Sure enough, Elder Sun's guess was right, Zhao Duo'er did not disappoint his "trust", he did not disappoint his understanding of her, he did not disappoint the attraction to her from his own personality, and he did not disappoint her for more than a thousand years The kind of admiration for herself... She simply rushed towards the genetic superman.

However, an accident happened.

What Sun Lao didn't expect was that just when he was about to rush back, Daoist Qian Kun appeared behind him without a sound. His speed was so fast that it was unbelievably fast. The extremely strong sense of frustration and powerlessness almost made him want to throw away the dagger and give up this fearless struggle.

I haven't seen him for more than a thousand years, and I am standing still, but his strength has become even more terrifying, so, how to fight?

At the same time, Zhao Duo'er was already fighting with the Cerberus, and the two of them almost turned into an afterimage, and the crisp sound like a sharp knife cutting on metal was endless.

Elder Sun turned his head and looked at Shaoyin who was wrestling with the perfect gene superman. At this time, Shaoyin was completely suppressed by the perfect gene superman. Apart from resisting the opponent's offensive in such a mess, he did not have any Chance to fight back.

Old Sun knew that Shaoyin would be defeated in a short time. She was no match for the perfect genetic superman, and even if she were herself, she might not be able to take advantage of the genetic superman.

He really didn't expect that the genetic superman could be so terrifying.

Immediately, he turned his eyes back to Daoist Qiankun Daoist, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Qiankun, why are you here?"

How much Mr. Sun hoped that Taoist Qiankun would let him go because of his past affection. Of course, he also knew that he was thinking too much.

"I'm Erha. I'm a dog next to the master of the evil god. I'm not some Taoist Qiankun. Taoist Qiankun is already dead." Taoist Qiankun raised the rare and rare sword Qiushui in his hand, and said in a bad tone, A look of being insulted by the other party's words.

"..." Old Sun opened his mouth and finally let out a heavy sigh. This guy thinks he is a dog of evil gods so unscrupulously, what else can you say?

"Let's do it." Daoist Qiankun said coldly, looking at Elder Sun as if looking at a tiny ant, and he didn't even bother to take the lead.

"I don't want to fight with you." Elder Sun shook his head. In fact, it's not that I don't want to, but that I can't. If I really do it, I will die.

"Then stand still and let me cut off your head." Taoist Qiankun said, "You know, my sword is very fast, and you won't feel any pain.


"I don't even want your head cut off." Elder Sun said, the hand holding the dagger loosened, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground with a clang.

As if he had made some kind of difficult decision, there was a look of determination in his eyes.

Just when everyone thought he was going to give up his fearless resistance and sacrifice for justice, his knees softened, and he simply knelt down in front of Taoist Qiankun. Looking at Taoist Qiankun, he said, "Master, I will be your dog from now on."

"..." Daoist Qiankun's face was dull, his heart was trampled by a large group of alpacas crazily, and everything was already messy.

He really didn't expect that Qinglong, who had always been labeled as a decent person and the so-called guardian of the Chinese dragon soul, would be such a shameless person who would choose to be a dog's dog in order to survive.

Taoist Qiankun thought about it, and said, what the hell is the so-called Huaxia Dragon Soul?

Standing there as if there was no one else around, the evil god and Liuli, who were sprinkled with dog food, were both stunned when they saw this.

Then the evil god grinned and smiled. Laughing hysterically, laughing forward and backward, laughing until tears came out.

The corner of Liuli's mouth twitched violently, her heart was trampled by a large group of Cao Nima crazily, it was really messy, she couldn't believe the scene in front of her.

You know, the reason why Daoist Qiankun became a dog of the evil god was because he had been tortured by the evil god for more than a thousand years, and in the end, the evil god took advantage of his beauty to simply break his heart, causing his mentality to be completely broken. The collapse or disease, the brain is not normal, and this is willing to become a dog of the evil god.

But what's going on with this green dragon? Just because his life was seriously threatened, he would be like a dog?

Liuli's face was full of disappointment. Is this the famous Sixiang in the past, which is as famous as their three sects of Tianjimen? She really had a feeling of being insulted to death.

"Oh, dear Miss Liuli, take a look..." The evil god pointed to Elder Sun who was kneeling there and smiled, "I'll just say, this guy will definitely choose to be Erha's dog in the end." , I won the bet between us, so should you realize your bet?"

Liuli glared at the evil god angrily, and curled her lips: "It's at night."

"Oh, okay, damn it, why is it only noon? It would be great if it was night now." The evil look squinted at Liuli, and those big hands reached into Liuli's clothes unscrupulously. The child held down the soft ball.

Liu Li followed him around, even her breathing became short, leaning tightly against his body, she said in a charming voice: "Actually, it's okay for a while."

"Oh, my dear, that's really great, I can't wait." The evil god's eyes lit up, "When the Tibetan Mastiff comes back, let's start... oh, before that, maybe we can watch a live-action version A little movie to add to the fun.”

As the evil god spoke, he glanced at Zhao Duo'er, who had been sent flying by the Cerberus dog, and had an evil smile on his face. He is a good master, so he doesn't mind giving that loyal dog Erha a beautiful girl.

Think about the scene where Erha and Zhao Duoer are entangled together... Oh, God, that picture is so beautiful that I dare not look at it.

Liuli understood the meaning of the evil god, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "You are so evil and bad..."

"You don't like it?"

"I love it to death."

Zhao Duo'er was not the opponent of Perfect Gene Superman, except for gritting her teeth to defend against the opponent's storm-like offensive, she had no chance to fight back at all.

Of course, even so, she still tried her best to focus a small part of her attention on her beloved man, and then she clearly saw his knees softening and kneeling there straight.

Her heart constricted suddenly, could it be that Taoist Qiankun was really powerful enough to seriously injure him just by meeting him after more than a thousand years?

In the next second, what Sun Lao said made Zhao Duo'er's brain buzz, as if a thunderbolt exploded viciously beside her ears, making her an idiot all of a sudden.

Master, I will be your dog from now on.

How can he do this? How could he be such a person? Shouldn't he be the kind of man with a strong heart who would rather die than kneel down? Now, how could he kneel down and be willing to be a dog?

Zhao Duo'er felt that her body became extremely stiff all of a sudden, she felt that the blood in her body was completely frozen, and she felt like someone had poured a basin of ice water on her head.

No, that's not ice water, it's knives, nails, and thorns.

Not just the cold, but a clear pain.

"Bang!" Perfect Gene Superman punched Zhao Duo'er's chest which was already helpless.

Like a kite with a broken string, Zhao Duo'er flew out straight away. During the flight, her small mouth opened and she simply vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

In the end, her body hit the mountain wall heavily, and she fell to the ground in embarrassment, her mouth opened again, and she vomited out a big mouthful of blood.

She raised her head with great difficulty, and looked at Elder Sun who was kneeling there, his already bloodless face was full of disappointment... No, it was despair, there was no hope in sight That despair! The kind of despair that is more unacceptable than death.

Elder Sun didn't even look at Zhao Duo'er who was blown away by the punch, he nodded and bowed his head, looked at Taoist Qiankun and said, "Master, I will be your dog from now on."

He was really worried, Taoist Qiankun didn't even give himself a dog's chance.

Zhao Duo'er listened, and felt that her already scarred heart had been stabbed several times, the pain was so painful that she almost couldn't breathe.

Then, she laughed, laughing so heartbreakingly, laughing hysterically, the laughing cuckoo cried blood, laughing almost died of breath.

While she was laughing, teardrops fell down in big ones, just like a faucet that couldn't be screwed tightly.

Hearing such laughter, no one would think that this woman was mentally normal, and everyone thought she was just crazy. Of course, Zhao Duo'er also felt that she was crazy, otherwise how could she like this kind of man for more than a thousand years?

She suddenly missed Shaoyang, and she felt very sorry for him.

He is domineering, he is unreasonable, but he loves himself, he loves him so much that he wants to kill himself... From love to hatred, where does the hatred come from if you don't love?

"I think she fell in love with the wrong person." Liuli sighed softly looking at Zhao Duo'er who seemed to be insane.

"Oh, yes, the cruelest thing in this world is when you think that the person you love is a hero who stands up to heaven and earth, but the fact is that he is even worse than a dog." The evil spirit sighed.

"Stop torturing her." Liuli said again. Originally, I wanted to see her being tortured by Erha, but now, forget it, why do women make things difficult for women?

"Oh, of course." The evil god nodded. Even if Liuli didn't speak, he didn't intend to let Erha torture this poor woman.

Taoist Qiankun paid no attention to Old Sun, he looked at the evil god with a flattering face: "Master..."

"Okay, Erha, since Mr. Qinglong sincerely wants to be your dog, you can accept it." The evil god said with a smile, "From now on, he will be called a dog."


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