fortunately, God has given Pindao such an opportunity again." Daoist Qiankun said again with a grateful face.

When Sun Lao heard it, he tried his best to control his expression, trying not to show an ecstatic expression, but the corners of his mouth were still slightly tilted. Even if it wasn't really inappropriate, he would have looked up to the sky and laughed three times.

Sure enough, he saw the right person, the dignified number one in the world is indeed a person who knows how to repay his kindness, very good, keep up the good work.

He cupped his hands and said, "Then there is Brother Qiankun."

Taoist Qiankun bowed his hands politely: "Brother Qinglong, you are being polite, this is what I should do."

For Sun Lao, this is undoubtedly the most ideal result.

On the one hand, he really hates Li Zedao's stinky mouth and his naive but effective and disgusting behaviors. On the other hand, he really didn't want to fight Taoist Qiankun.

The main reason is that if they really fight, there is really no chance of winning. Li Zedao is still a little tender after all, and he will definitely not be the opponent of extinction in the end. As for Taoist Qiankun alone, he and Shaoyin are enough to suppress him and Shaoyin.

The one who wins in the end is basically Daoist Qiankun and Annihilation. Even if they win by luck, it is basically a miserable victory.

Besides, Elder Sun didn't really trust Li Zedao that much.

So now, Taoist Qiankun took the initiative to show his favor, which is undoubtedly the best result, the most ideal result in his heart.

"It seems that Mr. Sun is planning to break his promise." Li Zedao cast a cold glance at Mr. Sun and said sarcastically.

Although he really didn't have much confidence in this hypocritical old man, that is to say, Li Zedao had already talked with him about the current situation, but now that the facts happened in front of him, Li Zedao still couldn't accept it.

Why is this old man so shameless? I should have known that last night I had peeped or even secretly photographed it, and then posted it on the Internet, making you the protagonist of the "cave door", disgusting you to death.

"Our Sixiang and Daoist Qiankun have been close friends for many years. I really can't draw my sword against him..." Sun Lao looked at Li Zedao with a wry smile and said, "But Daoist Qiankun is your grand master after all, and Juejue is your grand master." Your uncle, if Li Shao can let go of the grudge in your heart, I don’t think Daoist Qiankun and the others will make it difficult for you..."

Elder Sun looked at Daoist Qiankun: "Is that so, Daoist Brother Qiankun."

Elder Sun was somewhat guilty, so he really couldn't bear to see Li Zedao insist on attacking Extinction because he wanted to avenge that Antarctic and was beaten to death in the end, so he didn't mind being a peacemaker.

Everyone was friendly and walked into the Wuming Cave hand in hand. It seemed to be pretty good. Why did they have to fight and kill?

Li Zedao smiled coldly and didn't bother to respond.

He had already seen the shamelessness of this old guy, so Li Zedao was really not surprised that he would do something shameless or say something shameless.

"That's true." Taoist Qiankun looked at Li Zedao with soft and kind eyes, as if he was looking at his own child, "Pindao really didn't expect that after thousands of years, he could still see the descendants of Tianjimen, see Such an outstanding up-and-comer, even like Pindao, has cultivated the spirit of heavenly secrets."

Li Zedao glanced at the titular Grand Master with his scarlet eyes, and felt that he was really good at talking. He was praising you on the surface, but he was praising himself in disguise.

However, Li Zedao also felt a strange but familiar aura from him, which is not found in other people. It seems that that aura is what Sun Lao said after comprehending the "Tianji Picture Scroll" The air of mystery generated.

"I won't admit that you are my grand master." Li Zedao responded lightly, and even took out a cigarette and a lighter, intending to smoke a cigarette.

But just when Li Zedao was about to light a cigarette with a lighter, there was a flash in front of his eyes, and a terrifying gust of wind hit him.

Elder Sun at the side made a move, and he punched Li Zedao's mouth fiercely, as if he wanted to smash the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth.

When Li Zedao's face changed, he didn't bother to light his cigarette anymore, and punched him hard.

"Bang!" The two fists slammed together heavily, making an extremely dull airburst sound, then Elder Sun's body shook, and Li Zedao took two steps back.

After all, Li Zedao was slightly inferior to Sun Lao in such a head-to-head encounter, not to mention that Sun Lao suddenly launched a surprise attack, and Li Zedao fought back hastily, so he suffered a small loss.

His chest was even tighter, and he was about to spit out a mouthful of blood. The look in his eyes that looked at Old Sun had changed from disdain to ferocity.

"Young Master Li, isn't it good for you?" Elder Sun looked at the unlit cigarette dangling from the corner of Li Zedao's mouth, shook his head and said, "Do you think we Sixiang will eat the same loss again? Don't think I don't know that there's something in that cigarette of yours that can take away all your strength."

Before Shaoyang suddenly attacked Sun Lao's crotch, the punches he punched were soft, just like the fists of a three-year-old child. Then they were weak all over because of some kind of poison, and they simply fell down. land.

At that time, Elder Sun was thinking about how Li Zedao poisoned them.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that this kid was smoking!

This kid put that kind of poison into the smoke, and they breathed the second-hand smoke he spit out, and indirectly absorbed the poison mixed with the smoke into their bodies, and they were poisoned immediately.

I have to say that this trick is quite effective, and it is really hard to guard against.

Now that this cunning boy is planning to do the same, how could Elder Sun let him succeed?

Now he has publicly stated that he doesn't want to be an enemy of Daoist Qiankun anymore. If this kid succeeds in poisoning them and fascinates them to the ground, who knows how this kid will treat him and Shaoyin? Even if he won't kill them, he won't take them into the Nameless Cave again, right?

Li Zedao laughed, with a sneer all over his face, and cursed in his heart. Indeed, there was a strong smell in that cigarette, and he really planned to smoke a cigarette and then fascinate them all. Was it up to him whether to fry or boil? But I didn't expect it to be destroyed by this damn old man.

He spit out the cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, looked at Elder Sun and said, "Elder Sun misunderstood, I just want to smoke a cigarette, the cigarette does not contain the poison you mentioned at all."

"Really? That's my worry." Sun Lao smiled. Naturally, he didn't even believe the punctuation marks in what Li Zedao said.

"However, it's better for Young Master Li not to smoke. Shaoyin doesn't like the smell of cigarettes very much." Sun Lao looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said.

So Zhao Duo'er, who was on the side, looked at Sun Lao's eyes sparkling and bubbling, and his heart was really warm. Although this was basically an excuse, Zhao Duo'er was still very happy.

This is the case with women. When they fall in love with someone, their IQ will usually become zero or even negative. A man's random actions and words can move them beyond belief.

Li Zedao sneered endlessly. He thought of Mr. Dong Guo and the wolf, the farmer and the snake, and Li Zedao and Sixiang.

"I regret it. I really shouldn't have saved you. Isn't this the same as saving a white-eyed wolf? I should have let Shaoyang slap your crotch with a palm and turn you into a eunuch. I knew I would have taken the opportunity to kill you The four elephants were chopped off." Li Ze said.

"You won't do that, because you need the power of our four elephants, and with your ingenuity, you should have expected that Shaoyin and I will probably stand on the same side with Brother Qiankun at the right time, but you I'm still willing to take a gamble. I bet that we won't become best friends with Brother Qiankun again, and bet that we will fight against Brother Qiankun and Extinction together with you." Elder Sun looked at Li Zedao and said.

He wanted to tell this kid that you are not as great and kind as you think, and our four elephants are not as miserable as you think.

And didn't we already talk about it? It's just what they need. Now that we don't need you, we have become treacherous, what kind of white-eyed wolf? There seems to be no such reason in this world, does it?

"It's not that I'm willing to gamble, but that I trust your character too much. Who would have thought that Si Xiang, who is full of morality, has no character at all." Li Zedao mocked.

Elder Sun smiled and didn't bother to refute. At this point, it doesn't make much sense to fight this kind of verbal battle with him here.

"Li Zedao, keep your mouth clean, I have tolerated you for a long time." Zhao Duo'er looked at Li Zedao with such unkind eyes.

Although it is true that her dear Sun Yang has no character at all in this matter, Zhao Duo'er does not allow anyone to say a bad word about him.

After the two of them broke through that relationship last night, Zhao Duo'er became even more obsessed with Sun Lao. Even if he was an enemy of everyone in the world, she would fight side by side with him without hesitation.

Li Zedao smiled coldly and refused to answer Zhao Duo'er's words, looked at Elder Sun and said, "No matter what kind of heart I have in mind to save you, the fact is that you owe me your life. Since Elder Sun couldn't bear to draw his sword against his former best friend , presumably you can't bear to draw your sword at your savior, right?"

As he said that, he even looked at Liuli with murderous eyes.

"This..." Old Sun really couldn't refute it, the fact is true, this shameless guy saved his life. If they draw their swords at him at this time, then their reputation will be completely stink.

"Naturally, after all, this is a matter within the Tianji Sect, and it's not easy for us Sixiang to participate." Sun Lao looked at Taoist Qiankun and said. He knew that Li Zedao was determined to take action against Juejue, and hoped that he would stand with Shaoyin and not help each other.

Elder Sun felt that this kid seemed to have a twitching head now, even if Shaoyin didn't make a move, could he be the opponent of Daoist Qiankun and Juejue? I'm afraid I don't know how he died in the end?

"You go to hell." After getting the affirmative answer from Sun Lao, Li Zedao looked at Liuli and said gloomyly.

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