Li Zedao woke up from the cold!

He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, the cold made him tremble all over, and his teeth chattered.

He opened his eyes, but was so blinded by the dazzling light that he closed them again.

"It's dawn?" Li Zedao murmured in his heart, "Did I successfully reach God's Realm? Or... I've already died, and now my soul is in a state of wandering? Even because of that damn Onimaru, I'm about to lose my soul?"

Li Zedao vaguely remembered, of course, when his whole body completely entered the colorful beam of light, there was a sudden gust of wind, and then his body was blown away uncontrollably, and then he completely lost consciousness. I don't know anything anymore.

Li Zedao opened his eyes again, he couldn't wait to find the most accurate answer.

It was sunlight, dazzling but not warm.

It gives people the feeling that it is the sun rising at minus 20 or 30 degrees. You can't look at it directly with your naked eyes, but you can't feel too much temperature from it.

Sitting and standing up shivering with cold, Li Zedao realized that his side was covered with a thick layer of white snow, a vast expanse of whiteness with no end in sight.

What made Li Zedao want to cry even more was that the clothes on his body had disappeared at some point. In other words, he was naked now, not even a pair of underwear to hide his shame!

Just now he was lying naked on the snowdrift like this, no wonder he woke up from the cold.

The sky was very blue, with a few white clouds floating. In Li Zedao's opinion, this should be a rare good weather after the snowstorm.

A gust of wind blew, and a few fluffy snowflakes danced with the wind, and gently landed on Li Zedao's naked body.

Li Zedao's body trembled a few times, and he quickly stretched out his hand to firmly block his brother. He doesn't like to run naked, and it would be bad if his brother was frozen to death.

"So, I have successfully arrived at the God's Domain? This is the God's Domain? It doesn't look like anything special." Li Zedao looked around while trembling.

As far as the eye can see, it is all covered with white snow, and there are no flowers and trees.

In addition, the naked eye can see a towering mountain in the distance, and the mountain is also white.

It is conceivable that the entire mountain peak should also be covered with a thick layer of white snow.

If this is God's Domain, then Li Zedao would express his disappointment.

He thought that God's Realm was like the heaven described in the myth, full of auspicious clouds, fragrances and so on, Qionglouyuyu can be seen everywhere, and immortals are flying around in the sky. But now, it seems that there is not much difference from the plane he was in before.

At the same time, Li Zedao did not catch the slightest movement, and the surroundings seemed so quiet, as if there were no living things.

"Madan, where are my clothes? Where's the famous sword Qiushui that can be used as a belt?" Li Zedao's eyes were a little red because of the cold and even more because of shame.

At this moment, an extremely small voice came from behind.

The sound was very soft, like a snowflake falling lightly on the ground.

But Li Zedao heard it very, very clearly.

Of course, it wasn't some snowflakes falling to the ground, but someone came on the snow, and there was more than one person who came.

It is conceivable that the footsteps on the thick snow made such a small sound, and they are all masters, otherwise the footsteps would not be so light.

Li Zedao's body suddenly tensed up, and his heartbeat began to speed up. He was obviously very cold, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It felt as if the thief who had sneaked into the house was surrounded by the owner, and what was even more exaggerated was that the thief was still naked... Li Zedao subconsciously stretched his left hand behind him, trying to cover his skin exposed to the sun. ass.

Of course, this cannot be covered, so Li Zedao can only start to carry forward the spirit of Ah Q, as if he covered it himself.

At the same time, his legs were tense, ready to be a naked man.

Li Zedao didn't know who it was, and he didn't even know if it was a human being, but he was an undercover agent. Can an undercover agent feel guilty?

The most important thing is that he has no habit of being naked in front of others... Of course, except in front of his women.

Therefore, Li Zedao is so ashamed now, so he wants to quickly dig a hole in the snow and bury his own, even killing people to silence him seems to be considered.

But it's not realistic at all to turn around and kill people, and it's also unrealistic to dig a hole and bury yourself, so let's run away quickly.

"By the way, did we go to the wrong place?" A strange voice sounded, the voice was slightly rough.

Li Zedao's body tensed slightly, his eyes widened slightly.

He was 100% sure that what he heard was not Huaxia, English, French, any language he was familiar with, or a local dialect.

In other words, he had never been exposed to the language.

However, Li Zedao was surprised to find that he could understand what he was saying.

This surprised voice continued to sound: "I have never heard of such a strange thing happening at the foot of Mount Buzhou. I heard from my father that before going up the mountain, I have to accept the test of Mount Buzhou College... Is it a test? Lustful robbery? How come there must be a peerless beauty? What's the matter with a man?"

"Buzhoushan? Buzhoushan College? Lustful robbery?" Li Zedao listened with his ears upright, but his mind was racing violently.

He knew about Buzhou Mountain. This mountain appeared in the myth of Nuwa mending the sky.

In the past, Gonggong, the god of water, rebelled and fought against Zhurong, the god of fire.

Gonggong was defeated by Zhu Rong. He was so angry that he hit the Buzhou Mountain, the pillar of the western world, with his head, causing the sky to collapse and the water of the Milky Way to flow into the world. Nuwa couldn't bear the suffering of human beings, so she smelted five-color stones to mend the sky, folded the feet of the turtle to support the four poles, flattened the flood and killed beasts, so that human beings could live in peace.

Of course, now that Li Zedao already knows the truth about Nuwa mending the sky, what she really mended was the conveyor belt.

But, what the hell is Buzhou Mountain Academy? What happened to sex robbery? Is this the realm of the gods?

At the same time as his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao clearly felt several fiery gazes on his back, but he did not catch the slightest murderous intent, that is to say, his life should be safe now .

Therefore, for the time being, Li Zedao gave up his original plan to run away.

All kinds of questions lingering in my heart may be answered from these people.

"Haha, the students enrolled in Buzhoushan College are not only boys, but also girls, so this pretty good figure must be prepared for girls. I guess, there will be naked girls with big breasts and big butts in a while. ..." Another voice full of ridicule sounded.

"Yurou, are you attracted? Look at you drooling, hold on, this is lust..." The teasing voice continued.

"Go to hell... This person really doesn't know how to be ashamed." It was a girl's voice.

"I think it's not that he doesn't know how to be shy, but that he's mentally ill, and he's seriously ill. Otherwise, how can anyone take off naked in a snowy day? It's so pitiful, let's give him a dress." Another The weak girl's voice sounded, and there was a trace of pity in this voice.

Li Zedao was very wronged, it's okay to be naked in front of the father, but there is a mother?

Now the integrity is completely gone, and I have no face to continue living.

Li Zedao felt that he should say something, he swallowed and said, "This... it seems impolite to always stare at other people's butts?"

After saying the words, Li Zedao's head froze. He swore that he had never mastered this strangely pronounced language, but he just blurted it out, which really surprised him.

At the same time, Li Zedao gritted his teeth, simply squatted down, and buried his ass in the snowdrift.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped, the eggs are so cold.

Then, he just huddled in the snowdrift and turned around.

After seeing seven or eight men and women appearing in front of him, Li Zedao's pupils suddenly shrank, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

It's not because these men and women look strange, they are also human beings, with two legs, two hands, two eyes, one nose and one mouth, nothing special about them.

If there is something special, it is naturally their attire.

It gives people the feeling that they are now on the set of a certain Xianxia drama, and these people are actors who have already made up.

Of course, the reason why Li Zedao was surprised was not because of the attire of these people, nor because these people were handsome men and beautiful women, but because these people were all riding on horses.

Riding a horse is of course nothing, but the key point is that these horses have wings!

"Tianma?" These two large and bold characters suddenly popped up in Li Zedao's mind. So, this is really God's Domain? It's not God's Domain, how could there be such a winged horse?

So, is this really God's Domain?

However, looking at them like this, it seems that they didn't realize that they came from that low position.

Li Zedao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, that's good.

"Hehe, this kid took off his clothes and ran naked in broad daylight, yet he still blames us for staring at his ass?" The handsome boy in black pointed at Li Zedao and laughed.

"That's right, what's so good about his ass? I feel like my eyes are dirty." A girl with a round face said disgustedly.

"It's you..." the handsome girl in the middle who was riding on a snow-white pegasus without a trace of hair spoke.

Her voice was so cold, just like the expression on her face, no emotion could be seen.

"Meili, do you know this kid?" The boy in black was full of surprise.

When the others heard this, they looked at Li Zedao with surprise.

Li Zedao was simply frightened, and almost ran away without holding back.

Could it be that this fairy-like girl knows her true origin?

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