The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1951 Fighting the Tibetan Mastiff

"Go to hell." Li Zedao's eyes were even more red, he growled, and threw his fist at the opponent fiercely.

Seeing that Li Zedao's fist was less than two meters away from Juejue's face, it only took a second or less before his fist could slam Liuli's face hard... If she If you realize that you are really unforgivable and deserve to die, so you don't dodge, dodge, or fight back.

Liuli really didn't dodge, dodge, or fight back, as if she didn't know that the danger was approaching.

But at this moment, a pitch-black "wall" suddenly appeared in front of Liuli, stopping Li Zedao's fierce punch for her.

Of course, that was not a real wall, but the Tibetan Mastiff who had been waiting for a long time appeared!

It's just that his figure is too tall and thick, and the hair all over his body is black and shiny, and the clothes he wears are also black, so it really looks like a black wall.

The sudden appearance of the Tibetan mastiff made Li Zedao frowned, but he had no reason to withdraw his fist. Whoever blocks him in front of extinction is his enemy.

What's more, once the fist is released, it can't be retracted. If it is forcibly retracted, it will only bring extremely serious injury to oneself.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's fist slammed heavily on the chest of the Tibetan Mastiff, or more accurately, it hit the palm of the Tibetan Mastiff that had blocked his chest at some point.

Then there was another louder muffled sound of "Boom!", as if the fist and the palm had exploded, and the huge and fierce airflow that was released shook the surrounding sand and stones. up.

At the same time, Liuli had already avoided it a long time ago, and she had no intention of staying to help the Tibetan mastiff. She believed that the strength of the Tibetan mastiff raised by the evil god was almost comparable to her own. She believed that In the end, he will definitely be able to kill the affectionate but ridiculous dirt dog on the opposite side.

A powerful and unstoppable thrust came, and Li Zedao simply flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

The same is true for the Tibetan mastiff, his huge body retreated rapidly.

"Bang!" The bodies of the two of them slammed heavily on a big rock almost at the same time, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Sparse light rain fell in the sky, not heavy, but it added a lot of coolness.

Li Zedao got up from the ground, bleeding from the corner of his mouth, his face turned pale, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were torn,

The face is still full of water droplets, looking so embarrassed.

The Tibetan mastiff also got up from the ground, and there was also a trace of blood at the corner of his mouth.

His big emerald green eyes stared at Li Zedao even more firmly, revealing bursts of ferocity.

Li Zedao looked at him rather unkindly. He really didn't expect such a master to exist next to Juejue. The strength of this big black man with such a different kind of hair is no longer inferior to Sixiang.

"I heard that you were the one who killed Elena?" the Tibetan Mastiff said in a low voice.

"Elena?" Li Zedao frowned, and a handsome face and that hot and sexy body that was blasted into several pieces of flesh already appeared in his mind.

"Vampire Queen Elena?" Li Zedao asked. So this hairy guy is also a vampire? How can it be?

"It's her." said the Tibetan mastiff.

"Are you a vampire too?" Li Zedao asked his own question. It doesn't look like it, you must know that male vampires are like the sons of the nobles in Europe, handsome, charming and personable, very aristocratic, but this guy... Look left, right, up, down, forward, back, no matter what Look at the chimpanzees who seem to be incomplete evolution.

Imagining the chimpanzee he saw in the zoo once in his mind, Li Zedao felt that he had insulted the chimpanzee, and the chimpanzee was more handsome than him.

Looking at him like that, he looks very much like a big dog, a big dog that can walk upright on two hind legs.

"I'm a werewolf!" The Tibetan mastiff's eyes showed bursts of ferocity, and bursts of hot air spewed out from its nostrils, and the whole person became irritable.

The Tibetan Mastiff felt insulted to death. He was the patriarch of the extremely noble werewolf clan. How could he be a member of the lowly, vile and shameless vampire clan?

What kind of eyes does this kid have? Is vampires such a low-end thing so high-end and elegant?

"Werewolf?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears. This guy turned out to be the legendary werewolf, the nemesis of vampires? No wonder he was so angry when he said he was a vampire.

No wonder the more I look at him, the more I feel that he looks like a dog.

"So, are you an extinct old friend?" Li Zedao's eyes also became scary, thinking that your eyes are the only ones you think are scary? My eyes are also quite scary, okay?

The ferocious eyes of the Tibetan Mastiff frowned, and after thinking about it, who is Extinct? When he remembered that "Extermination" seemed to be the mistress' dharma name, he became even more manic, and he really felt like he was spit out after being scolded.

Of course, he is often scolded and spit on by the evil god, but this is what he wants.

"Although your skills are good, they are not enough to kill Elena, unless you use some despicable means." The Tibetan mastiff said in a low voice, "Although I am an enemy with that damned guy, her life is mine , but now you killed her, and you used despicable means... So, I would like to eat your finger."

"..." Although Li Zedao was extremely smart, he still couldn't figure out what it had to do with eating his finger.

As he spoke, his scarlet tongue stuck out and licked the corner of his mouth, and those big eyes that looked so fierce stared at Li Zedao's long-sleeved hands, as if he saw some delicious food : "I want to eat your finger."

"..." Li Zedao felt that there seemed to be something wrong with the werewolf's brain.

Then, the Tibetan mastiff moved!

His body was like a hill, and he rushed towards Li Zedao fiercely!

Li Zedao clapped his palms out, and the falling raindrops were directly changed by the breath he released, and they shot towards the Tibetan mastiff like bullets.

With a wave of the big black hand of the Tibetan Mastiff, the raindrops were simply wiped away, and the other big hairy hand was already clenched into a fist, and it slammed into Li Zedao's face fiercely.

Through the punch just now, Li Zedao knew that if he confronted head-on, he seemed to be in a weak position, but in terms of speed, he seemed to be a little faster than him. So with a flash, he resolutely avoided his fist, and ran towards his back like a rabbit.

One inch long, one part strong. An inch is short, a risk. But the hands can be long or short, this is the most powerful killing weapon in the world.

Li Zedao planned to use his pair to tear off a piece of flesh from this guy's back.

Hearing that wolf fur gloves were good, Li Zedao planned to use the torn skin to sew a pair of gloves.

The Tibetan Mastiff knew what Li Zedao was trying to do, and when he listened to the sound to identify his position, his arm swung back like a big iron rod, and his whole body was like a spinning top, spinning in circles on the spot.

Li Zedao couldn't get closer, kicked his right foot to the ground, and a stone on the ground was kicked away by him, and smashed towards the big black face of the Tibetan mastiff with the sound of wind.

The Tibetan mastiff slapped the stone away, like a fly, and simply slapped the stone away.

All this is a long story, but it actually happened between lightning and flint.

The two of them have almost turned into two afterimages entangled together, breaking the speed to the extreme.


"Oh, damn it Erha, our Qinglong brother is planning to insult you." The evil god took a full view of Sun Lao's eyes and said with a smile.

He even tried to escape in front of Erha, isn't this an insult to Erha?

And I am Erha's master... The evil god decisively felt that he was also insulted.

"Master, they can't escape." Taoist Qiankun said to Sun Lao and Zhao Duo'er with a smile.

"Oh, very good, I like your self-confidence very much, and then I can give you our beautiful and noble basalt weapon." The evil god said with a smile.

Daoist Qiankun's eyes brightened, he nodded and said, "Thank you, master."

Then, he looked at Zhao Duo'er, his eyes were already full of wretchedness.

The muscles on Zhao Duo'er's face were twitching wildly, and at the same time, he almost couldn't hold back and rushed towards Daoist Qiankun and then gouged out his eyeballs. What does his eyes mean?

The next second, Daoist Qiankun reached out to his trouser waist and pulled it lightly, only to see a flash of silver light, and there was already a handful of software gleaming with cold light in his hand.

This soft sword is shorter than ordinary swords, with a total length of only one meter. In your hand, it is like a toy played by a child.

Old Sun's pupils shrank instantly, as if his eyes were dazzled by the sharp sword light.

He is naturally familiar with this soft sword. It is the sword of Daoist Qiankun, named "Autumn Water".

Elder Sun clearly knows the power of this sword, because he has personally experienced its power. Of course, at that time, they were exchanging ideas, not a life-and-death confrontation, so at that time, at most, he had a few more holes in his clothes .

But now... Elder Sun had the urge to turn around and run.

In fact, it's not that he didn't think about running away, but he knew very clearly that he couldn't run.

Because the road behind him has been cut off.

Even if he didn't turn his head, Elder Sun could clearly feel an extremely terrifying pressure of death coming from behind, so he didn't need to think about it to know that another master appeared behind them.

There are fierce tigers in front, and hungry wolves in the back!

Old Sun was very sad to find out that he had made dumplings, and even more sad to find out that he turned out to be a big idiot.


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