The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1978 Entering God's Domain

Seeing the master's serious face, Li Zedao didn't dare to say anything more, and hurriedly studied the soul-elimination Dafa that the master said.

Just as Wang Zi expected, Li Zedao quickly grasped it. After all, Shenwan's thorough transformation of human souls is not something to be talked about casually. To the point of outrageous.

"Next, I will raise your strength to the quasi-god level." Wang Zi looked at Li Zedao and said again. Of course, this will also consume one's own soul, at the cost of improving Li Zedao's strength.

After all, with Li Zedao's current strength entering the God's Domain, he has no ability to protect himself at all. I'm afraid he will be killed as soon as he enters the back foot.

"Really?" Li Zedao's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe his ears, "Master, you don't mean to... humiliate me, do you?"

Li Zedao suddenly remembered that Taoist Qiankun said before that the reason why he became a dog of the evil god was because absolute humiliation could allow him to break through the shackles of the human body, and his strength reached the quasi-god level...

Well, Li Zedao just remembered that Master Qiankun's lie has been exposed by his master.

He found that with the presence of Master, his IQ inexplicably dropped several levels.

Of course, Li Zedao also knows that the reason why he is like this is because Master is indeed too powerful. He has already thought of things that he thought of, and he has already arranged things that he did not expect, so when he is with Master, You don't need to use your brain at all.

"Get out!" Wang Zi said angrily, "Close your eyes and don't move."

"Master, you don't want to pass on your skills to me, do you?" Li Zedao asked. Isn't that how it's done in movies?

"Shut up!"

"Oh!" Li Zedao quickly closed his eyes, not daring to say anything more.

About ten minutes later, Wang Zi's voice rang in Li Zedao's ear: "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

Li Zedao opened his eyes and looked at Master blankly: "Master, my strength has reached the quasi-god level now?" He didn't feel any changes in his body.

"Probably." Wang Zi said.


"Master, what's wrong with you?" Li Zedao suddenly found that there seemed to be a thin layer of mist around the master, making the master look a little ethereal.

"It's okay, I'll send you out right now. Remember, after you get out, use the method of leaving the soul, so that your soul can enter any body." Wang Zi instructed.

"Master, then you..." Li Zedao noticed that Master seemed to be hiding something important from him.

"I'm fine." Wang Zi's face was full of smiles, looking so free and easy, "Boy, I will entrust you with the arduous task of saving the common people in the world, bye."


at this time,

Li Zedao only felt that he was swept up by a powerful force, but the master in front of him became more and more blurred.

"Master..." Li Zedao shouted.

In the next second, Wang Zi's figure completely disappeared from Li Zedao's sight.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao found that the scenery around him had completely changed. After scanning around, he found that he had returned to the unnamed cave.

Of course, he was floating there in the form of a soul body, so he didn't feel anything.

He couldn't feel the wind, he couldn't feel the air, he couldn't feel any temperature.

If someone appeared here, they would naturally not be able to see Li Zedao.

At this time, the seven-colored beam of light was still emitting light, but it was visible to the naked eye, and compared with the beginning, the light seemed much duller.

The corpses of Antarctica, the werewolf and the perfect genetic superman were still lying quietly on the ground.

In addition, the body of Wu Ming occupied by the master was also lying there, but this body looked so embarrassing, with many wounds, and there was a shocking scar on his chest.

Li Zedao knew that it was a sword wound, if it was a little deeper, as long as it was about to open his stomach, even the intestines would flow out.

It seems that although Master won in the end, it was a miserable victory.

In addition, there is a blue safety buckle and a khaki stone next to the body.

The khaki-colored stone was naturally the one that Li Zedao put into the mouth of the fleshy body that day. As for the pure blue safety buckle, it was buckled from the tombstone after Wang Zi's resurrection that day.

"Master..." Li Zedao's eyes showed sadness, and he felt very uncomfortable. He didn't know exactly what happened, but he was not stupid, so he probably guessed something.

Li Zedao knew that it wasn't that the master didn't want to come out, but that he couldn't come out at all. In other words, he gave himself the chance to come out, and in order to let him come out, the master paid a very high price!

Li Zedao also knew that in order not to make himself think too much, the master deliberately acted quite relaxed, intentionally acted so indifferent, and deliberately despised the IQ of his apprentice...

Li Zedao is not stupid, but he can only pretend to be stupid and confused.

After being sad for a while, Li Zedao's eyes fell on the round beam of light that still emitted mysterious and dazzling colorful light, and his eyes showed determination.

God's Domain is a must!

If I don't go, I will live for two more days at most, and then the violent energy will explode, and finally I will be dissipated and completely disappeared.

If you go, you may still survive, and you may even become the savior of this plane!

Of course, this savior does not need applause, flowers, or worship.

The most important thing is that we can't let the master's efforts and sacrifices be in vain.

Master could have stayed out of the matter completely. With his ability, even if one day the wall was completely broken and God's Domain invaded this plane again, he could live a good life without worrying about being affected.

But he got involved willingly, he eliminated the biggest hidden danger of this plane, the fantasy real person, and he cleared the obstacles for him to go to God's Domain.

All of this is just for the sake of preventing this plane from being destroyed by God's Domain one day.

"Master, don't worry, I will try my best to be an undercover agent." Li Zedao's eyes showed extremely strong sadness.

After pondering for a while, Li Zedao floated towards Wu Ming's body, planning to use his body to resurrect. After all, the head of the werewolf's body is separated from the body, and the body of the perfect gene superman can't be used naturally. The rest is the body that originally belonged to Antarctica and Wu Ming's body can choose.

I am a leader, and it is not practical to use the body of Antarctica to resurrect, so only Wu Ming's body is left.

It went smoothly, Li Zedao used Wu Ming's body to resurrect.

At that moment, he stood up, and the wounds on his body were beginning to heal visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the breath in the body, I found that compared with before, the breath was more than ten times majestic. It seems that the master has indeed raised his strength to the quasi-god level.

Li Zedao reached over, picked up the blue safety buckle and the yellow stone on the ground, and put them in his pocket.

Gently exhaling a sullen breath, Li Zedao came out of the dark cave in a flash.

What came into view was the appalling body that belonged to him, and he saw that the limbs of that body were completely crushed into a pulp, and the thing under his crotch was also the same.

The head is even gone, and the surroundings are full of red and white things, and the bloody smell is pungent. If you are a little timid, you may be fainted by fright.

And in the flesh and blood, a yellow stone and a pure blue stone lay there quietly, emitting such a mysterious light in the darkness.

At the same time, the Xuanyuan Xia Yu Sword and the Qiushui were lying there gently.

However, the body belonging to General Skull and the body of Daoist Xuanhuang could not be seen. It must have been taken somewhere by the master.

Li Zedao walked over, first picked up the two stones in the flesh and blood, then picked up the two swords, floated into the cave, and then slowly walked towards the colorful beam of light.

The closer he got to the colorful beam of light, the more Li Zedao felt the majestic but familiar breath of heaven.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao put down the Xuanyuan Xia Yu sword held in his left hand. He is not a so-called two swordsman. Two swords are meaningless to him, and they will become a burden instead, so you only need to wear it and use it as a belt, which is better The autumn water you bring will do.

Then Li Zedao took off the watch on his wrist and threw it away. He also took out the wallet and other things in his pocket and threw it aside. After thinking about it, he put those stones and blue peace The buckle was also taken out.

After all, these things might not be useful in God's Domain, and even God's Domain might not have similar things at all, so these things might reveal their identity.

Of course, these are Li Zedao's own thoughts.

As for whether this is really the case, he is not quite sure. After all, he is not familiar with God's Realm at all. He has no idea what kind of magical God's Realm he is about to arrive at, and what kind of scene he is about to face. He didn't know at all whether the race that ruled the Protoss was also a human with two hands, two legs, two eyes and one nose, maybe it had a human face and a beast body, who knows?

Even, he wasn't sure at all whether he could reach God's Domain smoothly, maybe he would die as soon as he entered the conveyor belt.

Or, as soon as his front foot reached the God's Domain, his back foot was chopped into a pulp.

He took a few deep breaths hard to calm down his agitated heart little by little, and then, Li Zedao's eyes showed a look of determination.

"Shenyu, tremble, this handsome guy is here!" Li Zedao cheered himself up very bored.

Then, gritting his teeth, he took a big step forward, and his whole body entered the colorful beam of light.

The moment he entered, Li Zedao felt a violent hurricane before he could feel his surroundings. Before he could react, his body was like a leaf in the gust of wind. I don't know where it was blown away, and it disappeared without a trace!

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