Liu Li said with a smile: "Martial Nephew, it is indeed Martial Uncle's fault, but..."

"Go to hell!" Li Zedao said again, and then his figure flashed, and he rushed towards Liuli like a ghost.

Daoist Qiankun didn't intend to help at all, he stood there motionless, his eyes and expression seemed to be watching some fun.

Liuli's face was still full of amusement, just like a cat staring at a mouse, and then she exerted a little force on her feet, and her body has already retreated rapidly.

She didn't want to fight Li Zedao. On the one hand, she knew that Li Zedao had gone crazy after being severely stimulated. It was obviously quite stupid to fight a desperate lunatic.

On the other hand, she has three dogs under her control now, she just needs to lead Li Zedao to another place, and then the dog she raises will naturally treat him well.

With a quick swipe of her figure, Liuli has already detoured behind the mountain wall and disappeared in front of everyone.

Without the slightest hesitation, Li Zedao chased after him, as if he would not stop until he killed the opponent.

"Brother Qiankun, shouldn't you go over and help your junior sister?" Elder Sun looked at Taoist Qiankun and reminded him friendly.

Li Zedao is naturally not the opponent of Taoist Qiankun and Juejue, and even he is not the opponent of Daoist Qiankun, but if he is facing Juejue, it will be uncertain who will win the deer. Not a fuel-efficient lamp, the most important thing is that he is scheming, and there are too many shameless little tricks

For example, he used such indecent methods as drugging in the dark. Elder Sun expressed his contempt for Li Zedao's small actions.

In the end, even if the person who wins in the end is extinct, I'm afraid he will suffer a lot.

Now that he has regained the friendship of Daoist Qiankun, they are in the same group. They are good friends and brothers, so naturally he has to remind him.

However, Daoist Qiankun didn't help, which somewhat surprised Mr. Sun. After all, Taoist Qiankun should have stepped forward to stop Li Zedao, but he allowed him to pounce on his junior sister to exterminate him... Could it be that after After more than a thousand years, he has changed his mind and no longer loves his junior sister?

Or, he is quite confident in Juejue's skill, thinking that she can easily beat Li Zedao to the ground?

Taoist Qiankun thought for a while, and it should be the latter, otherwise, that afternoon in the backyard of the Ganlu Temple, there would not have been such a super charming voice that made those nuns have to plug their ears and chant Amitabha Buddha aloud.

"Don't worry, that Li Zedao is no match for the hostess." Taoist Qiankun said, when he said the word "hostess", his brows were full of respect, and he didn't dare to profane in the slightest.

"Uh... Mistress?" Elder Sun twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled in a weird but polite manner.

Zhao Duo'er also had a strange expression upon hearing this.

Between lovers, there are various nicknames. For example, last night Zhao Duoer called Sun Lao Yangyang with a charming face, and said Yangyang, you are so good, you are so handsome, you are so excellent, you are so charming, I love it to death What can you do? My Yangyang, that damn bastard outside is not even qualified to lift your shoes...

Sun Lao called Zhao Duoer Yinyin and said Yinyin, you are so sexy, too beautiful, too confusing, too addictive, I love you to death, what should I do...

But Daoist Qiankun actually called Miejue the hostess... I have to say that Daoist Qiankun and Liuli really understand the joys of life.

Elder Sun felt that he had learned another side of Daoist Qiankun. This powerful man was a servant, a slave, or even a dog in front of his beloved woman.

"Also, I think Brother Qinglong should worry about himself instead of worrying about others." The expression on Taoist Qiankun's face changed again, and he looked at Elder Sun with playful eyes, just like an old cat playing Like a little mouse.

"Brother Qiankun, what do you mean?" Elder Sun was stunned for a moment, he really didn't understand what Taoist Qiankun meant, and the inexplicable smile on the other party's face made Elder Sun suddenly feel extremely bad. Feel.

At this moment, a laughing voice rang in Elder Sun's ear: "Oh, dear Mr. Qinglong, I think I can answer this question for you. Our Erha means that you are about to be in trouble , and it's a big trouble."

Elder Sun's nerves tensed all of a sudden, and his back felt cold, which was an instinctive reaction after encountering a master.

At the same time, the bad feeling in my heart became even worse, so, besides Daoist Qiankun and Extinction, are there other masters?

Even looking at the expression on Taoist Qin Kun's face that was already smiling so maliciously, so what kind of agreement did they reach? Are they going to want him and Shaoyin to stay here completely?

For a moment, Elder Sun's thoughts changed rapidly, thinking about various possibilities.

Zhao Duo'er's eyes became sharper, and with a flick of his hand, a gleaming dagger appeared in his hand, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the source of the sound, not daring to be careless in the slightest, even if grandson If she is always asked to do it, she will definitely rush towards Taoist Qiankun without hesitation.

At this moment, a tall figure appeared in front of Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er as if it appeared out of thin air.

This is a foreign old man with fair skin, blue eyes, and a gentleman's hat on his head!

He looked at Mr. Sun and Zhao Duo'er and grinned, revealing a mouthful of sinister teeth: "Oh, dear Mr. Qinglong, Miss Xuanwu, long time no see, I really miss you... Oh, I heard that Mr. Baihu and Mr. Miss Suzaku went to hell? Oh, this is really sad news... Oh, Miss Xuanwu, you have a nice body, sexy and charming."

Cthulhu? Cthulhu!

It's because Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er's mentality is far beyond ordinary people, but at this time, after confirming that the foreign old man who suddenly appeared turned out to be the world's number one master in the past and the world's number one master evil god who disappeared with Daoist Qiankun, they The eyeballs almost fell out, their scalps were numb, and there was a huge wave in their hearts, and their expressions were no different from those of seeing a ghost.

"Master." Erha looked at the evil god with a flattering face, nodded and bowed in greeting.

The evil god stretched out his foot, so Taoist Qiankun immediately knelt down on his knees, held the evil god's foot in his hands, and licked the evil god's leather shoes very skillfully.

"..." Seeing this scene, Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er both trembled violently, as if they had been slapped by Lei several times, their hearts were racing and they couldn't calm down at all. .

Daoist Qiankun is actually in the same group as the evil god? No! it's not like that.

Daoist Qiankun turned out to be a subordinate of the evil god? No! it's not like that.

The most accurate statement is that Taoist Qiankun turned out to be a dog raised by an evil god!

Taoist Qiankun is a dog raised by the evil god!

Daoist Qiankun is a very cheap dog raised by the evil god, so cheap that he is lying there licking his leather shoes.


Such bold and bold words kept pouring into the minds of Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er, seriously stimulating their nerves.

How can this be? How ridiculous is this? But it happened to be staged in front of them alive, so Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er couldn't help but not believe it.

"Oh, dear Erha, your technique of licking leather shoes is getting better and better, yes, I am very satisfied." The evil spirit said with a smile.

"Thank you master." Daoist Qiankun nodded and bowed flatteringly, as if he was quite proud of being praised by the master.

So Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er once again felt that their hearts were trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily again.

Old Sun's throat wriggled desperately, and he spoke with great difficulty: "Brother Qiankun, are..."

If he didn't think he was so stupid, he would have wanted to slap himself hard to see if he was dreaming.

"I'm not some Taoist Qiankun, I'm Erha, I'm a dog raised by the master." Taoist Qiankun turned around, stared at Mr. Sun with rather unfriendly eyes and said loudly, as if Mr. Sun didn't think he was a dog It was like a great insult to him.

"..." Elder Sun couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment. He only felt that his outlook on life, outlook on life and values ​​had completely collapsed at this moment.

With great difficulty, he gave Zhao Duo'er a look, expressing that the situation was quite strange, so let's withdraw first.

It's just that Zhao Duo'er's expression is still dull, obviously she hasn't recovered from the shock.


Even though Li Zedao was full of anger and exerted all his energy, he still couldn't catch up with the extinction. Only then did he clearly know that there was still a clear gap in strength between himself and this grand master Yes, in the end, it is very likely that I will suffer a big loss.

But so what?

Even if she died, she would have to ruthlessly tear a piece of flesh off her body.

The death of Nanji is considered to have touched Li Zedao's backlash.

After rushing forward for a certain distance and already descending the Wuming Mountain, Liuli stopped her pace, turned around and looked at Li Zedao with a smile.

Li Zedao also stopped his steps, but looked at Liuli as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Nephew, I am also your Grand Master Uncle. You actually want to kill your Grand Master Uncle because of a woman. Don't you know that this is an act of deceiving the master and destroying the ancestors?" Liuli said, looking at Li Zedao with a peaceful expression, Those eyes and expressions are like the elders looking at the younger ones.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar pretty face, Li Zedao only felt that his heart had been stabbed, and the pain was so severe.

"Old witch, shut up for me!" Li Zedao roared in a low voice.

"Children nowadays really don't know how to respect their teachers." Liuli shook her head and said, "Oh, that's absolutely true. My apprentice... is still your senior uncle...your uncle Wangchen knows it very well. Respecting the teacher, she saw that her master's body was too old, so she took the initiative to contribute her own body."


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