The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1952 Gene Superman

If he didn't sell Li Zedao a few minutes ago, but formed an alliance with him sincerely, and let Li Zedao light the cigarette, making him fascinated everyone here without anyone noticing, then he Wouldn't it be so passive now?

Even if his cigarette doesn't help, but with him, with the strength of the three of them, there is a high possibility that they can fight a bloody way, right?

But now, the chance of killing blood is so slim, Taoist Qiankun alone can restrain him and Zhao Duo'er, not to mention there is a more terrifying evil god at the side, and there is a terrifying but weird road behind him With the breath coming, I am afraid that the opponent's strength is no longer inferior to him and Zhao Duo'er.

what to do?

Old Sun's thoughts changed sharply, thinking of various ways out, and after thinking about it, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he found that he and Shaoyin seemed to have only a dead end.

Zhao Duo'er turned around, after all they couldn't give their backs to the enemy so generously.

When he saw the Cerberus standing there motionless like a sculpture, Zhao Duo'er's pupils shrank suddenly, and he blurted out: "Gene Superman?"

It's like a corpse without breathing, but it exudes such a terrible breath of death all over the body, isn't this a genetic superman?

After all, the sun is at the helm of fx, so she naturally knows better than anyone else about Li Zedao's fight against the genetic superman of the Skull Island organization.

But she really never expected that in a place like Wuming Mountain, there would be a genetic superman, so people from the Skull Organization also participated?

"Gene Superman?" Hearing Shaoyin's exclamation, Elder Sun's breathing also stagnated, and he couldn't believe his ears.

So, the stumbling block behind him turned out to be a genetic superman? Just how could the genetic superman appear here?

There was a sudden flash in his mind, and a terrible guess flooded into his mind.

Old Sun stared at the evil god with wide eyes, his eyes full of astonishment.

"Oh, yes, that's a genetic superman, and he's the most perfect genetic superman. I even named him Cerberus. Oh, Mr. Qinglong, Mr. Xuanwu, do you think this name is quite high-end? Up to the next level?" The evil god said with a smile, looking at Elder Sun like an old cat playing with a flustered mouse.

"Are you General Skull on Skull Island?" Elder Sun asked with difficulty.

"What?" Zhao Duo'er's body trembled violently,

The evil god turned out to be General Skull?

"Oh, no, no, I'm the evil god, the number one expert in the world, the murderer who killed General Skull." The evil god said with a smile.

Elder Sun was silent, understood, understood everything.

The evil god killed General Skull and took over his body, transforming himself into General Skull, just like he took over Sun Haoran's body and became the current Elder Sun.

Afterwards, the Wuming Cave on the Wuming Mountain was about to be opened, and the evil god left the skull and returned to Huaxia. He was originally the kind of person with a strong desire for massacre.

It's no wonder that when his own people discovered the island, the people on it had been slaughtered long ago.

At this moment, in a flash, Liuli's sexy figure appeared beside the evil god.

Seeing that it was Extinction, Old Sun couldn't help but change his face again. Extinction has already solved Li Zedao in such a short period of time? So the power of extinction is really terrifying to an unimaginable level?

Old Sun's heart was full of bitterness and powerlessness.

"Oh, dear, thank you for your hard work." The evil god stretched out his hand and hugged Liuli's *.

Liuli smiled and sent a sweet kiss.

"Oh, dear, you are so delicious, I really want to eat you right now." The evil god smiled evilly, and the hand that was originally holding Liuli moved down and placed it on Liuli's leather pants. On the tightly wrapped buttocks, she gently kneaded.

"I hate it." Liuli was shy, and her breathing became even more rapid.

When Old Sun saw this scene, his face flushed, and his hands began to tremble even more.

Zhao Duo'er didn't turn her head back, her attention was still on the Cerberus, but she heard the movement behind her, so she probably knew what was going on, so her face also turned red, and her hand holding the dagger Also kept shaking.

They really understood why Taoist Qiankun called Miejue Mistress, not some so-called pet name between lovers, but she is really his mistress!

Extinction turned out to be the woman of the evil god!

Old Sun and Zhao Duo'er felt that their already shattered three views were shattered again, and they were almost shattered into powder.

At the same time, they suddenly understood something.

For example, it was not the Daoist Qiankun who had a fierce encounter with Juejue in the backyard of the Ganlu Temple that day, but an evil god!

For example, Juejue may have known that Sixiang had planted a nail beside her, so before leaving, he deliberately let the nail know that the man who appeared in the backyard was the Daoist of Qiankun...

Therefore, the evil god has already dug a hole, waiting for them to jump into it.

"Oh, dear Mr. Qinglong, is the accident not a surprise, is it a surprise? Is your heart full of powerlessness?" The evil god had a playful smile on his face, like an old cat staring at a panicked mouse. like.

"However, for the sake of being an old friend of more than a thousand years, I can give you a chance to live." The evil god smiled and pointed at Taoist Qiankun, "You can become a dog like him...of course , not to be my dog, you are not qualified to be my dog."

"..." The muscles on Elder Sun's face began to jump and jump. It's really unexpected that he doesn't even have the qualifications to be a dog.

"However, you can become Erha's dog." The evil spirit said again.

"..." To be a dog's dog? The muscles on Old Sun's face jumped even more violently. If it weren't for their opponents, he would have rushed towards them.

Only then did he realize that Li Zedao's "insult" to him was really not an insult, and only then did he realize that Li Zedao was so cute and righteous.

Elder Sun missed Li Zedao terribly, and hated his own hand terribly. If he had just let him light that cigarette, wouldn't he be so passive now? The answer is yes.

Then, his eyes became cold and sharp, his trembling hands shook even more, and a dagger that was almost exactly the same as the dagger in Zhao Duo'er's hand appeared in his hand.

There are four such daggers, which are made of meteorites from outside the sky, and each of the four elephants has one. In terms of sharpness, it is slightly inferior to the Qiushui in Taoist Qin Kun's hand.

"Find the right opportunity and go first." Sun Lao glanced at Zhao Duo'er at the side from the corner of his eye, with a rather complicated expression.

Zhao Duo'er was so moved, but she responded firmly: "You go..."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhao Duo'er had disappeared in place.

In a blink of an eye, she appeared behind the perfect gene superman Cerberus standing behind them blocking their retreat, and then suddenly raised the dagger in her hand and slashed at the Cerberus' neck fiercely.

She wanted to help Elder Sun clear away the obstacles to his retreat and create opportunities for him to escape. As long as he didn't fall into the encirclement of the enemy, he would have a great chance of successfully escaping in the end.

The Cerberus remained motionless, as if he didn't know that a gleaming dagger was slashing fiercely at his neck.

"Successful?" Zhao Duo'er's heart relaxed a little, "There's nothing special about a genetic superman."

Then, the dagger slashed fiercely on the neck of the Cerberus.

"Kang Dang!" It sounded like the sound of a kitchen knife cutting on steel.

However, the expected terrifying scene of the head being separated from the body did not happen, and even Zhao Duo'er felt his hand holding the dagger go numb.

Then, her mind roared, and there was a huge wave in her heart. She really couldn't believe it was true.

The dagger in her hand cut through the neck of Gene Superman? Didn't it mean that the weakness of dealing with genetic superman is the neck?

Seemingly belatedly, the Cerberus started to fight back, he turned around abruptly, and that casserole-sized fist hit Zhao Duo'er's little face that seemed to have become stiff.

In a hurry, Zhao Duo'er clenched the dagger in his hand tightly and stabbed fiercely at his fist.

"Bang!" A piercing voice sounded.

Zhao Duo'er simply took two steps back.

The dagger in her hand couldn't pierce his fist, which was harder than iron, and she even felt that her tiger's mouth was numb, and her blood was surging.

"**!" Zhao Duo'er gritted her teeth, clenched the dagger, and rushed towards the hellhound again. Even if she couldn't help Elder Sun create a chance to escape, she still had to help him entangle an enemy, although this approach didn't make much sense.

Up to now, Zhao Duo'er doesn't think she and the sun can escape smoothly, even if Shaoyang and Taiyin are not dead, plus Li Zedao, it is very difficult to escape smoothly.

The world's number one master, the world's number one dao, and the world's number one nun, such titles are enough to prove their strength.

Old Sun didn't move, not because he didn't want to move, but because he couldn't move at all!

In fact, just now when he said to Zhao Duo'er, "Find the right opportunity and go first...", he didn't really want her to go first, but he knew Zhao Duo'er too well, he knew that what he said, this The woman will definitely let herself go first, and will immediately rush to her genetic superman, and then she will have a chance to escape.

Undoubtedly, this kind of approach is very cruel, but at this moment of life and death, Mr. Sun didn't think much about it at all. He just wanted to run away, far away.

As for the Wuming Cave of the Wuming Mountain, what kind of conveyor belt, his love affair with Shaoyin... all go to hell.

Of course, he will miss Shaoyin very much in the future, the kind that he really misses, especially when the night is dark and the wind is high, especially when he puts other women under his body.


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